The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, February 09, 1911, Image 4

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K u rap aan P e n a n ti Im agina T h a t All A C ardiff C ian t S « in d U T h a t C am a to Thay C ontalo L ittla W atar and Much C el.term • • C e n t t* q u« »> ArvUdat*
C au n triaa Enfonça It.
• *
a Suddan End.
F at irw P rotain:
Conscript ion 1 « *0 universal “Not very long after Barn urn's The edible portion of nuts, with The giant sequoia tree* of Cala­
(liroiisrliout Europe that the French l ardilT
county. Cal., are the oldest
giant went into history some few exceptions, is very concentint­ veras
or Italian j*>H-anl can pot imagine young men
living tilings "ii the face of the
« government which does not en- Mo., with the petrified body of ¡1 much fat. In general nuts are nl»o ,.„rth. Not another thing that has
f orve it. This a in using account of nian which they said they had found rich 111 protein. Those ranking life in it but «us germinated since
toc struggles «f tome Italian« to
began ihetr existence. Nooue
their father's farm in Iowa highest in this nutrient, the piglio tbev
comprehend oar army system is on
knows exactly how old they are,
found in an article by II. A. Fouck who was telling of the incident. from Spain, with 33.9 per cent, the but some that have been felled in­
in a Harper's Weekly. . . .. ( “The young men were exhibiting I peanut,' with 29.8 per cent, and tin dicate that they »ere more than
• 1 ,0 0 0 years old, so that it m *uf'' to
i.,r*, 1
th° tlie,r lH'*rilit'»l man in a tent, ch.irg- butteruut. with 27.9 |>cr cent pro *av
that these large trees have been
t r „ the recrist r *"*!
" | inK H> cents admission. To the tnn. surjutss most ordinary animal growing
for at least that length of
wr Uen i r 8!* ? !'
ll,rKe “nd kcen'v interested crowd ! or vegetable foods ... this respect
One of them i* estimated tv>
n > "'Bobiographv. Her they explained that while working The almond, beechnut and pistil time.
at least 5,000 years of age and is
« m\ V age - Aha.
n i she
r uri>i
1,0",in~ . ¡" something
the field one
the plow struck
with 1.4 |<or cent, »1.8 jwr be
still 111 a healthy condition and
cried, ,r jabbing
hard. day supimsedlv
a r.vk. chio.
the number with a stubby forefinger...........
- to re­ compare favorably with dried le­ bids fair to live hundreds or even
'I he plow man stooped - down
and winking good humorctlly. '’Sol mote
of years longer.
not. gumes. The Brazil nut contain* thousands
diering is hard work. 1 don’t blame He called his brother. could
When the pyramids of Egypt
you any. Olliccrs are hard mas­ united efforts with shovels tiiov un­ 10.5 per cent, the walnut IS.-,’ per were built these tree* »ere of good
Iv size. When Rome was founded
the rock, which turned out cent, the hickory uut 15.1 {»cr cent, 1 they
I had too often lx n accused of covered
would have furnished beams
running away to •ape military every outline. A groat many peo­ can 12.1 per cent ami the dry chest­ for the bridge*. The temple* of
service to be at all t out by this ple came to the grave and identified nut but 10.7 per cent. The dry ancient Greece and Assyria might
the remains as a neighbor who had
fresh chestnut and cocounut. have been decorated with their
went on gone off to the war, returned home acorn,
and 0.1» per cent re- leaves.
f ur,"
One cannot behold these gigatilie
run away to and mysteriously disappeared. A .oectively, G.4
reached his mark under the eye and some pecul­ ton us bread. not as rich 111 pro trees without a feeling of u»e at
jung of his iar cars in the hack were the main Of the nuts here included the the ephemeral existence of thing*
|rmv How n»e..ns of identification, the speaker richest
in general. There they stand,
the pecan, with an themselves
young in tin* record of
, should fly said, and there was no doubt that a»eruge in of fat 70.7 is per
same rea­ the soldier had died and turned to other varieties—the Brazil nut. the world, yet the oldest living
iqvon the face of the earth.
butternut, candlenut, filbert, hick­ things
Unit «a* alive »hen they
dme them,” “A large man who had been lis­ ory
nut, pine nut and walnut—con­
tening thoughtfully spoke up when tain upward of GO per cent. The came into existence has perished.
|ce is not re- the description was finished.
almond, cocounut and pistachio Umpires have sprung up, llouridiod,
Iput in.
*“ You are sure that’s Jim ------V yield between 50 and GO per cent died since these sprouts |>oked
hearers in he asked.
of this nutrient. The be»chnut, their tender heads iU>ove the soil.
“ ‘Certainly,” said the rpeaker. peanut und pignolia contain about Colo-<nl monuments of art have
^.oldiers in ‘Mv father knew him well. He has 50 per cent. In other words, in crumbled into dust. Races have
positively identified him.’
thirteen of the varieties of nuts ap­ evolved, prospered, perished and
army?'* “ ‘Know how he came to his pearing in the foregoing table half boon forgotten since they first bud­
in their youth; continent*
death ?’
or more of the edible portion is fat ded
have Wen changed, mountain* have
are hired. “ ‘Xo, sir. It’s a mystery.’
or oil.
“ ‘Then we’ll hold an inquest.'
Only a few of the commonly been formed, the confines of the
go?” de- “In response to the amazed cv- used nuts yield any notable seas have boon altered by erosion
from the owners of the amounts of total carbohydrate mut­ or bv earthquake; lake* have
E lid an. to go.” I rlnmillion
petrified man the inquisitor explain­ ter, the dry chestnut, with 73 |>er come into existence and dried up.
led over this ed that he was the prosecuting at- cent, rating highest. Beechnuts, Harkening hack to the days of their
for several i torney of the county and that it was pine nuts und peanuts have about youth, it is a new world which they
niornm y^^pVrenly the landlady his duty to see that inquests were i 18 per cent. The quantity of starch behold at this time.
burst out laughing. *Yon think to held in all ca*es where death was found is, with some exceptions, As for the life of man himself, a
fool u s!’ she cried. “How, if there . mysterious. The boys protested, | quite small, ranging from 3 per mere breath compares with theirs
is nobody to make them go, can but in vain. They tried to get out of ; cent in the beechnut to 27 per cent It is 11 proud family that traces its
there lie soldiers to pay ?”
town with their exhibit, but were ; in the chestnut.—Department of ancestry back for a dozen genera­
tions— for u couple of hundred
“Ah! That’s it!” roared the arrested and put under bond. The Agriculture Report.
years. The royal houses of the
petrified man was laid out in state 1
world are sometimes able to trace
T he W ord G rotesque.
“They go because they want to,” and the coroner summoned. He !
I explained.
brought a mallet along. The crowd “Grotesque” is derived curiously their lineage for a thousand years,
“ Want to be soldiers?” bellowed was immense, for this time the from the word “grotto.” Ancient when it is lost in the dim light of
the innkeeper. “ What non-ense! show was free.
Roman families often had artificial uncertainty. Vet here stands the
Who wants to be a soldier and work “ ’if there’s anybody here who grottoes in their grounds, and monarch* that have waved their
three years for nothing?”
1 knows how this man came to his these were decorated with quaint plumes in triumph for many time*
“But you don’t understand, death he will please come forward,’ paintings and whimsical figures, as long as the oldest of the royal
such as we should term "gro­ houses.
Those who want to be soldiers are said the prosecutor,
paid wages.”
| “Nobody rc-jionded. for the boys tesque.” Commonly these »ire Man is born and obtains his
fanciful and incongruous combina­ growth, he struggles ant) suc­
“Ah!” cried a musician, with a had jumped their boud.
sudden burst of inspiration. “When “ ‘Then ! will make a postmor- tions of parts of plants or animals. cumbs, bis body is given to the
your name is drawn you pay a man tern examination,’ said the coroner, Conspicuous examples of the gro­ worms, his bones are pulverized
tesque in classical art were the cen­ into dust, his very name and place
wages to go for you ?”
picking up his mullet.
“No. the government pays him. “He tup|ied the petrified soldier taur, a horse’s body joiued to a forgotten and other generations
Our names are not drawn.“
alongside the head. It rolled around man’s head and shoulders; the grif- come upon the scene, yet these
“llow much money the king must and around like a baby on a doll : fin, a monster combining a lion and trees go about their way of living,
epetiu. paring all the soldiers!”
rack when the thrower hits a bulls- , an eagle, und Scylla. a sea monster gathering up the moisture and the
“Ah! They are strange people, eye. Then he tapjied an arm. That with a woman’s head ami a fish’s chemicals and building them into
the Americans,” sighed the host. member also did the whirling act, , tail, a peril, as ancient poets sang, to wood and hark and leaves, appar­
And he cast upon me a glance that because an iron rod ran through the 1 mariners sailing between Sicily and ently unmindful of the {Missing of
seemed to say, “And liars, too, very center. The other arm performed Italy. In mediaeval times her place time.— Davton New«.
the same way under the coroner’s in grotesque art was taken by the
Suger In Olden Timas.
mermaid, a more poetical fancy.
scientific manipulation.
A Q uestion c f U sage.
“ ‘What do you find was the cause The middle ages used the gro­ Cane sugar was produced by the
The choir began the hymn. When 0f death, doctor?’ asked the prose- tesque chiefly in ecclesiastical gar­ Chinese at a very remote epoch. In
goyles, the best of which arc the western countries it was a more
Ihey catne to the line, “Neither are cutor.
they afraid,” the composer of the “ ‘Too much iron in the system.’ “devils” of Notre Dame referred to recent introduction. The Roman
music had so written it that it had “Without another word he picked in Victor Hugo’s “Quasimodo.” writers Pliny, Varro and Lucian
to be repeated first by the soprano,
his nmllet and left the death The idea of the devil as a man with at the beginning of our era barely
then by the alto and finally by the chamber. The petrified man was horns, hoofs and a tail is probably mentioned it. It was then known
by the name of Indian «alt and
bass. The soprano seemed to be of patched up and sold to a traveling drawn from grotesque art,
honey of Asia, Arabia or India. In
conservative taste and sang the line, speculator for $00, which just about |
1090 crusaders arriving in Syria
“ Xee-tjMT are they afraid.” A|x- covered the costs of the inquest und
Lucky He H ad a Lone Trum p.
patently the alTo had departed from the attorney’s fee*. The last I Joe Cowell in his “Recollections discovered sugar rnne, which lie­
the usage of her forefathers, for heard of the petrified man lie was ( of the Stage tell* a story chnrac- ra me n favorite dainty of the sol­
when she brought out the words being shown in the Ozarks as the re- I teristic of the days now passed diers. During the following centu­
they became “Xi-ther are they mains of a Persian king or duke : away. While on a Mississippi river ries the sugar cane was introduced
afraid,” and it became a serious who had been slain several thou- t steamer he was sitting near a table into Cyprus, the Nile delta, the
question which side the bass would rand years ago by his subjects, who watching a game of euchre. Anoth- north coast of Africa as fur as Gi­
take. The bass was an Irishman. thought be was hard.”—New York cr onlooker »as making it his bu.-i- braltar, Sicily and the kingdom of
ness to spy out the trump« in one Naples. It reached Spain in tho
Out rolled his rich voice, “Nay-ther Sun.
»-e thev afraid.”
player’s hand and telegraph the in­ fifteenth century and thence was
Long C anals.
formation to his opponent by lay­ carried to Madeira and the Cana­
the question of usage «till rc
main 1 un-ettlcd. - London Stand­ The Grand canal of China is the ing the same number of fingers ries. In Hill the French ini port ed
ard_ ► _______________
’ongest entirely artificial waterway carelessly on the table. Of course it into Guadeloupe and a little later
in the world, extending as it does one lost and the other gained into Martinique and l/misiana.
TV-, R oots of A ltruism .
f-om Jlangchaii to Pekin, a dis­
for a considerable time The Portuguese introduced it into
T1 e three eternal roots of altru­ tance of almost 700 miles. The steadily
the loser received Brazil and the English into Ja­
istic energy are these; First, the part between the Yellow river and one trump. deal
fact was duly sig­ maica.—Scientific American.
principle of justice—that there is a the Yangtze is said to have been naled by the forefinger
on the
moral law before which all men are constructed over 500 years before 1 table, which the losing laid
Th# Personal A rgum ent.
equal. *0 that 1 ought to help iny Christ. The remaining portions j very coolly but adroitly cut off with “Do you think the world is grow
neighbor to his rights: second, the were built separately at later dates, a heavy knife,
ing better. George?”
principle of charity—that 1 owe in­ and Kublni-Khan, whose rule began “Hello, stranger! What arc you “Do I understand that you want
finite tenderness to any shape or in 12S0, united them and made the about? You have cut off one of
to deride whether I ain u better
kind of inun, however unworthy or continuous canal, which is still my fingers!” cried the diuncuibcr- me
than mv father or not?’
useless to the same; third, the prin­ uxed. Much longer continuous wa- j ed man.
“How funny!”
ciple of free will—that 1 can really terways, partially natural and for , “I know it.” said the amputator “Oh, I don’t know. Are yon a
decide to help my neighbor and am the remainder of their extent arti- coolly, “and if I’d had more trumps better
woman than your mother?”
truly disgraced if I do not do so. fidai, exist elsewhere. Of these you’d have lost more fingers.”
of course not. How ab­
To iliia may be added tlie idea of a the longest reaches from the Chi-
surd r
fit judgment—that is, that the nese frontier to St. Petersburg. It
H ad W ings, but C ouldn't FI y.
“Then how do you expert the
•&on will at some time terribly measures 4,472 miles. Another, At an examination in a village world to grow better when you fail
matter to the helper and the help­ running from Astrakhan to St. Pe school a class of infants was being to help it along?”
ed.—G. K. Chesterton.
tersburg, is 1.434 miles. Both these questioned on natural history. ! “George, you are very rude.”—
t.ere projected und commenced by After several questiona the inspect- Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Ftw w srs
I'eter the Great.
or asked:
The old time epicurean was as
Her Aim.
“What bird fhat comes from Af-
enthusiastic over flowers and herbs
A K vayt th a Serm on.
rica hag wings, but can't (ly ?”
“I understand you shot » burglar
as is the modern vegetarian over a An American was lieing shown The class was dumfounded.
during the absence of your hus­
cabbage. He mixed all kinds of over an old church beneath which Thinking to encourage them, the band,” said the great detective.
bulls, leaves and flowers with loving hundreds of people were interred. inspector offered a sixpence to the “T cs,” admitted the frail little
care and gave them all the common “A great many people sleep lie- little boy or girl who could tell woman. “I did.”
of “snllets.” Violets and cow- neath this roof,” said the guide, him. After a few seconds’ hesita- “What became of him?” asked
it into custards. Elder witli a wave *f his hand.
i tion a little girl of four years put the detective.
k roots, broom bud* and “Is that so?” exclaimed the i out her hand.
“Why, the other burglar carried
he nsed for pickling American “Same way over in our “Well, rny little dear,” said the him away,” answered she.
ng coforiag sirups all countrv. Why don’t you get a more inspector, “what is it?”
“Which other burglar?” he said
were used. To- intere-tinr preacher?” — Liverpool “Please, sir, a dead un!”—Lon- “The one I shot at,” the ex­
er is a enriosity. Mercury.
don Tit-Bits.
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