The Redmond Spokesman Redmond Bank of Commerce Redmond, Oregon Publuh*.! t v r y Thur»d*> by . n. a c . L. f a l m k r A T RKDMONB, ORKUON h Si BSe'RIHTION KATES Strictly In Advance (>»<« VNT, • 11.Vl Three monthv MV v :\ m< this A general banking business conducted. Safety deposit boxes for rent. Letters of credit and travelers’ checks is­ sued, negotiable everywhere. Drafts drawn on all foreign countries. Interest paid on time deposits. Agents for OLD LINE fire insurance. You are always welcome at this bank. J. W. Brewer. Prest. B. A. Kendall. Vice Prest. ADVERTISIN'«; KATES mad# known uv**n m ilifl* 1"* Mnkv all money» psyabW and atVIrraa all communication» to 11. H. A C . L. Palmer. Redmond, Oregon. Entered a» »econd-claxa matter Ju.v M. 1910 at the IVwtoffic» at Redmond. Oreifvin, under the Act of Meh. X, 1S.*V. Redmond. Oregon. Mar. 2. 1911 WATERU3ERS ARE Ï0 BE KEPI INFORMED will look after F. W. McCAFFERY’S Real Estate Business at the old stand during Mr. McCaffery’s absence CARL WOODS’ Blue Front L i v e r y , Sale and Feed STABLE Headquarters for Freighters G or. 5 th and E S ts ., R E D M O X D . ORE. goods at cost Big Chance to Save Money Our contract on the O. T. Ry. being about completed, we will dispose of our stock of goods in Redmond, consisting of practi­ cally every thing in the Grocery Line, Hams and Bacon, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware, etc. AT COST Goods are at onr Com m issary in Redmond Henry & McFee [Published by Request] From State Engineer Lewis is obtained the following order of the State Land Board, which provides that at meetings where matters o f importance to settlers are to be taken up representa­ tives of the settlers shall be no­ tified that they may be on hand to present their side of the case. ■'It appearing advisable that the Desert Land Board should have regular dates of meeting, and that it would be advisable to have such meeting held on the same dates that the State Land Board meets, it was therfore “ Ordered, that regular meet­ ings of the Desert Land Board will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month and it was further "Ordered, that whenever any Company operating under the Carey Act. desires the Board to take action on any request, such request must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Board not less than three days prior to the next regular meet­ ing of the Board, and if such re­ quest appears to affect the inter­ ests of the settlers on the segre­ gation of the said company, the Secretary is hereby instructed to notify the proper representative of the settlers of such request and no action will be taken by the Board on any request which appears to affect the interests of settlers until the settlers, through their proper representatives, have been given an opportunity to be heard. The Secretary is hereby instructed to write to the several settlers associations on the Central Oregon Irrigation Co’s, project for information as to whom communications rela­ t iv e to the interests o f settlers shall be addressed.” FOR SALE The choicest vacant comer 50x 100 on Sixth street, only one block from Hotel Redmond, this is a snap for a quick buy, $1800 takes i t See Jones Land Com­ pany for terms. Bank in New Location The State Bank o f Redmond has moved its quarters from the building on the comer of Sixth and D streets to the building re­ cently occupied by Ellingee & Ehlers on Sixth street between D and E streets. This is but a temporary location for the bank, as it is the intention of the bank people to build either a concrete or brick building after the rail­ road reaches here. The building l formerly occupied by the bank is Hardware and Farm Implements Harness All kinds and at prices that you can afford to pay. We have lately put in a Complete Line o f Harness that we would like to show you. Prices reasonable and goods are good. Come in and see them. Kendall & Chapman, Redmond, Ore J.F.HOSCH.M.D. '* » • ------------- ------------------ Committees to Get Busy The committes for the 4ih of July celebration that were up- pointod by the Commercial Club last week, will meet subject to the call o f the resjiective chair­ men. No member has been ap­ points! on more than one com­ mittee and the Commercial Club urges the necessity of each com­ mittee getting the work under way as soon as |H*ssible. and to hold meetings »1 least once a week, and in order for the Exe­ cutive committee to keep well posted, each committee is re­ quested to file a weekly report of progress with the above commit­ tee. Representatives of Settlers Railroad Yards Are May Attend Iuind Board Built at Metolius Meetings G. M. Slocum. Cashier. Redmond. Oregon. G. W. WELLS owned by the Central Oregon Ir­ rigation Co. which corporation desires to occupy the whole prem • The tracklayers on the Oregon Trunk railroad reached Metolius last Tuesday’ morning. It will take them a number o f days to lay the necessary sidetrack as this will bo the freight and pass­ enger terminals and hence they will require extensive yards. The Herrick construction com­ pany has the contract for erect­ ing the company's buildings along the line and as the mater­ ial for the depot and some of the other very necessary buildings is now on the ground, construction will commence at once. PHYSIC! \N anil STlltiKON Office in Redmond Jfc Phoenix Building F. H.RODEMEYER Physician and Surgeon Eyca Tested (¡lasses Prop­ erly Fittisi Olile» in Ehre» Uro», block Redmond. Oregon BUCKLEY EXP CO. Passenger and Expresa East Irritili and t.xprcs» a Sputali) Milk If you want good milk that will raise thick, rich cream, delivered at your door every day, place your order with J. O. Hanson HUB CITY DAIRY Watchmaker and Jeweler Postoffice Building REDMOND. OREGON - J. A. WILCOX ATTORNEY AT LAW V S id i All kinds of Rough and Finish Lumber I*‘t me figure with you on your next lumber bill. Estimates furnished free for all classes o f buildings. Rhone !U 0 2 R E D M O X D , ORE, JOSEPH H. JACKSON sells Doors, Windows, Class, Ranges, Heating and Cook Stoves, Builders’ Hardware, John Deere, Canton Clipper and Oliver Flows, Wagons, Buggies »nd Hacks, and all the other good# that goes in the Hardware trade. Come and see uh . Office on North Sixth St. REDMOND. - OREGON Satisfaction Guaranteed Joseph H. Jackson, w « mi Lawyer REDMOND. - OREGON G IN N & SHIPLEY The Pioneer Meat Market C. F. BARTLETT, Prtip’ r. ATTORNEYS at LAW Office on E St. between Sth and 6th REDMOND. - OREGON City Dray AND Transfer Line m s $ » * 411 Orders Given Prompt Satisfactory Attention W. W . CAUGHEY, REDMOND, ORE;. I^ave orders at Burk ley Broa. Hay Heeds Grain Ground Poultry Foods Feed Fuel Custom Wood Grinding Sawing & m % I «*11 everything in the Line, and always have a good stock on hand to fill your wants with. Ycsi will find that your meat shopping will always be satisfactory if done at The Pioneer Market. Besides carrying a full line o f meats I sell everything that is raised on the ranch, mich as Butter. Eggs. Chick'-ns, Vegetables, etc., and sell same at reasonable prices. i REDMOND FEED & FUEL CO. Redmond Feed Huild Mat Lumber and Ruxlie and Flooring, Headed Ceiling J. C. WILLIAMS Kuoma 1 and S, Redmond Bank of Commerce building, Let us fix you out with any­ thing in the line of signs, wood caning, picture framing, glaz­ ing and glass cutting, paints and oil, rubber and steel stamps, brass checks and stencils, pads and brushes, and novelties of all kinds. Work and orders given prompt attention. J. H. Rederer & Co. Sign Shop. 7th St. 29tf CurrioH a Complete Stock of Kednumd and Shaniko leave Redmond every Sunday »•id Wednesday I.eave St.amko Tuesday and Friday. Arrive at Redmond Thursday and Sunday. Lost Open face gold watch, with leather fob. Finder suitably re­ warded by returning same to Joe Buckley, Redmond, Oregon. Your Wants Filled With Satisfaction Patronize Home Industry Lumber Yard BKTWKKN I. P. HEWITT For Sale Cycle incubator, almost new. and a clover cutter. Inquire at Spokesman office. 33t2 I M M E L E 'S Yards on Fifth St. between C and D streets All the improved methods of dentistry are used by I)r. Cline in his dental practice. You will be satisfied with his work. Office in Ehret block. 34tf - «■» - C. R e d m o n d , O re. Mass Meeting A mass meeting is called by the council for Tuesday March 7th. at which time members of the council and citizens o f Red­ mond who have lived under the provisions of the proposed new charter will explain its workings and beneficial results. Anyone having any objections to any of the provisions o f the new char­ ter this will bo the time and place to air their greivances. All voters interested in the wel­ fare o f Redmond and the growth of the city are urged to attend the meeting. R. S » i REDMOND, % » OREGON GOITER'S L U MB E R Y A R D 1 BEN GOTTER, Proprietor Carries a large stock of Rough and Dressed Lum­ ber. We would belpleased to figure on your orders. CON TRACTING A N D BUILDING Plan« and FHtimatcB Furnished. All Ordera Given Prompt Attention. Fuel Co. Yard one block east of Jackson's Hardware Store, R ednW *