ent localities, some of them as far off as New Mexico. Each week new names are being added Published »vary Thursday by H. II. * C. !.. P AI.MRS to the list. People interested in AT KKOMOND. ORKOON this section want a newspaper SUBSCRIPTION RATES that will keep them posted on Strictly in Advatic* One y oar. - $1.50 I Thro* mouth*. 50c the growth and progress her»*, Six monlha, .76 I Singlo copie». 5c and for that reason they sub­ ADVERTISING RATKS made known scribe for The Spokesman. upon application The Redmond Spokesman í Redmond Bank of Commerce R edm ond, Oregon A general banking business conducted. Safety deposit boxes for rent. Letters of credit and travelers’ checks is­ sued, negotiable everywhere. Drafts drawn on all foreign countries. Make all money» payablcatul addrcaa »11 eommunication» to H. H. 4 C. L. | Palmer, Rodinomi. Oregon. Redmond, Oregon, Feb. 9, 1911 Agents for OLD LINE fire insurance. A Big Celebration You are always welcome at this bank. J. P. O’ Brien. Portland. Oregon. Wilbur A. Stevens, Redmond. Oregon. B. A. Kendall. Redmond, Oregon. Guy E. Dobson, Redmond, Oregon. Geo. L. Dobson. Des Moines, Iowa. J. W. Brewer. Wilson Creek, Washington. G. M. Slocum, Cashier. Redmond, Oregon. THE OREGON CAFE When the R. R. Comes formerly Banquet Cafe Enlarged and remodeled Table and counter serv­ ice the best the market affords. We are here to stay— come and see us. Open day and night One door south of Oregon Hotel Unequalled Weather G. W. WELLS will look after F. W. McCAFFERY’S Real Estate Business at the old stand during Mr. McCaffery’s absence », Subscribe for The Spokesman $ 1 .5 0 p er yea r in advance CARL WOODS’ Blue Front Livery, Sale and Feed STABLE It Will Pay C t r t n b D Tl Ot t* (e *0 *o p® (ei tei wli I poi pio 4 FOR SALE The choicest vacant comer 50x 100 on Sixth street, only one block from Hotel Redmond, this is a snap for a quick buy, $1800 takes i t See Jones Land Com­ pany for terms. The poultry business is begin­ ning to attract the attention of R E D M O N D , ORE. a number of people in this section and many ranchers are making preparations to engage in it on quite an extensive scale this Dealer in and year. This is a business that if Your Wants Filled Manufacturer of With Satisfaction properly handled wilt bring in Patronize Home Industry big returns. Let us fix you out with any-1 thing in the line o f signs, wood Appreciate Spokesman carving, picture framing, glaz­ Thirty-six new subscribers ing and glass cutting, paints and Whips, Rohes, Blankets, Etc. were added to the subscription oil, rubber and steel stamps, Repairing promptly done list of The Spokesman last week. brass checks and stencils, pads Sovth Sixth St. These names were (from differ- and brushes, and novelties of all kinds. Work and orders given prompt attention. J. H. Redercr & Co. 29tf Sign Shop, 7th S t THEO. R. HERKNER i « I Now it is about time that a railroad was being built to Prine- ville from Culver Junction. The other towns north of here on the Oregon Trunk IJne have built a road to the county seat, and it is surprising that Culver has not had a road in operation by this time. Bright, sunshiny days all through the winter months here is the best advertisement Red­ mond and the Redmond District could have. It is not mere news­ paper talk—we have had the above kind of weather all this winter, and people from outside who have been in the city this Gives the News winter have been agreeably sur­ The large and growing circula­ prised at our climate. tion of The Spokesman has been —i— — —— —» 1 obtained because The Spokesman 1911 Boosting is a newspaper in every sense of The Redmond Commercial Club the word, and gives the news of is always abreast o f the times. Redmond and the Redmond Dis­ This organization has lately com­ trict right up to the minute of pleted arrangemenes for an ex­ each week. tensive publicity campaign for the year 1911. While Redmond Representatives o f wholesale and this section is pretty well houses in Portland are beginning known all over the United States to arrive in Redmond and take the club proposes to make it bet­ orders for future shipment — ter known and will put out their when the railroad reaches here. money to advance the interests Many large orders have been 1 of this section. placed. Headquarters for Freighters e o r . 5 th and E S t s ., mond the best trading point in Central Oregon. A two or three days celebration in Redmond when the railroad Always Boosting reaches here has been suggested Every issue o f The Redmond by some of the citizens. Of i Spokesman is a boom paper for course Redmond will celebrate the city, and those interested in when the road gets here, and it placing the progress and growth may be depended upon that the of Redmond and this section be­ celebration will be a classy o n e - fore the outside world can do no better than any other city or better than to send copies of the town along the line, for Redmond paper to persons interested in never does anything by halves. this locality. It will be an event that will mark history in this part of the state. About Time Geo. L Wheeler, Prop’r. » TD taking time by the forelock and making improvements in their hotel to lie in readineaa to take care of tho big rush of people that is sure to come to Redmond with the event of tlu* railroad. The company proposes to show to the new comers that Redmond has one of the l»est appointed hotels in Central Oregon. "i1 Everybody boost for the big 4th of July celebration that Red­ mond is going to have this year. It will be a state affair, and peo­ ple from all over Oregon will be invited to come and see what a grand country we have and what a good lot of people live in the A Good Move Hub City. And a large number The merchants here have com­ of these invited people will come, menced to advertise ''sale days" too. for they have their eyes on at which times they give bar­ this section of the state, and to gains on a necessary and staple come here on the 4th would be I line o f goods. It is just this kind to combine business with pleas­ of business methoiis that will ure. ________________ draw busin**ss and make Red­ Officers and Stockholders: Harness and Horse Goods REDMOND, ORE. Hardware and Farm Implements All kinds and at prices that you can afford to pay. Harness We have lately put in a Complete Line of Harness that we would like to show you. Prices reasonable and goods are good. Come in and see them. Kendall & Chapman, Redmond, Ore Office in Redmond Building Job Printing Let us do your next order of commercial job printing. High grade work and prices satisfac­ tory. The Redmond Spokesman. l’h«*nix Redmond. O re. Wanted A man with family to do gen­ eral farm work. J. 0 . Hanson. The Hub City Dairy, 30tf Redmond, Oregon. I M M E L K ’S Yard CnrrieH a ( ’omplete Stock of Lumber f IT rodemeyer Physician and Surgeon Kyva Tested. Glasses P rop­ erly Fitted Offiiv In Khret Bros, blo.li and Huild Material Rustic andV Flooring, Headed Sidin Ceiling All kinds of Hough and Finish Lumber let me figure with -vou on >,uur MBXt lumber bill. Estimates furnished frit* for all class»-* o f building». Ke»lmond, Oregon Yards on Filth Si. between C and D streets BUCKLEY EXPci P h o n e IU 0 2 ORB. BETWEEN R edm ond and Shaniko L«*avo Kptlmorul #\*ty Sunday »tut Wednesday. I rave KruUy Shaiuko Tuesday »,u‘ Arrive at Redmond Thursday at»u Sunday. Passenger and Kxprrsa Fait Freight and Etprctf a Spo-ialO J. C. WILLIAMS Watchmaker and Jeweler Postoffice Building REDMONI). - OREGON J. A. WILCOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Jackson Lumber COMPANY Sells Doors, Windows, Glass, Ranges, Heating and Cook Stoves, Builders’ Hardware, John Deere, Canton Clipper and Oliver Plows, Wagons, Buggies*«** Hacks, and all the o th e r g o o d a th a t g oes in the H a rd w a re tr a d e . ( ‘nine and see us. Office on North Sixth St. REDMOND, - OREGON I. P. HEWITT Satisfaction Guaranteed Jackson Lumber Co. - Kid moni Lawyer Room* 1 and . 7 , Redmond Rank of Commerce building, OREGON REDMOND. The Pioneer Meat Market F . B A R TLETT. P rop ’r. C. If you want good milk that will raise thick, rich cream, delivered at your door every day, place your order with J. O. Hanson HUB CITY DAIRY IV filili « SHIPLEY ATTORNEYS at LAW Office on E St. between 5th and 6th REDMOND. - I »ell everything in the Meat Line, and always have a good stock on hand to fill your wants with. You will find that your meat shopping will always he satisfactory if done at The Pioneer Market Besides carrying a full lino o f meat* I »ell everything that is raised on the ranch, such as Butter, Kgga. Chicken*. Vegetables, etc., and h *II name at reasonable prices. * » * REDMOND, ■ » ¡C * OREGON OREGON City Dray AND . . . Transfer Line The Home Bakery and Restau­ rant for good meals. 27tf MELROSE PARK See Jones Land Company OWNERS (Not Agents) for easy terms on lots in Melrose Park. C. Lumber PHYSICIAN »ml Sl'UtlKON To Make It the Best The Jones Land Co., proprie­ ] Ente rovi a* aooond-claaa mattor Ju.v | 14. 1910 at tho Puatottìce at Redmond, tors of the Hotel Redmond, are 1 Oregon, under thè Act o f Mch. S, 1S79. Interest paid on time deposits. J.F.HOSCH.NI.D. r . All Orders Given Prompt Satisfactory Attention COTTER’S LUMBER YARD BEN COTTER, Proprietor Carries a large stock of Rough and Dressed Lum­ ber. We would be pleased to figure on your orders. CONTRACTING A N D BUILDING W. W . CAUGHEY, REDMOND, ORE. Leave order* at Buckley Broa. Plans and Efttimaten Furnished. All Orders Given Prompt AttehtwTi. Yard one block eaat of Jackaon’a Hardware Store.