The M in im i W agons t Redmond, Ore., June 15, 1911 W inona W agons The BEST WAGON MADE. We have all kinds and a guarantee goes with every one o f them. If vou want a Satisfactory Wagon You will Buy a WINONA.' E. MAHER MORE. Freight Troubles The Oregon Trunk Railway is open for business to Opal Oily, just north o f Crook«! River. The Jones Warehouse Co. GEO. A. JONES. Manager will handle sll freight st Opal City for the railroad. The ok! Shaniko Moody Warehouse system will be employed. Merchants will get their goods promptly and without inconvenience. Opal City will be the freight terminus for 90 days more. Have your freight consign«! in care of JONES Address communications to BEND OREGON. O’NEIL BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. M A D R A S , ORE. Wholesale Liquor Dealers and Jobbers in Wines. Liq­ uors and Cigars. Sole agents for Stonewall and Mc­ Coy Whiskies and The Napa Soda Springs Mineral Water. Distributers for Edel Brau, Schlitz and Rai­ nier Beers. We also carry a strong line of Glassware. Bar Tow­ els. Playing cards and etc. Especially adapted to the Saloon trade. Orders by Phone or Mail will receive prompt attention Oregon Trunk R a ilw a y ROSE FESTIVAL, PORTLAND, Jne 5-11 Portland and Return Metolius, $8.30 Madras. $8.15 Culver, "8.50 Opal City 8.75 Tickets sold June 5-7-9. Return limit June 12. San Francisco and Return Madras, $34.85 Metolius, $35.00 Culver, 35.20 Opal City, 35.45 Tickets sold June 16-17. Return limit July 31. Also sold June 22, July 1 and 6. Return limit Sept. 15. Via steamer in one or both directions south of Portland 85 cents less than fares given above. Stop overs permitted at and south of Portland. Clatsop Beach on the Pacific, Round Trips Madras, $12.15 Metolius, $12.45 Culver, 12.30 Opal City, 12.75 Tickets sold daily from June 1st; good returning all sum­ mer. Stop-overs at Astoria. Astoria Centennial Astoria, Ore., Aug. 10-Sept. 9. Low round trip fares to and from eastern points are in effect on various dates. Details furnished on application. Train leaves Opal City daily 9:00 a. m., Culver 9:15 a. m., Metolius 9:30 a.m., Madras 9:45 a.m. arrive Portland 7:45p.m. B. R. Ness, Agent Culver, Ore. R. E. Michael, Agent, Madras, Ore, J. H. Corbett, Agent, Opal City, Ore. T. A. Graham, Agent, Metolius Ore. BANANAS SOLD will Is* sold for feed bill at in' stable in Redmond on Sat unlay. BY THE POUND .lulv 1st. at 2 o’clock p. m. A Mas.m & llainlln organ in fine conditimi. Mrs. Arthur Templeton, 48 tf Redmond. Ore, - Matt Kuleech 10 VISIT HERE I have recently received a large stink o f the Celebrated, well known .NO Spokesman Horse for Sale Eleven year old trotting horse Northern Pacific Railroad Officials Are Touring (entrai Oregon Bananas by the pound, instead o f by the dozen, "ill !*' *1"’ ru*° among all grocers of Portland hereafter. When the house" ite guea to the corner grocery for the famed Central American product she will lx- asked how inan> iHtimds she wishes, and instead of measuring up the family np- l«etite by the number of liananas that an individual devours, cal­ culation will have to bo made to determine how many |*>unds and fractions thorx-of apitease the Italiana yearning. All armimi ranch ami famil> Mare for Sale young team, huriu-sa and wagi.i Ten year old mare. bramh-d M impure at thia office. piu () oil right shoulder, will Is- sold for f.«ed bill, at my stable at FOR SALE Cline Falls on Saturday. June 1« The choiceet \ucunt corner fai* th. W. J. Woods. P11-' ino on Sixth Street, «mly )>llr • block fn>m Hotel Redmond, thia ia a siimi * for u quick boy. U nni Cow for Sale taki-s it. See Jone« Lami (\»|„ Good cow for sal.- reasonable. l*any for torma. Inquire at thia office, 48tt • lloraes for Salo W a n te d T " o g"«al marea ami «»ne youna 160 acres land cleared. s**a- hors«- Culi at S|Mikeanian "iti«. Liddell on the Wilson ranch. I e »e When in need of any dental Powell Buttes. work eull on Dr. C. A. t line in ville. INTO THIS SECTION the Khret block, and you "ill I** please«! with the results obtained. All tin* latest meth«*da o f dental practice are used. and satisfac­ Journey Is to Last a Week tion in every instance guaran­ and Many Points Are teed. 3&tf J v v THEIR FIRST TRIP Address. Prim- Sulawnlie for The S|a*keainai, u Hay V Seed1 to Be Visited Central Oregon is being visited this week bv a party o f Northern Pacific officials and Portland edi­ tors who traveled in a special train over the North Rank and Oregon Trunk roads, in which the Northern Pacific owns a hall interest. A. D. Charlton, assistant gene­ ral passenger agent of the North­ ern Pacific has charge o f the party. The newly opened Oregon Trunk road was followed to Mad­ ras. from which place automo­ biles conveyed the visitors into the central and southern parts o f the state. The following are in the party: Carl R. Gray, president of the Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railroad. Portland; II. C. Nutt, fourth vice-prest. Northern Paci­ fic Railway. Tacoma: J. G. Wood- worth, traffic manager Northern Pacific Railroad St. Paul; A. D. Charlton, assistant general pas­ senger agent Northern Pacific Railroad. Portland; Henry Blake­ ley, general western freight agent Northern Pacific Railroad. Portland; F. H. Fogarty, assist­ ant general freight agent. North­ ern Pacific Railroad, Portland; I. J. Bricker. immigration agent. St Paul; O. D. Wheeler, adver­ tising department. St. Paul; E. B. Piper, managing editor. Ore­ gonian. Portland; John F. Car­ rol, general manager Telegram. Portland: C. S. Jackson, prest. Journal. Portland, and the offi­ cial photographer and stenogra­ pher. This is the first visit into the interior for most of the men and they are prepared for many sur­ prises. Their schedule requires them to leave Portland Tuesday morn­ ing. reaching Madras that night. It is probable that they will leave the railroad there and travel by automobile instead of continuing on the train to the south. The tentative plans prepared by Mr. Charlton include stojw at Metolius. Culver. Redmond, Bend Laidlaw, Prineville and other Crook county points. If weather and roads permit they will then cross westward to Silver Lake, Klamath Falls and Medford, re­ turning by way of the Willamette Valley. The object of the trip is to ac­ quaint the railroad men with the conditions of the great new em­ pire that is just being opened to the outside world through the con- struction of the Oregon Trunk. The Northern Pacific, as one of the builders of this line, will han­ dle much of the business of Cen­ tral Oregon and the officials of the road desire to obtain firsthand knowledge of the country, so that they may be better able to carry on traffic there. It is likely that the party will be away from Portland a week. Commercial bodies in Central Oregon and at points along the railroad will entertain the visi­ tors. Team for Sale LIME FOUND IN ('R(K)K COUNTY Ç U i 3 Farm Field The finest homes in Redmond will lie located in beautiful MEL­ ROSE PARK with its large lots and wide street* and avenues, on the highest elevation within j the city limits, with irrigation water on every lot. I (¿rain (J Í j P ou ltry and (¿round ( & A large deposit of commercial lime has been discovered I I miles east of Metolius. A Portland lime expert has tested it an«l toun«l it to lie 90 per cent pure. It con­ tains but I |>or cent magnesia. This is said to la* one of the most valuable l»c«ls in the l nited States, as it contains hydrate of lime of the purest quality, which is used for medicinal purposes. The surface croppings extend over an area of 20W) feet. Me­ tolius men are organizing a com­ pany to develop the property. ’ Garden I Feeds Redmond Fee d & Fuel Co. Hotel Redmond K. I . I-ARKKR. l-ri.p r. LEADING HOTEL OF CENTRAL OREGON We Cater to the Commercial Trade Revival Meetings At laidlaw Evangelist Samuel Gregg of the Christian church, is conduct­ ing a revival meeting in the Laid- j law church. Singing Evangelista , Webb and wife are assisting with * the music. There will be an all day service next Sunday, with a basket dinner at noon. At the j evening hour Mr. Gregg will de­ liver an Odd Fellows memorial sermon. , .... - —- Bring your final proof notices to The Six>kesman office. We will make out your application for proving up. and attend to all the details necessary in the mat- tar. New goods almost daily at Jackson's. 46tf Please Settle I’ p Having sold my lumber yard business in Redmond totheTum- A-Lum Lumber Co., I respect­ fully ask all who are indebted to mo to call at my office and settle their accounts. 39tf Ben Cotter. Job Printing of the RIGHT KIND If you want v«»ur (’«»mmerrial Printing such as LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS CARDS, ENVELOPES BOOKLETS. ETC.. to have a distinctive h*«*k and aom«* class to them, let us «1«* the "<*rk. High Gride Printing is nur Specialty THE REDMOND SPOKESMAN Prepared Paint We have a lar*e «took o f the Celebrated PH OENIX PKE* I AKKI) I AINT, all colors, that you should set1 if you Arc KoinK to need paint this year. A CARLOAD OF BUGGIES, WAGONS and McCORMICK FARM MACHINERY, BARBED WIRE and WOVEN WIRE FENCING «See us for your FISHING TACKLE. We can supply all your needs. Kendall & Chapman, Redmond* Ore