P* The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub C ity ” o f Central Oregon VOL. I. No. 10 $1.50 PER YEAR REDMOND, ( KOOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13. Hill Morning Voluntary. 12261617 Prayer service, led l»y Pastor, Hymn, No. 97. 0:3o. Prayer by Rev. John Huggins. Sunday School, 9:80. Anthem, (ireat is the I/»rd. Morning service, 10:30 sharp. Scripture lesson. m Voluntary. Offertory. Hymn, No. 117. Solo, Mrs. W. II. Hobbs. A|s>stles’ Creed. Sermon, E. II. Todd, D. D. I -arge Crew Is Working On Prayer, Rev. Lilly. Hymn. No. 123. IjtteralK and Ditchex $30.00 Suits cut to $22.00 Anthemn, Shelly, Hark! H ark! Doxology. Near the City Mv Soul. 27.50 Suits cut to 20.00 Ix'Hson from Old Testament. (¡«I Socks for 25.00 Suits cut to 18.00 Gloria Patria. a Cigar 22.50 Suits cut to 16.00 Lawson from New Testament. One of the quickest action deals A crew of men in charge of 18.00 Suits cut to 13.50 Solo. Isaac Ihtckley. Claud McCauley was started out ever made in Redmond was made 17.50 Suits cut to 13.00 Sermon, E. II. Tode dedicated I»ve Feast, letl by M. W. of Co. is going right ahead as fast took off the socks and made the p ith appmpiate ceremonies. An Weaver, 2:30. Special $2.00 other put them on. The as possible with their irrigation Jextonsive and interesting |>r<> Quartette, Mrs. Hobbs, Miss original fellow work in the Redmond District, owner of the socks went Ore. Woolen Mill all wool shirts, Reg $2.25 gram has ls*en prepared. and Johnson. Mr. Haney and Mr. sockless until he could connect and it will take quite a force of practically an all day service will A hiredge. with another pair of h»>se, but he men to get water on all the land Special $1.75 ^‘ls’ helil in the church. A cordial Sermon, John M Huggins, 3:00. showed the company has lately been sel­ that he was game and ¡Invitation is extended to every Solo. Mrs. M. W. Weaver. Complete line of Indies Shoes at Portland ling, but the company states they wouldn’t take a bluff. K>ne to come ami take part in the Hymn. No. 97. will see that every man who buys prices. dedicatory services. Evening Services Spokesman for job printing. a water right will have the goods Following is the program: Epworth league Rally, 0:30 Work always satisfactory. delivered to him. F M.E. ON BY IRRIGATION CO. SPECIAL Reduced Prices An All Day Service Will Be Held to (ommem­ orate the Kvent jw t - E. L. R A P P ‘The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redm ond, Or. “HERE WITH THE GOODS To Is* SILENT when you have knowledge to impart is a CRIME like unto being GAR­ RULOUS when you have nothing to say." We have said a great deal almut our various items in our previous issues, that it way be you are skeptical, (you have lots of company all over the country). Missouri is the greatest birth state in the Union. Missouri is a good state, and "Show me” is a good adage, but there arc some lietter states, and a majority of people on the Pacific Slope lielieve that this is a better country than Missouri, so is the belief and knowledge that we are “there with the goods." ( ompare prices and quality, and if you are not in the satisfied class, advice us and the money you have paid w ill I k * refunded or full credit will I k * given if you have an account with us. "TO SAY LESS WOULD RE USELESS. TO ASK MORE WOULD RE FOOLISH.” JUST ARRIVED A large assortm ent o f M en’s and Children’s SPR IN G HATS in all the new est shades and shapes. Be sure and g et one for Easter. FOR SATURDAY ONLY We will put on sale one of the BIGGEST BARGAINS IN EMBROIDERIES that you have ever seen. You will miss it if you do not get your share. Value up to 12 V 2 C For 5 cts. the yard Our Grocery Department l)o not forget that we carry the Largest Stock of Groceries in the city which we always sell at Money-saving prices. Here are a few samples: Table Peaches, can 20c Queen Olives, in bulk, pt.......... 30c $1.00 Dry Peaches, lb 12V* Dry Apricots, 0 lbs Hominy, per can 20c Peanut Butter................. 15, 25, 35c P. S. Asparagus .1 for $1.00 Columbia Oats, pkg................... 40c Split Peas, lb 10c Violet Oats, pkg ........................15c EH RET BROTHERS DEPARTMENT STORE Lowest in Price, Highest in Quality in from the railroad, and it is a common occurrence to see THEY MAKE REDMOND come six, eight and ten of the "gas on the above corner THEIR HEADQUARTERS wagons" waiting to take prospective land buyere to different parts of the Autos Carry Many New­ Redmond District. comers to Different Parts of County Meeting of the Juniper Circle On Wednesday of last week ¡seventeen ladies of the Juniper Redmond is getting to be dis­ Reading Circle enjoyed the hos­ tributing point for people com­ pitality of Mrs. M. E. Landes at ing into this section of the her attractive home west of the county from Madras and Metol- city. The rooms w*ere appropri­ ius, and nearly every day a num­ ately decorated with juniper ber of autos can be seen on the Itoughs in honor of the occasion, comer of 6th and E streets. and each lady received a bouton­ Redmond is headquarters for niere of juniper tied with gold several auto companies and a colored ribbon, the club colors. stage and express line and peo­ The subject for the afternoon’s ple coming into the interior, aft­ study was "The Work of Mar­ er leaving the railroad at Mad­ cus Whitman,” and Mrs. Tinsley ras, make a stop at Redmond to read a very interesting paper on see that country and town they the subject. Vocal and instru­ have heard so much about mental music was furnished by Side trips are made from this Mrs. Hobbs and Mrs. Anderson. place into the irrigated land dis­ A dainty luncheon was served trict surrounding the town, and by the hostess. The members of the newcomers are almost unan­ the club are very appreciative of imously well pleased with the the kindness of Mr. Kulesch in land and climate. providing a conveyance to and One day last week twelve au- I from the home of Mrs. Landes. 1 tos were gathered on the corner The next meeting will be at i of 6th and E streets waiting to the home of Mrs. M. L. Tinsley take out passengers who had on Wednesday, April 19. CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT We want to call your attention to the fine stock we carry in the above lines. All of our goods are fresh, and you will always be satisfied with your purchases at our store. We sell the Celebrated Lowney’s Chocolates, the best made. NORWOOD & ANDERSON ÀL