!“ Alias J im m y ii Valentine" Novelized by ;; FREDERICK R TOOMBS: From the Great Play by PAUL ARMSTRONG iKh'ki't in hi« oi*tii i ) iiiiir r lo gvt at Mimi ilio hip |x» kot. Nini ihon ih !« arrangem ent en silles H hi h II tu »mini «ritti h limili carvlessty Minisi Int» a |xskel unii tu ilt»i Illirici' Ilio plstol tli rollo li ilio co g l wlion »'Irò e m e r g e n ,) t broa tomi “ Curse b in i'" ho w hlspered lo Red "I tolti bini I ti noi bini If ho turiiotl at|iiarv. mui wlieu I h » v I e uno* 1*1* l»tro bini tbrniirb Iho inoutb unti Itilo III» brillìi " " S o n o bini rtght’ " hb»*ed Iloti “ Ami I v o r h a m o« for a «llok geta w a y. No guy orni no un ilio «t|ii:iro w ltbout no tu' orookotl n lth hi» inibì.** C M A ITE R V III. I vlct “ I wonder tf he'*— danger, struck d ow n the firearm with I "Y ou can bet ou It." pul In Ar*ry hla iKiwerful left hand nml w rested II "A Itttla ayuipathy. Jimmy, that'« from hi« would Is* assa llsn l'a grasp a ll." auggealed Red "MUe Just uamo He broke the wea|M>u o|»qi and aaw 10 cheer you ou Ibe right t»ath. Ain t that all the ch a m b ers w ere loaded | you o u ? " Snapping It stmt, he thrust II lu lo hi* " I tou t say that, lied Ihm 'l y » “ “ » pi* kei and hurled the now cringing , that ** Avery from him lo the floor •It « a cinch Doyle has queered Iha “ You fo o l!" sneered Valentine "G el play.’* went on Avery up and l>e a m a n " Valeuiliie m o veil angrily at tha T h e form er prison m ale o f his con | speaker q u e r r sillily regained Ills feet “ It wasn't « play. Avery I'll «Iran- “ III kill him I'll kill him yel!** he 1 gle you If you *|Msik that way agalu " exclaim ed lo Red, w h o had follow ed Kill w as again sco n .ru I anil «aid him from t>ehlnd the curtain “tilt, rot' T h ey're playing you. and “ T o o bad you didn't get him ." you don't sec It And for Iwlng «|s>keii grow led lied disgustedly nl.-e in you're going to blow tlte softest Valentine bovrever. cut short their graft a man ever had " talk by w arning Ihcm o f their loud “ I know what I'm dvilng." luslsied tone* At hla pronouncem ent that Valentine, who tiegan walking uerv they w ere Isith crazy 11 IS I reminded iMisly up and down the Itoor him o f what he had told him atsiut "Vea. you do If you had a cltanca the detectives and th d r stisd pigeon* I’ d stick and you know It. don't yov.r* “ It w as a lie. lo o ." pill In Avery "I don't know auythlng atami It “ “ I never stuck that old man up I’ m Avery catchin g s algntflcanl glsnca talking on the level “ from Hisl. continued the slirrwd at- “ I knew P o v le was ly in g " answ ered ti-mpl to cause Yaleullne to lose faith Valentine reassuringly “ It's a hard ■ IU l(i« e I su e gam e we re up against " “ Did the gtrl w is t pink rose«.“ he llitl «greed w llb the »pesker ss.d e u Itcdiy. "auil wa« Hie guy with "W e ll, now. uiavlw you lielleve H at her grsy haired sud carried a gold It ntn'l so easy to turn square Listen ties ill*! H U » ? ’ llltimy. Avery and me hsve got a Job tud make a d ea n g . l a w a y f .... And Hu- long Jump and Mia III at a sw ell cafe. Jim m y e sim a Hie „ r v . n r . . . o f the mllllimalrut " « • » « U fi! • W llb Ibe coin lo jrvar kl. k r addisi A Ami reading Hie |«H*rs «m l ' * " * h Ina our head« off al wltal am g e t . we made o f III* «vpp er» ?'**• * 'M 1 tb'111* ........ we Miai. J im m y?" H -d pleaded. w lih every ounce o f effort be could in o i rol Indecision ha.l bagno to show In ' ■' •tulue « face, and now his surrender was com plete. Yon got '<• me. Red.** hr «....w in ce d (lieu added eagerly "W here I......... .. layout you g o l? «*•■ * r «“ u ulghl 1 ” Mural It ain't tw o hour« from •Imt you * • lavai, „ ( man “ "I ktiow wh« i » Inaili, u. Iu*. *M i ilare fa» e II " Jliiiiny \ aleniiti*» i flow and l'ecrvel otit ' r * , u • »i» Ki. oue lu si. IR . hai l e km hail h"il «Il dotti, | |(in ||,,^ JM b wotihl return « M" t a r '"essa ^ , h, d ^ eil hi* tenia n ,M | ".... "'«a tk^ lisi! com e In Ulne lo « • ■"* Ihrnatttig sshli* tlte utu- ” ' k yar, u w oiiil lo n sleem hi* l» «i * Ano. tu r llm u gb l tose s , „ n) hlm « « In» returned tu ii ,„ ,..jt : hlinsidf ami «aw Itisi s i o i totali li near the tal. , H)| had IO tu’ itone for Ile i Itisi - »M , talli R*d I Innagan wa« ...... . 1« , ty twenty n ve and tir ha.i ' " ‘«»J rtu ac tr rtsth s that were u,.| *• tu V alclitlne w as • m n In. , that h friend wonUt rem ain ho si Mi» ■ he could take him w ill! t,|« q t|l(| * ] he w ould hoisiine a mag ,,f |— * Integriti If he recelvnt th, i^,^*** ciM iragnneni Ile f» ti M» j d o Hits m uch lot Red kU> lita n ie , the chain r i|,„i _ u 'j »t|U*rv I» * I f Iti»* I lilt* i »• In tU« enwg tí I tic* «'«•»» :*l blit «»I<| (i lu ii ,kn«t mi Ii«* rM u lirtl u Mi ^ t ikl* lt***l " t i l l til III M llt'UHpf » *** *S| tf (MAMiltile to airwu^ IT T I.E kn ow in g o f the serious con sp ira cy that w as form ing but a few yards aw ay liehlml hrr* " the thick velvet curtains. Yal I f , n H noh." conmi#ul#*! O p t . Copyright. 1910. by A m m o n Prw i , > entitle ga ve verbal and mental battle Ilf htwlljr the detective Already he was be A iw o t n o n Jimmy ValMHln# I t o •nrr#iin J lu im r y and turn o f the Joint I've prow led It Hoe .Never a**I»» woiihl lie «'»•limili «•> long will the guilty ami the Intur In tbo latest out o f fash lonalilo cloth hi»re sud we was plsnlisl lltere" tie tw ice Vie were going to use the (he folly o f plm tu^ fm ih in • al rateili th til« ti ih«*jr I kii I I*« « u p un :sd Inn. pBuatna hat and patont loatbol cent as well »tlfTer and endure, som e Indli atcil I lie isirtler.»» 'I «aw tb.-iu H o i b sd t»«‘«*«t ti ii fun i ■mat, t, ^ sou p ." lie show ed a tsiltle "See. old girl! tloa w ith b atw tng lace*. ho appottrod lltues Justly and som etim es unjustly !»»»•« In-re going tow ard the di-|s>l • W all r he rrlr«l M) hninla arr etrly etitrlrtiiiiii«*iii 1 1 • nitroglycerin, but we heard you were '•» 'b a r ^ tb o dilettante. tb o man al«>ut low u T h is also Is a law o f life. X a leu line «lopissl short In hi* uerv prrity (oligli I «solititi I f i f i the • i• W o f til» Is * br«’ !« klu K «n riff • ra th or (ban tho traokor o f ites|teniie Valentine went on lo Insist Hint he going to Is» sprung. M i n i we watted mi« |*rlug lie g la n d lu astonish o f pits Ii III S CMW ilnl leu* tii*t| «• % m on —Iho man o f lolaurv. ovory In. b dldn l know w here Avery was. hadn't You • an grab that gopher tonight, and uieul at the old thief, who sb ssl st o f grnmlfMiher'a i*l«**li it»«' w «y U»«*y v i»t «lite o f N on \ ork I ran "y •' it* i , o f III to. au unlnltlattxl ohmorvor w ould seen him since Ills release from Sing rou cun bet w Itb us outside no one can one side o f the n*>ui ktlpp.iig tlte rtm are now. huí I fai» I m * u I (hai u f I biff r«»l». tic* limi t l.rc l.n i It h av o pardonably Judged not only front Sing, w as glad o f It. dtdu't cure get to you “ o f a slou< h hat. one Ihsl could ts» a.*mt|»ni«*r them dow n till I m il bv liU un* te», • t% tlr«Nl i h » tic 0 PSfn* It»«! and Avery eyed him anxiously, bis attlro. but a lso from hi« tlolM>imlr pulled dow n over the ryisi. to |>anlal 1 the pulae lu a d«’tiU uu»u » wriat «• bo ofisrslM l « ff«mt»|¡u4 expectantly b la so tnaunor Any o u r dontrllnm : l> iviuceal the fm e wltru llie wvsrer j \\ here's the“ — 1 blrty I til r«l •ir«^*t. " I 'v e o|s»ned my last safe. Rial." We g»*c hltu,** whla|irretl Ititi Avery D o y le aa Iho man w ho tiroko up the was lu a public placw f our ) r « r t l i ir r ItrtJ m || wa* the calm reloluder exultantly lo tied W e g«>l Ithu. su “ F iv e P o in ts " nann and tho ' W'tiyo" ’T h e y weul lo Ibe station.” Valen cliarff«* o f lb « buffet in m i, "So you're going lo work, eh with be ll at u k ga n g In Now York o ily w ould tinve tine gas|s-d • T h e o -tb e y are not a cop|s»r al your l.eol«?" snarhsl lt»«l lla n llv had Jim m y \ s t o t l n e m ede boon laughed at fo r hta folly, yet «m-h com ing l u - l o " — “ I’ m going to work, and I won't Is» v i s his r o t fr d HI« w ork In « niter Itisl saw the Impression Avery's Ills de«* tars Iloti lo «gain foli» Interrai» a «bs>l p ig e o n " Inn iho trvupo« o f election and prlnm rr wonts had made on hts form er |sil , «U h lieti t'Isnagnn amt Mill \ irry "Y o u 're going to give up the game day "flo a te rs" and "re|ie»ters" In som e lie saw that |s»uilbly v. ry little would tl.au a Itelllaiy eut«*r«al »he parlor l»»»g a graft like you got—you. with your** - l i « the ñame o f Ml \sleutlue o f iho most d l«rop u lu b lo d K r V 't s wn« now ts» tussled to cause No IJN® lo r e "I 'm d o n e " eq u a lly m otitorlou « turn lo the old ways w llb the old Jim m y sfef*|*e«| f.»rw snt tm««ll) ae»«'«1 "W ell what In heaven'» nam e— I g-H friends • II eu« el«*pe liSSrtlig hi* Mime a l.i. h A nd yot I>oylo had hi* otttor aldo It It's a w otuau!" l l o w as g ro w in g fon d o f Iho oust llfo ••Mun»at thing you know. Jim m y," tlie I mi ; «srrleil sud P iC ltid lj b*fe It “ I have met a decent girl, lied the he announced. "I «aw them too She «»|ea lie f«MUol • b rie f m«Ce Written that n m r from barlnit a stall o f "»tool kind I knew as a b o y —ray sister'» lie read ptgeou «' to d o hi» work for him had on a shlmniery dress with pink III frm llllne |•enm•llalltp kl id. It was she who got me out o f Jim m y Y alon lln o turned hi» bond flowers In her honnet. and she hsikeil H ear wonts, ami the tutor aurgoO to that h o l e at Slug Sing, and I have ■lightly to a n sw er Ikv.vle, w ho, ho perfectly happy, too. like she was glad Ilia cheek » prom ised m y s e lfV nm this tow n ” “ You don't think she or her folks cl you a not# klra » M d I m« W ould Oenefit a rolonsotl prisoner j to ftva you Wa m « h«r al ih* »l*t*s»l would »land for you. d o y o u ?" “ H o w are you . D o y le ?" he replied CH Al*TKH IX * o'Mtra » a a «n l to i «*» i \a • • *!«'• f *r “ If | was ou Ibe level she Juat in d ifferen tly I I L K N C I auaua» Valentine 1 ‘ ‘ n. »t. . » x g might.” D o y le 's sh iftin g, fa rseoln c oyo«. h ow ­ was plainly suffering from hat ts It?* asks.1 Avery draw ing “ W ith a ctvppcr telling lh>* al»>ui ever. cau ght tlte nervous tw itch in g o f the blow Then au cip re a m ar "M omctblug from iHiyla. I ll you to her folks uni»»«» you deliver«*! V a le n tin e * finger* as they ruu over ute or lb « !? " Interpolated old Avert alou o f c*oofldem*e * ame tot«» * th e odees o f the m agazine. lie aeatrd hltuarlf Ves. w hst ts It r «]ueallof»e«l It-«! Jim m y for G od’« sake don't go Valentine's fs« s. “ Y ou're p erfectly Innocent n ow , I against that straight girl irttne It'll on a sofa al the left o f the n*.ui ! H '• «*>• teturo o f hopa, a n s a m s l h oar.” went on D oyle, a sarvaaltc note V tlcollne. bis emutlou causing bis only break you r heart, then what?” She'll be back." be said "Y ou fel co m in g Into bis voice. asked lt»d earnestly Iowa are Just like l i l y Ktnsldeg. lie v»,|ce to «hake “ P e r fe ctly .” Y aleotln e'a voice wa* ' Y ou've weakened agatu?” stieared T he released prisoner waa thought alw ays said women didn't atunuot lo a* even as though con versin g w ith bis ful a moment. mu< b. Guess that was tiecauae no* o f Rod m ost in tim ate friend. "N o ; I'm strong a g a in ” " I 'v e thought It ou t." he finally said the barm aids a l the t lieshlr* i tícese " S o you told the g ov ern or?“ co m ­ "Y ou mean th a t’s from the gtrl?” "S he'll be twick any nilnule. and I'm tn London |>eacbed on him to the firot m en ted tho d e te c tiv e "Mb* Is com ing Is»» k. lin k and goin g her way. hoys Yea. ami If I land Yard bulla, aud he had I» make “ O h. yea."” do there's a ch an ce that I may win there's nothing uo Hits earth or In h I a quick getaw ay bidden under the “ I'v e seen tho govern or t o o ." her som e day and be able to take her that ran make tue go wrong You coal In a freight steam er llut Ibis “ H e d id n 't have much lo d o this to my old home and my father and suld a minute agu that tf )uu thought girl ta different frvitu the kind o f wo m orn in g, did b e?” bum oroualy. mother, who haven’ t heard o f me for I had a ch ance you 'd flick “ men you and I have known b»»ya Hbe “ V ery pretty. Jim m y. t.ei me ask years. They did n't seem quite lo uo- "I said I t ” ssw there w as something good lo me. “THAT’S A LIX T or avow « R i HI' til IS' y o n a q u e stion D o yon think 1 w ould di rata ml me w hen I was a lad. buys. ‘T h e n I bold you to that ** even when I wore the strl|s»s. and she be yo u r frien d If 1 co u ld ?” "Gaud G isJ"' a ictalm eil Avery w here he was and didn't purpose to n»»r I them, but I cati see now that “ D o you think so yourself?** they meant all right by roe I’ ve tisik in« out o f the reseli o f Warden “ Y'ou're out g oto' to turn square, luo. I on re O f all this be was absolutely Handler and ‘solitaire’ — solitaire.' “ Yes. If you w ere w illin g to e x ­ j sure. learned It nil from this girl, though R ed?" boya. Does that mean anything to ch a n g e the ord inary cou rtesies be­ " I 'm going with Jim m y If I'd do “ W ell.” stated D oyle, "h e held up a she's almost a com plete stranger to youT* Valentine's voice rose higher m e"— tw een frie n d s ." a bit fo r him I got to go If he aaks ■ sow « l i a r 's ts s t t'i o r ax citizen just throe da ys after he got Valentine's voire ts-gan to waver, "Y es. and she's going to do oue thing It ' “ M eaning ex a ctly what?*’ out. and I want h im “ m rnt. whtcti i«*rupatU>ti be foüyad Hlie'a com ing l»ark to and he Inclined his fin e to one side more for me “ F a vors. N ow . I’ ll d o the first on e." “ W hat am I goln ' to d o r asked Av “ And I'm to tell you where he Is uniti a ucw d istrici leader « s s ata to hide the evidence« o f the emotion help me start on the square ” H e sealed h im self opp osite the ex -con ­ ery plaintively at d you will send him tip for highway ni O ne night dttrtng ton a »0*« Red »replied eluse to Valentine, grip- that threatened to overw helm him. vict. Y'alenttue d rew close to him ro b b e ry ?" questioned Valentine « e e h i he aunad u f lusty a i n.oev a T o Itisl Flanagan ami Bill Avery th* pod Ills arm and hissed determ inedly “ T h a n k y o n .” In ga y mood. " I 'v e got you a Job. Bill, a g. n a f t a you n g and Inexperienced to execu lt ' stand for a crook like you. do you you. fa v o r .” Valentina rend from a note Mm "A n d you are goin g to. Th at's the alone the delicate, sure, nerve racking tati letta, ha. • «ra t and i»'kcr with the coppers alw ays after you on M h .rr bad left with him “ W h a t is It?** V alentine began to odd part o f It And possibly l'|| make **ltijslile” Job o f a sa fe looting sortie T he lad » trulhfUI lc*tltu»tiy tt fir account o f anme o f the old »tu ff w# In«fiect hta visitor an xiou sly "L iste n ." be said “ T h is will In an eyew itn ess out o f you.'* trtat w tih h fotlu w ed au etirsged Hi the other waa too old and feeble for d id ? Iion 't kid yourself, Jim m y. It'a T h e d e tectiv e paused m om entarily trodn re the man you prom ised the | »> •'¡t would be odil If I sent Avery anything but a berth aa “ on ialde" u ucle Itint Red no longrr fasst l n o go '* T h en be said deliberately: sltiou as w atchm an uf one o f your aw ay for life It w ould Indeed!” lióm e w llh hlm f a s t mi hla r « t » man. io detect approaching danger ami I " I f any oth er crook had dream ed a " I 'l l — fo rg e t—th at—Job—y o n —did — at grnln elevators T he wngi-s st g j ."S t "T h en I'll siuugh you for that give due warning th ereof They ate «ourves. tir S IS attraeteli li) th* f i —S p rin g field—three—years—a g o ’* dream like that, what a laugh It would a day « re satisfactory to h im '* ' Springfield J o b ” D oyle rose abruptly. •• lufely required the partnership o f terina prom ise» uf an etpeft p«z be. hut Dow you go, Itrd—you amt T h e d e tectiv e leaned hack In bl* Intense disgust apread over Bill Av 'T h e n you mny as well d o It n ow .” Ji'nttty Valentine. sud faro itrster «tin n ì hta uscta M Avery ** ch a ir. Inserted hi* thum b* In the arm evv's face said the other defiantly. Yet here was Valentine, aa Avery j em p loyrd H e >dned wllti b in i le » h oles o f Ills w aistcoat and gazed fixed Red rose quickly. "T w o -fifty s d a y .” he sneered "A "N o hurry. I've got a little work on described him In a reproachful whls ersi H ip« un roaatln g atratuefk "U ly at Jim m y Valentine. "W h a t d o you mean?** suspiciously man can't live on that." the case yet, and I'll find you when I per to Red: "H ere he la. crazy stuck I tlng In“ w lth thè gsnthler ts H * T h e eyes o f the man addressed be­ want y o u ” T he light o f resolution shone In Val­ Valentine laughed D oyle's grin »bow ed bla on a skirt, an' him th‘ only m ao in gantes wlth thè paaoetiger» S»f U ca m e directed at the co v e r o f the teeth. entine's ryes. “ It coats fit cents a day In keep a < tisuglng sigu sls w lth hlm ciatcynai m a g azin e be still held, but only for nmn In Ming Ming.” he rem inded the “ I've q u it ” he said. " I ’ m not going to run a w a y ." thè csrils they h e ld Ile leartta » an Instant. H e shot a defiant glare IlM •'What!*' snapped Red and A very to “ Book here. Valentine, this Avery srt u f lietitlug thè m n ie rs of tba tm a t D oyle. gether "I don't want a Job." attnrlrd Av Isn’t w orth this. H e's as w rong as kltigs. qtiei-ns and Jack» «Uh I* “ 1 w as n ever In Springfield in my T v « quit ” ery "H oly the sucker« work for a ever lived. H e’ ll cross you or any one tliumti usila so itisi In dealtsg XI life ,” be said indignantly. living " else I should think when a hum re­ "W h « t sterni D o y le ?" put In Avery, finger« Baitdpapi-m l or worn altah t “ W h ich S p r ln g fle ld f asked D oyle sorts to b la ck ja ck in g an old man that "'Yes. you do w ant o n e." returned " l i e '« heavy on you r mind, a in 't h«. thè hlreillng |»i|nt wlth punite« * » sign ifican tly. Y'alentlne. "anil Mils Is Just your kind would put him out o f you r cla ss.'* A very ? I can lieat D oyle." lie cou ld detei-t tbese Indcnlalbta ili “ No S p ringfield .” And let me tell yon som ething “ 1 d on ’ t know where he la I don't "Y ou ain't goin g to lose that coin Avery know wtu-n sud lo w lioui he v i i l a “ Y'ou d od ge It n icely ." know that be did b lackjack anybody, that you think I don t know Yoii'rr I'v e rot staked out for an hour's lag tbe lilgli carda ! pini ibis M *» **! d o n 't see b o w .’ * and I w ouldn't kn ow him If 1 suw llrtsl o f tietug a crook tInst to dentb w o rk T' wallet! Red "Meten thousand o u lr « «trp to a partnership v i t i # "N o w . w hich Springfield did I think b iro .” I knew that when w e w ere lustda If there « a d im e !" g re s ! Jlm uiy Y slen tlne. ih# n a l •? y o u w ere g oin g to s a y ?" llut you are a fraid o f what a lot o f “ T h a t's y ou r aplel. eh?*' "Yea. |*l| loar that ** "1 h av e no Idea.” i ould "c o p a g o p h a r" w liboul shf •• old pala will say W ell, let them say “ T h a i's the truth.” Valentine rose "A m i a trip abroad to braca you up llficlsl aids “ G o o d again. W ell. I'll tell y o n .” What they g o t? Did you ever «is» as though to end the distasteful Inter- —a month In B o t i» T' con tin u ed D oyie. “ I meant Spring- view All Itila w a» w ell knnwn to Vtk» " crook with a n yth in g? What do they “ Yea; | Iosa that t o o " field. M ass.” line. I l» lilu isclf limi drlfled IDI# td 'T h a t '» a lie! You know where he aiuoilul to? They haven't the stand Red went on excitedly, bending ValentlDe raised bla brow * d ou b lin g cnui|i«iiy In s iiianuer aomewhsl d# Is better than any one. If you don't lug o f a bouse itog Y ou’re tired o f tenaely tow ard Valentine: ly . innocently. l»r. Ile lim ili se » In Ih« I rosta d Bed does, and I want him One month It. Bill, and asham ed o f the year« Hut you w o n t lime I ha old thrill o f “ I d o n 't think I w as ever In the bis o * u rt|o*r1e n crs tlist Red’» ■* to turn him up. and If you don't I go yott'va lost. and I know II. Now goin g Into a bank Jnat before dawn. sta te o f M assachusetts.” dis-ds vv ere noi cn tlri'ly hlsmsds • a fter you. and If 1 go after you I get b e rr’« your chance, your day o f sal “ I can prove you w ere In Spring Red you " vatlon. T h ere’s I lie letter and here's field. Mass., the night the s a fe In ib e I le n n » nlsm t lo Inforni I t e d o f» "W ell, get me.” the coin to gel t h e r e " l i e ha titled sa vin g s bank w as gra b b ed." Interni,.o to «Id I,Ini In a new ftl*- “ I will It will take a little lim e—a Yvery som e bills 'It'a way out west "O h . no. you c a n 't ” « lie n he h e n il In Mie crrtdof ■ year, perhaps ten—but as long as we're « here no one k n ow « you. anil y ou 've "B e lie v e me. Jim m y, I can. The io le « n f R os» Lune addrcsslng *** both alive I'm after you Good d a y.” got a chance. Just think, hack to a w f 'iesa may be a bit disreputable, but o li» Ile ts-llct»t| Illusi ts» ber ftlhff na WKKXTZD th a w eapon r m s avcst itoyle atrode angrily aw ay m other and then ahead to'*— i can prove I t ” Ilera «lie I». R isi." wlil'i|s»r*fl ••• Aa the broad shouldered form o f the T he hardened Itaik liegnu to fade Am erica aa can open a tw elve boll “ You can jo b me. you mean. You »m in e, rlslng q n ick ly “ Y'ou iiita I* from the th ief's face. ran get fak e w itn esses’ *' Valentine “ headquarters man” disappeared Val­ aufe by th* sense o ' touch Ain't It ••ut tilt I h .y g o .” Itili li»> 1*1* u entine stood gazing reflectively after "G iv e II lo m e " H e rln trh ed the asked excitedly. Hi limit fer a genl nos like him to Itisi Instiiul ll,,si» Lane enterad. motley In Ids hand " I 'll try. by G od waste Ills taleuts au go ou the “ I can »end you fo r five at least, him. H is back waa turned to the por lim isi ley ber fai ber Tticy «»• ^ i|.-re* Bill Avery, seeing his chance, »huare?** I'll t r y ” T ears trickled dow u Av my b oy.” ••n'Ine stan din g hy a «uaptclous ery'a prison paled cheeks. "B ut you w on 't If I d o you n fa v o r?" crep t stealthily out In hla right hand Valentine fnced hla friends o f the Ing yoiin g uniu « l i t i vera red hslf "T h a t'« the ta lk -t h a t 's the heart,” "Y o u are a very good guesser. gleam ed the barrel ami the cham ber pa st • «*• * I A Y'alentlne. renltvJng Mini • l«>ke Valentine sym pathetically o f bla 38 bulldog. H e felt » c ure. Jam es ” "When did you see her—the girl?*' , III* <•' ■ Mi» n -rg » o f ii Iis,iliii» m i He had the versatile Red lo aid In the queried Red Flnnugau o f him. "A n d If I fall I’ll end It," said Av ' W ell r iiinllon o f ili» girl ami ber nlrv*® cry necessary getaw ay. T he hotel corti “ 1 w ant A very .” Right here today ** Jim m y Valen­ siiaplrtoiia fntlior. for h» coiild t a » ‘ •Avery?" dors w ere opportunely deserted and tine a face brightened aa he thought o f "Y o u w on't fall. It’« only Hie «in k e lp ln lu R cil’s pri*ai*ii,*i*, Iiirued c d » .-■*■** "B ill A very, w h o finished a nine the noise o f the elevator and o f the h<-r era that fall. Make the next train "M et her father too. Hhe said lim a rli thè thlef. y e a r atretcb a m onth ago and Joined street car* outside would dull the she would lie back.” lieat Ifciyla. (Jet a w a y.” AMD SBKIJIO TUt OLI> Nifi OPkJI IF LIBI 1 « very »urry, «Ir.” lie « d » * up w ith you r old friend I b d Flans sound o f the bulldog's hark. A very turned tow a rd o n * o f tha en A n O ÌH T K M M "Arid you thitilt she'll c o m e r - «near illff»rcn l lou »«. "Im t I don i hno» fi* gn n ." trance« Another step ^ h e raised the wenfion: ed Itisl "W h y . we been here a half landing the w atchm an and feeling out man you n r» liupilrlng f"r Bill A very, con cea led behind the fair his forefinger began to tighten on the hour, and It's a cin ch Im yla haa reach­ a com bination I d the dark ?” "U ondbjr, Jim m y. G ondhy. 'He*|." he he«rii o f hlm Gin»«« ynu had t*11* tlere* with Bed. ga ve a violent start trigger But Valentine's keen ear ed her fa t h e r ” cried, and be waa gone. "A n d bearing the coppers pans and Inqnlru o f Mie cl»rk at ili« hotd * as he heard Izoyle's w ords Itisl had taught the sound o f the creak o f Av "I Ivll you. R e d ." ««Ill Valentine j Valentín« gave » sudden start Red try the d o o r?” rem inded Avery eagerly film.'* all he cou ld d o to quiet him The <*r.v’a stiffening elbow Joint as Ii Inwardly rejoiced aa he aaw that Ins And seeing the old sa fe iqien up looking a fter him. T h e r e Isn't a crook aged thief, how ever, managed to draw Ited. m tc h ln g Mia lilnt, f # J * straightened W heeling w llb his old shot had taken e ffe c t like a o oyster and gra b b in g tha v,,q *ln ow w b o wotiltlu'l g'< straight If “ T h a n k you. alr; I wlll d o so." *•* 0 38 ca lib er revolv er from a side ' tljne alacrity. Uie e x c o u i k l saw bis "D oyle!" gasped the released co o - I d o u g h r ' aald Red a llu rlo glr. I il** co u ld ." went olii o f Mie numi, ronces Idi "God.“ exclaimed Rad fis llngly. I g ri„ „ | ui{ bai,im i hls tisi. L' A'