The Redmond Spokesman P u b l i s h e d a t t h e “ H u h C ity 99 o f C e n t r a l O r e g o n VOL. 1. No. 16 REDMOND, ( KOOK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 25. Kill R. R. Ml BY FIRST OF JULY Redmond Mail to Ik Rout­ ed By the Way of Culver Jund. BIDS ARK NOW BEING ADVKRT1SKI) FOR Will He Possible to Receive Mail the Same Day It leaves Portland Culver Tribune; Postmaster («O ver has received notice front the postolfice department that Culver will be the distributing IM >i ri t for all mui I going to I’rine- ville and I arnioni« and to Kill- man, Redmond, Rend, and all poiittH south. N otices are now iswtcd culling for sealts] hid« for the carrying of the mail on two routes. One leaving Culver aft- •*r the arrival of the evening train at Culver, daily, and curry- injr the mail to Prineville via l.a monta, arrivili* at Prineville in six hours. Returning. leaves Prineville at 1: p. m. and arrives at Culver at 7: p. m. I lie new schedule on the Ore *on Trunk brings the evening train into Culver at 7:U> p. m. so that (Msiple on this route may get Portland mail in the evening of the day it leaves there. The other route will I*- front Culver to Hillman, Redmond and Rend. This route will carry the mail for Cline Kalis, Sisters. I .aid law and all points south. The stage will leave Culver after the arrival of the evening train, every day in the week. The schedule to itemi is y hours from the time of de- parture from Culver. Returning the Stage will leave Rend at 1 p. m. and arrive at Culver 9 hours later. This is also to be a daily sendee. This route w ill supply a large territory, ami will bring the mail to some of the |s>ints along the line two days earlier than formerly. Rids for these routes can Is1 made on or in-fore Reliable June tJth, and the service is to Is* established on July 1st unless ■owner established by special permit, which w ill very likely la- done. PLANNING TO BUILD A $3.000 CLUB HOUSE The Commercial Club of this city is considering the proposi­ tion of buying a piece of land in a suitable location and building a home for the club. The 1 ‘lan has not yet taken definite shape, but the pruftosition has Is-en made in order to get the sentiment of the citizens in the matter. Messrs. Lynch ami Slocum of the Club, have been appiinted a committee to raise alsiut $200 by subscription for improvement of the Cline Falls road. It is un- derst«ssl that the county will as­ sist in making the necessary im­ provement if part of the amount for the same is raised by Red- mond js-o pie. H. F Jones w as elected to rep­ resent the Redmond Commercial Club at Prineville when the for­ mation o f the Central Oregon Development I >-ague is made at that city. WATER RIGHTS BETH SETTLED Adjudication On 46,000 Acres in This County Mas Been Made HOARD OF CONTROL UPHELD BY COURT Right* On Squaw and Turn- alo Creek« Finally Determined A dispatch from Salem dated the 18th says: Squaw Creek and Tumalo Creek water rights in Crook county have been adjudi-l Merchandise It's very jss»r economy to buy merchandise so inferior in quality that it does not give you complete satisiaction. It is extravagance to pay more than reliability is worth. There are three classes of merchandise: lhe KxtravagutiUy Cheap, the Reliable Standard, and the Extravagantly High Priced. This store specializes on the merchandise that la-longs to this middle class. And we are sure that in doing your purchasing you w ill serve your own best interests, and secure complete satisfaction in choosing front these reliable goods. In fact, we glut ran tin- complete satisfaction in every purchase made here. This week we offer a number o f s|>eciully priced lots as an added incentive to May business. Read the list they are Money Savers. SHOES DRY GOODS We have the most COMPLETE STOCK You will find our Dry Goods Depart­ ment always Complete. Indian Linens, popular for White Dresses and Waists, in 15-20-25c grades. Ribbons in all widths and shades. You will find our Ladies Muslin and Knit Underwear complete in every detail. A good House Lining at 5 1/4C per yd. OF SHOES in Central Oregon, and car­ ry such famous brands as the Gotzian, Packard and John Strootman’s. For FRIDAY and SATURDAY we will place on sale 3 dozen pair o f Men’s Mule hie. Hal. Elk Hide Soles at $1.45 GROCERIES You’ll be sorry if you do not get a pair Our Stock is always complete SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK Gal. can Solid Packed Peaches ....... $ .50 Coal Oil per gal ....................... .30 Sugar, 15 lbs. for ...................... 1.00 Rice, I f lbs. for .............................. 1.00 Dry Raspberries, lb ............................30 We have just received a shipment of Coffee, a fine grade, that we sell for $2.95 25 c. per pound PANTS Men’s Corduroy Pants. They are good ones. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 kind. WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN BUY FOR LESS AT EHRET BROTHERS DEPARTMENT BRING US VOUR STORE BUTTER AND $1.50 PER YEAR Capp’s Clothing 9 I have just received a large shipment o f these celebrated goods in Spring and Summer weights and styles. I want you to see this line o f GUARANTEED CLOTHING, for 1 am certain you will be satisfied with the goods, fit and price. Better come in today. E. L. R A P P “The Head to Foot Clothier.” R e d m o n d , O r . A THREE DAYS’ RACE MEET JUNE 14-15-16 cated. This word was received by the Board of Control today. The decision of the board has l>een upheld by Judge Bradshaw of The Dalles. A total of 238 rights to water were involved in the Squaw- Creek determination and the de­ cree to be entered will confirm Money Being Raised Here rights to irrigate 16,018.85 acres to Hang Up Attrac­ of land, 6651.35 acres o f which are at present under irrigation. tive Purses In the Tumalo decree, 150 rights to water were involved, affecting about 30,000 acres of land only 3058 acres of which The dates for the Spring Race are under irrigation. Meet to be held here have been Eight determinations have now I made for Wednesday, Thursday been confirmed by the courts, in­ volving in all 660 rights to water. and Friday, June 14-15-16. Jas. These rights have been thus de­ B. Green, one of the local race fined at an average cost to the horse ow ners and a prime mover claimants on the different in organizing the meet, has been streams ranging from $6 to $10 circulating a subscription paper each and at no expense to the among the citizens to raise mon­ state, as the fees paid to the ey for the purses that will be state more than equaled the ap­ hung up. Enough money has propriations made for such pur­ l>een pledged to ensure the event poses. being a success, and word has been received from race horse Says This Is Good owners throughout this section that they will enter their stock. Fruit Section The race meet last fall was a Tom Vedder, who recently ar­ sucessful affair, but this meet will rived here from Port Orchard. far surpass it in every particular, Wn., and homesteaded near this and it is expected there will be a city, stated to The Spokesman large attendance from all parts last week that he thought this of the county and even as far as section was a good fruit country, from over in the Willamette Val­ and he would set out a lot of ley. ____ __ fruit trees on his place. Mr. Vedder is an old and experienced On account of Tuesday. May orchardist and his opinion car­ 30th, being a legal holiday, the ries weight with it. banks here will be closed. State Bank of Redmond, Redmond Bank of Commerce Spokesman for job printing. REFRESHING DRINKS for the WHOLE WORLD can be had at our New Soda Fountain— the best appointed fountain in the county. If you are thirsty, come in and let us serve you with your favorite drink. You’ll like our service. NORWOOD & ANDERSON EGGS