But when asked why the roast should lie given, the one who wants it done cannot give PubltehtKt «very Thurwlay by H. H. a o. l_ ru.Mi'K any valid excuse, and when ask­ AT RBDMOND, ORMON ed if he will write up something SUBSCRIPTION RATES and sign his name to it the man Stricily in Advanea One year. - $1,50 I Three month*. 5Gr will say "oh, no, I dont want m.V Si* months, .78 I Single copie». 5c name to appear in the .. __•• matter. The Redmond Spokesman Redmond Bank of Commerce Redmond, Oregon A general banking business conducted. Safety deposit boxes for rent. upon application But he is willing the newspaper Make all money* payable ami mkire*» should pull his chestnuts OUt of I K J T S B S E rA !u ">« «•* PHYSICIAN ami SI RUEON Office in Redmond Ä Phienix Building F. H. RODEMEYER Drafts drawn on all foreign countries. Redmond, Oregon. Mar. 28. 1911 city is one of the most unthank­ ful positions a man can hold. No G o in g to Im p ro v e man on a council can please the Physician and Surgeon You are always welcome at this bank. J. W. Brewer, Prest. B. A. Kendall, Vice Prest G. M. Slocum. Cashier, Redmond. Oregon. G. W. WELLS will look after F. W. McCAFFERY’S Real Estate Business at the old stand during Mr. McCaffery’s absence CARL WOODS’ Blue Front L ivery, Sale and Feed STABLE Headquarters for Freighters G o r. 5 th a n d E S ts .. R E D M O N D . ORE. Under the provisions of the new city charter that is now in force it is possible for the city to go ahead and make a number of improvements that are needed. | and which will make Redmond a city in every sense o f the word, Plans are being worked out for a water system for the c it y -t o get water from the Deschutes river at Cline Falls. This water would be available for all domes­ tic purposes and also for fire pro- j tection. Another improvement con­ templated. and which no doubt will be carried through after the railroad reaches here, is the building o f concrete sidewalks in the business section o f the city. > and the building of board walks ! in the residence section. These are the two most import­ ant projects that are under con­ sideration now, and it is to be I hoped that they can be carried out without too much expense to the city or property owners. Improvements o f a substantial kind in a city always attract capi- tal and a good class of citizens. and if it is within reason Red- mond should go ahead and make the above contemplated improve­ ments. It will be money well in­ vested. Prompt Mail Service BAKER & McCLAV Announce that they have opened a Bowling Alley Two Regulation Standard Alleys in the building on the corner o f 6th and F Sts. They invite the public to call at their place and roll a game of Ten Pins, Nine Pins or ‘‘Cocked Hat”. FOR SALE Job Printing The choicest vacant comer 50x Let us do your next order o f 100 on Sixth street, only one commercial job printing. High block from Hotel Redmond, this grade work and prices satisfac­ is a snap for a quick buy. $1800 tory. The Redmond Spokesman. takes it' See Jones Land Com­ Bring your final proof notices pany for terms. to The Spokesman office. We Be3t line o f post cards in the will make out your application city. Everything in this line for proving up, and attend to all from the lowest price to the the details necessary in the mat­ highest Norwood’s. 28tf ter. The mail service between Portland and Redmond is some­ thing that is beyond the compre­ hension o f the ordinary person. . . , ,, . It is a wonderful and com p le te d people all the time. This man wants this, ami that man wants that, and so on down the line, until life sometimes becom es a burden to the councilman. It is a wonder that men can be found to serve as councilmen. » i ■ ■ ■ ■ R^imond is well governed by ordinances. There are laws for this and for that, and the latest is to prevent stock and poultry running at large. Now about the only thing that is allowed to run at large in the city is the water in the irrigating ditches and a few councilmen. Outside people who have read literature about Redmond are most agreeably surprised when they arrive here to find that con­ ditions have not been overstated. On the contrary they say not enough has been said of the city. It is not what goes into a news­ paper but what is kept out o f it that cuts the most ice sometimes. The 4th of July celebration at Redmond will make history for this part of the state, PLEASANT RIDGE [Received too late for last week) Ballard Giles, who has hired out to work for Chas. O'Neil this summer on a ranch, has moved his family to O’ Neil. Ralph Sherwood, who has been taking a business course for the past six months at the Corvallis Agricultural College, has return- ^ frum there wj(h his famj,y system. When a letter from After a few days sickness Mrs. Portland is mailed to a person in W’. S. Temple passed away, leav- this section it is a question wheth- ing a husband and three small er it arrives at its destination in children to mourn her loss. Andrew Nelson is in the Red­ a week or a month or six months. mond hospital being cared for, It has to follow the system. for a broken ¡eg. He received The Spokesman received a let- his injury while pulling trees, ter from Portland last week Fri- The recent warm weather has day, March 17, that was mailed in a ten(fency t° start the farm- Portland March 11th. The post- ers and ranchers ^ plowing and , , . getting the ground in shape for marks on the envelope showed this seasons crop. that the letter was received at l . E. Smith, accompained by Madras on the 13th. The next his brother, arrived from Arlin- date shows that the letter went gton W’n., and is now located on to Hillman and was received there one ranches near the Hara- der place. Mr. Smith expects the 17th. From Hillman the let­ his family to arrive here soon. ter was forwarded to its destina- March 20th j tion, Redmond, and arrived here This is a fine country for twins. on the 17th—six days after being A few weeks ago Mr. Cochran mailed. went to his barn and was sur­ And that is the kind o f mai prised to see a pair o f twin calves service Uncle Sam is giving us and again last week was sur­ prised to find he had another pair. people out in this section o f Ore­ Looks as if there was some­ gon. thing doing by the number of autos running around this part ‘ ‘Say you ought to give that o f the country with many strange fellow a roasting in the paper faces. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Thomp­ is getting to be a common thing son drove to Redmond to church with some people, and nearly Sunday. every day The Spokesman is re Fred Sherwood visited friends quested to do as quoted above. at Powell Buttes last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan at Cline Falls, are the proud [»rents o f a fine boy. Miss Thresa Linnell has moved back on her ranch west of A. A. Green’s ranch. Mrs. Tudor at Camp 2 enter-1 tained the children of Pleasant Ridge last Saturday which was a great treat to them. Mrs. Hew- ins, Mrs. Chace and Mrs. Thomp­ son assisted in entertaining. Hardware and Farm Implements We have lately put in a Complete Line of Harness that we would like to show you. Prices reasonable and goods are good. Come in and see them. Kendall & Chapman, Redmond, Ore C. R. McLallin returned last Friday from a trip to Portland where he went to bi îuy a stock of electrical fixtures. Seed Oats for Sale I have good clean white oats for sale at 2 cents a pound at the granary. Albert Hombeck, 3713 Sisters, Ore. Rustic and V Siding Flooring, Headed Ceiling All kinds of Rough and Finish Lumber E y « Tested Classen Prop­ erly Kilted l* t me figure with you on your next lumber bill. Estimates furnished free for sll classes o f buildings. Olile» In Ehret Bru», block Redmond. Oregon Yards on Fifth St. between C and D streets BUCHET EXP CO. Phone I d 0 2 R E D M O N D . ORB. MKTWkfcN Redmond and Shaniko Leave Radinomi every Sunday •tul Wednesday. leave Shaniko Tuesday and Friday. Arrive at Redmond Thursday ami Sunday. JOSEPH H. JACKSON sells Passenger and Express Fast Freight aid fciprc« a Specialty J. C. WILLIAMS : Watchmaker and Jeweler Postoffice Building REDMOND. - OREGON J. A. WILCOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Doors, Windows, Glass, Ranges, Heating and Cook Stoves, Builders* Hardware, John Deere, Canton Clipper and Oliver Plows, Wagons, Buggies«nd Hacks, and all the othrr goods that g o e s in the Hardware trade. (ome and see ua. • Office on North Sixth St. REDMOND. - Satisfaction Guaranteed OREGON ( I I « S SHIPLEY Joseph H. Jackson, **■•* ATTORNEYS at LAW Office on E St. between 5th and 6th REDMOND. - OREGON I. P. HEWITT Lawyer Room* 1 and 3, Redmond Bank of Commerce budding, REDMOND. - OREGON City Dray ... AND.... Transfer Line All Orders 6iven Prompt Satisfactory Attention THE PIONEER MEAT MARKET Have you inspected our stock? It will pay you to do so. We handle everytning obtainable in the way of Meats, Fish, Poultry and Vegetables. t T r y U s fo r G O O D S E R V I C E W. TV. GOLDEN, Proprietor GOTTER’S LUMBER YARD BEN HOTTER, Proprietor Carries a large stock of Rough and Dressed Lum­ ber. We would be pleased to figure on your orders. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING W . W . CAUGHEY, REDMOND, ORE. Phone 905 Plana and Estimates Furnished. All Orders Given Prompt Attention. Y»rd one block east of Jicluon’s Hardware Store, Redmond REDMOND FEEDS FUEL CO. All kinds and at prices that you can afford to pay. Harness Lumber and Building Material of .h . ooo.o- Entered a* «.'coml-clm»» matter Ju.y quencca. 14. 1910 at the PoaRuIHre at R.-olmoml, un'*’'r Af‘ “ f Moh s- The job o f councilman in a small Agents for OLD LINE fire insurance. 1'arrifn n Conplfta Stock of Redm ond. Ore. Letters o f credit and travelers’ checks is­ sued, negotiable everywhere. Interest paid on time deposits. R . C. I MM ELKS Lumber Yard I.F.HOSCH.M.D. If you want good milk that will raise thick, rich cream, delivered at your door every day, place your order with J. O. Hanson HUB CITY DAIRY Hay Secda Grain Poultry Food* Ground Feed Custom Grinding Fuel Wood Sa win* ■ Redmond Feed & Fuel Co*