The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” o f Central Oregon VO L 1. No. 32 REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1«, 1911 10 CELEBRATE material will be accepted for with extreme caution to avoid passage over the new line. losses” . While no ceremony will uttend The above statement is abso­ the completion of the line into lutely untrue and without foun­ Madras at this time, it is p r o v ­ dation of fact. ide that a formal “ entrance” of There has been no “ abnormal the much-coveted country or a boom in real estate” in Redmond “ spike driving” may I k * arrang­ or the Redmond District. The ed luter. This was the plan sug­ price o f real estate here has been gested by Lmis W. Hill presi­ at a reasonable figure and with­ dent o f the Great Northern on in the reach of the person with his last visit to Portland. small means. Real estate prices In that event it is likely that have only advanced as the coun- James J. Hill, father of the Des­ 1 try settled up and conditions chutes Valley line, known to the would warrant. world as the Oregon Trunk, will It has been a steady, healthy preside at the ceremony. increase in values, and no “ ala- According to Mr. Hill's idea normal boom” . the celebration will bo delayed CITIZENS INDIGNANT As for title to lands being inse­ until later in the year when the OVER THE MATTER cure, as the dispatch atove would weather is such as to permit op­ lead one to infer, this is another en-air exercises and conditions gross misrepresentation. for travel are l>«ttj?r. It would Titles to all property in this I k * possible to <>|«erate a special Senator Chamberlain Gives section are as good and secure as train out of Portland the morn­ anywhere in the United States, Out Glaringly Falae ing of the day chosen for the and there has never E>een any Interview exercises, run to Madras, or Me­ trouble here on that score. tolius or the point selected for No more prosperous section in the function, and return to Port- j Oregon can be found than in the land the name day. Mr. Hill Redmond District, and those who A dispatch from Washington, know the conditions as theyob-. would invite state officials and prominent residents o f Central l). C.. published in the Portland tain here can see the injustice of Oregon to places o f honor, but Journal o f Feb. 8th is a gross the interview given out by Sena­ he also wants the general public misrepresentation o f conditions tor Chamberlain. as s|K*ctators. Although he has in Redmond and this part of the not taken definite steps to have oounty. Appreciated the The dispatch in cjuestion is an this program carried out he is Corn Cake** giving it serious consideration. interview with Senator Chamber- A. J. Haney and I. P. Hewitt Detailed plans for the con­ lain in which he is quoted as say­ took Sunday breakfast with Ash­ ing, when speaking aExmt Red­ struction of the Oregon Trunk ley Forrest at his ranch near the mond and this section: "there are in the hands of Mr. .Stevens and any such programme will I k * has been an abnormal !>oom in city and Haney said that when conducted from his office. real estate in that section, and it came to making corn cakes Whether an official “ opening” ! until values are more fixed and that Forrest could give anyone will take place has not lieen de- titles secure business in that sec­ 51 cards in the deck and then Continned on last page tion will have to Eie conducted E)eat them out LIBEL ON THIS PART OF STATE O.T. L. Line Offici­ als to Name the Date OFFICIAL "OPEN IN G" NOT YET DECIDLO Freight Contractu on Ore­ gon Trunk Une Now Being Made Tht* construction train on the regon Trunk Line ranched Ma­ dras last Saturday, urul that city will I k * the terminus o f the road £*for aorne time. The Oregonian o f the 9th says: Whether the line will operate out of Metolius. Is y o u l Madras, has not been d 't ermined. (»nuling to Meto- )iuK has lM*en completed and the ils will be laid into the city his week. Traffic officials of ie Hill system are figuring out • freight schedule to go into e f­ fect March 1, after which ship­ ments for inbound and outgoing Dispatch in Port­ land Paper Is Untrue BARRED For the better protection of Groceries which are not sold in packages we have just in­ stalled a very fíne SHERER CLEAN FOOD COUNTER Come in and see the pains we take keep goods free from flies and dirt to Clean Food at Right Prices New Shipment of Royal Worcester Corsets In all the Spring Styles, $1.00 to $3.00 EHRET BROTHERS DEPARTMENT STORE “ Lowest in Price, Highest in Quality Ï This City Center of Railroad Devel­ opments EAST AND WEST LINE TO CONNECT HERE $1.5« PER YEAR SPECIAL Reduced Prices $30.00 27.50 25.00 22.50 18.00 17.50 12.50 Suit» Suit» Suit» Suit» Suit» Suit» Suit» cut cut cut cut cut cut cut to $22.00 to 20.00 to 18.00 to 16.00 to 13.50 to 13.00 to 10.00 Boys Knee Pants 90 c and up 25 per cent off on all Boys’ Suit» and Men’s Overcoats. Summit Brand all wool shirts, regular $2.50 Harriman Official» Favor Redmond for Rail­ road Center FOR “ Redmond, it is expected, will be the center for extensive rail­ road developments the coming summer and even a longer per­ iod by the Harriman system that will reach all parts of the state that are now without and in need of railroad connections.” The above is what has been given out by an official who is in close touch with the policy o f the Harriman people. The line from Redmond to Odell —on the Natron-Klamath cut-off of the Southern Pacific— has been projected and is included in the list o f improvements authorized by the Eastern men last week. That this will be built within the next few years is the belief of well posted railroad men. According to plans already out­ lined in the executive office of the company the proposed line from Vale, in the eastern part of the state, to the Southern Pacif­ ic, also is expected to connect with Redmond. In building south from the I Columbia River the Harriman line occupies the east side c f the Deschutes River, while the Hill road is built on west bank. At a point 71 miles south o f the Co­ lumbia the Hill system crosses to the east side and for ten miles both lines will operate over a joint set of rails. At the 81-mile post the two lines branch out again and run over separate tracks to Culver Junction, 130 miles south o f the Columbia. From Culver Junc­ tion to Redmond the grading has been completed and track-laying depends upon the time the bridge across the Crooked River is fin­ ished. Construction trains alone are now operating from the 0.,-W . R. & N. Co. line to Willow Creek, but as soon as the road to Red­ mond is completed a regular freight and passenger service will be placed in effect. It is yet too early to determine the time when Redmond will be reached, but Portland Harriman officials are confident that they will be able to operate into that city ear­ ly in the summer. Dozen Buick Cars Have Been Ordered The Moore-Elkins Auto Co. of this city, have place«! an order with a Portland house for the delivery o i one dozen Buick'CaL the coming spring and summer. This company is operating au­ to stage lines out of Redmond and connect with the Buckley Stage and Express line from Shaniko. Autos run to all points from this city, and quick time is made. The company also has a line o f autos operating between this point and Shaniko. It is the policy of the company to ac­ commodate the travelling public, and they will take passengers to any point in Central Oregon. Chad Irvin is getting in many new goods at his furniture store, and is pricing the artices so mod­ erate that it is an inducement to buy of him. Special $2.00 Ore. Woolen Mill all wool shirts, Re*. $2.25 Special $1.75 Complete line o f Ladies Shoes at Portland prices. E. L. R A P P “ The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. YEOMEN HOLD SOCIAL ANNIVERSARIES ARE SESSION LAST WEEK CELEBRATED SUNDAY Redmond’s New Organiza- Two Powell Butte Homes tion Have an Enjoy- Are the Scenes of able Evening Happy Gatherings A pleasant social session was given last Wednesday evening in Ehret's hall by Redmond Yeoman Homestead No. 3049. It was an invitation affair and about 150 guests were present. An entertaining musical and literary program was given from 8 to 10 o ’ clock. All o f the num- Last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bain in the Powell Butte district, was cele­ brated their 24th wedding anni­ versary. A number of friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Bain gathered beneath their hos­ pitable roof to help celebrate the occasion in a commemorate man- Picture o f the Redmond Bank o f Commerce. Sixth and D streets bers on the program were well rendered and enthusiastically re­ ceived by the audience. At 10 o ’clock the floor was cleared for dancing which con­ tinued until midnight. The Yeomen organization is both a beneficial and social or­ ganization and is fast gaining in membership. Regular meetings of the homestead are held twice a month. ner. An appetizing dinner was served and the day was passed most pleasantly by the assembled guests, who. E>efore departing wished their host and hostess many happy returns of the day. The other birthday anniversary was at the home of Allen Wilcox - en where a jolly party gathered to help him appropriately cele­ brate the event Several from Redmond were present to partic- pate in the festivities of the day. CANDIES If >u are a candy *ater and w at xC £et the bo* i aniiy for t money, you can he at modated at our store. We j have all kinds, from the cheap bulk kind to the higher priced box candies, and the celebrated LOWNEY’S CHOCOLATES Norwood's rA