Begin 1911 with a firm resolve to BETTER YOUR FINANCIAL CONDITION Make up your mind to connect with the start­ ing point of increased power and increased income a GROWING account at this hank. A GROWING BANK ACCOUNT has a real and tangible value over and above the amount of actual mpney deposited. It creates greater confidence, a better stand­ ing and an increased prestige in the com­ munity for the depositor. Our service is yours to command. Says No Truth in Star Story Dancing School I will have dancing clasaaa at the Skating Kink each Tuesday and Saturday night from 8 to 9 o'clock, and dancing for every­ body from 9 to 11. *Hf W. B. Cameron Real Estate Transfers Furnished by the O m A County »tract Company Several weeks ago the Shaniko Crook County Inv Co, to Frank O Star published a story in which guimhy. lo u l.S and Id, blk !*S Hillman. it said John Kellum of that place $£'*>. Crook County Inv Co, to F P Miller, had attempted to get some one to lot* 2f> and as, blk 5« Hillman. $150. set fire to a lodging house he was A C Lueaa et u* to John W White, Hot drinks. Have you tried conducting. The Star further lot 12 of blk II Bend. $S500. them? Red Crone Drug Store. stated that Kellam was heard, in R P Urna to Ileo W Snoderly. aouth 4SM1 of kiU t, 2. and 3 of blk II. | the presence of witnesses, to out­ City Tim surer’a Report $1000. line the plan for the incendiarism. Prineville. UOTÌ* W'hitaett to John Sfarinar*. A number of the Oregon papers I »e. I of lot 16, hlk It, Bend, $260. Datiti January 18. 1911. copied the story. The Spokesman Crook County Inv Co to C H Clow, FUNDS PAID IN among the rest. Now Mr. Kel­ lot» M and » blk » Hillman. £ » . 1910 . . . ....... » 400.90 Aug. 2. lam states that there was no H N I .awri* et al to Virginia Collver .. 102.60 *' 9. •• loti* 4. 6 and 6 blk 9> Culver 36.00 truth to the story- in the Star, J M S treet et al U* Firat B a p tist, - 12. •• 07.50 and it is understood he has insti- Church Prineville, lota 6 ami 0 blk. 0, i “ 17. •• .................. 76.50 26. tured proceedings against the Prineville. $1. Abo lot 6. blk. 22. •• ........ . . . 697.00 Oct. ___ . • • ................. paper for libel. The story from Prinevilb. 99.96 Dec. 7. 1910.............. the Star was copied in good faith Article* of Incorporation of the In 87.50 8. “ ............. ami Empire Co.. Portland. By V. D. by the papers of the state, but I Williamson. 14. •• ............. ” 90.00 Janie* B Kerr A C E Mo The Spokesman ventures the Cultoch. Capital »took $100000. Ob­ Jan. 3. 1911 ; ; ; ........... 009.00 11 statement that if injustice has ject: to buy and »ell land. etc. 3 100.00 . THE STATE BANK OF REDMOND W. S. R odman , Pres. G race B. R o d m a n , Vice-Pres. C. B. H o p l e y , Cashier “The Palace” SNELL & GREEN, Proprietors Conwr of Seventh and E Sts., REDMOND, ORE. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Try a MONOGRAM 5 cent Cigar, or an AQUILA, 2 for 25 cents—they are good goods and will certainly please you. A Good Line of Lunch Goods Carried in Stock Everything of the Best been done Mr. Kellam in the Total $2.303.96 matter the papers are willing Pure and fresh drugs and ac­ BILLS PAID FOR CITY and ready to do what they can to curacy at Red Cross Drug Store. W. E. Mede, labor . $ 24.00 square the matter. 24.00 Wanted 100 men to watch for J o e Murphy, 1.60 a light at 12 o’clock, midnight. *'• R-leterson 14.90 A. J. Haney in the Banquet Cafe, Geo. L If you have 24.00 Wheeler, proprietor. 28tf J. W. Isaac. something to sell. 15.00 ¡C. Balstad. If you want 1 90 Bring your final proof notices (,*dtlw‘- to buy something 18.40 to The Spokesman office. We e .. use the 21 . 0 » will make out your application Want Columns 7.00 for proving up. and attend to all “• ** of 30.00 the details necessary in the mat- -¡* j“ *c The Spokesman. 31.60 . John Petty The Price 30.00 j Chris Balstad is reasonable 30.00 Dont forget the entertainment and results 21.00 to be given by the Juniper Read- John Petty are obtained. 30.00 ing Circle at Ehret'shall on Feb. J. W. Isaac Try i t 2.00 7th. Come out and help a good Joa Boylin 14.00 E. R. Peterson " ........ cause. 2b t3 13.65 A. E. Phillips “ ____ Read The Spokesman. Amusement at the 3.60 H. Caddie 6.00 Skating Rink W. G. Phoenix " ........ Your Wants Filled 6.00 S. C. Woods “ ........ The skating rink in this city is With Satisfaction 6.00 G. W. Wells “ ........ catering to the amusement loving Let us fix you out with any­ 12.60 John Anker “ ........ people this winter, and there is 22.70 something doing every night of thing in the line of signs, wood G. W. Davies ** ........ carving, picture framing, glaz­ 2.31 J. H. Cady * * ........ the week. There is dancing ing and glass cutting, paints and A 75 A. Forrest * * ........ Tuesday and Saturday nights, oil. rubber and steel stamps, E. R. Peterson “ . . . . . 22.65 skating Wednesday and Friday ........ 19.80 nights, and the balance is taken brass checks and stencils, pails Henry Green and brushes, and novelties of all q w. Davies “ ........ ....... 20.18 up with basket ball. The man­ agement intends to give music kinds- Work and orders given j ^ Cooley “ ........ 176.34 prompt attention. Robt. Whitney ** ........ 2.50 skating in the future. J. H. Rcderer A Co. joe McClay • " 2.50 Subscribe for The Spokesman. 29tf . Sign Shop, 7th St. W. f). Johnson, teaming 42.00 42.00 Joe Boylin, ” 21.00 BIG REDUCTION SALE Mrs. J. W. Wrights Store CLINE FALLS, ORE. In order to reduce my large stock and make room for new goods I have made the following reduction in prices on the goods listed below, for CASH: Tomatoes, Blue Ribbon, per c a n ............ 12£c Peas, Meco, per c a n ....................................... 12£c Corn, Bine Ribbon, per c a n ....................... 12£e Table Peaches, best grade, per c a n ............25c Table Peaches, Blue Ribbon, 2 1-2 lb size 20c Pie Apples, 8 pound cans, per can ............45c Pie Peaches, *' ** ............. 50c Evaporated Peaches, best grade, l b ............. 10c Evaporated Apples, per l b ..................... 12 l-2c Italian Prunes, large, per lb ................... _8 l-3c Beans, any kind, per lb ...............................8 l-3c Shredded W heat, per carton........................ 15c Corn or Egg-O-See Flakes, p k g ................... 10c Violet Oats, 3 pkgs for .................................. 50c Best Rice, per lb .......... ..................:......... 7 l-2c Cocoa, [per c a n ..................................................25c Bakers Chocolate, per l b ................................45c Sweet Chocolate, per lb ..................................30c Corn Meal, per 10 lb s .................................... 45c Star Soap, 6 bars f o r ............................. 25e Tar Soap, 4 “ 25c 3 Heart Naptha Soap, 4 bars f o r .................25c Bacon and Hams, per lb ......................... 21e Coffee, best 30c grade....................................... 25c Cylinda Tea, per lb ............................................35c Sugar, 13 lbs of granulated for...................$1.00 20 per cent, off on all NOTIONS 15 per cent, off on all SHOES The above are CASH PRICES and are good until JAN. 31st B. L. Zell W. D. Johnaon *' Ü. L Wright Roy Kannala R. W. Wright Kirk Whited atty. fee insp. of ell F. E. Mills, salary Aug. salary ** Nov. “ ** Dec. “ Jackson L. Co. materiala 1 $« 4 « II F. I. Phoenix, eat. aL graded....................... Redmond Spokesman pub. ordinance no. 5 Redmond Spokesman pub. ordinance....... Redmond Spokesman advertising............... Buckley Exp. Co., exp. P. D. Cunningham mdse Kendal A Chapman ** R. C. Immele,___ '* Jackson L. Co___ " Kendall A Chapman, bldg, m aterial......... McLaughlin A Co., pow­ der and dynamite . . . G. Misch building jail . I. L. Osborn G. M. Slocum in t on war P. D. Cunningham, sta­ tionery ___ ________ Chas. Mums, freighting 17.50 16.50 21.00 22.00 7.00 17.00 ' 25.35 7.96 HOBB’S Cash Grocery I desire to announce to the |ieople of Redmond and surrounding country that I have opened a grocery store in my new building on South Sixth strert and have a COMPLETE STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES that I offer to the consumer at reasonable prices for Cash. 1 invite you to come in and ae« this s to c k — everything new. fresh and clean. B a k ery In connection with the store I have opened a firat class Bakery where the public can get all kinda of hake goods at any time. All my goods in this line are freah. and I guaran­ tee to always give satisfaction. Soliciting a share of your custom I guarantee good goods at reasonable prices. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY WM. H. HOBBS, Proprietor Headquarters for (iood Thine» to Eat RED M O N D S o u th 6th S t. W H I T E ’S A m usem ent ... H a 11... Bowling Alleys , Billiard and Pool Tables. Every - thing first-class. You are invited to come in and roll the balls. 66.66 100.00 ! 100.00 i 100.00 12.26 6.35 F. M. WHITE, Prop’r Corner 6th and E SU., REDMOND, ORE. 20.00 21.76 45.40 15.30 12.70 3.50 39.37 48.6» 21.64 2.06 I 7.96 94.70 4.861 .40 Job Printing of the RIGHT KIND ' f you want your Commercial Printing such as LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS HILL HEADS CARDS. ENVELOPES BOOKLETS, ETC., to have a distinctive look and tome class to them, let ua do the work. 15.20 147.60 22.50 44.06 G. W. Davies jail supplies 82.00 39.48 Bank of Com. Wm. G. Phoenix, care for sick_____ ______ 26.45 Hotel Oregon, rooms for the sick.................. A. G. Long, fire engine D. L. Miller, election exp W. W. Caughey drmying Robt. McSherry " J. W. Wilcox draw. ord. Jan. 18* 1911. Bal. of cash on hand. P ro m p t W o rk Sa tla fa etlo n Guaranteed Total ........................$2,303.96 J. H. REDERER, Redmond WATER FUND Funds Paid I n - Dec. 12, 1910................... $ 84.50 14. " ...................... 78.60 M 28. “ 1.50 Jan. 7, 1911..................... 36.00 I* 10. " ....................... 126.60 “ H. " ....................... 4.00 Total paid in................ $331-00 Warranta Paid— E E Foot, labor.........._.$ 75.00 Jan. 19, 1911, bal. cash ... 266.00 T o tal........................... $331.(JO C. E. N i r i j i e n , City Treasurer. Hifk Grade Priatiag is oar Specialty THE REDMOND SPOKESMAN Novelties In WOOD and METAL WORK and SIGNS. , » A. Fall fla tte r RED M O N D , ORB. Scenic and View Photographer All orders given prompt and careful attention, and satisfaction guaran­ teed in every instance. mm — e »