The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, March 23, 1911, Image 5

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    Hotel Redmond
JONES I .AND CO., Prop’ r«.
Entirely Refurnished and Refitted
Headquarters for Tourists
and Traveling Men
REDMOND CITY OFFICIALS awning is a mammoth affair, and
Mayor H. K. Jim*».
1 it took considerable skill to prop­
('ounnlinvn -J . F. Iluarli, Frank W.
MrC«ff..ry, M. K. Lvnrh, V. M. WMU-, erly adjust it
G. W. W-lla, (J. ftf. Huffman.
K rcord rr- Wm. G. I’ htM-nix.
Trranurir G. M. Slocum.
City Attorney J. A. Wilcox.
Mur.Iiul F. K Mill*.
Council m eet, wronii and fourth
Tuesday o f cuch month.
From now on we intend to con­
duct the bent cafe in Redmond
The Banquet, Geo. L Wheeler,
A. Hornbeck, the well known
Sinter« rancher, wan a Redmond
visitor last week Friday.
Presidrnt H. K. Jorn-n.
Hucretury- A. J. Iluncy.
M c.tlna night« First and Third Wed-
ncwluy cuch month.
One nearly new single buggy
and harness for sale. Enquire
at postoffice.
Methodist -S e r v ic e . 2<l «ml 4th Sun-
iluy* o f cuch month ut 11 a. m.
Sunday School at 10 a. m. every Sun­
day. ( ‘hrl.tian Kndeavor 7 o ’clock ev­
ery Sunday evening.
W. L Wilson,
Presbyterian - Service, l . t and 8d
Sunday o f each month. Kev. G. A. M.
I.illcy, pa.tor.
Christian Science — Services every
Sunday at 2 30 p. m.
C. A. Burnside who recently
bought a ranch in the Cloverdale
district, was in the city last Fri­
day on business.
Brotherhood of Owls, Nest No. 122
Tables Supplied with the
Meets every Friday night in Ehret
Visiting m em ber, invited to
F. E. M ii . iji , Executive
G. W. D a vi km . Sec.
Best the Market Affords
Crook County Abstract Co.
Redmond aid Vicinity
When you buy meat you
always want the best you
can get, and when you
buy at my market pur­
chasers are assured of
getting the best.
A. J. Haney and I. P. Hewitt
last week went out to Haney’s
ranch on the Peninsula, about 16
miles from Redmond. They re­
mained until this week Monday.
I would like to have
you try our bologna.
South 6th St., Redmond
Cafe Royal
Sixth and F streets
carries in stock
that are handled in all
first-class cafes.
Mrs. J. W. Baker and daughter
In the center o f Melrose Park Melba returned last week from a
addition to Redmond is located visit with her parents atTumalo.
. the only public Park within the
city limits, it covers five acres.
The Oregon Cafe is now open
day and night. Fresh oysters
Painters were busy last week in any style at all times. You
liainting and touching up the will like our serv ice.
buildings on 6th street between
1 E and F streets, and a decided
The Redmond city council un­
improvement is noticed in that der the new charter, meets once
locality now.
a month the second Tuesday in
Fine line o f leather goods,
such as hand bags, purses, bill
books, etc., at Norwood’s. 28tf
The Redmond Bank o f Com­
merce has been distributing
some attractive
and useful
recently that are
a convenience to business men
and a good advertisement for the
Ellinger £ Ehlers for insurance
A Fresh Line of Csndies, Cigars
and Tobaccos always
on hand
E. IVY ATT, proprietor
U c i u m mad*
by the creator, of »tyle.
— In fit. kecauM mad« on perfect foot-
form lute.
— In wear, becau.e made o f the best
leather, by the best »hoemaker. io the
Your aatiafaction with tbe American
Lady Shoe ia vouched for by its million.
o f wearer* in every pert o f tbe country.
Come in and ace bow easy it is to be
Perfectly fitted in an American Lady Shoe, and bow quickly you can
pleaae your fancy from our fine, new stock of Fall and Winter atyle*.
our M
otto “1^ fhelTDQuality up"0ur M
Our Grocery Department offers this week some Staple and Fancy Articles that
should appeal to the housekeeper
Fancy Wisconsin October made Cheese, per lb .................. 25c
Tea Garden Brand Mince Meat, large glass j a r ................ 75c
Tea Garden Brand Apple Butter, large crocks............... $1.10
Shasta Brand Jell, £ gal. tins.................................................... 70c
Cottolene— small cans ..............................................
Cottolene— large cans ............................................................... $1.80
each month.
For sale at a Bargain—One
Dr. Grmndy uses painless meth­
iwir 6-year old Geldings, weight
ods in his dentistry work. Office
11400 each. E. G. Wright, O’ Neil,
upstairs in Redmond Hotel An­
Water has been turned on in
G. M. Huffman is a hustler the main canal and irrigation
when it comes to being chairman ditches of the Central Oregon Ir­
o f a committee to see that the rigation Co. in this section.
town is cleaned up.
Farm for sale or rent Enquire
of H. A. Shenk, Redmond. 31tf
The most lodern Establishment
of the kind in Central Oregon
A r . tk* laadrr. in
Lynch & Roberts «£?
Use the telephone. We deliv­
er free. Don’ t hesitate to call
Johnie McKinney and Lester on us because you are not a reg­
Gist of Sisters, were in Redmond ular customer. This service is
Wednesday and Thursday of last for everybody. Red Cross Drug He said that he saw a great im­
33tf provement in Redmond since
leaving, and considered this one
The finest homes in Redmond
E. Maher left last Friday for o f the best little cities in the
will be located in beautiful MEL­ The Dalles to bring his family,
ROSE PARK with its large lots hack with him.
and wide streets and avenues,
For fresh bologna and weiners
on the highest elevation within
A meal at the Home Restau­ go to the Pioneer Meat Mark­
the city limits, with irrigation rant and Bakery is appetizing e t
water on every lot
and satisfactory.
Harry Hill tells The Spokesman
B. F. Woodman last week
that he has ordered a lot o f bo­
Mrs. M. S. Huston last week
found his English Retriever dog
logna and weiners from Portland
received the sad news that her
Snider that had either been stol­
and intends to keep the same on
sister had died at her home in
en or strayed away.
The dog
hand all the time at his market
was found near Powell Buttes.
in the future.
Flies have begun to arrive,
and the man who sells screens
will soon have a good sale on this
class o f goods.
The Annex Billiard Hall
The bread baker! at the Home
Bakery and Restaurant always
gives the best o f satisfaction. 27tf
The supper for the dance given
It is understood that efforts by the Owls last Friday night
are being made to organize an was served at the Oregon Cafe.
athletic club here. There are a
number o f athletes in the city
Farm lands and city property
and such an organization could for sale by Ellinger & Ehlers.
start off with a good membership.
Ust your property with Ellin­
ger & Ehlers.
Place your orders for maga­
zines with J. A.
Prompt delivery assured. 28tf
Up-to-date net o f Abstract Hook..
All work guaranteed. We photograph
the record«.
B. K. Wilde, secretary, 1
Prineville, Ore.
Always Ready to Cater to the Wants of the Public
Security School Shoes
Chocolates, the best manafactur-
ed, always fresh, at Norwood’s.
Try a box, you will like them.28tf
it looked like the real thing un­ in a draft beer plant And now
til a closer inspection disclosed the thirsty ones who want to get
the deception.
a drink of the fluid that made
Milwaukee famous, can get the
All kinds o f vegetables and same fresh from the keg.
salt fish at the Pioneer Meat
The show windows in the
stores here at night present a
In speaking of the basket ball brilliant appearance since the
games recently played at Bend installation of electric lights. One
between the Bend and Redmond o f the most attractive windows
teams, the Bend Bulletin said in the city is that of Ehret Bros,
that I. P. Hewitt of the Red­ which is always tastily dressed
mond team, was by far the best in up-to-date designs.
man of both teams on the floor.
E. B. Applegate, who was
here a few days last week, left
Sunday for his home in Iowa. He
will visit at Nampa, Idaho, on
his way home.
He has great
faith in Redmond and will return
some time in April.
Mrs. B. E. Gregory and child­
ren arrived here from Ellensburg
Wn.t last week to join Mr. Greg- j
Capability, facility, equipment
ory who has been here several
and training, together with a
Those who eat at the Home weeks getting his store on the big stock o f pure and perfectly
Bakery and Restaurant get the corner o f 6th and E streets ready tested drugs invites you to bring
best o f service and food at reason­ to open up.
all prescriptions to the Red Cross
able price».
Drug Store.
Two vacant corners on E street
Miss. Eva Hammond is now between Hotel and Depot lOOx
New comers are arriving in
assistant at the local telephone 100, also two comers. 50x100 Redmond these days in and on
exchange, having taken Mrs. same location. Jones Land Com­ all kinds o f vehicles, from the
Washington's place, who was pany for terms.
big 7-passenger auto cars to the
called home on account o f illness
old time bicycle. Any kind of
Money invested in Lots in Mel­ transportation is used just so the
in the falimy.
rose Park NOW, will double in people can reach Redmond.
The Home Bakery and Restau­ the next year.
rant for good meals.
The Spokesman's Job
One o f Lynch & Robert’s show
Printing pleases.
Last week there were plenty windows attracted much atten­
of dances in Redmond five tion the latter part o f last week.
Jas. Dougherty, proprietor of
nights, Tuesday,
Wednesday, i The window had been dressed to
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. look as if a box o f cereal food the Royal Cafe, last week had a
This is getting to be a great dan-. had been thrown through it, and cellar dug under his place to put
cing town.
Hardware men in the city re­
port an early sale of agricultural
implements this year owing to
the continued pleasant weather
which makes it possible for get­
ting the ground in condition for
B. F. Kendall last week went
to Metolius to look after a large
shipment of buggies, hacks and
other goods the firm of Kendall
& Chapman is getting in, in ord­
er to meet the growing demand
for this class of goods this spring.
The social session of the Yeo­
man last Wednesday night waa
an enjoyable affair and lasted
until nearly midnight Prior to
to the social session four new
members were taken into the or­
The big flies have come and
are proving troublesome to the
meat market men. Harry Hill,
who has lived in this section of
the state for a number o f years
said he never saw the flies come
so early in the year.
Fine line of fresh candies, the
Frank Zumwalt and family re­ best made, at Norwood’ s. 28tf
turned last week from their visit
with relatives at Sisters. Since
Jack O'Rourke, who conducts
returning Frank has been some­ I the Palace restaurant on the
what under the weather.
corner o f 7th and E streets, has
Frank Elkins’ Auto Co.
an ad in this issue. He keeps
Bargain if taken within 10 days open day and night
business lot at Metolius. Inquire
at this office.
Any mistake made in my den­
tal work will be cheerfully recti­
If the dusty condition o f 6th
fied. You are invited to call and
street continues the services of
see the new Interchangeable
the street sprinkler will be need­
Steel Facing. Dr. Cline, dentist
Ehret block.
For good meat and good service
E. B. Applegate, who was in
go to the Pioneer Meat Mark­
for several months last
summer and fall, returned to the
Ehret Bros, last week erected city last week for a brief sojourn.
a large awning in front o f their While away Mr. Applegate visit­
big department store on the com ­ ed at Hoodriver, Portland and
er o f 6th and C streets. The other Willamette Valley towns.
Headquarter» with Buckley Express Co.
General Auto LSvery
Phone you r order tor reservation o f meat to Buaklay Bxp. Co
Secure your aeata In advance to avoid delay