The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, June 08, 1911, Image 1

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Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon
VOL 1.
No. IH
neighborhood of $40,000, and
$IMMM) more would Is* necessary
to furnish farmers with dairy
(iood hxatim i Here for a
Powdered Milk Plant
Is What a Sacramento
Man Says and Lxal
Capital Interested.
The Intent industry being work
ml up for Redmond inn powdrrpd
milk plnnt thnt nu «*x(H*rienced
limn nnvn would do well here. A.
I>. Canton of Siennwnto, was
here recently nnd, ufter looking
thin city nnd aoction over, ntnted
thnt Redmond wan the ideal place
for the location of n plant of the
above kind. Mr. Carlton is ex-
perienc«Ml in the above kind of in
duatry nnd hnn interested local
capital, nnd steps are l>eing taken
to work out the plans for a fac-
tory here.
The plant would coat in the
cows to inuke the plant
huccchh *
I he United States government
has adopted |>nwderod milk ex­
clusively for the army and navy,
nnd it is predicted that ere long
the condensed milk industry will
Is* a thim; of the past. Pow­
dered milk is made by evapora­
tion. and the whole milk is used.
With the use of* seven parts of
water and one part of milk the
powdered milk is brought back to
its natural flavor. The powdered
milk is rhea|>er than condensed
milk and the new industry prom­
ises to revolutionize the milk in­
dustry. There is hut one |siw-
dered milk factory on the coast,
located at San Francisco.
Had Lively Runaway
Joe McClav and A. K. Wyatt
had an exciting experience in u
runaway while on a recent fish­
ing trip. J«** Met'lay w as (Hilled
over the dashboard onto his liack
on the ground, but he hrao*d his
feet against the axle of the rig
and stopped the team. II«* was
drugged some distance on his
hack and suffered several painful
bruises to the hack of his head
und other purls of his Issly.
Arrangements Near Com­
pleted for the Rig Kvent
To Be Pulled Off Here
Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday
The promoters of the three
days’ race meet that will lie held
in Redmond next week Wednes­
day. Thursday and Friday. ),
nearly all the arrangements com­
pleted for the event. Word has
been received from enough horse­
men stating their intention of en­
tering their horses to ihsure the
success of the meet, and there
will Is- good races pulled off
every day during the session.
Uiiiemi purses will he hung up
for all classes of horses. There
will lie consolation races, 1 mile,
| mile and i mile dashes; free
for all i and J mile dashes; nov­
elty races free for all; pony races
for (ionics 14 hands arid under.
Resides the races the manage­
ment of the affair promises base
hall games, foot races and other
All entries for the races must
lie made the night before the
It is anticipated there will la* a
large attendance at all three days’
events, as last year there was a
big turnout at the meet held
here, and as this promises to far
excell the one given last fall rec­
ord breaking crowds are looked
• <■» •
Strawberry Festival
The I.adiv* Building committee of the
I'rc s h y trn a n church will nerve straw-
berry ithort cake at Khret’s hall W*d-
nenday evening beginning at 6 o ’clock,
for 2f> cent». A muaical program will
lie given during the evening.
R em em ber tne d ate, Ju n e 14th.
Bom . Tuenday, June 6th, to Mr. and
Mr». Karl BenUm, a son.
J . J . Howland of Washington, recent­
ly bought two and erne half arrea of the
Oolmon and Slocum acreage, and ha»
gone to Opal City to bring in hi» house­
hold good it.
J It. Robert» le ft Monday for Port­
land to a tten d the Rone Festival. *
J, W. B rew er, president of the Red
mond Bank of Commerce, left yester­
day morning
It’s very |smr economy to buy merchandise so inferior in ipiality that it does not give you
complete satisfaction. It is extravagance to pay more than reliability is worth.
There an* three classes of merchandise:
The Extravagantly Cheap, the Reliable Standard, and the Extravagantly High Priced.
This store specializes on the merchandise that belongs to this middle class.
And we are
sure that in doing your purchasing you will serve your own best interests, and secure complete
satisfaction in choosing from these reliable goods.
In fact, wo guarantee complete satisfaction in every purchase made here.
This week we offer a number of specially priced lots as an added incentive to June
business. Rent! the list they are Money Savers.
We have the most COMPLETE STOC K
OF S H O E S in Central Oregon* and car­
ry such famous brands as the Gotzian,
Packard and John St root man’s.
You will find our Dry Goods Depart­
ment always Complete.
Indian Linens, popular for White
Dresses and Waists, in 13-20-25c grades.
Ribbons in all widths and shades.
You will find our Ladies Muslin and
Knit Underwear complete in every detail.
A good House Lining at 5V4C per yd.
You’ll lx* sorry if you do not get a pair
I have just received a large
shipment of these celebrated
goods in Spring and Summer
weights and styles.
I want you to see this line of
for I am certain you will be
satisfied with the goods, fit and
Better come in today.
E. L. R A P P
“The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond* Or.
Two Different Parties Fig­
uring on Buying the
Plant of the Crook
County Water, Light
and Power Co.
from 7Jc, 81c and 10c per 1000
gallons, which is an exceedingly
cheap rate. The purchasers must
also carry out all the provisions
the present company now has
with the city, and deposit a
guaranty bond of $25,000 to carry
out the terms of the contract and
completion of the plant at Cline
If the deal goes through it will
mean the distribution through
various channels in the city of
between $40,000 and $50,000 this
summer and fall.
One of the principal conditions
of the contract provides in case
the plant is taken over that the
purchasers shall install an elec­
tric transmission line from Cline
Falls to Redmond within 90 days
after taking over the property.
Two different parties are nego­ Rushing Work on
tiating for the properties of the Railroad Bridge
Crook County Water, Light &
News has been received from
Power Co., owned by local men.
Last Saturday the stockholders the bridge construction camp at
of the company met and submit-, Crooked river that work on the
ted a contract to the intending big Oregon Trunk Line railroad
purchasers for their acceptance. bridge that is to span that stream
The contract provides that 30 is progressing as fast as possible.
days will be allowed to look over The concrete piers are in on both
and investigate the legality of the sides of the river, and the anchor
titles of the company. Both (>ar- bolts are in on the north side,
ties have put up option money to and the bolts will be on the south
show good faith, and it rests side this week. The steel has
with the party who first accepts practically all arrived and is on
the contract from the com (»any to the ground, and as soon as the
anchor bolts are in the contractor
land the plum.
The contract specifies that if expects to enlarge his crew and
the plant is sold the purchasers rush the work through. The tel­
shall comply with certain condi­ egraph line has been completed
tions within 90 days. Some of to the river.
the conditions are that the city Strawberry shortcake festival Wed­
shall be furnished with water at nesday evening. June 14, Ehret’s hall.
Our Stock is always complete
Men’s Corduroy Pants.
They are good
Regular $3.50 and $4.00 kind we
are selling at money saving prices.
Bear in mind that your dollars have a large
purchasing power at our store
Gal. can Solid Packed Peaches ...... $ .50
Coal Oil per gal
Sugar, 15 lbs. for ............................. 1.00
Rice, 10 lbs. for
Dry Raspberries, lb
We have just received a shipment of
Coffee, a fine grade, that we sell for
25 c. per pound
Capp’s Clothing
for Portland to attend a
b a n k e rs’ convention.
Guy K. Dobson w ent to P ortland yes-
terilay on a business trip .
We arc selling these Shoes
at Very Reasonable Prices
$1.50 PER YEAR
We wish to call your attention
to the large and complete stock
we carry in the above lines.
We have an assortment from
the two bit kind to the higher
priced goods. We can suit
your ideas in this stock.