The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, April 06, 1911, Image 1

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    The Redmond Spokesman
P u b lish e d a t th e “ H ub C ity ” o f C e n tra l O reg o n
1 .
No. 39
With this issue The Redmond
¡pokeanum is enlarged to an K-
nge 6-colunm pa|»er, and will lx*
ontinued that size as long as
all the news they may have that
he business of the city warrants p'd in Central Oregon, but that
he same. In changing to this cannot be done without an extra
ite from a 7-column folio size it outlay o f money until the railroad
i possible to handle more news reaches here.
nd give the advertisements a
Thunking the business men o f
etter displu
A much larger Redmond and vicinity for their
mount of news will be given lils*ral patnmage in the past, and
ich week under the new system
id more of the county news will
e covered and presented to the
‘aders of the i»ai>er.
— A power press has I ms - ii install-
■'l in The Sp. tkesman otfee which
ill greatly facilitate the publi-
i of the pajHT, and the pul»
An Kxplanation
we can present it to our readers.
Owing to the work necessary
It is the puristse to give all the in installing a new presH and
news all the time, and nothing is changing the make-up of the
t<*i small or Us» large in the news paper The S|M»kesman this week
line for us U> handle and make d<s*s not contain the usual amount
o f live reading matter that it is
interesting reading of.
promised to carry under the new
As soon as the railroad reaches
size*. A fter this week the pa|s*r
this city more equipment will Is* will lie kept to its regular stand­
added U» the plant, as it is the ard o f excellence as regards the
intention to make The Spokes­ news of Redmond and vicinity.
• 4 ^
man office one o f the ls*st equip­
hoping to merit a continuance of
the same in the
Spokesman will, in the future, as
in the past, each week boost for
Redmond ami the Redmond coun­
try, letting the outside world
know that we have the best coun­
try right here that lays any­
: the people to give us where out o f disirs.
Set Your T re e «
Out R igh t
Wm. T. Malarkey, who has a
nice ranch near the city, isanexr
pert in fruit culture, and says if
the trees are put in the groum}
right, there is no question but
what any kind of fruit trees will
do well in this section.
trouble with a number o f people
who have set out fruit trees, Mr.
Malarkey says, is that they have
not prepared the ground in the
right manner, and when the trees
Cutting lip L ir g e
do not do as well as is expected
Lumber Building
o f them the blame is then laid on
The Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. the tree, when the whole fact of
that recently Dmght out Ren the matter is that the one setting
(Jotter’s lumber yard in this city, them out was to blame.
is putting up a building on the
corner o f Ith and K streets to Culver Com ing
house their lumber and building to the Front
material. The dimensions o f the
The town o f Culver is getting
building are 70x100, and it will
there with both feet. A fire de­
U* of modern construction, with partment and commercial club
a driveway through the center. was recently established there,
This company has (»ought out the and now the town has a brass
stock o f sashes, doors and build­ band and a newspaper to let the
ing material carried by Jos. H.
outside world know what is do­
Jackson, and will sell everything ing in that neck o f the woods.
in the lumlsT and building ma­
terial line.
Subscribe for The Spokesman.
Spring is Here
11.50 PER Y E A R
So are a great many of our Spring Notions
and Dry Goods, and more to follow............
O ur D ry Goods and N otions
This season comprise the best stock ever brought to Red­
mond and consists of a large and varied assortment of
Dress Patterns, Suitings, Skirts, Shirt Waists, Embroider­
ies, Laces, etc., which have been priced extremely reason­
able. It will pay you to inspect this new stock of goods
Our Grocery Department
Reduced Prices
to $22.00
to 20.00
to 18.00
to 16.00
to 13.50
to 13.(Ml
to 10.00
Boys Knee Pants 90 c and up
25 per cent
off on all Boys’ Suits and Men’ s
Summit Brand all wool shirts, regular $2.50
Special $2.00
Ore. W oolen M ill all wool shirts, Reg. $2.25
Special $1.75
Complete line o f Ladies Shoes at Portland
E. L. R A P P
“The Head io Foot Clothier.” R ed m o n d , O r.
I stage will be cut down nearly 48
j hours.
Applications for this service
was made to the postoffice de­
partment as soon as the Oregon
Trunk started operating over the
, new road, but the request had to
be handled through the usual
channel o f officials between Port­
land and Washington, with the
result that inauguration o f quick
delivery was delayed more than
a month.
The express companies started
sending their consignments over
the new road on the second day
after it was opened for traffic,
and the clamor o f the people for
Mail service to Central and In­ similar speed in the delivery o f
terior Oregon will be established mail was loud.
over the Oregon Trunk Railway
April 10th.
A contract has been entered Appointments
into between the Government o f­
At the March 28th meeting of
ficials and the traffic department the city council Mayor Jones
o f the railway, which will con­ made the following appointments
tinue in effect for a year. All of city officers as provided under
the mail for stations on the line the new charter:
o f the Oregon Trunk will he car­ . City Recorder W. G. Phoenix.
ried, as will that for Prineville.
City Engineer A. K. Warren.
Bend Redmond and other points
Street Commissioner G. W.
in the interior o f the state that Wells.
now are served out o f Shaniko.
Marshal - F . E. Mills,
Mail matter will be delivered in j City Attorney—J. A. Wilcox.
Madras and other towns on the
railroad at least 24 hours earlier
Money invested in Lots in Mel­
than at present, and in some rose Park NOW. will double in
places the time made by the the next year.
Oregon Trunk Gets Con­
tract for Mail in
Central Ore.
Is always up to date, and you will always find what you want at Money-
Saving Prices. We quote a few sample prices:
McLaren’« Cheese
Condensed Milk, 2 can for
Tomatoes, Standard, 2 cans for 25c
Tree Tea, per l b ..................... 60c
Walter Baker unsweetn Choco 50c
Ripe Olives, pint cans ............35c
Lowest in Price, Highest in Quality
We want to call your attention
to the fine stock we carry* in
the above lines.
All of our
goods are fresh, and you will
always be satisfied with your
purchases at our store.
sell the Celebrated Lowney’s
Chocolates, the best made.