The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, April 27, 1911, Image 5

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    Redmond and Vicinity
Brotherhood of OwU. Next No. 122
M m I> rv*>ry Friday hik M in Mirri
VlaiUn« nwmtiera invitt i to
r . r'.. M i i . i . m , K iw u liv r
J O. t'ooi av, S»>».
Crook County Abstract Co.
l'l> !•> <Ut<- M>t <>f A lx lra rt lliMilta
All work gu aran i»»!.
W r photograph
th* foconi».
Il K. Wllilv, aorrrtnry,
I'rinavillv. Ora
MutlrnH in the evening and the
Buckley Express Co. hringM it
throiiKli the M m « iiiK>it bo that
readers can get the paper «arly
tii»’ n«xt morning.
Prepare for Your New Spring Outfit
Lynch & Roberts
Tin* bread baked at th« Home
Bakery ami U«Htaurant always
KÌ v « b the Is^st of satisfaction. 27tf
S»1« Jones I.ami Company
OW NERS (N ot Attenta) for easy
I terms on lot h in Melma« Park.
The Store of Lower Prices and Better Values
Pearl Turner arrived here from
J. II. Mendenhall will move
hi« «tore the first o f the month Iowa several days ago. and haa
into the building now occupied located on a homestead.
by the Red CruM Drug Co.
Home made mince meat at the
In the center o f Melrose Park Pioneer Meat Market.
addition to Redmond is located,
the only public Park within the
Those who eat at the
__ _____
city limits, it covers five acres. Rakery and Restaurant get the
liest o f service und fissl at reason­
Mayor Jones ami Councilman able prices.
Lynch went to Portland last
Spring Shirts
Spring Hats
Spring Shoes
Spring Neckties
Spring Underwear
It in understood that A. K.
Wyatt has bought the billiard and
All the farmers and ranchers
I msi I tables formerly in White’s
in this section are now busy put­
Amusement hall and will place
ting in their crops for the sea
the same in the Hotel Annex Hall
as soon as an addition is made to
An auto truck from Madras the building.
was in Kodmond last weeK de­
The finest homes in Redmond
livering gasoline nnd other stuff.
will be located in Is-nutiful MEL-
ROSK PARK with its large lots
Cascade Creamery Rutter— the
and wide streets nnd avenues, j
best made can la- Imught at the
on the highest elevation within
Pioneer Meat Market.
the city limits, with irrigation
water on every lot.
Thus. DeYoung has moved bis
bar 1 s t shop from the corner of
Snow Drift Flour. Olympic
flth and K stri*ots to the Mr Far-,
Flour and Steam Roll Harley at
lanc building on the west side of
McSherry’s Feed Store.
the street.
Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Schee.
Fresh green onions, 10 cents a
both from Iowa, arrived in Red- j
bunch, two hunches for If» cents
mond last week, and will un- j
at the Pioneer Meat Market. 39tf
douhtly make this their future
home, lioth men are good ball
It is understood that the Red
Cross Drug Co. contemplate mov­
ing Into the room on the corner
o f 6th and K streets formerly oc­
The choicest vacant comer 50*
cupied by F. M. White as an 100 on Sixth street, only on e’
amusement hall.
block from Hotel Redmond, this
Spring Socks
Our Selection Will Interest You
Reduce II Corsets
A Reducing Corset on which the
adjustments lie flat againHt the body
and therefore overcome the usual ten­
dency of similar corsets to tear and show
through the clothes.
It is superior to other reducing ror-
sets in that the adjustments cap I**
made after the corset is on.
Price .$1.50
Bleached and Unbleached Goods
India Linen. . . . . . . . . 15c to 25c yd
Long Cloths, soft finish 15c to 25c yd
Persian Lawn, fine quality... 25c yd
All-over Embroideries, 35c to $1.50 yd
Gingham, large variety . . . . 10c yd
English Zypher Gimgham. 30c yd
is a snap for a quick buy, $1800
Flour sacks at the Cash Gn*c- takes it. See Jones I and Com-!
ery and liakerv for thirty cents pany for terms.
per dozen.
We are showing some beautiful pieces o f Mohair and light weignt Wosterd Goods for Skirts. Coats and Suits.
The««* goods have been selected with much care and are well adapted for this climate. Before your mind is settled on
the dress question give this department your attention.
We believe in buying a high grade o f eatables and selling them at a close margin o f profit.
us your confidence and your patronage, which we earnestly desire.
Our laliel is a guarantee of
Gumm A Shipley, attorneys, l»urity and accuracy.
Gal. cans Tomatoes, the can ............
intend to leave Redmond this Red Cross Drug Store.
Standard Tomatoes, 2 cans for
Standard Corn, Scans for
week. Mr. (!umn stated that he
June Peas, per doz
had several advantageous offers,
John H. Jackson, living four
hut as yet had not decided just
miles northeast o f the city, who
where he would locate.
sold out at auction sale last
Thursday, was one o f the first
Batter and Eggs
The Oregon Cafe is now open settlers In this section. He in -!
day and night.
Fresh oysters tends to visit in Tacoma for a
in any style at all times. You while, and may make a trip to
to Bend to drill a well for the
will like our service.
brick yard at that place.
25 c
Japan Rice, 4 lbs for ................... T..................... 25c
Fancy Packed Prunes, per box_______________ $1.10
Sliced Dill Pickles, the bottle........................ ...... 35c
Royal Club Head Rice, the b ox .......................... 35c
Lynch & Roberts
Win. Sargent last week made a
When in need o f any dental
Baled hay for sale at my place
business trip to Metollusand oth work call on Dr. C. A. Cline in
2| miles north and one-half mile
[e r towns north o f here on the the Khret block, and you will be
east o f Redmond.
i Oregon Trunk.
pleases! with the results obtained.
H. A. Shenk.
All the latest methods o f dental
One nearly new single buggy practice are used, and satisfac­
The Home Bakery and Restau­
and harness for sale.
Enquire tion in every instance guaran-|
for good meals.
| at pwtolIlQt.
The Spokeaman has recently
added to its equipment material
for A L L kinds o f printing. If you
want Stair cards, large or small
or any kind o f cards printed, we
can do it. and do it right. Let us
do your next order of printing.
We have A L L K IND S OF T Y P E
We pay cash for fresh eggs.
for A L L K IN D S OF WORK, all
Pioneer Meat Market.
reports to the contrary notwith­
A. J. Haney received a wire
[from Spokane last Friday night
George Kohl, the painter and
laying that his sister was dan
decorator, was confined to his
gerously ill. and he left Saturday
room a few days last week with
morning to see her.
an attack o f rheumatism.
Rev. Wilson returned last Fri-
day afternoon from Bond where
he had l»een attending the quart-
rrly conference o f the M. K.
¡church. He reports a very in-
(tcreatlng meeting.
Flour sacks at the Cash Groc-
|ry nnd Bakery for 30 cents per
A meal at the Home Restau­
rant and Bakery is appetizing
^nd satisfactory.
1 sd us do your next order o f
Commercial job printing.
grade work and prices setisfac-
jory. The Redmond Spokesman.
J. 11. Mendenhall who handles
Bie Portland Oregonian in this
Bity. now receives the pa|>er
Tinted. The pa|>or arrives at
You can always get fresh bo­
logna and weiners at the Pioneer
Meat Market.
H. R. Raymond o f Spokane,
was in the city several days last
week looking over the country
with a view to Investing here.
He returned to his home Satur­
day and stated before going that
several people from his town
would come out here before long
to locate on land.
I f you want to buy good hard
wheat Hour get the Snow Drift
or Olympic brands they will
Cn|>abillty. facility, equipment please you. At McSherry’s Feed
and training, together with a Store.
big stock o f pure and perfectly
We give the best o f service, the
tested drugs invites you to bring
all prescriptions to the Red Cross' best the market affords, and em­
Drug Store.
33tf| ploy white help only at the Oreg­
on Cafe.
George L. Wheeler,
Use the telephone.
We deliv-1 proprietor.
er free. Don't hesitate to call
on us because you are not a reg­
Please Settle Up
ular customer. This service is
Having sold my lumber yard
for everyliody. Red Cross Drug
business in Redmond totheTum-
A-Lum Lumber Co., I respect­
E. Wagoner, H. Z. Griffith and fully ask all who are indepted to
N. C. Jannsen o f the Central me to call at my office and settle
Oregon Well Co., were in the their accounts.
Ben Gotter.
city last Saturday on their way
. . . . $1.66
U S AN I llrrlLl
I llin
n rn n r
L n ,,U
U l 1 ,U L
Senator Chamberlain Takes
Up Matter to See What
Can Be Done
Madras wants to have that
town made a United States land
office, and the matter has been
taken up with Senator G. E.
Chamberlain, to see what can be
done to that end. The purpose
is understood not to be to elimi­
nate The Dalles as a Government
land office, but to carve out a new
district, taking a portion o f The
Dalles and a portion o f the Lake-
view districts. Senator Cham­
berlain has written the Portland
Commercial Club o f the fact that
the Madras Commercial Club has
made the appeal, and that action
will be taken in the premises at
the earliest opportunity.
The Dalles has in past years
been the nearest railway station
to the center o f the great land
district which that city controll­
ed. but since the Deschutes lines
have been completed to Madras,
the people o f that aggressive
town believe that the matter o f
taking public land should be
made a less expensive and more
convenient function. Madras is
near the heart o f a large area of
public land. In The Dalles dis­
trict alone there are 2,481,»¡18
acres o f public domain, while the
It will pay you to give
Lakeview district has a much
i larger acreage o f untaken land.
Invents a New
Printing Press
trreatest rush witnessed in
The Meader-Cochrane Press is
("* ntral Oregon is to get into a new invention in the printing
these regions, where reclamation business. The press is built in
job and
and will
and newspaper
dry farming
to make provisions for several print from one to seven colors at
hundred thousand people.
one time. Mr. Cochrane, one o f
the inventors, is a brother of
Jury List for
Mrs. W. L. Wilson o f this city.
May Term
Samples o f printing from the
The following are the trial jur­ press have been distributed in
ors for the May term o f Court Redmond during the past week.
that will convene in Prineville The press is fed from an endless
1 roll o f paper, and runs at a high
next month:
rate o f speed. When the ma­
J. 0. Powell, Prineville.
is perfected it is expected
Ed Merrit, Summit.
work wonders in the print­
L. E. Throop. Paulina.
ing business.
Albert Harper, Laidlaw.
P. A. Wooley, Gist.
D. W. Barnett, Madras.
G. S. Mayes. Madras.
H. F. Tinsley, Redmond.
John Milliorn, Bear Creek.
E. Laughlin. Prineville.
W M. Vanderpool, Prineville.
Frank A. Murk. Laidlaw.
T. H. Brennan. Paulina.
Av .'.ur Mackey, Prineville.
P. T. Munroe. Cross Keys.
J. E. Lamb. Redmond.
Fd W. Nelson, Post
H. L. Pridav. Cross Keys.
Perry Wibble, Metolius.
J. H. Lee, Kruteher precinct.
James Wilson. Culver.
Marian Morgan. Paulina.
Otto Gray, Post.
S. D. Mustard, Powell Butte.
Jack Macpherson, Redmond.
M. S. Mayfield, Bear Creek.
W. F. Thomas, Madras.
G. W. Rodman. Culver.
J. F. Weigard, Lamonta.
Ed Parker. Bear Creek.
I. W. Spear. McKay.
Base Ball Club
At a meeting held here last
Friday night in the Commercial
Club room the organization o f a
base ball club for Redmond was
perfected. W. G. Phoenix was
elected manager, and it was de­
cided to appoint a captain o f the
team later. The manager was
instructed to try and perfect a
league with the towns o f Bend.
Prineville. Madras.
Sisters and other places and ar­
range a schedule o f dates for
about six Sunday games at each
place. The members o f the team
are now working out and getting
in condition for the opening
Bring your final proof notices
to The Spokesman office. We
will make out your application
for proving up. and attend to all
the details necessary in the mat­