The Redmond Spokesman P u b lish e d a t th e “ H u b C ity ” o f C en tral O reg o n VOL 1. No. 38 REDMOND, (’ROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 30, 1911 but work on the bridge across that stream will not begin for some time is the information re­ ceived here. President Stevens of the Ore­ gon Trunk informed a delegation of Redmond business men lust week that the bridge builders at Pittsburg had wired they would not he ready to whip the bridge material until about the first of May. Mr. Stevens sent a repre­ sentative to Pittsburg to see what the matter is, and to hurry the material along on its way to Crooked river. Mr Stevens estimates that it will take four weeks for the LAYING OF RAIUS bridge material to arrive after RAILROADS CONTRCT BEEN DELAYED shipment, which would bring the FOR WATER SUPPLY time up to about June first Six­ ty days is said to be required to place the bridge in position, Bridge Maker« Say Cannot bringing the time up to some Redmond Soon to Be Sup­ time in August before the «true-j Ship Material Until plied With Water ture would lie ready for trains to , About May 1st From River cross. R. R. AT RIVER IN A FEW DAYS WAIER PLANT Track layers Expect to Reach Crooked River Early in April $25,000 of Bonds to Issue for a Stand Pipe Water System Franchise 1« Granted Track laying on the Oregon Trunk line south from Metoliua has been progressing rather slow­ ly the past week or ten day a. Not over a mile of track every other day has lieen laid during that time, is the information that has been received by The Spokes­ man from a reliable source. The cause of this delay is said to be the difficulty of (lumping water in sufficient quanities from the railroad well at Metolius to sup­ ply the construction train. It is expected the rails will reach Crooked River early in April, Prineville City Council granted a franchise to the Prineville & Eastern Railroad Company at a special meeting last week Tues­ day night The matter was warmly diHeusued and was grant­ ed on the proviso that it be used within three years from date. The Prineville & Eastern Co. is now negotiating with the Hill interests to sell the franchise and rights of way for a branch line from Metolius to Prineville. From present indications it seems that this deal will he closed soon. At the recent charter election it was voted to issue $25,000 of bonds for the construction of a stand pipe water system in this city. It is the intention to have the water pumped from the Des­ chutes river at Cline Falls by the Crook County Water, Light and Power Co. to the stand pipe here, a distance of about 4 miles. Warren Si Woodward, civil en­ gineers of this city, have worked out the details of the plant and submitted them to the council. It is proposed to have a tank 100 feet high at the base, hold- ing 100,000 gallons of water lo­ cated in the city at a central point, and run mains from the pipe through the business and resi­ dence sections of the city. Mains of sufficient size will be laid to accomodate the needs of the city for years to come, and to insure a good pressure for fire protection. It is estimated that with the above equipment a pressure of about 55 pounds per square inch could be obtained. The water from the Deschutes river is the purest water, according to chemi­ cal analysis, that is found in Oregon, and can be used for all domestic purposes. It is expected that the Oregon REDMOND HAS A Trunk Line and the Deschutes STRONG TEAM Railroad will make contracts with the city for furnishing the railroads with water at this point. Pipe manufacturers are submit­ First Game Is Won by Score ting bids to the council for sup­ of 24 to 19, and Sec­ plying pipe. $1.50 PER YEAR 2 GAMES ARE SPECIAL WON BY LOCALS R educed Prices The Redmond Basket Ball Team Defeats Bend in Fast Games ond 34 to 14 Read every page of The Spokesman—you’ll find something of interest Ixx>k Out for April Fool Saturday is April Fool Day and it behooves you to look out for the joker who leaves the fat looking pocket book on the side­ walk. the brick under the hat, and the hundred and one tricks that are played on that day. Bet­ ter be sure, also, that you don’t get salt in your coffiee instead of sugar. Spring is Here $30.00 Suits cut to $22.00 27.50 Suits cut to 20.00 25.00 Suits cut to 18.00 22.50 Suits cut to 16.00 18.00 Suits cut to 13.50 17.50 Suits cut to 13.00 12.50 Suits cut to 10.00 Boys Knee Pants 90 c and up 25 per cent off on all Boys’ Suits and Men’« Overcoats. Summit Brand all wool shirts, regular $2.50 S p e c ia l $2.00 Ore. Woolen Mill all wool shirts, Ref. $2.25 S p e c ia l $1.75 Complete line of Ladies Shoes at Portland prices. The first games of basket ball ever played in Redmond were played last Friday and Saturday nights in Anker’s hall between the Redmond and Bend teams. “The Bead to Foot Clothier.” R edm ond, Or. Both games were won by the lo­ cals. The game Friday night business men who realize that was hotly contested, and not un­ Redmond, with the improvements til time was called for the last that the city council propose to half was the outcome of the game make the coming year, will be­ known to a certainty. The score come an important commercial was 24 to 19. I center in a short time. The second game drew a large Sufficient accommodations are audience and was very interesting being provided for all who arrive for the spectators, and proved to and the strangers are being greet­ many that basket ball is no ladies ed by members of the Commer­ game, although there was no un­ cial Club and the citizens gener­ fair work by either team. Much ally in a hospitable manner, and applause was given both teams showed every attention and made whenever a good play was made, to feel welcome. and the audience was very im­ It is anticipated that the com­ partial in their expressions of ap­ ing two or three weeks will see a proval. The score was 34 to 14. largely increased number of colo­ Captain Gumm of the locals nists arrive in this section. had his men in good condition LAND AND CLIMATE and they played fine team work. LOOKS GOOD TO THEM Foote and Hewitt did the best work for Redmond. After the Saturday night game a dance was given. A number of Bend people came over to attend the Sufficient Accommodations Have Been Provided s?cond game and dance. For all Comers With some good hard practise Redmond Lodge Will Give Redmond would give Prineville, Dance Friday Night, which has a cracking good team, March 31st a run for her money. A game may New comers continue to arrive be scheduled between that town and Redmond in the near future. in Redmond daily from all sec­ If a date is made for a game be­ tions of the west and middle west. Posters are out announcing an tween these-two towns to be> As soon as they see this section April Fool Dance to be given by played here the Redmond people they are delighted with the cli­ the Redmond Yeomen Lodge, No. should turn out in force and en­ mate and the land, and a large 3049, in Ehret’s hall on the night courage the home team by their number have bought irrigated of Friday. March 31st. One of presence and assist them financi­ land within six or seven miles of the special futures of the dance ally through the box office re- the city. will be an exhibition drill by the Field agents for the irrigation Yeomen drill team. ThisVvegt— ceipts. company state that nearly all the will be the opening number of the purchasers will go right on their dance and will take place at 9 land and begin making improve­ o’clock sharp. The Yeomen have ments and induce their friends made preparations to make this back east to come out here and dance one of the moat enjoyable locate. Business property in events of the season, and after Redmond is also receiving atten­ midnight the April Fool part of Plenty of Good Material tion from the new comers, who the dance will begin. Tickets are can see a great future for the 75 cents, and supper will be serv­ Here to Organize a city. Several pieces of desirable ed at the Redmond Grill. Strong Team business property are being n e-1 gotiated for by capitalists and i Subscribe for The Spokesman. E. L. R A P P ARRIVE NERE Many New People Coming in and Locating in This District APRIL FOO l I a NCE GIVEN BY YEOMEN So are a great many of our Spring Notions and Dry Goods, and more to follow ............ Our Dry G o o d s a n d N o t i o n s This season comprise the best stock ever brought to Red­ mond and consists of a large and varied assortm ent of Dress P atterns, Suitings, Skirts, Shirt W aists, Embroider­ ies, Laces, e tc , which have been priced extremely reason­ able. It will pay you to inspect this new stock of goods ---------------------------------i r _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our Grocery Department Is always up to date, and you will always find what you want at Money- Saving Prices. We quote a few sample prices: McLaren*s Cheese...................... 20c Condensed Milk, 2 can for........25c Tomatoes, Standard, 2 cans for 25c EHRET Tree Tea, per lb.........................60c Walter Baker unsweetn Choco 50c Ripe Olives, pint cans................35c BROTHERS DEPARTMENT STORE Lowest in Price, Highest in Quality WILL REDMOND HAVE DASE DALI THIS YEAR The question has been asked The Spokesman “ what is doing in base ball circles in Redmond this spring?’’ This is a question that is up to the ball players of the city. And if Redmond is to have a team this year, now is the time to begin working out the plans for an organizntion. There are a number of athletes and ball players in the city, it is under­ stood, and if a movement is made to organize there is little doubt but what a winning team could be put in the field. Last year the city had a good ball team, and played win­ ning ball, and there is no quest­ ion but what a team equally as good if not better, can be organ­ ized here this season. The Red­ mond people are good patrons of the national game, and it is to be hoped that the fans will get to­ gether and do something at an early date, so that the Hub City can be represented with a ball team that will be a drawing card for the city and furnish recrea­ tion for the public. CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT We want to call your attention to the fine stock we carry in the above lines. All of our g-oods are fresh, and you will always be satisfied with your purchases at our store. We sell the Celebrated Lowney’s Chocolates, the best made. NORWOOD & ANDERSON