The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, April 20, 1911, Image 3

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    is ls*ing made south from
that point. W. E. Coman, gene-
rul freight and passenger agent
of the line, Chief Engineer Budd
ON CROOKED RIVER and road other
men interested in the
were in the party.
1 dcHirt* to announce to the*
people of Kedmond and vi­
cinity that I have opened a
store on South (ith street
and will carry a stock of
Will (Generate High Power
for Mills and Light­
ing Systems
and solicit a share of your
Contractor and Builder
Plan»«. Specification? ami Estimate* furn-
mr all cinse» of building*.
OÄrr one block fasi
Jackson's Hardware Store,
ing well and will make grades
The Kedmond Spokesman except
have been too
Kedmond, Oregon, April 'JO. 1911 irregular in attendance.
There is serious need of more
room for the school children, and
w hen all the pupil* can lie hous­
ed together better results will
A dispatch from White Salmon
Wash., says: Dick Hutchins. 12
years old. says he i* the "big hen
man” of this place. The record
of his 12 pullet* for March i* 229
«•ggs, or 19 egg* a pullet Thi*
heats Harry Caden’s record at
Klamath Falls, whose lb hens
laid an average of 17 eggs a hen.
The Tarry town, N. Y., man who
won $6000 because hi* 60 hen*
had laid 1000 egg* in February,
or 17 eggs a hen, is also defeated
by the White Salmon boy's hena.
Mm Iras Pioneer: Actual con­
struction of the |siwer darn in
Crooked Kiveratthe upper end of
the Cove orchard is now in prog­
ress. the enterprise being backed
by a company of Prineville cap­
italists, including I). P. Stewart
of Prineville Flour mills, G. M.
Cornett und County Clerk Warren
The dam is being built at an
advantageous point on the river Madra« Get« First
between solid rock walls, from Mail Sack
which a ditch is run fora half mile
to the |jower site. The water A special from Madra* says:
Imwer is to lie employed in the The first United States mail sack
(’rook County in a rail­
development of electric current, to way enter
mail car arrived at Madras
w hich is to be carried on a trans­
mission wire to Prineville flour over the Oregon Trunk Sunday.
mills, the city electric lighting April 9, and although the bag
system, as well a* to furnish op­ contained nothing more than de­
erative power for a new flour partment instructions to Post­
mill which is to Is* constructed at master Davis. it opens for Cen­
Culver Junction. This plant will tral Oregon the realization of a
develop sufficient power to sup­ long cherished dream.
ply all of the intermediate point* For the present only railway
from the north end of the county [joints will lie given service. The
to Prineville, and among tbe pos­ mails for Prineville, Bend. Ked­
sibilities is that a power line will mond and other southern Crook
County point* will continue to go
Is* run into Madras.
by way of (ShaniknJ This ar­
rangement, it is understood, is to
Dog Killed 71
only temporary, a* some rail­
Young ('hirkens
way [joint i* expected to become
W. S. Overturf who has a ranch the distributing point for all tr
over in the Cloverdale country. country Houth.
start«*d out to raise chickens in
Card of Thank«
an inculmtor this spring. The
chickens incubated all right and The memljers of the Methodist
he puller! of nearly 100 chicks, Episcopal Church wish to take
but there was a stray dog'on his this opportunity to express their
place, and as soon as the little sincere thanks and appreciation
chickens got so they could run to the choir for the excellent
around the place the measley dog music rendered at the dedication
killed 74 before Mr. Overturf got services Sunday, and especially
onto what was doing. Mr. Over­ to Mrs. W. H. Anderson, who so
turf says he is going to try it ably presided at the piano.
again, hut will beep his eye on
W. L. Wilson, Pastor.
the dog this time.
of Commission
Saturday, April 20th, in the Owing to a break down at the
Date Scheduled for
city water pumping plant, Ked­ Hast* Hall
mond w as out of city water for Meeting
the Event
two days, and consumers had
Prof. Thompson has received
word that a Teachers' Institute
similar to the one held at Bend
recently, will be held in Ked­
mond Saturday. April 29th. all
day and evening. Mend. Prine-
ville and other sections of the
county will l>e represented.
The County Teachers' Institute
held at Hrnd fast Saturday was
well attended. Prineipal Thomp­
son, Mr. Park. Miss Johnson
and Mrs. Jarrctt of the Kedmond
schools, were present and report
a very interesting meeting. The
pajwrs and discussions were of
unusual interest. To those* who
have attended previous meeting*
the change in the teachers force
of the county is much for the
The Eighth Grade w ill meet nt
Kendall & Chapman’s hall for ex­
amination May Uth and 12th.
The Kighth Grade is review­
ing, notwithstanding the grades
have l**en so full. They are do­
Twelve Pullet«
Make Record
“The Palace”
Special Attention Given to
Automobile Parties.
Come and see me When Hungry,
Cor. 7th and K St«., REDMOND, ORE.
F. M. BUNKER, Prop’r.
Just in, Another Shipment of
Redmond Feed & Fuel Co.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers and Jobbers in Wines. Liq­
uors and Cigars. Sole agents for Stonewall and Mc­
Coy Whiskies and The Napa Soda Springs Mineral
Water. Distributers for Edel Brau, Schlitz and Rai­
nier Beers.
We also carry a strong line of Glassware, Bar Tow­
els, Playing cards and etc. Especially adapted to the
Saloon trade.
Order* by Phone or Mail will receive prompt attention
Card of Thanks
to obtain their supply from the A mass meeting is called for
irrigation canals and ditches. The Friday night, April 21. at the
city has made arrangements for Commercial Club rooms at 8
a water system that will bring o'clock, to jjerfect a baseball or­
the water from the Deschutes) ganization in Kedmond. All in­
river at Cline F alls, a distance of terested are urged to attend.
four mile*, and store the water ^ The purpose is to try and organ­
in a 'arge tank 100 feet from the ize a league with the surround­
ground. With the installation of ing towns.
this system there will I k * no dan­
ger of a w ater famine. Work on Bought a New
this plant will be pushed forward I Automobile
as rapidly as jjossible its it is Several days ago Matt Kulesch.
recognized that the present plant proprietor of the Kedmond Barn,
is inadeipiate to do the service. bought a new 30-Chalmers auto­
mobile. and is now in a position
Money for This
to meet the want* of picnic |*ar-
ties, fishing parties and anyone
Road District
who wants to get quick and safe
The Kedmond road district will transpoqiation
-in this section.
receive the sum of JtkVJ which is1
now available for use in the dis­ Oregon Trunk Officials
trict. Each district is allowed 3i Visit Redmond
l‘J-20 mills on the assahle projj-
erty of the district for road pur- A party of Oregon Trunk Line
poses. The total taxable proper- official* were in Kedmond Mon­
ty in the Kedmond road district day on their way to Bend. The
was $$13.738.00 and the road tax party erme in from Madras where
they had inspected the progress
was $1318.00.
- # ■ » -
Going to Build?
If you arc you had better consult us
as we carry all kinds of Lumber and
everything in the Building Material
line. We can fix you out complete.
Let us figure with you.
We desire to thank our friends
and neighbors for their kind as­
sistance and sympathy extended
during the illness and after the
death of our infant child.
P. A. South and wife.
Mat Kulesch’s
House and Lot for Sale
Livery, Sale and Feed
Five room house and lot on 7th
street between C and D streets
for sale, at $525.
41 tf
H. M. Smith.
The Cow’s Best Friend
I wiiih to notify the public
of Redmond ami vicinity that
I am thr a»;cnt for the cele­
brated [)e Laval Cream Sep­
arator and supplies. and in­
tending purchasers should
consult me before placing
their order».
E. W. P R A T T
If you want good milk
that will raise thick, rich
cream, delivered at your
door every day, place your
order with
Tum=A=Lum Lumber Company, Redmond
J. O. Hanson
J . G . S W A Y Z E , R e s id e n t M a n a g e r
The Pioneer Stable of Redmond
Auto Livery in Connection for Picnic and Fish­
ing Parties. Prices reasonable
Headquarters for Freighters
Ri£s for Land Seekers
The Hotel Redmond Bam, cor. 7th and E Sts.
Mange Tout
The 4-year old Chestnut Sorrel, weight 1960. Belgian
St j . «¡red by Walther No. 36536. dam. Olga de la Hail
Sainte No. 41881, will make the season at the following places:
Monday and Tuesday at Woods’ barn, Redmond
Wednesday and Thursday at S. D. Mustard’s
place, Powell Butte.
Friday and Saturday at Allen Willcoxen’s place
at Powell Butte.
Will make regular stands after April 1st.
TERMS OF SERVICE Season. $15.00. payable at time
of service. Insurance. $20.00. payable w hen mare is known
to bo with foal. Insurance of colt to stand up and suck $25.
A . H . R O H D E , M anager
Powell Butte Belgian Horse Co., Owners.