mte the sinking fund to re­ tire ail outstanding l»wdi» the su~»iiu* then neeeieai shall he Pttl ìisàad **ary Thwmt*' *SS ther piacec ir a fund for new a a • c. u ¿wist ruction »w declared and paid at Krr>n.'viv in dieideada SCBBv'RlPT X Amendment N«\ 8. Strictly rr AJvanec Any men: :*>r of this Company On* year - $1 S 0 Threr m-vniha .Viv S ia motth.v 75 Si tv» ri »"»- ___«b S osh ».. tail to p*> any and all The Rednoid Sfokes*n Redmond Bank of Commerce Redm ond, Oregon A general banking business conducted. ADVERTISING KATES upon application in .'»», M a M a iM n ts this C m |M ) Make ai; a M . n pa .'«sw and »-**»•* a ft e - Safety deposit boxes for rent. hav ing or ice*. due * ithin Si1 day* been n otified J.F.HOSCH.M.O. PH YSK’ U N a m i S l'B U E O S iXticc in Redmond A Pluvnix Building C. I M M K I . E S Lumber Yard Carries a Complete Stock o f Redm ond. Ore. U) Palmer. Rediuona :Vi*o* writing by the oflken of the v. om Entered a* w o W .- i m mattr- Ja,' pai'.v o f such indebtedness, whal. Letters o f credit and travelers’ checks is­ ÎA ISUP at the Poaloffcr at R«*anfi have his aarv ice discontinued and Oref\»n. msJer th* Act of Hch X IS"» sued. negotiable every* here. __ ____________ _____ _____ __ forfeit his membership and all Redmond. Oregon Feb 28. 1911 interest m the Cosapanv at the Physician D rafts drawn on all foreign countries. pleasure o f the B*vard of Direct­ ors. and thereafter have no re­ and Surgeon Interest paid on time deposits. Special Meeting: course. Eves Tested (iUuwee Prop­ A gen ts for OLD L IN E fire insurance. of the members of the Amendment No. V erly Kitted Within a reasonable length of Y ou are always welcome at this bank. Offer in Khret R ima block Deschutes Mutual time membership certificates sha. Redmond. Oregon he issued to all mombors who Telephone Co. have paid in ful! for ilie mentber- ahip and all other dues and as Bv order o f the Board of Pi- rectors at the of said ««am ents doe the : ompany an J. W. Brewer. Prest. B. A. Kendall. Vice Preat. who have duly signed the By Board on February 11. 1911. a G. M. Slocum. Cashier. Redmond. Oregon. »rrmtK» laws. meeting of the members of the llrd ro o n d and S h am k o Deschutes Mutual Telephone Amendment N o o Leave Redmond rvrrjf Sund»} Company is hereby called for A statement o: the tinancia. ami * . March & 1911. at 2:00 p. m. at condition of the Company shall leavr Shan A * TuraJay anti Friday the Company’s office, for the h* made each quarter year and A m v i at Redmond Thursday and purpose of amending the By- Jested in the main tdfice o f the Sunday. laws to the extent o f abolishing k ompar.y. and pun ched in a P assenger and K x p re w assessments, other than mainten- newspaper, Fast Eruagbt u A 1 ipres» i Spcvuli » ance. and providing for plans to Amendment No. 6. finance the Company with the The pnice of membership o: end in view of putting the Com­ this Company shall be $60.00 and formerly Banquet Cafe pany on an active and progress­ the Board of Directors are here­ by authorized to make provisions ive plan of operation. Geo. L Wheeler. Prop'r. with new members for the pay­ 1. P. Hewitt. Enlarged and remodeled Watchmaker Secretary. ment of said sum in installments Table and counter serv­ over such period of time as the To the Board of Directors. and Jeweler ice the best the market Deschutes Mutual Te.ephone Board of Directors may deem affords. advisable. Company. We are here to s t a y - Amendment No. 7. Post office Building We. the undersigned, commit­ come and see us. All provisions in the By-laws tee appointed at vour meeting of Open day and night. REDMOND. - OREGON Feh. 11. 1911. to prepare Amend in conflict w ith these amendments One door sort of Orrfon Hotel ments to the B\ -laws of our are hereby repealed. Amendment No. 1 amends ar­ Company, do hereby respectfully ticle 1. section 10 o f the by-laws submit the following: which is as follows: A . WILCOX Amendment No. 1 Section 10. Assessments are Members oi this Company shall First Assess not be subject to any assessments, of two kinds. except for actual maintenance o f ments for building new lines, service, which shall be regulated making permanent improvements as cost of service may require or and purchasing property or ma- justify. and be made by the t*™*1 oth«*r than for repairs. Office on North Sixth St G. W. WELLS Board Directors quarterly Such assessments shall be made during the year. only at a regular or special meet- REDMOND, - OREGON will look after Amendment No. 2. inK ° f the company. F. W. McCAFFERY’S The Board of Directors are Amendment No. 2 amends sec- hereby authorized to issue bonds tion 9. which is as follows: Real Estate Business at the old stand for the purpose o f constructing Section 9. After the payment I. P. HEWITT during Mr. McCaffery’s absence new lines and for purchase o f ° f the present obligations o f this new equipment and the purpose company for construction, includ- o f paving the present outstand- ' nK l°t and building, no debt ing debts of the Company. Such sh*H be contracted in excess of bonds not to exceed fifty per ten per cent of the value of the cent (50 per c e n t ) of the value property o f the company: and Room* 1 and X Redmond Bank of of the property of the Company whenever any debt is authorized Com m rrrr building. and to run a term of not to ex- an assessment shall at the same $ 1 .5 0 p er yea r in advance REDMOND. - OREGON ceed a period of ten years, nor to time be made upon the shares to bear a rate of interest to exceed P*-v the same at maturity, ten per cent (I f per cent.) per The board of directors shall not 9 annum, payable annually. contract any debts or obligations That a sinking fund be there- on the part of the company in with provided for the retirement excess of three hundred dollars of all such bonds that the Board over and Above the available cash of Directors may issue.all moneys >n the treasury, without the ex- received from the sale of mem- press direction of the members at bership certificates, all moneys a regular or special meeting If you want good milk received from the rental of specifying the purpose of the that will raise thick, rich phones, all moneys received from debt. cream, delivered at your tolls, and all moneys received Amendment No. 3 amends part from all other sources, except the ° f section 10, which reads as fol- door every day. place your moneys received from sharehold- lows: order with Headquarters for Freighters ers and subscribers for mainten- AH dues, assessments and fines ance, shall be put into the sink- shail be a charge and lien against C or. 5 th and E S t s ., R E D M O X D , O R E . ing fund for the retirement o f share, and to enforce the such bonds. same, telephone service to the HUB CITY DAIRY That all such moneys accruing member or share may be cut off to such sinking fund shall in a After notice to the owner, and reasonable time be. either de- Posting in the central office for Dealer in and posited in banks at interest, or thirty days; or the company may Manufacturer o f loaned on real estate with first collect such assessments, dues G i l l & SHIPLEY mortgage security, on such terms And fines as a debt as the Board o f Directors mav The balance o f the proposed agree, but such loans and de- amendments do not affect any o f posits shall be made in such a the present by laws, manner that said loans shall be J. J. E l u n g e r , O ffra on Whips, Robes, Blankets. Etc. returned to the sinking fund in President E St. between 5 th and 6 th Repairing promptly done ample time for the retirement of I. P. H e w e t t . REDMOND. said bonds. OREGON Secretary. Sort Sixth SL REDMOND, ORE. After sufficient money has been Committee. F. H.flODEMEYER BUCKLEY EXP CO. THE OREGON CAFE R. J. C. WILLIAMS J. ATTORNEY AT LAW Lum ber and Huild Mat Rustic and V S id in Flooring, Headed Ceiling All kinds of Rough and Finish Lumber I*t me figure with you on your next lumlier lull. Estimates furniahed free for all rlaaaes of buildings. Yards on Fifth St. between C and D streets Phone I a 0 2 R B D M O X D , ORB. J JOSEPH H. JACKSON sel/s Doors, Windows, (¡lass. Ranges, Heating and Cook Stoves, Builders* Hardware, John Deere, Canton Hipper and Oliver Plows, Wagons, Buggies»nd Hacks, and all the other goods that goes in the H ard* are trade. Come and see us. Satisfaction Guaranteed Joseph H. Jackson, Pdmon(i Lawyer Subscribe for The Spokesman CARL WOODS Blue Front Milk Livery, Sale and ! Feed 1 STABLE J. O. Hanson THEO. R. HEPKNEP Harness The Pioneer Meat Market C. F. B A R T L E T T , Prop’r. I sell everything in the Meat Line, and always have a good stock on hand to fill your wants with. You will find that your meat shopping will always be satisfactory if done at The Pioneer Market Besides carrying a full line o f meats I sell everything that is raised on the ranch, such as Butter, Eggs. Chickens, Vegetables, etc., and sell same at reasonable prices. ATTORNEYS at LAW and Horse 6oods Hardware and Farm Implements A ll kinds and at prices that you can afford to pay. Harness W e have lately put in a Complete Line o f Harness that we would like to show you. Prices reasonable and goods are good. Come in and see them. Kendall & Chapman, Redmond, Ore Job REDMOND, OREGON Printing Let us do your next order o f commercial job printing. High grade work and prices satisfac­ tory. The Redmond Spokesman. Your Wants Filled W ith Satisfaction Patronize Home Industry Let us fix you out with any­ thing in the line of signs, wood carving, picture framing, glaz­ ing and glass cutting, paints and oil, rubber and steel stamps, brass checks and stencils, pads and brushes, and novelties of all kinds. Work and orders given prompt attention. J. H. Red ere r & Co. 29tf Sign Shop, 7th S t The Spokesman’s Job Printing pleases. City Dray . . . AND Transfer Line All Orders Given Prompt Satisfactory Attention GOTTER’S LUMBER YARD BEN GOTTER, Proprietor Carries a large stock of Rough and Dressed Lum­ ber. W e would be pleased to figure on your orders. C O N T R A C T IN G A M ) B U IL D IN G W . W . CAIGHEY, Plans and Estim ates Furnished. All Orders Given Prompt Attention. REDMOND, ORE. I/eave ordert at Rurkley Broa. •*> ------- ________ Yard one block cast of Jackson's iLrdwjr« More, Itedmend