The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, May 18, 1911, Image 5

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    Redmond and Vicinity
Wiw w ry ill and that a critical
>|H*ration would hava to
forrnrd on him.
Brothrrhood of Owl», Nrnt No. 122
I'n ah green onion». |0 cent* a
M ccU »very Prlilay mgtil In Rkri't hunch, two hunchmi fur If, cent»
LS 7 vTt-s?s*
J. O. I OOLKY, See.
■» ■
• « » .-
... .. .. m - m .' £5
- -Til I
Crook County Abstract Co.
U p te . U u
of MMtraot Itooki.
All work guaranUHHt
W , phot.,|rrii|>li
the rerun 1»
K. Wlklc, MTietiiry,
1' iHirvlllr. Or #.
It i» underabstd that Arthur
Templeton intouda to huild II rtgi-
idence thia aummer on hia prop,
erty on weal 8th alreot near the
ach<a>l houae,
The lamineMH »tree!» wore well
well policed »evera! nudità last
We iiave been attenta for the
t ¡arden City Tailoring Co. of
* hicago, and (¡lohe Tailoring Co.
of Cincinnati, Ohio, for ten
year», and we know there are
no liettnr tailoring concerna in
the country.
Come in and see
our new apring »ample».
•hr»tf ( ¡regory’a Variety Store
Caacude Creamery Rutter the
Ixwt made can la- laiught at the
In the center of Molmae Park
Pioneer Moat Market.
addition to Kedrnond i» located
the only public Park within the
The Redmond achiatla will close city limita, it cuvera five aerea.
for the summer vacation on June
CopiouH rain »how» in thia aec-
tion lately have put the ground
Bring your tinal proof notici*
in good condition for the crop.
to The S|M>ki*»man office. We
will make out your application
Those who have their dental
for proving up, and attend to all work done at |)r. Cline’» office in
the detail» necessary in the mat­
Khret's block, arc always aatia-
tied, for he uaea all the improved
E. I*. Rapp, the clothing mer I dental methods and all his work
chant o f this city, ia a successful *** guaranteed.
tlaherman and always brings in
Itressed beef from Portland ia
some tiah to »how for hia time
lieing receive<l by the local meat
»l»ent in angleing.
We have just purchased a large line of
Drummer’s Sample Shirt Waists
at a BIG REDUCTION. We are offering these for sale
Seventy Five Different Patterns, No Two are Alike
A rare opportunity to get some o f the Very Nicest Shirt
Waists at very Moderate Prices, and we do not expect
them to last very long.
I)o not fail to take advantage
of this opportunity. These goods will surely please you
Muslin Underwear
Farm for »ale or rent. Enquire
of H. A. Shenk, Redmond. .’Utf
We Iiave a No. 3 Oliver Type­
writer in tirat-class condition, for
sale cheap.
Trout fliea are now out along
4T»t f (¡regory'a Variety Store
the Deschutes river, and it is re-
ported that fishing is getting ex
Fresh liah now regular on hand
o ptionally good.
at the Pioneer Meat Market 43tf
In our assortment of Muslin Underwear we
have some very nice combination suits that are
well worth the prices, and will save you the
trouble of making your own clothes.
The hneat horn»*« in Redmond
Some of the Redmond pimple
w ill lie located In beautiful MKL- who attended the circus at Mad
ROSE I ARK with its large lota rjw i^ , Thursday report a large
and wide streets and avenues I crowd ami a good |>erformunce.
on the highest elevation within
the city limits, with irrigation
We pay cash for fresh eggs.
water on every lot.
Pioneer Meat Market.
Young man. if you want a
The Oregon Cafe is now o|»en
nice spring suit o f clothes that day and night. Fresh oysters
ia styled right, made right, looks in any style at all times. You
right and ia guaranteed to be will like our service.
right, give your order to us.
........- '
Ibtf Gregory's Variety Store
Frank Klkins has gone out of
the auto livery business, und is
The Red Crews Drug Co. that now demonstrating the Stoddard
hag been in business here since machines.
last fall, doeed up their business
A meal at the Home Restau­
here last week and shipped their
rant and Rakery is apfietizing
stock o f good» to Rend.
and satisfactory.
- * — ■—
Burson Hose
Lisle Thread, Openwork and Lace Hose are
carried in our stock in the various colors and
sizes. White and tan hose for misses and ladies.
Rutter and Eggs
Lynch & Roberts
Heed of all kinds at McSherry’a
Feed store. Free delivery. I 11 1
Two vacant corners on E street
between Hotel and Depot 100x Co. will be issued from The
Mrs. J. C. Williams of this 100, also two corners. 60x100 Spokesman office this week.
city, left last Thursday for Port­ same location. Jones Land Com­
land where she w ill visit a sister pany for terms.
Those who eat at the Home
for ievoral days. Fn>m Portland
Rakery and Restaurant get the
Mrs^ Williams expects to go to
Several fishing parties from l>est o f service and food at reason­
DvnVcr to visit her daughter and here went to the Metolius river able prices.
Some had good luck
a sister.
while others didn’t even get a
We have a large wareroom we
We give the i*est o f service, the "rise” .
would like to rent for storage
l*est the market affords, and em­
The best bread is made from
ploy white help only at the Oreg­
45tf Gregory's Variety Store
on Cafe.
George I.. Wheeler, Snow Drift and Olympic flour.
McSherry sells it.
Thirsty jieopJe know where to
to quench their thirst to
The price of meat in this sec­
Several of the young bachelors
tion was recently advanced an­ of the city have formed a ixtard-1 Norwood & Anderson's fountain
other notch.
ing club, and now enjoy all kinds in the poHtotfice building.
of good eating.
Money invested in Ijots in Mel­
Home made mince meat at the
The Home Rakery and Restau­ rose Park NOW, will double in
Pioneer Meat Market.
the next vear.
rant for g«ssi meals.
Carl Woods and his sister Mrs.
The Telephone Directory of
J. H. Mendenhall has moved
1 W. H. Hobbs, recently received
word that their father in the east the Deschutes Mutual Telephone his stock of goods into the store
room recently occupied by the from Madras to Rend, arrived
here last Thursday from a trip to
Red Cross Drug Co.
S[>okane, Seattle and Portland.
You can always get fresh bo­
logna and weiners at the Pioneer
Jones Land Company
MMt Market.
V.'NERS (Not Agents) for easy
I don’ t send out guess meas­ terms on lots in Melrose Park.
ures and have "Sawbuck Rost“”
make a guess fit.
Wear Capp's
Mrs. George O'Neil o f O’Neil,
clothes and I will guarantee a visited Saturday and Sunday
with Mrs. H. Tinsley.
’fit.” E. L. Rapp.
relatives at Seattle, and is work­
ing at Mendenhall’s store. Will
said it rained every day in May
w hile he was in Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cameron
When in need o f any dental
o f this city, expect to soon move work call on Dr. C. A. Cline in
out to their ranch.
the Ehret block, and you will be
pleased with the results obtained.
The bread baked at the Home All the latest methods of dental
Rakery and Restaurant always practice are used, and satisfac­
gives the best of satisfaction. 27tf tion in every instance guaran­
Maleom McFee, of the firm of
Will Cruchon returned Sunday-
Henry & McFee, contractors for
building the Oregon Trunk Line night after a month’s visit with
The Spokesman has recently
added to its equipment material
for ALL kinds o f printing. If you
want Stair cards, large or small
or any kind o f cards printed, we
can do it, and do it right Let us
do your next order o f printing.
reports to the contrary notwith­
The choicest vacant comer 50x
100 on Sixth street, only one
block from Hotel Redmond, this
is a snap for a quick buy, $1800
takes it. See Jones Land Com­
pany for terms.
The most desirable residence section in Redmond.
Water now in the streets for
irrigation. Lots are being sold fast.
Better pick out a lot or two now—you’ll
never regret it. The soil is well adapted for gardens and lawns.
See an y o f ou r S e llin g A g e n ts fo r fu rth e r p a rticu la rs