The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, May 18, 1911, Image 2

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    The Redmond Spokesman
Your Business
If yon an* a customer of THE REDMOND BANK OF
COMMERCE you have assurance of our personal interest
in your business success. We make it h part of our busi­
ness to give such time and attention to our customers as
their interests require.
We make it a isiint that every business transaction with
our luxtrons shall be satisfactory. We want each one to
feel that they are free to come to us in all matters where
our experience and advice will In* of value and assistance.
You can also In* sure that every business transaction pas­
sing through our hands is held in strict confidence.
When we speak of service rendered to customers, we
mean the BEST SERVICE all that you reasonably ex­
pect from your bank. Our service includes a hundred
and one little details, all of which go to make of our pat­
rons "satisfied customers.”
If you have had no business with this hank, we feel con­
fident you w ill appreciate the Service we can render.
Redmond Bank of Commerce
When you buy meat you
always want the best you
can get, and when you
buy at my market pur­
chasers are assured of
getting the best.
I would like to have
you try our bologna.
South óth S t, Redmond
Cafe Royal
Sixth and F streets
carries in stock
that are handled in all
first-class cafes.
PubfcuhMi »very ThurmUy by
N. M. » C. I r»>
last Sunday was "Mother's
Day” , made so by proclamation
by the governor.
S trictly In Advance
On«* year. • II.AO Three month», Mr
Six month«,
Single co|«e«.
A D V ER TISIN G RATKS m«.le known
upon application
Make «II money« payable »ml ».hire«»
«II comm unication« to II. II. * !'• »*•
Palm er. RcUniotnl. Oregon.
Office one block east of Jackson’s Hardware Store,
G. M. Slocum is having the up­
per story of hi* house in Ellin-
^ .j.* ,, Addition finished.
Rev. 0. W. Cline will hohl Bap­
tist services ut the M. E church
Hope for Favoradle Report hero next Sunday forenoon and
A bond expert from a bonding
company is expected to arrive in
Mr. Guitta of Enid. Okla. who
is intereste*! in EHinger's Addi-
Redmond shortly to look the city
tion. was here last wt*ek looking
and country over, ami carefully after his pro|«rty internata.
investigate the new city charter
that was recently voted in force. ' lAuiie Long of Spokane, and
On this expert'* advice w illde- Tom Farham of Joplin, Mix, are
pent! the sale of $26.000 worth of matched for u 10-round boxing
Redmond municipal bonds to be
tusexl in the construction of a new
^ M Jo your m.xt onu*r of
water system toi the city trom commercial job printing. High
Cline Falls, four miles west of gnuj,. work and prices satisfac-
here on the Deschutes river. It tory. The Redmond Spokesman,
is to be hoi>ed that a favorable
report will be made by the expert
E R Thom son and family ex-
, . .
» .
, pect to noon leave here for their
SO the bonds can be placed and o|t| hom, in Arkunsas. They in-
work on the construction of the ^
^ vWt g ahort U|m. ¡n Port.
water system U* commence»! at ,#nd
an early date.
Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood of Ne-
L ike Redmond Boat
braska. are in the city the guests
. . I -
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lamb.
After visiting and looking
. ,
Mr. Lockwood has extensive
other sections in the state p ^ p ^ y interests in Redmond,
over l have decided that Red­
mond and the Redmond District Johnson Bros., who recently
is the Inst of them all. and I arrived here from North Dakota
shall locate in the Hub City and ^
l“t* in K*d"mnd- be
gan the erection last week of a
invest in realty in the town and
store building on their lot on
country” . This is a statement north 6th street.
made to The Spokesman by a re­
cent arrival, and this is not a sol­ W. B. Mann, son-in-law of Col.
itary instance for the writer has W. A. Belcher of this city, ar
heard many new comers express rivet! from Portland Sunday for
a few days’ visit This is hi*
their sentiments regarding this
first visit in three years and he
section along the same lint*».
sees wonderful changes in Red
mond ami surrounding country.
There will be celebrations and
- <■» -
celebrations in different towns in
Central Oregon July 4. and w hen
the railroads reach these towns,
Two high grade Bb Cornets,
best made, satin silver fin­
but the biggest celebration of all
gold plated bell, high
will be the one at Redmond w hen
pitch. These cor­
the Oregon Trunk Line is com­
nets an? practically new and
pleted to this city. Be sure and
will lie sold at a bargain.
save an open date for this "big
For further information in­
show” it will make history in quire at Spokesman office.
Central Oregon.
Please Settle I'p
Readers of the Portland Jour-
Having sold my lumber yard
nal miss the "Mutt and Jeff" business in Itedmond to thoTum-
cartoons bv Bud Fisher that have A-Lum Lumber Co., I resjiect-
been running so long in that pa- M l>'
who “!'* inde?ted ¡°
me to call at my office and settle
per. The cartoonist w hose pic- their accounts.
tures occupy the space formerly 39tf
Ben Gotter.
used by Fisher isn’t in it a min-
ute with him.
W*«on and ,UrT^ * for
A new 3-inch Moline Wagon
If there are ordinances enacted and w t of new double *'f*rk har
by the Redmond council to gov- ¡T“ / ? . “ **’ In<<uirt* at Blu<>
. .
Front Livery Barn.
ern the city, the ordinances
should lie enforced. It is noth-
j,*o r
ing more than right and proper
... .
1 ’
A sow with four pigs. M E
that everyone should conform to [a n des. Redmond,
the law.
R. (’ . IM MULE' S
Lumber Yard
Carries a Complete Stock of
a n d B u i l d Ma
Rustic and V Siding
Flooring, Headed Ceiling
Redmond, Oregon, May IS, 1911
Two Bb Cornets for Sale
Some men consider their pom-
ises worthless, and then expect
to enjoy the confidence of the
Plans, Specifications and Estimates furn­
ished ror all clases of buildings.
E. L Rapp was in Metoliua
last Thursday and Friday visiting
some old friend*.
a« o »ecoml
« » ’ «I»! » c I l««»
U , 1*10 a t th e Poatotbce a t K.«lm.>n«i,
O rvgun, unvler th e A ct o f Mch. S, 1ST*, j
Redmond w ith her nicely grad­
ed streets, electric lights, water
works, clean appearance and ev­
idences of prosperity on every
hand, is a drawing card for the
new comer.
Contractor and Builder
Trunk Line from Madras to Cul-
ver Junction, was a Redmond
visitor lust Week.
No gentleman will swear in the
presence of ladies, and no gen-1
tleman will even swear anywhere
Additional I/xcal.
Mr. Heckman of the railway
construction firm of Kennedy,
Heckman & Frazer w ho had the
contract for grading the Oregon
City Dray
... AND . . .
Transfer Line
All Orders Given Prompt
Satisfactory Attention
Redmond Transfer Co.
Adam«, Manager.
All kinds of Rough and Finish Lumber
I«*t me figurv with you on your next
lumber bill. Estimate* furnished
free for all class«* of building*.
Yards on Fifth St. between C and D streets
P h o n e lUtrJ
R E D M O N D , ORE.
Jos. H. Jackson
Ranges, Heating and Cook
Builders* Hardware,
John Deere, Canton Clipper
and Oliver Plows,
Wagons, Buggies *nd Hacks,
and all th e o th e r good* th a t
gm** in th e H art!w are tra d e .
Come and se«* u*.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Joseph H. Jackson, Redmond
Have you inspectai our *tock?
It will |*ay you to do so.
Wo handle everytning obtainable in
the w ay of M* at.«. F»»h. Poultry ami
T ry Us for GO OD S E R V I C E
W. A. G O L D E N , Proprietor
The Annex Billiard Hall
The most Modern Establishm ent
of the kind in Central Oregon
A Fresh Line of ( undies, C igars
and Tobaccos always on hand
A. E. WYATT, Proprietor
and Jeweler
Daily stage* to and from
all passenger trains on the
Oregon Trunk Line *nd
Deschutes R. R.
Postoffice Building
Madras, Metolius and
Opal City
PasMcnger and Express