The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, March 16, 1911, Image 3

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    Hotel Redmond
JONES LAND CO., Prop'ra.
Entirely Refurnished and Refitted
Headquarters for Tourists
and Traveling Men
REDMOND (TTY OFFICIALS was a visitor in Redmond last
Mnyor tl. Y. Join-».
week Friday. Mr. Horn beck h
(ourirllmiMi J. F. Ilixwli. Frank W.
MrCsffwry. M K. I.ynrh, K. M. Whit»-, formerly from Haines, this state,
G W Well*, Q. M. Huffman.
but he likes this section o f Oreg­
Itvconlar Win. G. I'tiiM-nix.
on the best.
Treaaurcr G. M. Kloeum.
t ’lty Attorney J. A. W ilcox.
Marnluil F. E. Mill*.
Council meet* mtiuk I ami fourth
Tueiulay o f n t h month.
Praaldant If. F. Jone*.
Secretary A. J. Ilancy.
Meeting mglit* FI rat aniiThiril W ed­
nesday each month.
kkomond ,
Tables Supplied with the
Meets every Friday night in Khret
Visiting member* invited to
F. E . M IL L S , Executive
G. W. O a v ik x , Sec.
Best the Market Affords
Crook County Abstract Co.
Up-to date set o f Abetrart Hook*.
All work guaranteed.
W r photograph
the record».
II. F. Wilde, »ecretary,
l’ rineville. Ore.
Always Ready to Cater to the Wants of the Public
Redmond and Vicinity
When you buy meat you
always want the best you
can get, and when you
buy at my market pur­
chasers are assured of
getting the best.
I would like to have
you try our bologna.
South Oth St., Redmond
From now on we intend to con­
duct the best cafe in Redmond
The Banquet, Geo. L. Wheeler,
One nearly new single buggy
and harness for sale. Enquire
at postoffice.
Methodist Service* 2d ami 4th Sun­
day* o f each month at II a. m.
Sunday School at 10 a. m. every Sun­
Place your orders for maga­
day. Chriatian Kndeevor 7 o ’ clock e v - '
ery Sunday evening.
W. L. Wil*on, zines with J.
pa* tor.
Prompt delivery assured. ‘¿Hit
I’ renhytertan — Service* l i t and 3d
Sunday o f each month. Hev. (J. A. M.
Lilloy. pastor.
These pleasant summer-like
Chriatian Science — Services «very
make a person feel like go­
Sunday at 2:30 p. m.
Brotherhood of Owls, Nest No. 122
C. A. Burnside o f Haines, Ore.
was in the city last Friday, hav­
ing come over from the Clover-
dale section in company with Al­
bert Hombeck and Newt Cobb
o f Sisters.
Mr. Burnside has
bought the Cobb place, and will
immediately begin making a num­
ber o f improvement*.
The bread baked at the Home
Bakery and Restaurant always
gives the best of satisfaction. 27tf
Sixth and F street*
carries in stock
that are handled in all
first-class cafes.
Automobile travel
Redmond these days is increasing
and it is not a strange sight to
see eight or ten autos in front
of the Hotel Redmond at one time.
Farm lands and city property
for sale by Ellinger & Ehlers.
The Saturday night dances at
the skating rink still continue to
draw good sized crowds, and
Managers Cameron & Barnes are
making plans to offer still better
inducements for the amusement
o f the dancing public.
In the center of Melrose Park
The Oregon Cafe is now open
addition to Redmond is located day and night. Fresh oysters
the only public Park within the in any style at all times. You
city limits, it covers five acres. will like our service.
Monday was sure a clean up
Tomorrow night Friday, is the
day in Redmond. Never has the date for the big ball to be given
city looked so spick and span as by the Redmond Brotherhood of
she does now.
List your property with Ellin­
Use the telephone. We deliv­
ger & Ehlers. ^
er free. Don’t hesitate to call
on us because you are not a reg­
Attorney I. P. Hewitt was a ular customer. This service is
guest o f the Hillman Commercial for everybody. Red Cross Drug
Club at a mass meeting held there Store.
Saturday night.
C. P. Judge of Portland and
The finest homes in Redmond Prairie City, arrived in Redmond
will be located in beautiful MEL­ last Friday to look after some of
ROSE PARK with its large lots his pro|»erty interests here. Mr.
and wide streets and avenues, Judge says that Redmond looks
on the highest elevation within the best o f any town he has seen
the city limits, with irrigation in the central part o f the state.
water on every lot
A meal at the Home Restau­
and Bakery is appetizing
J. J. Ellinger went to Hillman
last Saturday night to attend a
The Annex Billiard Hall
The most Modern Establishment
of the kind in Central Oregon
A Fresh Line of Candies, Cigars
and Tobaccos always
on hand
A. E . IVY ATT* proprietor
Redmond to look the city and
country over with a view to in­
It is expected that
within the next two weeks a
large number o f colonists from
the east and middle west will ar­
rive in this section.
Dr. Grandy uses painless meth­ through colonist trains have left
ods in his dentistry work. Office for Oregon, and many o f the
upstairs in Redmond Hotel An­ colonists have been routed to
different points in the central
part o f the state.
Harry Kennard left Monday
night for Fallbridge, Wn., where
Two vacant corners on E street
he will do publicity work for the between Hotel and Depot lOOx
Redmond Commercial Club.
100, also two comers, 50x100
Several new members were in­
itiated into the Yeoman last eve­
ning, After the regular session
o f the Homestead a short social
session was held.
same location. Jones Land Com­
Fine line o f leather goods, pany for terms.
such as hand hags, purses, bill
books, etc., at Norwood’s. 28tf
C. F. Bartlett and family
have moved into the tents form­
W. A. Golden has bought out
erly occupied by W. A. Golden
C. F. Bartlett’ s Pioneer Meat
and family, and the Golden fam­
Market o f this city, and took
ily now occupy the Bartlett tents
possession last week. Mr. Bart­
next to the Pioneer Meat Market
lett is yet undecided just what
business he will engage in for
Money invested in Lots in Mel­
the future.
rose Park NOW, will double in
Ellinger & Ehlers for insurance the next year.
The Vaudeville entertainment
given at the skating rink last
Thursday night by local talent
for the purpose o f raising a part
o f the funds to be used for the
4th o f July celebration here, was
very well attended, and an en­
joyable program presented.
y ^
< u
For sale at a Bargain—One
pair 6-year old Geldings, weight
Best line o f post cards in the 1400 each. E. G. Wright, O’ Neil.
36 td
Everything in this line Ore.
from the lowest price to the
During the past week a num­
highest. Norwood’s.
ber of strangers have arrived in
Cafe Royal
ing fishing.
The often fishing
season will soon be here, and
then the pincatorially inclined
tan take a whack at the trout,
mass meeting called by the Com­
mercial Club o f that place.
Security School Shoes
The Spokesman is informed by
local builders and contractors
that a number o f attractive
houses and bungalows will be
built in Redmond this summer.
Capability, facility, equipment
and training, together with a
big stock o f pure and perfectly.
Farm for sale or rent Enquire tested drugs invites you to bring
o f H. A. Shenk. Redmond. 31tf all prescriptions to the Red Cross
Drug Store.
Bargain if taken within 10 days
Tuesday was election day to
business lot at Metolius. Inquire
vote on the adoption of the new
at this office.
proposed charter for the city.
Albert Hornheck who has a fine For an election day on such a
ranch in the Cloverdale District, momentuous question the city
i WJ
A rt the leader* in *tyU. bacauaa mad*
ky tk* ertatort of »tyla.
— In fit. kaenua* made on parfact foot-
form lnats.
— In wenr, kccaua* mad* of tk* kru
leather, ky tke fa*/ *koemaker* in tk*
Your •ati»faction witk tk* American
Lady Shoe ia vouched for by it* million*
o f wearer* in every part of tke country.
Com* in and *** kow rosy it ia to k*
perfectly fitted in an American Lady Skoe, and kow quickly you can
plea»* your fancy from our fin*, new stock of Fall and Winter style*.
°ur Motto “ K ^ fh fffiB Q lia lity up" 0ur n#M#
Our Grocery Department offers this week some Staple and Fancy Articles that
should appeal to the housekeeper:
Fancy Wisconsin October made Cheese, per lb................... 25c
Tea Garden Brand Mince Meat, large glass j a r ................75c
Tea Garden Brand Apple Butter, large crocks .............$1.10
Shasta Brand Jell, £ gal. tins .................................................70c
Cottolene— small c a n s .................................................................75c
Cottolene— large cans .............................................................. $1.80
Lynch & Roberts « 5
was very quiet and there was Oregon Trunk Depot
Juniper Reading
not much argument for or against At Madras
the measure.
A force o f men is at work at
The Juniper Reading Circle
at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
Fine line o f fresh candies, the
on Wednesday of last
best made, at Norwood’s. 28tf
that point, and it is expected to week. The first number on the
With the arrival o f the railroads have the building completed early program was a paper on the
here early this summer all kinds in April. The building will be Pueblo Indians, read by Mrs. I.
o f building material will be 30x115 feet, not including the L. Osborne. This was followed
greatly cheapened and make it porches to be erected on three by one by Miss. Jones on the
possible for property owners to sides. The south portion o f the Discovery of the Columbia River,
building will be used for waiting Mrs. Cameron read an interest-
build substantial houses.
rooms. The middle rooms o f the ing sketch of Sacajawea. which
C, H. Irvin’s new stock o f rugs depot will be used as offices for completed the literary part o f
The the program. Mrs. Anderson
mattings, linoleums and wall the railroad company.
paper have arrived, and is now- building is being constructed favored the club with some ins-
on exhibition at his store. Mr. with a view to accommodating a trumental music, after which re­
Irvin has priced these goods so large amount o f business. It is freshments were served by the
that the most modest pocket stated that an average of 75 pas- hostess. The next meeting will
book can afford to buy o f him. sengers a day have been arriving be held with Mrs. Josephine D.
The stock is the largest ever at Madras since the installation Redmond on Wednesday, March
The president requests
o f passenger service on the 22d.
shown in this section.
i that, if possible, every member
Oregon Trunk.
be present as a course of reading
I. P. Hewitt o f this city has
Those who eat at the Home for the coming year will be dis­
been appointed United States
Bakery and Restaurant get the cussed.
Commissioner. This will be a
best o f service and food at reason­
great convenience to persons
able prices.
who have heretofore had to go
A liberal reward will be paid
long distances to transact busi­
Dr. Cline, the dentist guaran­ for the return, or information
ness at the land office.
tees all his work.
Dental work leading to the recovery of my
done by him is done right Call Black English Retriever Dog,
The dog stealer has been opera­ on him in Ehret block if you wish answering to the name of Snyder.
ting around Redmond for the any dental work.
B. F. Woodman.
past month, and some valuable
Redmond, Oregon.
dogs have been stolen. B. F.
Woodman had an English retriev­ Chocolates, the best manafactur-
er stolen about two weeks ago. ed. always fresh, at Norwood’s.
Strayed from my premises at
and Harry Hill, the butcher, lost Try a box. you will like them.28tf Cline Falls about March 1st a
a fine collie. Mr. Woodman has
dark bay horse, bar X brand, 7
not yet found his dog. but Mr.
Job Printing
years old, weight about 1100
Hill recovered his dog at Madras.
Let us do your next order o f pounds.
Finder notify under­
commercial job printing.
High signed and receive reward,
The Home Bakery and Restau­ grade work and prices satisfac-
W. Woods,
rant for good meals.
tory. The Redmond Spokesman.
Cline Falls. Ore.
Frank Elkins’ Auto Co.
Headquarter» with Buckley Express Co.
G en era l Aiuto L iv e ry
Phone you r order tor reservation o f seat to Bneklsy Bxp. Co
S e c u re your seats In advance to avoid delay