The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon VOL 1. No. ity REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1911 CITY IS SPICK. SPAN. CLEAN Monday’s “Clean Up” Day Beat the (¡old Dust Twins’ Record city, and today it would be a hard matter to find any little city or town in Oregon that shows up to better advantage for cleanli­ ness. Incoming people will get a favorable ¡repression of the city by seeing the clean streets ami alleys, and it is generally the lirst impression that counts with lieople going into a new country It is the intention to keep the good work up and see that no re­ trograde movement is made in this matter, but to have all the citizens work toone end to make Redmond the cleanest and most attractive appearing city it Cen­ tral Oregon. REDMOND SHINES LIKE NEW DOLLAR (’an You Boat Thin Record NONE IN 1910 llarriman Lines Carry 49,- 491,000 Persons Safe­ ly During Year BLOCK SYSTEM IS GIVING RESULTS A sure sign that winter is over and spring is here: Boys If You Want to See a Mod­ going gentle barefooted U» school, and Reports Received by Ix>cal el City Come to the Agents Show No chickens catching grnsshop|s-rs. And all this at Redmond on the “ Hub C ity ” Fatalities 14th «lay of March. Can you find any country that will beat this record outside of the tropics? Whim tho of Redmond Installation of safety devices start out to do anything they do and the block signal system are it right. At a n*«-«-nt meeting of I cited for the record of the Harri- the (Commercial (Club it wan de­ man railroads in carrying 49,491« rided to have a public "Clean- 000 passengers in 1910 without Up” day in the city, and Monday, sacrificing a single life. the ftth. wan art as the date. The vote on the new- city char­ The rcjiort was complied in the Notice was publish« I in the lupert to that efTeet, and tin- 78 votes being cast. The regis­ r«-ctor of maintenance and opera­ way the citizens went after the tration of the city at the last tion, Chicago. It covers the rubbish and ¡u*eumulation of can« election business of the Union Pacific, was about 140. The vote Southern etc., in the street*, alley« and on the charter Pacific and affiliate«! was as follows: roads, a total vacant Iota would have Tided an of 17.9G0 miles. For 17 army of "White Wings." The total numl»er of passengers Against 31 It was a clean up that showit carried on a mile basis is 3.000,- Majority for 1G the citizens take a pride in their 000 , 000 . NEW CITY CHARTER CARRIES BY 16 VOTES The Harrirnan system carried 10 p«-r cent of the estimated 1910 passenger traffic. The figures for most of the «>ther railroads have not yet been cornplu-d by the Government, but in 1909 the numlier of passengers carried was 29,000,000,000. Th<- figures for 1910, it is said, will not ex- ceed a billion more. Many other railroads have gone through a year without a fatality to any of its passengers, but it is said that no system has made this record for such a large total of passengers. Results on the Harrirnan lines are aacriljed to a campaign wag- «-«1 by the management for years to reduce accidents. The Harri- man system now has more miles of automatic blix-k signal protec­ tion than any other Bystem in the world. Mr. Kruttschnitt hasdi- recu-d special attention to the ac­ cident problem, and began sev­ eral yi-ars ago to bring out a re­ duction by giving complete pub­ licity to all forms of accidents and their investigation, which, it is belive«!, spurred officers and employes to greater efforts to safeguard lives. In 1903-190-1 the number of ac­ cidents on the Union Pacific was 20 for 1,000,000 locomotive miles. On the Pacific system of the Southern Pacific the number of accidents per 1.000.000 locomotive miles was reduced from 29.5 to 10.5 in the same time. Oregon Trunk Expects to Carry 100 Carloads During March CATTLE SHIPMENTS BEGIN WITH RUSH Coming of Railroad Does Away With Former Sage­ brush Trip Fully 100 carloads of cattle and sheep will be shipped into Port­ land from the territory drained by the newly-constructed Oregon Trunk line before the end of March. Two Ordinance»* While officials of the new line Passed have to believe that hand­ At a regular council meeting ling of reason livestock in large quanti­ Tuesday night two ordinances ties will be a regular item of were passed. One prohibiting the running at large in the city freight traffic, they realize that of stock and poultry, and the the heavy handling for March is «jther prescribing the hours in not a fair estimate of what may which bowling alleys shall run. This ordinance provides that be expected throughout the re­ bowling alleys shall be closed mainder of the year. from 12 midnight until 7 a. m. 1 Many farmers and stockmen of Central Oregon have been holding their cattle and sheep all winter, that they might take ad­ vantage of the reduced freight rates over the direct line into Portland. As soon as this sur­ plus supply of stock is removed the traffic will become normal. However, it is expected that the movement will be an important Big Clean-Up of Men’s Underwear At Economy Price A lot of odd and end garments, 50c to $1.25 values Your Choice 70c NEW DRESS GOODS We invite the ladies to come in and see the finest stock in this line ever shown in Crook county. Priced reasonable Tillamook Cheese, the BEST 25c per pound EHRET BROTHERS DEPARTMENT STORE Will CARRY MUCH STOCK Lowest in Price, Highest in Quality $1.50 PER YEAR SPECIAL Reduced Prices $30.00 Suits cut to $22.00 27.50 Suits cut to 20.00 25.00 Suit»* cut to 18.00 22.50 Suit« cut to 16.00 18.00 Suits cut to 13.50 17.50 Suits cut to 13.00 12.50 Suits cut to 10.00 Boys Knee Pants 90 c and up 25 per cent off on all Boys’ Suits and Men’s Overcoats. Summit Brand all wool shirts, regular $2.50 Special $2.00 Ore. Woolen Mill all wool shirts, Reg. $2.25 Special $1.75 Complete line of Ladies Shoes at Portland prices. E. L. RAP P “The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. to handle this class of freight in large quantities. Special double- deck stock cars for handling sheep have been sent up the Des­ chutes Valley. Facilities for loading stock have been provided at Metolius. Madras and Meca. Large yards have been built, feeding bins I Located at Fallbrid?e He have been provided and gang­ Will Meet All O. T. ways leading to the boxcars have: Line Trains been constructed. At Maupin, Sherar and U’Ren accomodations j for handling sheep and cattle' have been established, but ex­ Harry Kennard of this city, tensive yards have not yet been has been selected by the Commer­ built, improved facilities will be established at all these places, cial Club to represent Redmond and as the line is extended south and this section of the county at similar improvements will be Fallbridge, Wash., on the North provided at all stock-loading Bank road where the Oregon points. Trunk Line ferries across to the Oregon side. He will meet in­ PROCLAMATION coming colonists and see that are well informed about Know all men, that at a special they Redmond and the Redmond Dis­ election held at Redmond on the trict 14th day of March 1911, for the A quanity of literature will be Thi* is one o f the best paying newspa­ per properties in Oregon. Owners have approval or rejection of a Char­ available for his use, and he will other interests that demand their at­ ter, submitted to the legal elect­ see that it is placed where it will tention. Reasonable price. For further particulars call on or address The ors of the City of Redmond by do the most good. The colonist Spokesman. Redmond, Oregon. the Common Council and filed in travel began the tenth of this the office of the City Recorder and from advices received item in the road's business every January 10th, 1911, in accordance month, from the railroad offi­ month and that it will grow with the provisions of Section 2 cials it is different expected this section gradually as the country develops. of Article 11 of the Constitution will be visited by a large number The first car of sheep was ship­ ped into Portland from Madras of Oregon, and amendments i of homeseekers during the next Monday, February 20. before thereto: a majority of votes hav­ three or four months. freight traffic was inaugurated ing been cast in favor of the j for the purpose of letting regularly. Several other cars adoption of said Charter as the It is prospective homeseekers have been received there since by the canvasing of said know what a splendid country then and traveling freight agents shown of the new line are now soliciting vote by the Common Council at we have that a good live, ener­ the shippers for additional car­ a meeting held on the 14th day j getic publicity man has been load lots. of March 1911. at a point w’here he will Reports have been received in Now therefore, I, H. F. Jones. placed meet all the incoming land seek­ the general freight offices that 75 Mayor of the City of Redmond. cars have been booked for ship­ Oregon, do hereby declare and' ers, and point out to them where ment before the end of March. proclaim that the said Charter they can find the best irrigatad It is expected that the 100 mark was dully and legally adopted by section In Central Oregon. Mon­ will be reached with ease. the electors of the said City of ey sufficient to meet all expenses Most of the stock coming into Redmond. Oregon, and that the of this publicity work was raised Portland is ready for slaughter, same is now in full force and ef­ in a short time here last week by public subscription, and within but some of it must be fattened fect. before going to the stock yards. Dated at Redmond this 15th ! the next ten days or two weeks it is expected to see a large in­ Now that the railroad has ent­ day of March, 1911. flux of new comers into this ered the Deschutes Valley, stock- H. F. Jones, raising is expected to become one Mayor. , section. of the principal industries of that section. Heretofore farmers were discouraged in preparing cattle and sheep for market be­ cause of the difficulties in placing them on the railroad. It was nec­ essary to drive them msny miles across the country and the trip had a damaging effect on the stock, causing the animals to lose many pounds in weight. Now it is possible to place them on cars one morning and have them delivered in Portland the We have just received the fin* following morning over the Oreg­ on Trunk and North Bank roads. est line of the above goods This will perclude the necessity of unloading the stock for feed ever shown in this section, and and water, and will reduce the cost greatly. Farmers thus will we would like to have you receive full market price for their products and will benefit by the come in and see these goods. sale of full weight instead of suffering by shrinkage in sending Everything for the Toilet. stock across the sagebrush to the railroad. Many Central Oregon farmers have expressed an intention of go­ ing into the stockraising business i on a large scale because of the advantage in transportation they will have. While the day of the big cattle ranch is over, it is be­ lieved that more stock than ever will be produced in proportion to the acreage. The Oregon Trunk is preparing PUBLICITY MAN TO MEET HOMESEEKERS The Redmond Spokesman Plant for Sale Toilet Articles Norwood's