The State Bannk FOR SCHOOLS IT OPAL CITY of Red mood Attendance in Redmond Oregon Trunk to Make OFFICERS ANO DIRECTORS W. S. R oom an . President. J oskph H. J ackson . Yioe-Piv*. R oy A. B csh . Cashier. The alxne named hank has U*«*n doing a General Hanking Business in Redmond for about three years. Its policy is one of security, conservatism of funds, and service to patrons. We hope to merit your business on these principles. “The Palace” JAMES B. GREEN, Proprietor Corner of Seventh and E Sts., REDMOND. ORE. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars A Good Line of Lunch Goods Carried in Stock Everything of the Best E A T is IN half of G your existence Jf you want to get meals that are satis­ fying to the inner man you will patron­ ize the Oregon Cafe where the tables are supplied with the best the market affords. Satisfactory service and prices. White help only. GEO. L. WHEELER. Prop. Hobb’s Bakery Now in complete running order and turning out High Grade Bread and all kinds of Bakery Goods, w hich are sold on a CASH basis. 12 Loaves of Bread for a Dollar Fresh Doughnuts every Saturday In connection with the bakery I carry a nice line of Staple and Fancy Grocer­ ies that I sell at moderate prices for CASH. Your patronage solicited. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY WM. H. HOBBS, Proprietor Headquarters for Good Things to Eat South 6th St. REDMOND Schools Is Increas- ing Rapidly Thai Point Its Pres­ ent Perminus ROLL OF HONOR THROUGH TRAINS TO BE PUBLISHED THERE BY A PL. I« Parents Are Urged to Take Road XY ill Stop at Opal t ity More Interest in Until Crooked River the Schools Bridge Is Built Prices ON FURNITURE We would like to have you come in and get our prices on Furniture— you will I k * surprised to tind that we are selling nearly as cheap as Portland houses. Our prices are so low that you can AFFORD to buy of us. Prices are what count, C o im • in and get ours. Notice has been received by The second link in the Oregon Prof. Thomson that the 8th Trunk Une will beootnpletedand grade examination will lx* held ready for service inside of two May Uth and 12th. Any |x*raon weeks. This information was wishing to take the examination given out officially at 11*11 head should send their name to Mr. i|uarters at Portland. I'his sec Thompson and he will arrange tinn of the line, which ia headed for them to write with the class, for Redmond ami Bend, will em­ over Kendall «ft Chapman’s store. brace the 12 miles plus between The geography classes are well Metolius. the present southern along with their review. They terminus, and Opal City, a new are now working on the climate townsite. four miles from the big and products of the United States. Crooked River bridge. Fifty-four pupils were neither While it has not been definitely absent or tardy last month Next decided, it is ho|xxl to lx* able to month the names of all w ho are send the first through train into KOHL ft REDERER neither absent or tardy will he d|>al City on Sunday. April l*> published in The Spokesman. ami rapid progress is kieing made The i**rcentage of attendance toward getting the line into at the Redmond schools last shape. Two rapidly growing month was 84. and it is urged communities, which supply an that this per cent be advanced ,.xtt.nsive agricultural territory, for the current month. will be rswehsd by the latest ex The teachers would very much tt.nsion. Culver, five miles below Prompt Work. Satisfaction like to m s mors mothers and Mstoiius, and Opal City, which fathers in the school. Parents. vvj|| thr railhead until the cant you come and see more of structural steel for the new bridge 3J your children.s work, is the re- has been received and the bridge jC nuest of the teachers. V. put up. Ci 5: n 1 5 ^ 5 T The enrollment is still gaining. Construction crews are now en­ *** Z > It has now reached 150. which is gaged at f)t>al City in installing c 3‘ L ; 2 * o •/. X PJ Vi more than was expected at the a “ Y” ami other necessary fanl o l i 2r S 2 beginning of the year. ¿L * 3 V5 r* i ities for turning truins. and H s * © z All interested in the discussion utilizing that j*>int for a trm|n 5T. of educational topics should at- rarv terminus 5 a •i > •/ tend the Teachers' Institute at This will give the Oregon Bend Saturday. X Trunk a completed mileage of : > n 126, leaving but JO miles more V. to go in order to finish the road CLINE FALLS into Bend, the farthest punt Cline Falls was visited by a se­ south which plans for con­ vere hail and snow storm Mon­ struction to have lieen approved. day afternoon. It will take some time before Mr. and Mrs. Gist of the Com­ any further links in the line can mercial hotel of Sisters, were in be added. It will probably lx* Cline Falls Sunday. .Mr. Gist is August before Redmond hears IRRIGATION. SUBDIVISION. LAND SURVEYS a good rooter but lost out. Estimates Furnish**«! on Power Plants. the toot of whistle or grind of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold rails. More delay than was ex­ M -A- X3 S were Cline Fails vifitors Sunday. acted has ls*«*n encountered in W r hav e hft>l I'l y r » IM* f ,' r l , p | i f r f , f | o r i f i r r . rm l> ra rj rln f all l.ra rx -ic al rftilira Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Allen and getting the orders for the bridge civil i-riK inrrrinif Misses McKinney and Pullman material filled in the East. The Rooms 5 4 6. Hank of («.mmmf Bld«.. P 0. Boi 260 REDMOND were Sisters spectators at the first of the steel is due about Ap­ bill game Sunday. ril 2fith, and about six weeks, as Dr. Hosch and wife accompa­ a minimum, allowed for nied by friends were out for a : :t*.;ng up the is being structure, w hich joyride Sunday and visited the is the highest one in America and ball game. the 7th highest in the world. Elliott Bros, and friends of Hillman took dinner at the Cline Once across Crooked River, it will lx* an easy job to complete Falls hotel Sunday. the balance of the line, for the The Crook County Power Co. have completed the Power plant *fraf,e ha* l»*en completed and the w hich will be running in a few ,na**rial can lx* hauled in over days. the Oregon Trunk rails as fast as Harvey Muller and wife have moved to their farm two miles H is estimated that nearly a from Cline Falls. trainload of inhound freight Sisters and Cline Falls crossed he'nK held up for delivery for hats Sunday. The Cline Falls Culver and Opal City territory a* b