The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, June 15, 1911, Image 1

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Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon
No. 41»
Workmen While Digging
Septic Tank in Rear of
Hotel Redmond Blast
Down Into a Subterra­
nean Cavern
I ji M Saturday while workrmn
were drilling through ns-k in the
rear o f the Hotel Redmond where
Jonea land
excavating for a septic tank to
carry off the sewerage from the
hotel, an underground cavern
wax found.
The workmen had gone down
1H feet through solid rock and
drilled drown through u distance
o f about ten feet more. A heavy
charge o f dynamite and powder
won put in to looaen up the rook
and when the charge exploded
only a dulll sound wax heard and
no n»ckx were throw n up. Inatead
a heavy pressure stream o f cold
uir came up through the inch and
a half pi|a* that was in the drill­
ed hole. The distance to tliflxit-
tom o f the pi|a* waxalxnit thirty-
live feet, ikiul tlie mip|toxition is
that a aubterranean cavern was
pierced by thi* dynamite explo­
sion and the charge went down­
ward into the cave. That ia the
reason given why the explosion
could barely be heard.
The Jones I .and Co. think they
have the problem of serweage
from the hotel solved ami will
test the capacity o f the under­
ground cavern they pierced with
the drill and explosion.
K. T. Redmond, proprietor o f
the Hotel Oregon, located across
•>th street from the Hotel Red­
mond, is o f the opinion that he
can strike un underground cavern
and has been granted permission
by the city council to ls»rc in the
alley in the rear o f his hotel to
try and locate one.
Some o f the |>cople who are
well acquainted with the forma­
tion o f this section are o f the
opinion that the cavern that was
encountered by the workmen
for the Jones l^tnd Co. is one of
the wind caves that are located
in different sections in the west­
ern part o f the county.
Capp’s Clothing
«• a
Sisters 11,
Redmond 1
The bull game here Sunday l>e-
tween Redmond and Sisters w as
won by the latter team by a score
o f 11 to 1. /.umwait was in the
I kix for the home team. This is
the first game these two clulw
have played together this season.
Northern Pacific Officials
and Portland Newspa­
per Men Banqueted at
Trout Dinner by Com­
mercial Club
Catching Many
Trout Now
The party o f Northern Pacific
railroad officiais and Portland
newspaper men who lert Port­
land Tuesday night for a tour of
Central Oregon, arrived here in
automobiles yesterday forenoon.
The |iarty was welcomed by
Mayor Jones, members o f the
city council, the Redmond Com­
The banks o f the city will close mercial Club, business men o f the
A fte r intro­
at 9 p. m. during the race meet city and the band.
held here this week.
ductions were exchanged the
Trout fishing in the Deschutes
and Crooked rivers near this city
is exceptionally go»*! the«* flays,
and it is a mighty poor angler
that does not come home with a
satisfactory catch. Many fishing
parties from Redmond have been
out recently and all had good
luck. A goodly number of the
fish lieing caught are large fines.
It ’s very |Ms»r economy to buy merchandise so inferior in quality that it does not give you
complete satisfaction.
It is extravagance to pay more than reliability is worth.
There an* three classes o f merchandise:
The Extravagantly Cheap, the Reliable Standard, and the Extravagantly High Priced.
This store specialises on the merchandise that belongs to this middle class.
And we are
sun* that in fitting your purchasing you will serve your own best interests, and secure complete
satisfaction in chousing from these reliable goods.
In fact, we guarantee complete satisfaction in every purchase made here.
This week we offer a number o f specially priced lots as an added incentive to June
Read the list
they are Money Savers.
We have the most COMPLETE STOCK
OF SHOES in Central Oregon, and car­
ry such famous brands as the Gotzian,
Packard and John Strootman’s.
You will find our Dry Goods Depart­
ment always Complete.
Indian Linens, popular for White
Dresses and Waists, in 15-20-25c grades.
Ribbons in all widths and shades.
You will find our Indies Muslin and
Knit Underwear complete in every detail.
A good House Lining at 5V4C per yd.
We are selling these Shoes
at Very Reasonable Prices
You’ll be sorry if you do not get a pair
Men’s Corduroy Pants.
They are good
Regular $3.50 and $4.00 kind we
are selling at money saving prices.
Bear in mind that your dollars have a large
purchasing power at our store
Gal. can Solid Packed Peaches
$ .50
Coal Oil per gal
Sugar, 15 lbs. for
Rice, 16 lbs. for
Dry Raspberries, lb
We have just received a shipment of
Coffee, a fine grade, that we sell for
25 c. p e r p o u n d
I have just received a large
shipment o f these celebrated
goods in Spring and Summer
weights and styles.
I want you to see this line of
for I am certain you will be
satisfied with the goods, fit and
Better come in today.
E. L. R A P P
‘The Head to Foot Clothier.” R e d m o n d , O r .
party, in company w-ith members
>f the Commercial Club, sat
down to a trout dinner at the
Hotel Redmond.
During the course o f the din­
ner a number o f speeches were
made by the railroad and news­
paper men which were responded
to by members o f the Commer­
cial club.
The visitors expressed their
surprise at the signs o f prosperi­
ty seen in Redmond and the Red­
District, on all sides
and they predicted a bright fu­
ture for this section.
From here the party went to
Bend and will continue on into
the interior. B. S. Cook accom­
panied the party from Portland.
A. D. Charlton, assistant gene­
ral passenger agent o f the North­
ern Pacific had charge o f the
party. Those in the party were:
Carl R. Gray, president o f the
Spokane, Portland & Seattle
Railroad. Portland: H. C. Nutt,
fourth vice-prest. Northern Paci­
fic Railway. Tacoma: J. G. Wood-
worth, traffic manager Northern
Pacific Railroad St. Paul; A. D.
Charlton, assistant general pas­
senger agent Northern Pacific-
Railroad. Portland; Henry Blake­
ley. general western freight
agent Northern Pacific Railroad.
Portland; F. H. Fogarty, assist­
ant general freight agent, North-
ern Pacific Railroad. Portland; L
J. Bricker, immigration agent.
St Paul: O. D. Wheeler, adver­
tising department, St. Paul: E.
B. Piper, managing editor. Ore­
gonian, Portland: John F. Car­
rol, general manager Telegram.
Portland: C. S. Jackson, prest.
Journal. Portland, and the offi­
cial photographer and stenogra­
Three Days’ Race
Meet Is Now On
The city is filling up with
strangers who have arrived to at­
tend the three days’ race meet
that began yesterday and will
continue today and tomorrow. A
number o f good horses have been
brought here for the event. The
result o f the races will be given
in next weeks paper, as The
Spokesman goes to press every
Wednesday at 1 p. m., to catch
the mails, and this is too early to
give the result o f yesterday’ s
Two Towns Will
Celebrate 4th
Bend is advertising a big 4th
o f July celebration and Prine-
ville is doing likewise. The lat­
ter town is offering $1000 in
purses for ball games and prom­
ises a rip roaring good time to
all who attend.
Our Stock is always complete
$1.50 PER YE A R
and -
We wish to call your attention
to the large and complete stock
we carry in the above lines.
WTe have an assortment from
the two bit kind to the higher
priced goods.
We can suit
your ideas in this stock.