The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, June 15, 1911, Image 3

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Arrangements Are Being
Made ( a » Kxcel All
Previous Years
<;<>oi> p r e m i u m s
Luck of • Photographer In Ootting •
W®ml#rlul Pictur«.
• Mu. ,,f tln> in.mi n iiiiirkiildi' nho-
trit|>liM ever obtained MU» Hint of
tin* in Inni cvjihiiliug iif (III 1 I mhii I i
» lili lí uua l l . r u « li ut tin' Lui), nui)
qlleeil of Spaili mi thi' iM'i' of
tlii'ir weililiug.
It «as *<•. mi'll l,y no o|H'riilor for
oti" of tin* Inrjri'«t firma of |iri'aa
I ' 1 1 • 1 1 1 >v ru i. Ii i ' r ■ nuil, in fording to thtt
I Alii, loll .Strninl Magazine, proved a
veritable ^( o | i | un up , h | . | n «ring in
rio»" oil .' 1,1100 pulilirat lolla.
’Ili" plintugruph «na »"rum i
inor" or l"»a by a piece o f good luck
Tim operator «na on u stand with
Ina camera ni the pia"" allotted to
liuti by the poli"", wnitmg for the
proceaainn to appear. The ramera
**» placati facing down the afreet
up whnh thv Jinx caaiofi » u a to
I'roni the moment it mine in
■ ight until th" royal carriage wua
New Officials Appointed— within abtiut thirty yard* of him
th" operator a«rtired three pictnrea.
Dato of Fair Sol
II" tilt'll readjusted th" cninern ao
to g"t n good picture o f the king
for Oct. 11-11
and i|ii""ii in their earring", which
wua a I.out ten yards from him.
At the uiatnnt that the operator
prt'Mfd the ball and exposed a plate
At n meeting o f th® l*>ard of « dark object waa hurled at the
rovul carriage from a balcony win­
ilirectorn o f thè Fimi ('entrai Or­ dow, and then followed instantly a
egon A irridili uriti Society, held blinding flnah and a lioiao like a
May 27th, at Prineville, this I**- ! thunderclap. The operator wau
ing thè tìrwt full laiaril of thè year. hurled half atunned to tin* ground,
thè comiuiaitionen» apixuntcd by Ida camera following him. When
lie «aa able to atnnd he aaw a ter­
thè governor having only just rible arc no I m -I ow him. The large
been electcti thè following «Hi crowd «aa atain]>cding in all direc­
rem wereehonen hy thè lanini for tion*
Any one luckleau enough to fall
thè Centrili Oregon Fair o f 1911:
Presidimi, Win. Itorgil; vice prcs- in that ktorm of rushing humanity
iilent, J. K. Rolierta; aecrvlary, «a» inatal*tly trampled to death,
mid acvcral did full. Some thirty
J. S. Fox. Theotherthret* mem- .H'opl" in all were killed on that oc-
I xth of thè board ure S. A. Rus- cnaion, of whom at leaat half were
scll. Oliver l'owellunii J. II. Gruy. »imply cruahed or trampled to
TTte »late o f thè fair this year death in the panic that followed the
una set for October llth to Hth. explosion. It la very remarkable
that all the plat'-a in the operator’«
foiir «lava inatead of live, ami , camera «ere broken with the excep­
commencing on thè Wodneedey tion of the lu»t on e he had expoaed,
just prior to court week. in onler which depicted the actual acene at
to allnw those w h n have to at- the moment of tho explo»ion.
torn! court to coin«* just a few
Couldn't Fool t t u l u i .
days earlier and take in the fair
( tule liustu* al«nv» contributed
US well.
It wus d e c id e d to huve to th" coal fund of the A. M. K.
four duys instead of live, not to church in a atuull loan ju*t across
reduce the number o f attractions, th" rii'T from Cincinnati. Year
hut to concentrate them so as to aft"r year h" dug do«rn into hi»
j"uti» for hi* little donation until
eliminate those slow wuiting |>e- finally the edifice «a* remodeled
riotls between
events which and it new heuting plant installed.
have characterized some previous At the usual timo the parson ap­
meets. Although the attractions proached Itaitu* and again anked
have not yet l**en finally de him to l>" a cheerful giver.
-N ot <>n your life!” retorted Itaa-
cided u|«>n, the Board f»«*l that
tue, with large emphasis, “ Y o’ ain’t
they will ut least be equal to and gw me t< r git no money out ob me
they believe superior to any that to' coal dia wintah.”
"What am de mat tali |" th" sur­
have las'ij on the program". One
word may In* said o f the races, j prised dominie asked. “ Ilsin’t yo’
and to those who know, that one ala ays guv up fo' de coal fund befo*
widout d* tieci'ssity ob usin’
wort! is sufficient. Geo. H. Bus- j ■treaa ?”
aell, the prominent horseman,
“ Yes, *ah,” was the reply o f the
and a member o f the Yloard, will obatinat" one, “ but yo’ kam't fool
have personal charge o f this me a little hit, Mistah Parson!
Mr. Bussell assures u s1 Doan' I know dat vo’ hail steam put
in dat der church las' week?” — Cin­
that those who are attracted hy cinnati Commercial Tribune.
this attraction will I k * abundant-:
Walking Sticks.
ly satisfied.
Probably the patriarch’« staff was
AUuit the first week in August
the first adaptation of the walking
it is the intention of the Board to
stick, and from its first inception to
send out a man to travel the the present dav it has undergone al­
county to meet with the farmers most endless changes. In 1701 foot­
encouraging them to send their men attending gentlemen were for­
exhibits and to come themselves, bidden to carry swords, these be­
and this iiersonal work, a new ing replaced by a porter's staff
Thirty years later gentlemen were
feature, is liound to result in u forbidden to carry swords, hut al­
much better agricultural and live­ lowed to carry large oak sticks. Be­
stock exhibit—one that will l*c fore many year* varnished and pol­
well worth while making a spec­ ished woods with ornamental heads
came into use and in one form or
ial trip to see.
another have held their own.
It has lioen suggested that the
four days o f the fair shall b e 1
His Fath*r Didn't Know.
A little lad was found on the
designated us I’rineville. Bend,
Redmond and Madras days res- street crying very bitterly because
pectively, or that in some way his cart was broken.
The kindly disposed stranger en­
t ho separate towns and communi­ deavored to cheer up the little fel­
ties may have one day set npart low bv saying, “ Never mind, my
for them especially at which b ov; your father cun easily mend
their t«ams shall comjiete, their that ”
"N o, he can't,” sobbed the boy.
schools attend en masse, and their
” Mv father is a preacher and don't
residents combine together to know about anything” — Indies’
form auto or driving parties to Home Journal.
the scene o f the fair festivities. |
A Dry Scot.
Any readers o f this paper who
Farmer— You had a tiro at the
have ideas along this line, are in­ manse this morning. Any serious
vited to communicate with the loss?
Secretary so that the most satis-
Minister— Yea. Ten years’ ser­
actor.v dates may In* set apart mons were completely burned.
Farmer (with the memory of
for all.
wo Bb Cornets for Sale
Two high grade Bb Cornets,
liest made, satin silver fin­
ish, gold plated l>ell. high
and low pitch.
These cor­
nets are practically new and
will lie sold at a bargain.
For further information in­
quire at Spokesman office.
Many Subttancss st Vary Law Tam-
«aratura Bacon** Luminosi.
At about .MOO d eg ree* I m 'I o W 7-ero
or thereabout almoNt everything la*-
comes phosphorescent, or, in other
words, shines in the dark after be­
ing exposed to an intenso light.
Kven the air itself is phosphores-
. rent ut atleti a temperature, but
curiously enough a slight impurity
in the tur experimented with de­
stroys its phosphorescent property.
If a perfumed handkerchief is
shiiken in a room, for ins tu nee, and
air front that room is then inclosed
in a tube and its temperature is
lowered to the required degree no
phosphorescence np|M-urs. The air
must Is- filtered and thus freed
from organic substance* and from
hydrogen in order that the phe­
nomena of phosphoreseence and of
tiouresconco, which is «kin to it,
mav lx* produced.
Among the sulxdunre* that have
been rendered phoaphoreaeent at
low temperatures are ivory, horn,
egg*, gelatin, india rubber, sponges,
albumen, milk, leather, cotton, tor­
toise shell and certain flowers.
The metals also exhibit phospho­
rescence, but it is thought that this
is due to an organic layer on their
surface, tiecause when they have
lieen scorched they lose their phos­
phorescent power.
Kxperienee seems to indicate that
the more complex the chemical con­
stitution of a body is the more in­
tense is it* phosphorescence. The
reason suggested for this is tliut
the structure of a complex laxly o f­
fers special facilities for the ab­
sorption of the vibration* of light.
In fn<-t, experiments within the
lust few vears have shown so many
surprising result* that highly im­
portant questions as to the nature
of matter and the constitution of
tho universe have Is'gun to la> based
upon them. It haa Ix-en asked, for
instance, whether some o f the stnrs
which wo have regarded as fiercely
blazing suns may not in fact owe
their luminosity to the phosphores­
cence arising from a low tcnqx'ra-
ture.— Harper's Weekly.
If you have
something to sell.
If you want
to buy something the
Want Columns
The Spokesman.
The Price
is reasonable
and remilta
are obtained.
Try it
Office in Redmond & Phcenix
R e d m o n d , O re .
and Surgeon
Eye* Tested. GI owm - m Prop­
erly Fittiti
Office in Ehret Bros, block
If you are going
to prove up
on your land
come in and
see us.
The Spokesman
will make out
your application
and attend to
other necessary
details FREE.
Redmond, Oregon
G. A. McFarlane
Practice in all court» ami U . S.
Tarnl Office
Redmond, - Oregon
Blue Front Livery, Sale and Feed
U . S. I .and Commissioner
Rooms 1 and .3. Redmond Hank o f
Commerce building,
Headquarters for Freighters
G o r . 5 th a n d E S t s .,
A Young Flatterer.
Alpha 3d, aged six, had been
cautioned by ins mamma after an
appalling break of his in inquiring
the age of a lady with w hom it was
an uncertain and delicate matter,
never to allude to anybody's age or
if the age of a ¡tersoti was men­
tioned casually to let the person
lad leve that that jx*r»on looked
younger. Occasion carne within a
few dava for Alpha to put these
Chesterfield ian instructions into
use. An old gcntlemuu visiting the
family remarked, with the naturul
pride octogenarians sometimes show
in their distance beyond the con­
ventional threescore and ten, that
he was eighty-seven. "I am sure,
Mr. White,” said tho dutiful child,
"that you don't look more than
eighty-six.” — Boston Transcript.
Tree Pulling
and Land Cleaing
R e d m o n d , O re g o n
Redmond and Hillman
Roller Mill and
Feed Grinding
Dealers in Chop Feed o f all kinds. Baled Hay.
Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Seeds and Seed
Hsr Sank AacsuM.
It was a woman in tho case again.
It happened in Cincinnati too. A
young woman fell heir to a vast es­
tate, made up of a good deal of hard
cash She was a poor girl— that was
before she fell heir to the estate.
Site had no knowledge of banking
and no idea of businc»«.
She began to blow herself. She
put part o f the money in each !>ank
Money flics, as every one knows.
One day she received a notice from
the luink which read as follows:
“ Your sccount is overdrawn.”
Hhe hustled down to the bank in
a rage and approached the teller.
“ There surely is some mistake,”
said the demure maiden. “ Don't
you see that only half o f the check
book is used?” — Cincinnati Coin- j
mereiai Tribune.
A Ysung Philssophsr.
Manufacturers o f Graham Flour
The Cow’s Best Friend
B .S .Q o o k & Q o
I wish to notify the public
o f Redmond and vicinity that
1 am the agent for the cele­
brated De l.aval Cream S ep­
Rea / Estate and Gity Property
arator and supplies, and in­
tending purchasers should
consult me before placing
their orders.
E . W. P R A T T
O ffic e n e a r B a n k o f C o m m e rc e
Time is a relative quantity. Some I
minute* seem like hours, and some
hours seem like minutes. How to
control this flight is beyond most
persons, but the little boy men- ;
tioned below seems to have pro­
gressed pretty well for a youngster.
The teacher was surprised to see
that he remained perfectly idle all
through recess and accordingly-
asked him why he did not play.
“ ’Cause,” he said slowly, “ it
makes recess too quick if 1 play,
and 1 want it to la-a-ast!”
Degrading Hit Mutt.
Warren & Woodward
Civil Engineers
Estimates Furnished on Power Plants.
2P 3
We have had 10 years’ experience, embracing all branches of
civil engineering.
Rooms 5 & 6, Bank of Commerce Bldg., P. 0. Box 260 R E D M O N D
The Annex Billiard Hall
Making a Journalist.
It it said that the first paragraph
Mark Twain wrote when he began
his editorial duties with the Vir­
ginia City Enterprise was this:
many a weary Sunday morning)—
“ A beautiful sunset made Be-
Weal, but they made a grau’ blaze; ranger a poet, a mother’s kiss made
they were so dry, ye ken.— Dundee Benjamin West an artist, and $15
a week makes us a journalist."—
The BEST all-around Family
Sewing Machine that can be pro­
duced. Made in both ROTARY
and VIBRATOR styles.
The Rotary makes both Lock
and Chain stitch. The latest up
to the minute steel attachments
with each machine. Sold on easy
payments. Send name and ad­
Not W hot Ho Moant.
dress for our beautiful H. T. cat­
“ What do you think of the weath­ alogue free.
"Mamma wishes you to enter
papa's factory, darling. That would
do away with all his unwillingness.” er, colonel ?”
“ But, dearest. I’m a poet.”
“ Oh, horrible, horrible!”
"A ll the better. You can write
“ And how is your w ife?"
Torses for our vinegar advertise­
“ Oh, much about the sain?, thank
ments.” — Fliegende Blatter.
The most lodern Establishment
of the kind in Central Oregon
A Fresh Line o f Candies, Cigars
and Tobaccos always on hand
A . E . IV Y A T T p p r o p r i e t o r
White Sewing Machine Co.
1400 Market St,
San Francisco, 9 California