J.F.KOSCH.M.D. P H Y S IC IA N and SlIIKIKON Office in Ketlmoml *Xr l’lxrnix Building tucky and other southern states have recruited scattering bands. Indiana. Ohio, New York, West Virginia and Pennsylvania also have been the former homes of many, and even the so-called western states, that are bidding for settlers, too, have furnished a considerable part of Oregon’s new population. Kansas, Colo­ rado, Utah and even Idaho have been forsaken for Oregon. It would lie difficult to obtain accurate information as to the occupations of the intended new In order to introduce this stock of Candy I will sell on coiners. While the state at large and the commercial interests of Portland will become the |>erma- T O T A L M A Y ( L IM B nent home of more incoming WAY UP TO 35,000 travelers than the farming dis­ tricts. It is probable that some of those who take up residences in this city may drift on to the Two-Thirds of the Visitors farms later. Mayls* the general head of ag­ Are Entranced With Dr. Todd will preach again lieen surveyed, it is believed that riculture would include more in­ vice. in the evening, making an all day the one which will take in th*- This State dividuals than any other; the meeting. town of I^amonta will be chosen. ambition of those who are most Our friends out of town are re­ This road will pierce a rich agri­ interested in the development of quested to come with well filled cultural section that also can be the state is to Eiave fully 80 per Since reduced rates on the rail­ cent of the newcomers go to the baskets, as tables will be furnish­ devoted to fruit and vegetable ed and a basket dinner served in growing. Stockraising also is a roads entering the Northwest farms. thriving industry in the territory went into effect 21 «lays ago. it The Willamette Valley has the League room of the church. is estimated that 22.000 colonists been the destination of the great­ Everybody invited to come and between Metolius and Prineville. stay all day. For further paticu- have come to Oregon. and much of the country is heav­ est percentage of those who leave The rush of the first few days Portland. Central Oregon, reach­ lars see Program for the Dav. Construction work on the pro­ ily timbered, so that the road is W. L. Wilson, over, the daily arrivals are corn­ ed by the new railroads that have posed railroad from Prineville to considered a paying investment Pastor. Metolius, ing in with u steady stream esti­ pierced that territory, take the with finances provide»! from the start. Prineville is the mated at 1000 in every 21 hours. next greatest number. The towns entirely by the people of Prine­ largest town in Central Oregon, Additional Ig>cal. This rate of influx will continue along the Columbia come in for ville and other parts of Central and since both the lines that have it is Relieved, until the last week a large share, while Southwest­ Oregon, will be started before built up the Deschutes Valley of the low fares, when the daily ern Washington has attracted a James Tetherow and J. S. the end of May, predicted R. F. have left in the distance, the ne­ arrivals may Is* 2000 or 2500again. few. Nearly every section of Tetherow from Tetherow Bridge Heckman, a prominent Metolius cessity of rail connection is felt. While plans have not yet been At the rate the total numberof the state has benefited from the were in town yesterday and made citizen. colonists coining to the state on colonist movement and not a The S|>okesman office a pleasant Not content to wait for one of perfected, the people back of this account of the present cheap county of Oregon is without a call. the two system lines —the Oregon enterprise propose to take over fares will approximate ¡56000 in­ score or more additional citizens Trunk and the Deschutes line of the maps, specifications and stead of 30.000 as first estimated, as a result. Oregonian. Marc*1 The Redmond band played an • the O. W. R. & N. Co. —which rights of way of the Metolius & when the cut-period ends. open air concert Tuesday eve- i are building through Central Ore­ Prineville Railway Company, or­ 27th. It is not reasonable to believe ning on the comer of 6th and E j gon. Prineville people have taken ganized by Harrison Allen and however, that all the visitors will Streets. upon themselves the task of fi­ other Portland people a few liecome permanent residents of NEWCOMERS BUYING nancing and constructing a rail­ weeks ago, and to succeed that A. C. Tetherow died in Red­ road Oregon. Many are opportunity shall place the city in concern in the conduct of its mond Sunday afternoon after a more that seekers, who take advantage of direct communication with business. illness. The funeral was | the outside MUCH GOOD LAND short If work is started next month, the low rates merely for the pur­ world. held Monday afternoon from the , The distance which seems probable, the road pose of viewing protqiective in­ from Metolius to M. E. church. vestments; others only want to Prineville is abx>ut 31 miles, with can be completed before the end The following new comers have travel, and a few fail in their an ascending grade of about one of the present year or early in pur|n»se of buying land or obtain­ bought land in the Redmond Dis­ Frank Zumwalt is again play-1 per cent It has been figured 1912. according to the opinion of ing employment after their ar­ trict the past week or ten days, ing bass drum in the Redmond; out that $1,000,000 will complete Heckman and others who are in­ rival. Railroad officials and rep­ ind will make improvements on band. a first-class road and place it in terested in the enterprise. their property: resentatives of the commercial Ray Archer has taken up the operation. Itodies figure that two-thirds of Gage Shannon of Waterloo, slide and is playing Although several routes have Read The Spokesman. the new arrivals become perma Iowa, and Mr. Farnham, old same in Trombone the Redmond band. friends of I. P. Hewitt of this nent residents of the state. Ac­ city, last week. Mr. cording to this estimate the total Shannon bought liase hall boys are limber-1 new population gained through Butte. homesteaded near Cline ing The themselves practise: the colonist movement this Spring Mr. Farnum of Indiana, bought these days, and up it is with expected a! will lie about 21,000. team will shortly be organized 10 acres of ditch land 3} miles here. The reduced rates went into southwest and will im­ effect Friday, March 10, and a prove same of at town, once. Home made mince meat at the heavy sale resulted at the start. of the RIG H T KIND B. Jackson of Texas, bought Pioneer Meat Market. 39tf On account of the distance over 10 C. acres near Westley. He will which most colonists had to trav­ return in the fall and improve If you want your Commercial Printing Fresh green onions. 10 cents a el there were no arrivals on the his such as bunch, two bunches for 15 cents first two or three days. The fol­ Mr. proj»erty. of Portland, bought at the Pioneer Meat Market. 39tf LETTER HEADS lowing Monday March 13 the HO acres Freesel of ditch land near West- NOTE HEADS incoming trains carried quite a ley and will make improvements Bring your final proof notices BILL HEADS number bearing the special issue on same in the CARDS. ENVELOPES The Spokesman office. We of tickets. It is estimated that Mr. Davis of fall. Seattle was here to BOOKLETS. ETC., will make out your application 500 arrived that day. Tuesday last week negotiating for deeded for proving up. and attend to all the number of arrivals was at land from James McCoy. to have a distinctive look and some least 1500 and Wednesday this Jas. I Allen of Seattle, filed be­ the details necessary in the mat­ class to them, let us do the work. increased to 2000. The heaviest fore U. S. Land Commissioner I. ter. entry was recorded Thursday and P. Hewitt on 160 homestead and Card of Thanks High Grade Printing is our Specialty Friday March 1G and 17. the es­ 160 acres desert land on the timated figures being 2500 for Peninsula. each of those days. On the fol­ Irving Fde filed on a homestead We wish te express our thanks to the friends and neighbors who lowing three days the number U. S. I^and Commissioner so assisted during the sick­ dropjied back to 2000, while before I. P. Hewitt. His land is near ness kindly and after the death of A. C. Tuesday and Wednesday about Cline 1500 came in each day. The daily Frank Falls. Vietor came in from Tetherow. J. S. Tetherow average since then has been 1000. Washington last week and tiled and Relatives. Thus far tEie middle west on a homestead across the river that territory between the Alle­ from Cline Falls. gheny range and the Rocky Lewis L. Stephens of Monroe, Mountains, has furnished the Wn., bought 10 acres of G. W. great majority of the new arriv­ 1 lavies’ 40 acre tract west of the als. The larger cities have sent city last week. He will return but few. Most of those arriving in the fall to make improvements. at the two Portland Deixits have come from the farms or thesmall towns. Classified according to states, DEDICATION OE THE it is im |M )S sib le , until the final re- M. E. CHURCH HERE I torts of the s e llin g agents are re­ ceived, to estimate the orgin of this small army. It is believed, though, that the chain of states The new Methodist Church in bordering on the Mississippi Riv­ Redmond will be dedicated Fas­ er Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, ter Sunday. April lfith. Dr. E. Missouri and Arkansas—has been H. Todd, vice president of Wil- the source of more than half of limate University will preach the all the new arrivals. Moreover, dedicatory sermon Sunday morn­ other states in the south have ing. Rev. John M. Huggins of contributed a share. Some have Prineville, will preach at 3 Kendall & Chapman, Redniond, Ore come from as faraway as Florida, o’clock. Rev. Weaver of Madras, while Georgia. Tennessee, Ken- will assist in the afternoon ser- 22.000 NEW PEOPLE COME Cut Kate Prints Numbers to Oregon First 17 Days F.H.RODEMEYER Physician and Surgeon R edm ond, Ore. Eye* Tented GI hhmk Prop­ erly Fitted Offlcp in Ehrrt Rrofl. block Redmond. Oregon GUNM S Snil’LEY ATTORNEVSal LAW Olflrr on E St. Iwlwm n fith mul 8lh RKDMONI). OREGON G. A. McFarlanc LAWYER l'r»rticr in «Il court» and II. S. I .and I mire Redmond, - Oregon I. P. HEWITT Lawyer U. S. I .and fom iniaaionrr ItiKim» l and 3, Iti'dinund Hank of Commerce ItuiUJiiig, REDMOND. - OREGON J. C. WILLI A ns Watchmaker and Jeweler Postoffice Building REDMOND, - OREGON FREE HOWES Desert and Homestead Locations B. M c C a ffe ry Ro»lmon If you want good milk that will raise thick, rich cream, delivered at your door every day, place your order with J. O. H a n s o n HUB CITY DAIRY 1000 Pounds Assorted Candies 23 Different Varieties to sell at 2 5 c lb . FRIDAY and SATURDAY Only, 1 1 pound to each person at - AOC J. H . M E N D E N H A L L THE PRINEVILLE ROAD IS SURE I Job Printing --------- ... .. — THE REDMOND SPOKESMAN JAP-A-LAC DIE HOME BEAimriER We have a fine stock of the above in all the different colors. This is the best and most lasting varnish for interior work on the mar­ ket, and price is reasonable. A Carload of BUGGIES, WAGONS and FARM IMPLEMENTS in stock to select from