H aw They A r * F tih ie n id From Celia *♦ Fin* Steal W .r*. We lire so uccustomed to seeing the little steel sewing needle iu everyday use that we accept it* presence as a matter of course, quite as if it grew on a tree like aa apple. It is true that needles hare al­ ways beeu user), but not always m their present form. In times when skins of animals were worn for clothing the needle was made of ti»hl*one. l»one or ivory, without an eye ami of goodly size and strength, in order to pierce the skins easily. S nee the latter (vart o f the four- toentli century steel needle« have I h - cii made. Various are the kind# and sues which are now required for everyday use by a world of peo- ple for sew ing by hand, bv machine, for (tacking, upholstery and leather work, wonderful needle* for surgi- cal purpos»'* and many others. The material used in the manu­ facture of the needle consist* of tine steel w ire, which is supplied in cods. These coils are cut with pow­ erful shears into lengths, each suffi­ cient for two needle«. ■several thousand o f these lengths are placed together in a buudle, heated to red heat and then quick­ ly straightened hv pressure and rolling. These straightened lengths are then |H>inted at both ends on a re- tolving grindstone. A grinder will point as many as 100,000 need It's in a day. while machinery invented for the same purpose will point three time« as many as a skilled workman. Next comes the eying of the nee­ dles. You will rememlter that each length of wire referred to is |utfi- ciont for two needles. At the cen­ ter of each length, therefore, is stamped the grooved and rounded impression of two needle heads, end to end. and then perforated bv steel punches. Through the double eyeholes thus formed (o f say 100 needles at a time) is threaded fine wire, giving an appearance of a two edged comb. The needles are held rigid and then broken apart with comparative ease between the eyeholes. The needles are next hardened and tempered by being subjected to red heat, plunged into an oil bath, reheated again and gradually cooled. After this they must be scoured and polished by friction combined with soft soap, oil and emery pow­ der. Washing, drying and more pol­ ishing follow. In fact, there seems to be no end to the polishing and finishing processes. But when the work is finally completed the nee­ dles are as near perfection as mod­ ern machinery and human skill can | make them.— Exchange. C *o rg * W ashington’s Lottery. The great Father of His Country was on at least one occasion the originator of a lottery, the like of which at the present day would be forbidden to send its tickets through the mails. That George Washington was interested iu such a scheme is proved by a number of tickets still in existence which bear his august name, it was the Moun­ tain ltoad lottery of which George was the promoter, and it is, of course, unnecessary to state that Wa-hington himself did not finan­ cially profit from it. A ll the funds raised by the lottery were spent in building the road through Cumber­ land gap, near Fredericksburg, Va. Originally the lottery tickets which Washington signed were worth $1 each. Xow, because they bear his signature, they are easily sold for $.r>0 apiece, though it is certain that not one of them will ever draw a prize. A Loston In Grammar. rr OPENING OF THE GREGORY Variety Store at Redmond, Saturday, April 15th W e want to announce to the Citizens o f Redmond and vicinity that w e w ill open our store at 9 o'clock a. m .. Saturday. A pril l.r>th l*ack east, his form er home, and by that you can have some ides who you are dealing with: 1911, in the old Ehret building, on the corner o f 6th and K streets, The Day B efore Chriatmaa. and w e expect to be in a position to show the people the l>e«t line lVecemU*r the Tw en ty Fourth. N ineteen Hundred Ten. o f Dry Goods. Notions. Ladies and Gents Furnishings ever shown To the Citizens o f Redmond. Oregon: in Central Oregon. W e w ill carry a full line o f Ladies' Dress Goods. Waistings. Trim m ings. Laces, Embroideries, Muslin Underwear. Corsets, We, the un lersigned. Citizens o f English. Indiana, hereby rec­ ommend to your favorable notice. Mr. William L. G regory, one o f our fellow townsmen, who was liorn and reared in this county. Mr. Hair Goods, Combs, in fact, all kinds o f Ladies' Furnishings. Our line o f Gents Furnishings w ill consist o f a full line o f Mens and Boys Dress and Work Shirts. Collars, Ties, Suspenders. Hand­ Gregory is honest and upright, energetic and industrious, in other words, he is a man. He is just closing his second term as clerk o f the C raw ford Circuit Court and he retires from the office with the en­ kerchiefs and all kinds o f small notions. Also a nice line o f Queensware, Glassware. Tin and Granite- ware. Small Hardware, etc. It will be our aim to g iv e the people merchandise quality, and prices considered, that has never been offered in this locality be- fore. tire good will o f the people whom he has served, and w ith the sat­ isfaction that comes from a consciousness o f duty w ell done. For several years he was engaged in business o f m erchandizing, and was one o f the shrewdest and most successful business men in the county. He has filled numerous other (Mwitions o f trust to the com plete satisfaction o f those concerned. E very article in our store w ill be marked in plain figures so every one can see w hat they are paying. Children will be given special attention While we regret to lose him as a neightmr and citizen and friend, w e ask for him a large share o f your confulence and esteem, there will In* one price to every body. and assure you that your city w ill be the gam er in having him for one o f its citizens. W e have come to Redmond to make this our future home and A. D. H l t k . Treasurer C raw ford County. we are going to make a special effort to please ali our customers. J ames S. H ang er , Sheriff Crawford County. I f any one buys anything at our store at any time and they become Y. B. H ughes , County Assessor. dissatisfied with it, they are requested to return the same as long S. A. B eals . County Su|M‘ rintendant o f Schools. as it is not soiled, and we will cheerfully refund them their money. H enry W. M ock . Clerk Cruwfnrd Circuit Court. J. E v a n s J ones . Auditor C raw ford County. W e are going to buy for cash in the best markets in the coun­ G eorge W . C uz /ORT. Recorder C raw ford County. try’, and you can rest assured you will get the very best merchan­ dise that is to be had for the money. Follow ing you will please read a letter given M r.W . L Gregory, our manager, by his official associates and some o f his customers Now. again, we want to say to one and all. come and g iv e us a share o f your business and w e will guarantee you satisfaction. Bring us your Butter and Eggs. We pay the Highest Market Price in Cash or Merchandise. Make our store your headquarters while in town. Yours for Business, Hetty's uncle, who was a school­ teacher, says the Lutheran, met her on the street one beautiful May day nml asked her if she was going out with the Maying party. “ Xo. I ain’t going.” “ Oh, my little dear,” said her un- , cle, “ you must not say ‘I ain’t go­ ing.’ You must say ‘I am not go­ ing.’ ” And he proceeded to give her a little lesson in grammar. “ You Madras Gets are not going. He is not going. WOOl Depot We are not going. You are not go­ A rticles o f incorporation have ing. They are not going. Xow, _______ v. been filed by a Madras company can you say ________ all that, , ____ Hetty?” “ Sure I can,” she replied, making with capital o f $15.000 for the a courtesy. “ There ain’t nobody purpose o f building a wool ware- going. house at that place, construction Grocian j.k o o on P h yiician «. | to begin at once. This means Among the jests of the ancient that Madras will hereafter be the Greek humorists are many on the pooling point o f the wool for in- physician. Some of them «rechar­ torior Oregon, and that the an- acterized by an almost American extravagance. The following are nual sales will be held there. Gregory Variety Store Co., Redmond Roush and H. W. Turner, o f Madras, are named as the ¡»c o r- •* to lie commenced on the con- that city. A special comm ittee e x e r t e d to stniction at an early date. has lieen appointed by the coun- this week. lK,rators- while many o f the fore- "***■ most tws‘n« ,8 men o f the town Played Some Wl11 holfl stock- ThiH company Gd Ball *ias also leased the warehouse al- * * ady built by the Farm ers’ U r- f I he Madras lame ball team de- lon> * n * * brother-in-law and sister of' * and L. E. Smith, are now \otiP on their ranch north o f the ™ Mrs. Frank Hensley i» « P j ia is starting up in fin« shap<. VV.- arc sorrv to learn that * « !» ■ » — ii h i rs. iin i| iu i i i u i ” '-™ joined together and ordered a - -------- ----- sick and under the « * * * carload o f landplaster. which is care. l