The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, May 18, 1911, Image 4

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    Hotel Redmond
JONES LAND CO.. Prop'rs.
Entirely Refurnished and Refitted
Headquarters for Tourists
and Traveling Men
Tables Supplied with the
Best the Market Affords
Always Ready to Cater to the Wants of the Public
W agons
I have recently received a large stock
of the Celebrated, well known
all kinds and a guarantee goes with
every’ one of them.
If you want a Satisfactory Wagon
You will Buy a WINONA.
Freight Troubles
The Oregon Trunk Railway is open for business to Opal City,
just north of Crooked River.
The Jones Warehouse Co.
GEO. A. JONES, Manager
will handle all freight at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shaniko
Moody Warehouse system will be employed. Merchants will get their
goods promptly and without inconvenience. Opal City will be the freight
terminus for 90 days more. Have your freight consigned in care of
Address communications to BEND OREGON.
O re g o n T r u n k
R a ilw a y
Daily Train Service to
Portland, Spokane, Seattle, St. Paul, Chicago, St.
Louis, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City
Train leaves Opal City 8:30 a. m., Culver, 8:50 a. m.,
Metolius, 9:10 a. m., Madras 9:30 a. m., arrive Portland, 7:45
p. m.
Leave Portland 9:55 a. m.. arrive Madras 7:50 p. m., Me­
tolius 8:05 p. m.. Culver 8:23 p. m., Opal City 8:50 p. m.
Direct stage connections to and from interior points.
R. E. Michael,
R. Build, Chief Engineer,
Agent, Madras, Ore.
Portland, Ore.
T. A. Graham,
J. H. Corbett,
Agent, Metolius Ore.
Agent, Opal City, Ore.
instead of 7:50. Metolius 6 45
The Redmond Spokesman m.
p. m. instead of 8:05. t ulver i
Redmond, Oregon. May IS,
p. m. instead of 8:23, Opal ( •*>
7:15 instead of 8:50.
From Oregon Trunk points
train will leave Oi»al t ity 9 a m.
instead of 8:30. Culver 9:15 a.
m. instead of 8:50, Metolius 9 30
instead of 9:10, Madras 9.4.» in­
stead of 9 :<0 arriving at Port­
land 7:15 p. m. as at present.
“The Palace”
(¡row th of Redmond
Surprised Him
Dr. Gad Newsom*' of Pendle­
ton. formerly of Redmond, ar­
rived her«* in his uuto last week.
The doctor, who was the first
physician in Redmond, left here
three years ago and was greatly
surprised to see the progress the
city had made during that time.
The doctor owns a ranch near the
MUST BE BUILT UP city, and is well pleased with the
prosperous outlook that obtains
in this section.
Will Determine Whether
Present Unes Are
to Be Extended
Harriman Line (Joes (io to Illustrated
Bend and Perhaps
Not Beyond
Professor Harrington of the
Rend High School, will give an
illustrated lecture on South
America in the M. K. church
hereon Friday evening. May 2d.
The professor has traveled ex­
tensively in South America, anti
th<»se who have heard his lecture
say it is very intereating. The
lecture is under the auspices of
the Kpworth league of the M.
E. church here, and the proceeds
are for the benefit of that organ­
Further railroad construction
in Central Oregon may depend
largely upon the patronage given
those lines recently completed
and now being built, according
to the statements of Julius
Kruttschnitt. vice-president ami
director of maintenance of the
Harriman system, who was in
Redmond last week in company
with J. P. O’Brien, general man­
ager of the O.-W. K. & N. Co. Three Days’
"Our work of the last few
years represents a large invest­ Track Meet
ment.” said Mr. Kruttschnitt, Arrangements are being work
“and I think we should see first ed out to hold a three «lavs' race
what the country does in the meet here about the middle of
way of response before planning June. A numls'r of ow ners of
good horses have expressed their
anything further.
"Central Oregon looks fine and willingness to enter their horses.
it is pleasing to observe that the Sufficient purses w ill be hung up
land is rapidly being taken up. to insure g*»od races.
A good deal of it has been bro­
ken and the country is building
up rapidly.
"We have a fine road into
Central Oregon and now are
open as far as Madras. We are I have HIM) Ren'S of sage brush 1
accomodating some traffic al­ land in L»ng Hollow, near the
ready. A circus train was the Lower Bridge, that I w ant to get
first big piece of business that cleared this summer. For furth
we handled into Madras.
er information call on or address
"At present we are prepared
W ill W urzwkilkr .
to go to Bend, but nothing has 44tf
Sisters Ore. 1
been done toward extending the
line lieyond that point,”
That, in addition to carrying
out the improvements already
under way or provided for, the
Harriman system contemplates
no immediate activity, is the in­
ference left by Mr. Kruttschnitt.
Although the route from Bend
to Odell, on the Natron-Klamath Separator
cutoff of the Southern Pacific has
been surveyed and although The C o w s Best Friend
Robert S. Lovett, president of
I wi»h to notify the public
the system, when in Portland
o f Rnlmond sn«l orm ity th«t
last August, announced the ex­
I »m the »g.-nt for thr cele­
tension of the Deschutes line to
brated Dr I .aval (> «am Sep­
Odell, it is not likely that it will
arator and «, and in­
be built soon. When Judge I/>v-
tending purrhajMT* ahoukl
roniult me t>rforr (.lacing
ett was in this section the Des­
their order».
chutes road was projected only
as far as this city and he con­
££. W . P R A T T
templated the construction of a
Southern Pacific connection from Redmond,
this point. Since then arrange­
_______ I
ments have been made to extend
the service to Bend and Portland
officials have expressed them­
selves in favor of joining the
Deschutes line with a link from
Bend to Odell, a distance of 55
Construction of east and west
line across Oregon, which has
been spoken of repeatedly by
various railroad officials is not in­
cluded in any plans now under
consideration, declared Mr.
Special Attention (iiven to
Automobile Parties.
f-ome and see me When Hungry,
( or. 7th and E St*., REDMOND, ORK.
F. M . B U N K E R , P r o p ’r.
Just in. Another Shipment o f
Redmond Feed & Fuel Co.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers ami Johlu'rs in Wines, Liq­
uors and Cigars. Sole agents for Stonewall and Mr.
Coy Whiskies and The N u |> m Soda Spring-» Mine ral
Water. Distributers for Edel Hrau, Schlitz ami IU i -
nier Beers.
We also carry a strong line of Glassware, Bar Tow.
••Is. Playing cards and etc. Especially adapted to the
Sal«»>n trade.
by Phone
«»r Mail will receive prompt altmtioa
Job Printing
If you want your Commercial Printing
such as
to have a distinctive look and some
class to them, let us d«* the work.
High Grade Printing is oor Specialty
Going to Build?
Change of Time on
Oregon Trunk
A new time card on the Ore­
gon Trunk will reduce the run­
ning time between Portland and
Oregon Trunk points, Madras
and south, by about an hour and
a half. leaving Portland as
heretofore at 9:55 a. m. the train
will arrive at Madras at 6:30 p.
If you are you had better consult us
as we carry all kinds of Lumber and
everything in the Building Material
line. We can fix you out complete,
tet us figure with you.
TumALum Lumber Company, Redmor
«/• 6 . S W A Y Z R , R e s id e n t M a n a g e r