The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, February 23, 1911, Image 3

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VO L 1.
No. S3
ISTERS NEIGHBORHOOD locd phone service
Then* whs ■ valentine party given
luat Tuewlay l>y Mr. arwl Mm. Taylor
to iM icatc their new building.
number o f pleasing recitations were
given by young laities o f Hillman and
vicinity and Messrs Hagart, H. Elliott,
A. E. Phillips rendered some vocal
New Phones Installed and
music, while Messrs Archer and Ha­
'Foil Stations Being
gart furnished the instrumental music.
Everyone received a souvenir valen­
Sistrrs. Fol*. 15. ! ami
two feet o f Know
tine, refreshments went served at 11
The -itork viiiUsI t!»»• home o f on the level.
o ’clock, and the evening finished with a
K. Jorilnn Saturday evening.
O. P. Swart« came in Satur-
dance. The guests numbered about 70.
•h. 11 th and made their home day from Ilia homentead north of
The Deschutes Mutual Tele­
Five large loads o f lumber arrived
ppy by leaving a little l*»y.
¡town on ii business trip.
phone Co. last week put in a last week from Sisters for Elliott Bros,
M I.. Oliver o f Lower Squaw
Thou. Wall and Win. Rockford number o f new phones in Red- lumber yard.
Mr. Taylor is erecting a new pump
rc«-k wus in Sisters Saturday ] went to Mend today.
mond and vicinity, and a numlier
house at the well.
m ewting business.
KI wims I R o I nti . s of ibis place, more have been ordered for new
Elliott Bros, are building an office at
|)r. Jordan o f Bend, palassi left this week for Portland, ex- subscribers.
their lumber yard.
nnigh this place Sunday, hav- iw tin g to make the trip from
Mrs. Smith, who lives northwest of
This week a pay toll station
K been called to the home o f |{. | near Madras to Tin Dulles by was established at Hillman and town, was called to Seattle last week
by the serious illness o f her mother.
tin* new railroad.
. Jordan.
at Cline Falls.
This is expected
The Hillman school has had a very
Perry South o f MetoUus, w hile
Linn Wilson is rejsirtcd on the to L* o f considerable benefit to good attendance this winter. l>uring
iroute from Redmond to his sick list,
the people in those localities.
the past month there has only been one
une had the misfortune to
The Mutual system is now con­ tardy mark ami one pupil absent.
Sisters, Feb. 20.
ak the tongue on his hack, j
nected with the Farmers’ Tele­ There are 17 pupils. Mrs. Elliott is the
S. II. David, who recently »»Id
1 teacher.
barely escaped a serious run-
phone line at Laidlaw, and thus
I his farm near here, was in town
C. C. Covey, superintendent o f the
»rives service to subscribers from Warm Springs Indian Agency, was in
UiKcinenls U
j ___ • .
. t<*day making' arrangements
here to Sisters, by the |»ayment Hillman last week on business.
' return «non to hi; former home
c t'loverdale District, were
A. J. Larson o f Sam mas ho. was here
o f a small toll.
in Okolahnmu.
usiness visitors in Sisters this
The S|iokesman is informed last week and purchased 40 acres of
Fre<l Akins and Win. Oney o f
from C. C. Covey.
The land lays
that the company is conaidering land
west of Hillman.
A number o f |>eopIe from this f,,r
a number of extensive better-
Sheriff Balfour and son o f Prineville,
lacc and surrounding country
Mnt j\ H Howe|j
reported! mt*nU for tHe ,ine- »n order to visited Mr. Taylor last Wednesday.
[isited Madras tislay to help thu<
Ed Bailey and W. R. Davidson are
make it the L*st mutual line in
on the sick list.
Her little son
clearing the Hillman streets and cut­
ty celebrate ‘ ‘Railroad Day.”
the county.
Henry is slightly improved.
ting the trees into wood.
K. A. Graham, a sheep man'
The Hotel Hillman has been filled to
The schisil here is closed in­
mi Fly Creek and Lower M e-,
Celebrate Mass
its capacity all last week. The guests
definitely owing to the illness of
tiu * country, w as here th is .
were as follows;
C. T. Curtis o f
in Redmond
the teacher, Mrs. Howell.
Crooked River; A. J. Abernathy, Bend;
eek on a business visit. He
Father Sheehan will celebrate C. C. Covey. Warm Springs Agency;
W. N. Cobb is mourning the
tsirts only a slight fall o f snow
mass here Sunday, Feb. 26th at A. J. Larson. Sammasho; C. M. Red-
lost o f his favorite horse, Tom.
his section so far this year,
D. L Miller, I ah * Zumwalt and 10 o'clock at the residence o f R. field, Bend; Mr. Rothchild. Portland;
d said all kinds o f stock were
H. A Connors, Portland; J. E. Bishop,
Ray Archer o f Redmond, furn- C. Immele.
,ung well.
Portland; A. G. Ridenower, Portland; I
ished excellent music for the
Hillman now has a good barber shop. j
C. S. Gist’ s new feed barn was
mask I .all Friday evening.
Mr. Smith is the proprietor.
(sued to the public this week,
D. L. Miller and wife, and Ivee l/ower Bridge
Mr. Eby had a barn raising at his
id is getting a good run o f pat*
Zumwalt were guests o f H. K.
On the evening o f Feb. 17th ranch near Box Canon last Wednesday. |
A social dance was held at T. W. |
Allen and wife while in Sisters, the bachelors o f I» w e r Bridge
| A number o f commercial men.
Taylor's office building Saturday even­
(). D. Allingham and w ife, ac- gave an oyster supper in honor
I'nong them our old friend Ar-
liur Clothier, visited this place
Pi is week.
The building for the new har-
b r shop is nearing completion
Lul w ill I m * ready for business in
^Inut a week.
John McKinney and lis t e r
Gist were here from Plain\i >w
this week on business and vi .it*
tig friends.
Geo. Scott and w ife o f Big
fanyon. were visitors at this
>lace this week.
There arc a number o f idle
pen in and around Sisters owing
the tem|H»rary closing down
If the Roberts' mill, which has
men doing a rushing business
lince it started. The mill has
pushed a contract for timber for
instruction work on the Hill
pie from Madras to Bend.
Geo. Wilson und Jesse Scott
¡“ft Monday for a short visit to
plmc Fulls and Redmond.
Miss Hattie Burkinan eame in
lunday iron» her homestead to
sist in the preparations for the
•l!u' rfT1thmKMk '"H
companied by their daughter o f Mrs. J. W. Howard’s 26th
Maggie, came up Friday from the wedding anniversary and 40th
Lower Metolius to attend the birthday. The supper was given
mask hall here.
at the Howard ranch, and a jolly
The mask hall here last Friday crowd was in attendance. Violin
was a grand success lx»th socially and harp music was furnished by
and financially, and those who Messrs. Olsen and A. J. Fuller,
did not attend missed the event which was greatly appreciated,
o f the season.
There being so
many w ell sustained characters it Opening o f the New
was a difficult matter to award Bowling Alley
the prizes. The ladies’ prize was
B>kep & McCIay> boW|ing
giien to Mrs. Jacob \ oet w <> auey ¡n
^ „ ma building on
represented Queen o f Hearts,
ca m tr o t & h and F strests
\ ern (list carried off the gentle- waH opened to the public last
man's prize, representing a Span* Sat,lrday niRht. The piace has
ish < avalier.
A t midnight sup- jH.on ffxed up to accommodate the
|s*r was nerved at the Sisters Ho- business. Two regulation alleys
tel to the hungry crowd, which kaVe been installed, and the
was greatly enjoyed and did ored- howlers o f the city are now busy
it to the hotel management.
trying to see who can make the
Dan Winkle and wife. C. S. host scores at nine pins and
Glover. Friday New, Mrs. Fall-1 cocked hat.
erton and daughter Inez were up
from the Lower Desert to attend
the mask ball.
Tumalo, Feb. 13.
Dr. Grandy and Tony Trahan
was a business
were over from Redmond Friday
visitor at Bend Saturday.
H ' T a C w l Md family, ac-con,
Meeting of
Juniper Circle
The Juniper Reading Circle |
met at the home o f Mrs. McLal- '
lin Feb. 15th. Fourteen ladies
were present, and a pleasanD and
profitable meeting was held. The
program consisted o f two papers
from the Fortnightly Club o f Pu­
eblo, Col., ‘ ‘Trade and Travel on
the Mississippi” , and ‘ ‘Santa Fe, '
the Holy City,” which were read
by Mrs. B. McCaffery and Mrs.
W. B. Chapman. Ice cream, cake
and coffee were served by th e ;
hostess, and the club adjourned
to meet with Mrs. Stella M. Wil- j
son on March 8th»
Poster and Show
Card Painting
The Spokenman has now the
best equipped office in Central
Oregon to do all kinds o f poster
and show card printing. Noth­
ing in the line o f job printing is
too large or too small fonts to do.
I f you want any kind o f posters
printed from a small one to a 3-
sheet stand, we can do it for you.
We make our own wood type
and can give you anything you
want in the poster line, and in
as many colors as you wish. Let
us do your next job printing.
Mrs. Geo. Higginson, our new
neighbor, was
was a
a pleasant
pleasant c caller
.n i n e m f i
' panied l»y C. K. Evarta were neighbor,
>rt'ar* K M- Booth and j
fn ,m the Hantfer station at the residence o f Mrs. G W.
B. Pryrear were here from Fridav night.
'Winter Saturday,
amp I oik last Saturday.
Waiter Graham was hereon
We learn that W. H. Courtney
Wm. McNary of Lower Desert, business last week.
# 1 - 1 , 11 « « ,
«u- an«.
fas in town this week making
Perry South was up from the o f I' * i(llaw’ 18 * ° ' nK ,nt° th e “ w
is firvi „.o m .m
. 1
, Metolius Ranger station Sunday, mill business.
He contemplates
on si 1 ip lam
School will he opened Monday putting a mill on the reserve west
n the Lower Metolms.
by Mrs. (X P. Swartz who will o f this place, and will saw lum-
J1 url* for,,;,t nmger. was
h until Mrs. Howell is able to lier
,uir from
frnM such timber as the gov­
™ v.
Dissolution o f Partnership
own from the station today, ) resume her |s»sition,
ernment will te'l t»i him. Quite
Notice is hereby given that the
a few settlers will take stock in l>artnership heretofore existing
ish the proceedings to other
he O fficial
the mill in order to get cheap between Snell A Green has this
papers, and thus the Journal has
„ tfach 8tockholder w il,
'ounty Paper
a monopoly o f this news. \N htle ^ aUowed ^
feet <)f ,uniber day been dissolved by mutual
consent Wm. Snell retires from
At the last meeting o f the the price o f the tervice is none off the reserve.
They will have the firm and James Green con­
ouniy court the Crook County too large, still some o f the county
t h e W t o We
tinues the business. All accounts
"'imal. published at Prineville. papers would like to have a look mjn and pav a cer,i4jn price to
owing to the firm o f Snell &
fas again made the official county in” for the proceedings of the have the lumber sawed,
Green should lie paid to James
h'per. The sum o f $350 for the county court to publish as a mat-
Green and all bills owed by the
'' •ir was awarded the paper. All ter o f news. It seems that this
Dancing School
firm will be settled by James
¡I the official proceedings o f the, county gets revenue enough from
» M i n t y court have to lie printed the taxpayers to afford the clerk
I will have dancing classes at
Dated, Redmond, Oregon, Feb­
that paper, and no other paper sufficient help to
copy the pro- the Skating Rink each Tuesday
ruary 4, 1911.
the county can get these pro- feedings so that other papers, be- and Saturday night from 8 to 9
■ Wm. Snell,
lendings unless they copy them sides the Journal, could get them o ’clock, and dancing for every-
James Green.
r,»in the Journal. The county and furnish the news to their body from 9 to U.
W. B. Cameron
derk says he is too busy to fum - readers.
$1.50 PER Y E A R
pure and fresh
25c lb.
Fruit Trees
For Season
I have been appointed agent in this section by the
Yakima & Columbia River Nursery Co.
for the sale o f their fruit trees.
This company
grows apple and other fruit trees specially adapt­
ed to the climate o f this section o f Oregon.
company guarantees to fill all orders with first-
class stock, true to name, thrifty and healthy,
and assumes all risk o f transportation.
is the time to place your orders
jW 1 B V V
for spring delivery, l^et me know
* T if you are interested in fruit cul­
ture and I will call on you with samples.
over Redmond Bk. o f Commerce
ASHLEY FORREST, A%t. office with
I. P. Hewitt, Lawyer
Redmond Feed & Fuel Co.
goods at
Big Chance to Save Money
Our contract on the 0. T. Ry. being about
completed, we will dispose of our stock of
goods in Redmond, consisting of practi­
cally everything in the
Grocery Line, Hams and Bacon,
Dry Goods. Shoes, Hardware, etc.
Goods are at our Commissary in Redmond
Henry & McFee