The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, February 02, 1911, Image 3

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    Hotel Redmond
JONES LAND CO., Prop’rs.
Entirely Refurnished and Refitted
Headquarters for Tourists
and Traveling Men
REDMOND CITY OFFICIALS ty. has gone into partnership
with John Moore in the auto
Mayor - II. f . Jim«*«.
( «»uiicilrnn. J. K. Hcawh, Frank W. stage business and will establish
M. r.fT. ry, M r . Lynch, K. M Whit». routes between different towns
G. W Walla, <;. M. Huffman.
in the county. Mr. Elkins may
IW oriier Win. O. Phoenix.
become a resident o f itedrnond.
Trcanurrr O. M. Slocum
Ulty Attorney J. A. W ilcox.
Marshal K. K Mill«
Council meet« leeond anti fourth
Tuaatlay o f rat h month.
I'rraiilcnt li. K. Jon«*«.
Socrctary A. J. Haney.
Meeting night« Kirat ant] Third Wrtl-
n«*wiay t*ach month.
From now on we intend to con­
duct the best cafe in Redmond
The Banquet, Geo. L. Wheeler,
S. G. Dorris o f Bend, deputy
state gam«* warden, passed
through Redmond last Thursday
on his way to Portland and Salem
on official business.
Mrthodiat H .rvir*. 5kl and 4th Sun-
tlaya o f .arh month at II a. m.
Sunday School at 10 a. in. «*v«*ry Hun- ■
day. ('hriatian Kmlravor 7 o'clock ev­
Place your orders for maga­
ery Sunday evening.
W. I.. Wilaon, ,
zines with J. A.
i’r«*ahyt«*rian Service» l«t aixl Hti Prompt delivery assured. 28tf
Sunday o f t arh month. Kev. G. A. M.
Lllley, |>axlor.
<‘hriatian Science — Hervicea every
The Spokesman has been in­
Sunday at 2:90 p. in.
formed that the old pioneers of
this section will give an old time
Brotherhood of Owls, Nest No. 122 j dance
in Redmond in a short
Tables Supplied with the
Meets every Friday night in Khret
Viaiting rnernlter« invitraJ to
F. K. Mil l.«, Executive
G. W. U avik .«. Sec.
Best the Market Affords
Crook County Abstract Co.
Up-to-date aet o f Ahatrart Ito«>ka.
All work guaranteed.
We phoU«graph
the recortta.
B. F. Wiltle, secretary,
Prineville, Ore.
Always Ready la Cater to the Wants of the Poblic
Redmond and Vicinity
Good Meat
The .Juniper Reading Circle
gives their entertainment next
Tuesday night, Feb. 7th.
ceeds will l*e devoted to the Red­
mond Public Library.
time. The preliminaries for the
event are being worked on now.
List your property with Ellin-
ger & Ehlers.
F. I. Phoenix went to Prine-
ville last week on a business
W e are pleased
to announce to our patrons
that we have taken these STEPS FORWARD.
NOW that we have inaugurated this FREE DELIV­
ERY it will give our PATRONS the same service as
they would receive in the cities, and will make your
grocery buying much easier than heretofore.
P H O N E U S your orders and same will be carefully taken
care o f and D E L IV E R E D at your DOOR in due time.
has recently been substantially increased, and we are in a
position to make close prices on
O U R A B I L IT Y for supplying the best quality needs no
About three inches o f snow fell
last Wednesday night, but the
weather the next day came off
so warm that most of the snow
melted off.
T H E Q U A L IT Y .
W e would like to have
you try our bologna.
Hill <£ Sypher
S o u th 6 th S t., R e d m o n d
O U R motto
has always been, K E E P UP
Grocery Specials:
Christian Science services at
Spanish Stuffed Olives,
per bot.
Mr. Macpherson’ s Sunday, Feb.
Dr. Grandy uses painless m eth-; 2, at 2:30.
Subject for study, ;
21b. cans Pure Fruit Jam, per can,
ods in his dentistry work. Office
upstairs in Redmond Hotel An­ Sunday School at 1:30. Those in­
terested are cordially invited.
Small glasses
“ ’
2 for 25c
Geo. L. Wheeler will open his
J. W. Woodruff last week sold
new Oregon Cafe, formerly the his two lots on D street between
French Mushrooms,
Banquet Cafe, with a free dance 5th and 6th streets for $1,100.
Thursday night, February 2d.
Genuine Maple Syrup,
The place has fn*en enlarged and
Those who eat at the Home
remodeled, and all are invited
Brown Sugar, best grade, 13 lbs for 1.00
Bakery and Restaurant get the
to come and have a good time.
best of service and food at reason­
Royal Club Canned Goods, etc.
able prices.
Fine line o f leather goods,
such as hand bags, purses, bill
City Recorder Wm. G. Phoe­
hocks, etc., at Norwood’s. 28tf
nix was at the county seat last
We close at 6:30
week on business connected with
except Saturdays
F. M. White, who has been his office.
suffering with an attack of the
grip, is all right again, and can
A meal at the Home Restau­
I k * found any day now ready and rant and Bakery is appetizing
when the railroad reached here
willing to welcome all comers to and satisfactory.
and bring in some people with
his amusement hall on the corner
him who are interested in this
of 6th and E streets.
Ashley Forrest of this city, section.
local representative of the Yak­
Ellinger& Ehlers for insurance ima & Columbia River Nursery
Improved farm for rent or
Co., went over to Prineville last sale. Two miles from Redmond.
E. C. Park.
J. W. Woodruff, who has been week on business.
engaged in the furniture business
John Cook o f this city, return­
in this city for several months,
Farm lands and city property ed last Saturday from a business
A complete and satisfactory stock
last week sold his goods to Chad for sale by Ellinger & Ehlers.
trip to Portland.
in the above line. We can please you
H. Irvin.
Mr. Woodruff says
he will remain in Redmond for a
Money invested in Lots in Mel­
Geo. Alexander o f this city,
few weeks, as he has not yet de-
rose Park NOW, will double in
i cided on any future plans.
last week in company with sever­ the next year.
al other Redmond people.
Fine line o f fresh candies, the
Robt Whitney, who was ac­
best made, at Norwood’s. 28tf
cidentally shot through the right
lung, several days ago, has so far
In the line of Smokers’ Goods we
Chocolates, the best manafactur-
the best on the market.
News was received here last ed, always fresh, at Norwood’ s.
the house. He was down town
week that F. J. Lively o f Prine- Try a box, you will like them.28tf
S u n d a y . _______
i ville, had died suddenly o f pnue-
— ---...-
monia at Portland.
Father Sheehan will celebrate |
W. E. Claypool has moved
from Redmond to Cline Falls mass in Redmond. Sunday Feb.
The finest homes in Redmond where he will be nearer his work. 5, at 10 a. m. Services will be
held at the residence o f Mr. and
will be located in beautiful MEL­ |
ROSE PARK with its large lots
Remember we carry the best i Mrs. R. C. Immele.
and wide streets and avenues, line o f pure candy in the city.
on the highest elevation within
Ben McCaffery o f this city, is
Red Cross Drug Store.
the city limits, with irrigation
in Prineville taking care o f some
water on every lot.
Those who travel over the Red- typhoid patients in the Houston
mond-Prineville road state that family.
For Season
Dave Miller made a trip to Sis­ except in a few places the road is
Mrs. F. E. Mills returned home
ters last week to take Mr. and in excellent condition. The bad
Mrs. E. A. Graham home after places will be fixed by the coun­ Sunday after an extended visit
their visit here with their daugh­ ty as soon as the weather will with her sister in Eastern Oregon.
ter, Mrs. Frank Zumwalt.
1 have been appointed agent in this section by the
Mark Forrest who has been in
Get your fresh fruits, candies this city for some time, left for
Those desiring can receive
private dancing lessons by see and nuts at J. A. Norwood’s and his home in Medford Monday.
This company
for the sale o f their fruit trees,
_____ ____
__ _ o f you will always be satisfied as he
grows apple and other fruit trees specially adapt­
mg \ir
W. t> B. Cameron,
ed to the "climate o f this section o f Oregon.
sells only the best,
the Skating Rink.
Carl Ehret expects to make a
company guarantees to fill all orders with first-
business trip to Portland and
class stock, true to name, thrifty and healthy,
and assumes all risk o f transportation.
J. R. Roberts of the firm of Seattle the latter part of the
E. R. Thompson, proprietor of
] k T / \ X V T is the time to place your order*
the Hotel Redmond Annex barber Lynch & Roberta, returned Sun-1 week.
[\ I I y y
for spring delivery. Let me know
shop, is now nicely located with day from a business trip to P ort-1
*** ” ^
” * if you are interested in fruit cul­
Alex Brown and family o f this
his family in the Simmons house land.
ture and 1 will call on you with samples.
city, returned this week from
on 7th street between F and G
office over Redmond Bk. o f Commerce
Two vacant corners on E street California, and will visit a few
with I. P. Hewitt, Lawyer
between Hotel and Depot lOOx weeks in Prineville.
Best line o f post cards in the 100, also two corners, 50x100.
city. Everything in this line same location. Jones Land Com- j Mrs. J. L. Wilcox arrived here
from the lowest price to the pany for terms.
from Newport, Wn., Sunday
highest Norwood's.
night to join her husband who
The directory for the local tele- arrived last week. They have
W. A. Vaughn, formerly o f phone line is expected to be ready gone to housekeeping, and both
Bend, has located in Redmond and for delivery next week. The o f them have already become
opened the Palm restaurant on work is being done by The boomers for the Hub City.
! the corner o f E and 7th streets. Spokesman.
The city council meets once a
BEN GOTTER, Proprietor
Remember our fountain is still month now in regular meeting -
In the center of Melrose Park
working. Red Cross Drug Store. the second Tuesday o f each
addition to Redmond is located
the only public Park within the
Carries a large stock of
Plans are being completed for
city limits, it covers five acres.
the entertainment to be given by
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. DeYoung
Rough and Dressed Lum­
the Juniper Reading Circle at of Yakima, are recent arrivals in
Warren & Woodward, civil en­ Ehret’s hall on Feb. 7th, for the Redmond, and they will make
ber. W e would be pleased
gineers o f this city, intend to op­ benefit o f the public library.
this city their future home.
en a branch office in Prineville in |
to figure on your orders.
a short time, to take care o f their
The Spokesman is now in a
C. F. Anderson last week con­
increasing business in this sec-
position to do all kinds o f poster cluded negotiations for the sale
i tion o f the state.
printing, from the smallest hand o f his Royal Cafe business here,
bill to the largest sheet poster, j and the property on the com er
Our prescription department New type and improved methods o f 6th and F streets to James
will have no equal.
Mail or o f work make our printing have Dougherty o f Newport, Wn. who
phone orders answered promptly. class to it
takes possession o f the place to­
Red Cross Drug Store.
morrow. Mr. Anderson has not
Parks o f Longmont, £ et fully determined just what
Yard one block east
Jackson’s Hardware Stare, Redmond
It is understood that Frank El- Colo., was in Redmond last week usiness he will engage in says
kins, former sheriff o f this coun- and said he expected to return he will take a rest for a while.
When you buy meat you
always want the best you
can get, and when you
buy at our market pur­
chasers are assured of
getting the best.
quantities o f supplies.
The bread baked at the Home
Bakery and Restaurant always
gives the best of satisfaction. 27tf
Lynch & Roberts
and Stationery
Gigars and
Cafe Royal
Sixth and F street*
C. F. ANDKRSON, Prop’ r
carries in stock
that are handled in all
first-class cafes.
will attend to your wants
Fruit Trees 1911
Yakima & Columbia River Nursery Co.
The Annex Billiard Hall
The most lodern Establishment
of the kind in Central Oregon
A Fresh Line of Candles, Cigars
and Tobaccos always on hand
A. E. WYATT, proprietor
Plana and Estimates Furnished.
All Orders Given Prompt Attention.