The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon VOL 1. No. 31 HEDMONF). ( HOOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1911 route, ami this celebration will *T I k - the grandest event ever held ! in the state. ; Already ulans are boimr tier- fected and committees appointed to take hold of the matter and get the alliuir well under way ho that there will Is* no hitch in the proceedings. Portland people have signified their intention of lending u hand, and other cities in the Willamette Valley will do their share. It hus not yet been definitely settled whether it is advisable to have a two or three days’ cele-1 brntion—that will Is* decided on later. But one thing is assured, ARK WORKING OUT and that is that all who come to THIS SECTION TO BE THE DETAILS NOW Redmond, the Hub City, on In -; WELL ADVERTISED dependence Day will be royally entertained and will get the best then* is in the house. TO CELEBRATE THE 4 th OF JULY BOOSE FOR YEAR OF 1911 Redmond to Have a Monster of a Celebration tricL These publications were sent broadcast over the United States, and results have |>een oh- The opening of Geo. L. W h al­ er's Oregon Cafe, formerly the Banquet Cafe, last Thursday night, was attend«*d by a large number of Redmond people, ami many from adjoining towns. A free dunce was given by Mr. Wheeler to pro|»erly celebrate the occasion, and there was a good time enjoyed by all from 9 until 1:30. Everyone went to have a good time, and they had it. Mine boat Mr. Wheeler ser­ ved lunch during the evening and did everything to make the oc­ casion one to I k * remembered by those who attended. Redmond will have a 4th of July celebration this year that will eclipse anythin)? ever given in the slate o itside of the large cities. The Oregon Trunk lane road uml the Deschutes Hail road will have reached Redmond by that time and the celebration will be to commemorate the release of the vast interior of Oregon from isolation. All interests in this section are combined for a monster celebra­ tion. and when Redmond starts • ut to do things she never does i by halves, but goes the whole The S|*okesman'8 Job Printing pleases. VALEN ly to the above advertising. This year it is the intention to more than double the publicity work of the organization, and it is not a question of money with the executive committee of the club, but how to g»*t the best re­ sults, and they have decided on the magazine idea of publicity. The New West and The Sunset Magazine, the Coast publications of large circulation, are two of the mediums through which the advantages and attractions of this section of the state will bi- SOMEONE WILL GET set forth. PRIZE VALENTINE The Rcdrnond Commercial Club has, since its organization, been progressive and pushing, and in­ Widspread Publicity Cam­ terest among the members has Excellent Music Has Been not lagged. The club is com­ paign to Interest Provided for This Hol­ posed of live wire business men Hotncacckcrs of Redmond and the surrounding iday Occasion country, and they all pull for one end the upbuilding of Redmond ami the Redmond District. At a recent meeting of the Posters are out announcing a Redmond Commercial Club it Organize a Band Valentine Ball to be given by the was decided Ur inaugurate for At Hillman Redmond Concert Band at Ehret’s the year 1911 a widespread cam­ The town of Hillman is work­ hall on the night of Tuesday, paign of publicity to reach near­ ing toward the end to become February 14th. The hand is ly every part of the United States. metropolitan as fast as possible. making preparations to make The Club has made arrangements The latest from that town is that this dance one of the most pleas­ for advertising in several maga­ a brass hand has been organized ant dancing parties of the season zines of wide circulation, and the there, and a full set of instru­ and those who attend will be as­ results obtained from these scores ments received. It is understood sured of having a royal good are ex$K*cted to I k * large. there are several good musicians time. Last year the chib expended in living in and around Hillman who A “ Valentine Postoffice” and the neighIsirhood of $4,0n0 for are desirous of getting up a good valentine booth will be in the hall. publicity work, and issued some musical organization. At the “ postoffice” all kinds of excellent publications treatingon valentines will be on sale, and at Redmond and the Redmond Dis- Spokesman for job printing. the booth the prize valentine will be on exhibition. The purpose is to give the elegant prize valen­ tine to the young lady in the hall receiving the highest number of votes. Between the buying and selling of valentines, the selling of chances on the prize valentine and the dancing there will be something doing the whole eve­ ning. The music for the occasion will be furnished by the full band of sixteen pieces and a large orches­ tra made up from the band. Everything will be done to make visitors welcome at the dance. Supper will be served at mid­ night at the Oregon Cafe, which has been remodeled and enlarged and Mr. Wheeler, the proprietor of the restaurant promises a spread that has not been equaled in Redmond. Dance Tickets are one dollar, and supper extra. The whole country side is in­ vited to come to Redmond and have a good time at the Valentine Dance. Do not forget the date— Feb. 14th. BY IHE BAND Commercial Club is Making Exten­ sive Plans Redmond Invite« the Whole Opening o f the State to Come Here Oregon Cafe and Celebrate Big Time Promised for Night of Feb. 14 th BARRED For the better protection of Groceries which are not sold in packages we have just in­ stalled a very fine SHERER CLEAN FOOD COUNTER Come in and see the pains we take to keep goods free from flies and dirt Clean Food a t Right Prices Unusual Coat Bargains for Friday and Saturday Ladies’ Capes, $10 values for $ 7.00 Ladies’ Capes, $18 values for $ 14.69 Children’s $8 Capes for $ 5.95 You cannot afford to miss this exceptional offer. lowest possible and should not be overlooked. EHRET The price is the BR O TH ER S DEPARTMENT STORE Lowest in Price, Highest, in Quality • • * • • / r • • * . • ■* ■» • » • • • • • • ** • • - $1.50 PER YEAR Now is the Time To Prepare In time of peace prepare for war. an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. These axioms are applicable to the sanitary conditions of any city, and before the season ar­ rives when flies abound and and impure matter is deposited on the ground, thereby risking dis­ ease and epidemic, is the time to take measures for the cleanliness of the city. This can be done by putting in Septic Tanks to carry off the water from sinks, toilets, etc. By the use of a septic tank the water comes out about 90 per cent pure, and there is no stagnant and impure water to attract flies. Several of these septic tanks are now contracted for to be put in early this spring. The cost is reasonable, and the healthful conditions that will ob­ tain with their installation are incalculable. House and Contents Are Destroyed At an early hour Monday morning the house of Frank Hensley, four miles south of the city was burned to the ground, and all the contents except a few clothes and a trunk were de­ stroyed. No insurance. The origin of the fire, it D stated, was caused by some kindling wood back of a stove catching on fire. Read The Spokesman. Reduced Prices $30.00 Suits cut to $24.00 27.50 Suits cut to 22.50 25.00 Suits cut to 20.00 22.50 Suits cut to 18.00 18.00 Suits cut to 15.00 17.50 Suits cut to 14.50 12.50 Suits cut to 10.50 Boys Knee Pants 90 c and up 20 per cent off on all Boys’ Suits and Men’s Overcoats. Summit Brand all wool shirts, regular $2.50 Special $2.00 Ore. Woolen Mill ail wool shirts, Ret $2.25 Special $1.75 Complete line of Ladies Shoes at Portland prices. E. L. R A P P “The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. OFFICERS OF YEOMEN IMPROVEMENTS AT ARE INSTALLED HERE THE HOTEL REDMOND Organization Is Started Off Proposed to Make This the With a Satisfactory Best Hostelry In Membership Central Oregon Redmond Yeomen Homestead No. 3049 was organized last Wed­ nesday night with 29 charter members. The following officers were installed by State Organizer W. A. Bullock: P. F .- J . C. Williams. Foreman—J. A. Wilcox. M. of C .-W . C. Walker. Cor.—Marguarite I. Williams. M. of A.—Lula B. Day. Chaplain—Elsie M. Bateman. Overseer—Doris C. Bartlett. Watchman—John Anker. Guard — Margaret Golden. Lady Rowena—Docia McLal- lin. Lady Rebecca—Mrs. F. H. Rhodemeyer. Considerable interest is being taken in the organization in Red­ mond and Organizer Bullock ex­ pects to add a number bf new members in the next few weeks. Mask Ball At Sisters H. K. Allen has out bills an­ nouncing a masquerade ball to be given at Sisters on the night of Friday, Feb. 17th. Prizes will be given for the best sustained characters, both ladies and gent­ lemen. Good music will be pro­ vided. and supper will be served at the Sisters Hotel. Dance tickets are one dollar. The grand march will begin at 8:30 prompt­ ly. The Jones Land Co., owners of the Hotel Redmond, contemD- late a number of improvements in that popular hostelry. They have already placed an order for immediate shipment of the plumbing supplies necessary to equip the house with bath rooms and inside toilets, and as soon as the material arrives the work of installation will be begun. It is the intention to have in­ side bath rooms all over the house, and toilets on every floor of the main building and annex. Manager Jones stated that no ex­ pense would be spared to make the Hotel Redmond the best hotel in Central Oregon. To Enlarge Wyatt’s Billiard Hall A. E. Wyatt, proprietor of Wyatt’s Annex Billiard Hall, stated to a Spokesman represen­ tative that plans are being made to enlarge the room he now occu­ pies by building on a 30-foot ad­ dition in the rear. This will give him the room necessary for his increasing business. He in­ tends to put in another pool and billiard table and rearrange the interior of the place to make it more convenient for patrons. When the new equipment hi placed in position Mr. Wyatt will have 4 pool and 2 billiard tables. Valentines If you are interested in Valen­ tines this year, we would like to have you come in and see the elegant stock we have in this line. We have all kinds and we are sure we can please you. Better come before the assort­ ments are broken too much. Norwood’s