/ Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City’* of Central Oregon VOL 1. No. 33 REDMOND. CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1911 $1.50 PER YEAR will Iw composed of persons int­ the features being a parade by erested in eastern financial af­ the school children and the scr- fairs und mnny will invent in : ies of “yells” w hich they gave Central Oregon land. Other« in honor of the Marriman party. will reside In that section |>er- “Who’s all right?" their teach­ manently. ers would say. “The officials of Oregon officials of tin road1 the Deschutes Valley Railroad.” have prepared to give them the would come from the little best accomodations poisihle ami throats. “Those officials, who $30.00 Suits cut to $22.00 will arrange for guide« to accom­ are they?” was the next inquiry. 27.50 Suits cut to 20.00 tlio country. Intending invest­ pany After them the over reduced Madras Celebrates ke,” ' Mil, was er- Buckley, Scott. Bo^h- rates are the immediate answer, Think We Have a 25.00 Suits cut to 18.00 ors Due Here of applied from the east thousands the Arrival of which by placing the accent on Bunch of “Live 22.50 Suits cut to 16.00 colonist« are expected to lind the last syllable of Mr. Boschke’s 18.00 Suits cut to 13.50 This Week location« First Train name, was made to rhyme with Wires” Here in that section of the 17.50 Suits cut to 13.00 state. the question. 12.50 Suits cut to 10.00 | Mr. Miller was one of the Publication Day of h|s*akers at the exercises of the Boys Knee Pants 90 c and up III«MKUI CAR IS ON The Spokesman LAST WEDNESDAY ARE ENTERTAINED afternoon. 25 per cent off on all Boys’ Suits and Men’s W A Y FKOM ILLINO IS ! The Remond Spokesman is While in Madras the officials LAST TU ESD AY NIGHT WAS A GALA DAY dated as a Thursday pajier. hut Overcoats. inspected the terminal properties the paper is published Wednes­ - which they have secured there. Summit Brand all wool shirts, regular $2.50 day afternoon and mailed at that the site being a commanding one [‘schutes Line Bringing in time so as to catch tiie Sisters Immense Crowd Gathers* to above the town and precluding Harriman Official» Much Special $2.00 and Cline Falls mails, arriving at Welcome First Train the necessity of hauling the Number of Prospec­ Impressed With the those places Thursday. This is Ore. Woolen Mill all wool shirts, Reg. $2.25 grain from the fertile Indian tive locators " H u b ” City done so that the news in the Into Central Ore. Agency Plains down the hill. Special $1.75 jiaper will not be several days Regular passenger and freight old by the time subscribers re­ trains over the Oregon Trunk Complete line of Indies Shoes at Portland ceive their paper. And another Line are expected to be running prices. February 2T> will la* an event- reason is that the merchants here TTie “Itailruud Day” celebra- by the first of March. Daily The party of Harriman railroad fill day in the histnry of the l>es- art. holding Friday and Saturday tion at Madras last Wednesday Htages from this city will con- officials who w'ere here last week chutes lines of the Oregon-Wash- sal«« each week, and by getting to mark the arrival of the first „ect with the trains and give Tuesday virtually fell in love w ith ingtnn Railroad & Navigation th,. paper in mail Wednesday train into Central Oregon over quick service between the two Redmond and the hospitable. whole-souled citizens whoextend- ‘The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. ompany, ns on that date the night all suhscrihers will In- the Oregon Trunk Line, was an points. —•-------- ed them such a warm welcome. [first through car from the east reached and the advertisements event in the history of this part will operate over the road. read in time for Die readers to of Oregon. An immense crowd W. R. Lawson, one of ¡the pio- The following story of the visit Palmer, Itedmond; and Edwin D. The coach, which will leave to tow n on Friday und Satur- of |>eoplc from all over the coun- neers of this section, left for of the officials, taken from the Whitney, Jacob Kanzler, W. A. Oregonian of the 17th, serves to COMMITTEES HAVE Eycamore. III., February 22. will ,juy to take advantage of the ty was in attendance to welcome Prairie City this week. Belcher, Portland. »rrive at Deschutes Junction on „ales. The first forms of The the train, the Trunk Line offi- The Redmond Brotherhood of show that the Harriman people Entertainment and Reception the morning. February 2fi. It Spokesman g(» to press Tuesday rials, and the liarriman officials Owls are making preparations to think that Redmond is a live ALL BEEN APPOINTED —J. A. Wilcox, J. H. Jackson, sill continue to Trout Lake, from noon, and thelast forms Wed- who were on hand to help their give a costume ball on the night town, peopled with “live wires”. B. A. Kendall, I. P. Hewitt, H. which point the visitors will **t 11 o clock. Ad vert is- j | j prol)erjy commemo- “Redmond is a busy place and of March 17th. E. Shipley. is taking on life rapidly, as is ev­ Preparations Inaugurated Music and Sports—W. G. Phoe­ alter over the surrounding ution ¡n tllt, „.i,,,,,,,* '()i tho rate the imt>oriant event, idenced by the fact that before untry in search of favorable paper should govern themselves The Harriman officials were The Spokesman's Job for Redmond’s Big nix, EL R. Tichenor, P. E. Gumm Itr h for settlement. The party accordingly. the arrival of the railroad party given a warm reception, one of Printing pleases. A. J. Haney. Celebration five independent meetings were Accommodations (eating ami scheduled for Tuesday night. sleeping)-G . W. Wells, F. M. The Commercial Club’s luQcheon White, Carl Woods, H. C. Mei- to the visitors, which was ar­ At the Commercial Club meet- the. F. T. Redmond. ranged hastily, made the sixth. ing last ni^ht the following 4th Wheeler. Wm. H. Hobbs, Geo. I* It was decided to devote the ear­ of July committees were appoint- Soliciting-J. J. Ellinger, G. ly part of the evening to a lec­ ed for the big two days’ celebra- M. Huffman. J. C. Williams. C. ture in one of the churches by tion to be held in Redmond July E. Nielsen. J. A. Norwood. J. H. Bishop Robert Paddock, of the 3d and 4th, under the auspices of Mendenhall. Eastern Episcopal Diocese of Or­ Ladies’ Arrangements Com- egon. The luncheon was held the Commercial Club: from 8:30 until 10 o’clock, and | during the rest of the night the I Valentine ball by the Redmond band took place. Such cor mor- If you get more than that at this store, so much the better place affairs as the city council meeting and a few’ lodge scssioi s for you. Whenever it is possible to give our customers were postponed. The Itedmond Concert Band more than their money’s worth, we give it. gave a concert before the lunch­ In addition, we guarantee complete satisfaction in every purchase made eon. A score of local citizens lunched with the visitors, and here, regardless of the offering or price of the merchandise. Mayor H. F. Jones presided. If you find, after patronizing us, that you are not satisfied, we will ex­ [ Each of the railroad men as well change the goods, refund the money—do anything within reason to keep as many of the citizens spoke. The railroad officials assured the you perfectly satisfied. The greatest asset of this store is your good will. : citizens that the Harriman inter­ ests intended to make Redmond HAVE YOU HEARD THE WHISTLE OF THE LOCOMOTIVE? WE HAVE one of the most important cities Picture of Lhret Bros.’ Store, the Largest Department Store in Crook County, on the Deschutes Railroad. I,ocated on the comer of Sixth and 0 streets, Redmond and are going to sell at the prices that w ill prevail when the road is here, Election o f j Executive—G. E. Dobson. J. mittees—To be appointed by the so that you need not put off your purchases but BUY THEM NOW. Officers ’ F. Hosch. H. F. Jones from Red- Ladies Auxiliary to the Redmond Club, will be named The annual meeting of the mond: F- S- Stonle>' and R F- Commercial later. _ Presbyterian Building Committee Cook from Portland- All com- was held at the home of Mrs. mittees wiI1 *ct under t h e i n * i Arthur Templeton recently and ^ruction and report to this com Open face Lost gold watch, with twenty-four ladies were present m,^ ee- leather fob. Finder suitably re­ We w ill sell all of our Ladies and Children’s Coats and Capes at Half price A very enjoyable afternoon was t Finance G. M. Slocum. C. N. warded by returning same to Also our entire line of Gibben’s Shoes for Ladies at ONE-THIRI) OFF. Joe Buckley, ----- Redmond. Oregon. passed. The year closed with a Ehret. M. A. Lynch, ------- ------------ membership of forty-one and two Publicity and Transportation names were added that after- j E. A. Cast W. H. Walker. H. H. Read The Spokesman. noon, making a total of forty- ' three. Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows; Pres. —Mrs. Kendall. Vice Pres.—Mrs. Chapman. All of the 121-2 grade of Outing Flannel Sece. Miss Emma Ricker. Treas. Mrs. Templeton. The ladies look forward to a very prosperous, harmonius and social year. Many plans were talked over for the coming year, We have just received the fin* and the funds now on hand will be added to as time and oppor­ est lii?c oi th#* above good s j tunity present. EASTERN MEN E GATEWAY CITY DOES THINGS R. R. OFFICIALS TIKE REDMOND SPECIAL Reduced Prices E. L. R A P P We Guarantee A Dollar’s Worth for a Dollar ALL OF NEXT WEEK Friday and Saturday ONLY — Toilet Articles 10c. per yard 7 Spools of GLOBE Thread for 25c. EHRET BRO TH ERS DEPARTMENT STORE Lowest in Price, Highest in Quality ever shown in this section, ami ! we would like to ha>e you I come in and see- these goods. Everything for the Toilet. Making Inquiries About Redmond i C. N. Ehret. senior partner of the firm of Ehret Bros., of this city, returned this week from a business trip to Portland. Seattle and other coast cities. Mr. Ehret said while on his trip he received' many inquiriei regarding Red-' motid and this section of the state. A large number of the people seeking information about Redmond sa.d they were earning here as so>n as the railroads reached th<' city. v. Norwood's j V t