T h e R edm ond Spokesm an “ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES” “ SNAPS” AND “ EASY MONEY” SELDOM P L A Y TO UNCORKS; but wo can toll you this: Any man who has laid by some R K A D Y CASH in a I sink account is usually in sha|v to grasp the GOOD T ill N’t; when it cornea his way. When you see some man taking advantage o f an in­ vestment oppotunity put it down as a safe prop­ osition that his l»ank account is hack o f the transac­ tion. LOOKING FOR READY MONEY. You know as well as anyone that opportunity is al­ ways looking for RKADY' M O NKY. It's the man who commenced to save a year ago. who is pro parts! to cinch the “ good thing” o f today. Your opportuni­ ty will come. Get ready by starting a bank account here - now. Redmond Bank of Commerce GOOD M E A T When you buy meat you always want the best you can get, and when you buy at my market pur­ chasers are assured o f getting the best. I would like to have you try our bologna. l*ul'li*lu*l »very Tluinotay tn Kit le rc i a* »eetanl d a »» matter Jiny II, ISlil at the PoatortVe at Keilmonii, Ol¥gi*i, uniter the Act o f Mch. X, IStV. Redmond. Oregon. June l. 1011 It has Iven stated by strangers visiting the city that the stores here have the finest |*ist card displays of any town in the county. The Neighborly Spirit The Cook bungalow on south t*th street is nearing completion, The right spirit has Ivon ami when flinished " ill lv one of shown between the towns of the most attractive houses in the Redmond and Hillman by the city. people o f these two places. Charles Hammond o f this city, Alx»ut fifty people from Red­ who drove the first stake in the mond went to Hillman last Fri­ survey o f Hillman townsite. t«vk day night to witness the play o f “ Jedediah Judkins, J. I’ . ” given a jiarty from here over to that there by the Hillman Dramatic tow n Friday night to see the play Club, and the Hillman people ac­ o f “ Jedediah Judkins” . knowledged the courtesy by com­ ing to Redmond in force Tues­ day night to sec the Indies Aux­ iliary o f the Commercial Club put on the play o f “ Valley Farm” . It is such neighborly exchange o f courtesies that bring towns closer together and builds up a feeling o f closer com­ panionship that it would tv a good plan for all towns to adopt. Shooting in City Limits Two Bb Cornets for Sale Two high grade Bb Cornets, Ivst made, satin silver fin­ ish, gold plated bell, high and low pitch. These cor­ nets an* practically new and will lv sold at a bargain. For further information in­ quire at S|»okesman office. R. C Curries it Complete Stoek of ¡.umberand Build Huslic and V Siding Flooring. Headed Ceiling All kinds of Rough and Finish Lumber |»*t me figure with you on your next lumlvr bill. Estimates furnished free for all c la w s of buildings. Yards on Fifth St. betw een C and D streets Phone IUO'2 Horses for Sale South 6th S t , Redmond Came into my enclosure on May 1.1th. a dark Jersey heifer calf about six months old. 4*>tf F. W. Pratt. Redmond. Courtesy and pleasant words do not cost anything, and go a mighty long ways. It is just as easy to greet an acquaintance I with a pleasant word when you meet him on the street as it is to grunt out an “ ugh” like an Indi­ 160 acres land cleared. See an. when a “ good morning” is Liddell on the Wilson ranch. tendered you by a friend. Powell Buttes. Address. Prine- ville. 46tf The Spokesman has received a copy o f the I^iPine Inter-Moun­ tain published at LaPine, form­ A span o f well matched 5-year erly Rowland. The paper is neat in old geldings, cream color, with appearance, well edited and is a silver man«*« and tails. Weight boomer for the town in which it about 1054». Inquire o f M. K. is publisher!. Landes. Redmond. |6t1 Wanted For Sale Additional Local. Spectacles I*ost A pair o f spectacles lost aliout The Juniper Reading Circle May 11th. between E and B held their first annual picnic last streets on 5th or 6th streets. Wednesday at Bancroft's River­ Kinder please leave with post­ side ranch. master. 45tf Home made mince meat at the Pioneer Meat Market. ,59tf M ELROSE PARK See Jones Land Company OW NERS (N ot Agents) for easy terms on lots in Melrose Park. Ladies’ calling cards, the lat­ est style cards and type, printed to resemble copper plate print at The Spokesman office. All o f the farms and ranches north o f the city are looking fine this spring. The cold weather this month has had some tenden­ cy to retard the growth o f the ohb . sells Ranges, Heating and Cook Stoves, Builders' Hardware, John Deere, Canton Clipper and Oliver Plows, Wagons, Buggies and Hacks, unti all the other goods that got** in the Hardware trade. tome and see us. Satisfaction Guaranteed Joseph H. Jackson, THE PIONEER MEAT MARKET Have you in*|M*et<*d our stock? It will |>ay you to do an. We handle everything obtainable in the way o f Meats, Fish. Poultry and Vegetables. Í " T r y Us t o r G O O f> SH R V ieK J. O. W O L F & GO., P ro p ’rs. Please Settle Up Having sold my lumlvr yard business in Redmond totheTum- J. C. Williams has commenced A-Lum Lum lvr Co., I respect­ building a house on his lots in fully ask all who an* indebted to Ellinger’s Addition on the cor­ me to call at my office and settle ner o f 10th and A streets. their accounts. ® tf Ben (»otter. See the Universal Ranges at Jacksons. Th-; quality is high. The price low. 46tf Chris Khret was one o f the Redmond contingent at Hillman last Friday night to witness the play given there. NEOMONO, Jos. H. Jackson Team for Sale All around ranch and family There is an ordinance prohibit­ young team, harness and wagon. 46tf ing the discharge o f fire arms Inquire at this office. within the limits o f the city of Redmond, and the same should be enforced. There is too much Tw o good mares and one young promiscuous shooting in the out­ horse. Call at Spokesman office. er edges o f the city limits. Iaist 171 f Sunday some one was shooting in the southwestern part o f Kllin- FOR SALK ge r’ s Addition near the corner of The choicest vacant corner 50x 10th and A streets, and shot from 100 on Sixth street, only one the shells struck the tent o f a block from Hotel Redmond, this family living in that vicinity. is a snap for a quick buy, I1H0Q All shooting within the city lim­ takes it. See Jones Iatml Com­ its should tv stopped and then pany for terms. there will be no danger o f acci­ dents. I M M E L E ’S Lumber Yard Taken Up H. A. HILL . City Dray AND The Annex Billiard Hall The most Modern E stablish m ent of the kind in Central O regon A Fresh line of Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos always on hand Transfer Line A* E. WYATT, proprietor HO T E L All O rders Given Prom pt Satisfactory Attention Redmond Transfer Co. C. A. A>lam*, Manager. A W E X J. c. WILLIAMS BUCKLEY EXP Cl Watchmaker and Jeweler Daily stages to and from ¡«11 passenger trains on thj Oregon Trunk Line and Dosrhute* R. R. Poatoffice Building Madras. Metolius anil Opal City REDMOND. - OREGON * m Passenger and KipW* r