The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, April 20, 1911, Image 2

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    Thank.« to the people o f Redmond and \ icin-
ity for their littéral patronage on our open­
ing day. We * ere very pleasantly surpris­
ed at the large sales for the day. and we
were much encouraged with the many com­
pliments passed on our line o f merchandise.
As we have said, our merchandise is the
products o f the foremost factories where
every known method o f adding to the qual­
ity and lowering the cost is employed.
Rest material and best workmanship are
combined to produce merchandise o f extra­
ordinary selling and wearing qualities:
merchandise you can recoommond to your
friends with the full confidence that they
could not secure equal values elsewhere.
An inspection o f our store will show any
well informed person that we are below all
competition in our prices.
In fact, we guarantee satisfaction in every­
thing we sell you. I f you are not satisfied,
as long as the goods are not soiled, bring
them back and get your money.
Come and see us. Send us your friends.
You will never regret it. Every article is
marked in plain figures.
Yours for business,
Gregory Variety Store Co.
Redmond Bank of Commerce
Redm ond, Oregon
A general banking business conducted.
Safety deposit boxes for rent.
H ' r s c k ip t io n r a t k s
S m elly in A th n w *
On* ) . * r . - II '«I Thrw muntfca, Nk'
Six n>onUw.
16 Suigta «Optra, .»•
A D V E R T IS IN G RATES m »W Vnunn
Up>m Ipplk-tlM I
V u r An m ,««#)* patat.i* ami a*ktr. •»
All A M B u U k tU ou to II H a C. I-
I‘ h u m . K rla w a l. Orr^wo.
EnlrrvU aa w e m l claw mattrr Ju.v
It. 1SI0 at th# I'uatotficr at Rtdmun.1.
unlrr thr Act of Mch t. 1*^
Redmond. Oregon. April '31. lt*l 1
The weather man at Portland
states that April this year has
been the coldest in the state in 117
The shutting down o f the
municipal water plant on account
| o f a break dow n is an object les­
son that the new water system
should be installed with the least
i possible delay.
Cyclones and tornadoes and
loss o f life and property in Mis-
j souri. Kansas and Oklahoma
this spring.
Never have any­
thing like that in Oregon and es­
pecially in this section: Moral
Come to the Redmond Ihstriet.
An old couple had lives! together
forty years. The man said that
he and his w ife never agreed but
once in all that time, and that
was when the house took fire,
both agreed that the best thing
to do was to get out as soon as
Drafts drawn on all foreign countries.
Interest paid on time deposits.
Agents for OLD L IN E fire insurance.
You are always welcome at this bank.
J. W. Brewer, Prest.
B. A. Kendall, Vice Prest.
Men have various w ays of car­
rying money. Grocers, butchers
and millers carry it in a wad.
Bankers in clean bills, laid full
length in a pocketbook. Brokers
only fold the bill once, doubling
the money as it were. The young
buisiness man carries it in his
vest pocket Farmers and drov­
ers in their inside pockets, wheth­
er it be (50 or 15 cents. Printers
usually carry their money in other
people’s pockets.
G. M. Slocum. Cashier. Redmond, Oregon.
Blue Front
Livery, Sale and Feed
Headquarters for Freighters
G or. 5th and E S ts..
R E D M O N D . ORE.
Carries a Complete Stock of
A ll
' Why does The Spokesman
persist in printing editorial*,
when the space in the |»aper
taken up by the editorials could
he filled w ith much le tte r and
more interesting reading mat-)
ter?” is the gist o f a letter rec- j
ently received from a subscriber.
Well, one thing, editor* think
they know a w hole kit ami try to
tell the peopta a whole lot of
what they should do. w hen the
fact of the matter is that editor*
don't know much, not enough to
hurt them, and almost anyone
rOuld get out a better jiajwr than
the editors do. Another thing
It is human nature for a peraon
to tell the other fellow how U>
run his business and what to do.
and editor* art* no exception to
this rule.
Vards on Fifth St. between C and D streets
Phone m
The Spokesman is in receipt of
a communication from a man
who wants to know what the
! city would do to a business man
who refused to pay the "occupa­
tion tax” that is levied quarter­
ly here for the privilege o f doing
1 business. We passed the matter
up and told the man to consult a
Why is it that no one wants to
live in the country anymore? Cit­
ies are full o f people who live
from "hand to mouth.” and
whose total wealth is represented
by the clothing they have on.
Years go by and these persons
never have a home. They lose
that independence that the proud
owner of a farm has. I f there
is one needed reform it is to keep
Frank Elkins’ Auto Co.
Headquarters with Buckley Express Co.
General Amito Livery
P h o n e y o u r o r d e r t o r re s e rv a tio n o f seat to D u c k le y E x p . G o
S e c u re y o u r seats in a d va nce to a v o id d e la y
She could get out • atory which gain- '
ing in force
Wouki rauar half our wivra to aur I
for divorcr.
Shr could get all the rhur. hr« mixed
up in a tight.
And turn all our day* into Borrowing
In fact ahr could put thr wliolr town
in a »tew
I f »hr told a tenth part o f all that
■hr knew.
Now dor .n't it art your head in a
When you think what you owe to
Thr Telephone Girl?
and all the other good* that
goes in the Hardware trade.
Come and nee un .
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Joseph H. Jackson, Edmond
Redmond Transfer Co.
i . A. A'larn*. Manager.
GOLDEN, Proprietor
7 \ .
The Annex Billiard Hall
The most lodern Establishment
of the kind in Central Oregon
A Fresh Line of Candieit, Cigars
All Orders Given Prompt
Satisfactory Attention
Have you inspected our stock?
It will pay you to do so.
We handle everytning obtainable in
the wav* o f .Mt-aLs. Fish, Poultry and
T r y U s fo r G O O D S E R V IG E
City Dray
Transfer Line
R E D M O N D , oRE.
Doors, Windows, Glass,
Ranges, Heating and Cook
Rudders* Hardware,
John Deere, Canton ('tipper
and Oliver Plows,
Wagons, Buggies «mi Hacks,
Shr know* all our aorruwa, ahr know a
•11 our joya.
Shr know» all thr girl* who arr rhaa
mg thr boy a,
Shr know* all our trouble*. ahr
know* all our atnfr,
Shr know* rvrry man who la mr»n to
hi* wife.
She could arw a »mall wind th a t.
would »non br a galr,
E ngulf u* in trouble, ami land ua in j
iPul'iuhnl by Krqurat.)
In fart thrrr'a a «rrrrt in rarh taaay I
O f thr quirt, Hrmurr looking, trie- :
pho*-r girl;
I f thr telephone girl w»uki trll all j
ahr know*,
It wouki turn half our frirmia into ;
bittrrrat fora.
kinds of Rough and Finish Lumber
Ia*t me figure with you on y«»ur next
I tun l>er bill.
Estimates furnished
free for nil classes «»f building*.
Thr trlrphoiM- girl **U in hrr chair
l.istrni to vnlrra from rVrry » hrrr
She hear» all thr guiuip. »hr hear» all
thr new»,
Shr know« who i. happy, and who haa
thr blura.
Shr know* rvrry time wr arr out !
with thr boy*.
Shr hrar» thr rxruara rarh frllow j
Shr know* rvrry woman who haa a
.lark paat,
Shr knowa rvrry man who'* inclined .
to br faat.
Build Mat
Lumber and
Rustic and V Siding
Elooring, Beaded Ceiling
The Telephone Girl
A friend at our elbow suggests
that the test way to head off the
mail order house is for the local
merchant to advertise liberally
and get the trade themselves. It
does iook reasonable. All of the
successful mail order houses are
heavy advertisers and if they can
make it pay why not the local
Letters of credit and travelers’ checks is­
sued, negotiable everywhere.
K . ( '. I M J I E I . E ’S
Lumber Yard
The Redmond Ihstriet is not
the only section of the state that
had a snow storm in April. The
storm that visited this section
last week was especially severe in
the southern |>art o f the state
the fruit section and the or­
c h a r d in g o f Eugene. Medford,
Grants Pass and other places
dow n there had to get out their
fire pot* and fire them up to pro­
tect their trees. It was the first
snow storm ever known in that
section, and in tome places the
fruit trees were nipped.
reports so far received fruit tree*
in this section have not l>een af-1
fected by the recent frosty
ToharroM always
on hand
A, E. WYATT, P ro p rie to r
and Jeweler
Redmond and Shaniko
I j *« vc Knlmnnil
■ml W.-.|nr««|ay
I cavr
Postofflce Building
ThuraUav i.jr
a h * c. l raiaia
at axo*>*Mi.
Arriva at Knlmo-ii! ThurwIayO*
Passenger and K ip r « <
Fail Frcigkt and fcipresi a Sfadrtj
• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
l«eople on farms away
cities. ______
Tbe Redmond Spokesman