“ I HAVING SECURED A NEW CUSTOMER I Rilpv fnwpd Fi Men W ilh (iun After He Shot Pugilist It is the earnest ambition o f this institution In choosing this as your bank you have the assurance o f a service capable o f meeting your most exacting requirements, together with courteous consideration, per­ fect organization and efficient and able man­ agement.. ical liank for you to do business with. The State Bank of Redmond » JA M E S B. G R E E N , Proprietor Corner o f Seventh and E Sts.. REDMOND, ORE. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars A Good Line of Lunch Goods C arried in Stock Everything of the Best EATING is half of your existence I f you want to get meals that are satis­ fying to the inner man you will patron­ ize the Oregon Cafe where the tables are supplied with the best the market affords. Satisfactory service and prices. White help only. » G E O . L . W H E E L E R » P rop. Hobb’s Bakery Now in complete running order and turning out High Grade Bread and all kinds of Bakery Goods, which are sold on a CASH basis. 12 Loaves of Bread for a Dollar Fresh Doughnuts every Saturday In connection with the bakery I carry a nice line of Staple and Fancy Grocer­ ies that I sell at moderate prices for CASH . Your patronage solicited. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY WM. H. HOBBS, Proprietor Headquarters for Good Things to Eat South 6th St. REDMOND Are invited to call at my Fur­ niture Store and look over the complete stork. The days of high priced furni­ ture in Redmond are gone, and you will be surprised how rea­ sonable I can sell you anything in the Furniture Line. lowing the business meeting a luneh was served by the hostess. The next meeting will Is* at the home of Mrs. J. A. Wilcox on June 21 st. R IL E Y H A S H E A R IN G Jones U n d C os AT P R IN E V IL L E New Building These are all factors in making this the log­ “The Palace YOU I VP «»nmiittee. The lists will bo con J. L m i n i On m i m e im ii ttt ân cârly ,,»te. Koi- to make all relations with this hank pleasant and profitable. SI! PERSONS SEE LONG SLAIN committee reported, »ml the year hook for the coming year is re«4) for publication. The atudy of J»- l« n w ill 1 h > made with the help o f a club library on that »object, secured from the Oregon Library Commission. List» o f book* that patrons o f the public library de­ sire purchased for the library were submitted to the library The Jones Land Co. o f this city. have begun theerection o f a 26x80. two story building adjoin- Occupants of Auto Tell of mg their hotel building on the Trairedv That Occur- comer o f 6th and K streets. The red June 1st 'o w - floor o f the building will have a plate glass front and In- occupied by A. K. Wyatt with his billiard and pool hall, and the Testimony adduced at the pro- “ PP*r tkwr will be cut intonamis liminary hearing of J. L Rilev at *°r an an,u>x to the Hotel Red- Prineville for the killing of Louie mond. There w ill lie 14 rooms. Ixvig near this city on June 1st. When the building is completed develojied the fact that Riley visi­ the Hotel Redmond w ill have the ted his wife at Oj>al City the day largest building in the county de­ voted to hotel purposes. tiefore the murder. They visited Mona Adams to­ gether at a house conducted at Opal City by Mona Adams and * were last s«*en by her about II o'clock Wednesday night. Early the next morning Riley arose and took the train for Portland, but Mr. Iaw«>n n- desist, but they disregarded his ('line Kalla Madras Pioneer. June 8th; alighted from the train at Madras orders and it was not until he ar­ pecta to return in the fail. With all other difficulties that and at noon engaged O. K. Dai- rested one of the ringleaders that There w ill be a meeting of thr have beset the Madras City wa­ fey to take him back to Opal City the nuisance was almted. W. (*. T. l r. Friday afternoon at ter works from the beginning to find his wife there. Riley went the home o f Mr». E. A Cut another discouraging feature Water Was Shy to the Adams house and learned All ladies interested in the work was encountered this morning, that his wife had departed a Ioist Week are earnestly invited. when the drill being used in sink­ short time previously in an auto­ Owing to a break in the flume ing the well struck an atr crevice Miss Gertrude Crurhon arri». mobile with Louie I.ongand Mona o f the Central Oregon Irrigation at a depth o f about 80 feet and ed here Monday night to \ nut h«r Adams. Then the sensational allowed all o f the water in the Co'a plant near Bend last week Sister. Mra J. H Mendenhall. chase by automobile began from the w ater hail to be shut <>ff from well to run out at the bottom. If you love your w ife buy hsr Opal City to this city. Blowing the main canal and ditches in The city authorities have con­ this section until repair* were a pound o f that nicely aiuortad out o f a tire on the first machine cluded to alwndon the well so far made. The water was off for candv at Mendenhall’a 48tf caused the race to la* lost and as a source o f supply for the city- ulaiut two days. brought death to Long and in­ water works is concerned, ami A Pair of Trouacra jury to Mrs. Riley at a point on Additional l>ocal. will sink another somewhere on or a Fancy Vest the road about five miles north the townsite. The well which o f here near the Elliott ranch. FR EE. ladies' calling cards, the lat­ the bottom has just fell out of A fte r killing Long Riley order­ est style cards and type, printed We are offering for a abort time ed the five men present to keep will be cemented in the bottom to resemble copjier plate print at °nly. w ith every suit, or coat and away from him or be shot. He and is for sale. It is estimated The Spokesman office. trousers ordered from the then retreated to the hillside, re­ that the well will supply about Globe Tailoring Co.. Coolest and most attractive loaded his gun, called his wife 500 gallons per day and would place in the city our ice cream Cincinnati. Ohio, from behind the automobile, and furnish water for 10 or more an extra pair o f trousers or fan­ parlor and ice cream always shot her through the right leg. families, but would not begin to cy vest. free. Measures taken at right. 49tf M e n d e n h a l l ’». She fell and Riley, thinking she furnish water for the city sys­ 48tf G k k m 'K y ‘. s V ariktv S to M The city sprinkler has been de­ tem. was dead, started over the hill corated with signs o f husineaa This well was dug from the For Sale toward Redmond. He was cap­ houses here, and now look* as tured a few hours later at Teth- surface to a depth o f 70 feet with Two No. 1 milk cow* over two a diameter o f 8 feet, and its con- roetrupdjtan as any other w ater erow Bridge near this city. and four year* old. and 2 calve* struction up . to . . date has cost the c* rt- A t the preliminary hearing . . . 2 month» old. Inquire at this of- Farmers and ranchers report Mona Adams was put under bonds Clt* **1 neighborhood of S12U0. Ml to insure her presence at the trial AV hilt- these little things are that all kinds o f rropa are com Taken Up next October, The other wit- more or les* discouraging. there ing along satisfactorily since Saftzman. !9 nothing to do but to keep try’ - the event o f the warm weather. Came into my encloaure two nesses were Jay chauffeur, who drove Long’s car. 'n6 unt'l some well is found that For that tired, overheated feel m|les northwest o f Redmond. With Saftzman H. N. Klipple, o f , !,UPI)I>’ the required amount ¡r.g our soda fountain and ice alMn,t 15- tw o **•) mares, a yearling and a 3-year old weigh­ Bend: Mrs. Riley and Mona o f water. cream w ill revive you. ing ahuut 1100. Owner ran hav* Adams were riding. In the car Aiftf M endenhall ’*. P L E A S A N T RIDGE same by paying charges. with Riley were Chauffeur Guffey Bevard A Gant, contractor* L. E. Smith and family have II. A. Chaj’pell. Redmond. 49l2 Marvin Wood, hotel proprietor at returned and are on their ranch and builder*, have located in Madras, and W. E. Edmunds, near here. their shop in the rear o f the For Sale or Trade clerk at the Hahn Hotel in Mad­ Fred Sherwood and wife and Muma building on the corner o f First-class No. 3 Faultlesa ras. They testified that they had Ralph Sherwood visited at the 6th and F street* where they Stump Puller with cable, for sale are pr<,|KirH to ,)o' never seen Riley before they Green ranch a few days ago kinds of Prof. Thompson is rushing _i, - . . . .. or trade for stock. Daniel Lai* took the automobile in which they work on his ranch since achool w ,rl< ,n their line, dell. Wilson Ranch. Powell raced after Long and Mrs. Riley. closed. W. H. Anderson and wife have Buttes, Oregon. Address. Prine­ Riley has refused constantly to Mrs. John Cook and daughter moved into the Norwood house ville, Oregon. Ml talk about the tragedy and did Erma, and Mrs. J. K. Lamb on north fith « a rht ar"* W*D remain during the Hummer. Mr. Weston stated that he saw a number o f improve- a o ^ iL 0, ^ « SL'h *1*“1 r™“ , ^ t Wednestlay night sevèra) buckaroos tried to make things lively on some o f the business streets by wild riding up and down, accompanied with loud yells and cursing a la wild and wooly west. Night Policeman 7 T. M eCl.y warn“ , the S t 49tf Thr K a llr», ( IrrgOI. ,h,l* AoUth, Kangr IZ East, Wiliam- •O r Mrrulian. haa nirU notirr of inlm- l*0** oiakr Kinal rnm imitation I’roof. to ralahllah rtalm to thr lan«l, Ix-forr H. Ellla. U. A < ominiaaionpr at hia oltlrr, at HmA Oregon, on the Z4lh day o f July. I»B- Claimant namm aa witnraara Jamra lirem o f Hrnulilirati