The Redmond Spokesman $ 1000 . - I T I S A G R E E D By su ccessfu l men th&t the first thousand dollars th a t th e y saved looked larger to them than the many thousands that followed. There are sever­ al reasons fo r this. One of which is. that money saved begets more money. You are practically helpless, as far as business advancement is con­ cerned unless you have some capital. When you have capital, opportunities for sound and profit­ able investments are always presenting them­ selves. Start an account with this bank and we will willingly assist you with our advice, when you have en o u g h to swing an investment. Our Cer­ tificates o f Deposit offer an absolutely safe op­ portunity to make four and five percent on your idle money. You are always welcome at this bank. TH E Redmond Bank of Commerce R e d m o n d , O reg on After the Holidays Our general line of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, and Groceries will receive our attention again, and a special effort will be made to keep these lines up to the standard. New goods are being received every week which will add to our assortment and make the stock more complete. SPECLVLS FOR LADIES Specials Ribbed Glove Fitting Under­ wear, sll wool Union Suits, 1 .*2.50 Corduroy Pants................$1.00 Ribbed Fleeced Lined Un­ ion Suits___ $1.25 to $1.50 Wool pants,knickerbo'ks 1.00 Fleeced Lined Stockings, 25c “ “ best 1.25 Wool Stockings............... 35c Top Shirts, drilling, 50c to 65c All wool Nectie Mufflers, Wool Sweater Coats....... 1.50 something new and nobby. Winter Caps_______ 40c to 75c assorted colors ................ $1.25 Zephyr Sweater Coats $2.50 Overshoes, Rubbers and Outing flannels and heavy Gaiters. Prices according to Canton flannels, etc. at lowest sizes, etc. market prices. IN BOYS’ WEARING APPAREL Lynch & Roberts, Redmond General Merchandise C o u n t r y P r o d u c e B o u g h t a n d S o ld Furniture Published every Thursday by H. H. * C. t. PALMS* AT RKDM ONI', OHKUON SUBSCRIPTION RATES Strictly in Advance One vesr. - $1.50 I Three months. 50e I Six months, .75 I Singie copies. Sc AD VE RTISIN G RATES made known i upon application Make all moneys payable and address all communications to II. II. & C. L. Palm er, Redmond. Oregon. Entered as second-class matter Ju.y 14. 1910 at the Postotfii e at Redmond, Oregon, under the Act o f Mch. 8, 1879. I Redmond. Oregon, Dec. 29. 1910 . What Makes A Tow n The trade territory of a town is 1 not dependent upon the distance to neighboring tn ding points. The trade territory depends up­ on the enterprise o f the mer­ chants and the residents of the town. It a town does not reach after the trade, it will come only as fast as it has to, and it will grow as it forced to. But if the merchants go after business in the surrounding country, adver­ tising in every possible way, and making good every word o f their advertising, trade will come from an ever-increasing radius, the town will gain a reputation for being awake and it will forge to the front It is the men in the town, and not altogether the men living within a certain num­ ber of miles from it that makes the town. Must Keep It Up It does not pay to advertise say some merchants who have done but little of it and that without keeping it up. The in­ cident of the boy and the pump illustrates the matter very well. The boy was sent after a pail of water. He poured in the prim­ ing and poured out as much as he poured in. Then he stopped to rest and the priming ran down. After some time of alternate pumping and resting he con­ cluded it did not pay to pump and quit in disgust. The mer­ chant who does not believe in advertising does it like the boy did the pumping. He advertised again and then concluded adver­ tising didn’ t pay. He Won It I carry most the largest and complete stock of furniture in the county. You get can what you want at my store. Jo W o W o o d r a f f Redm ond, O re g o n THEO. R. HERKNER Dealer in and Manufacturer o f H arness and Horse Goods Whips, Robes, Blankets, Etc. Repairing promptly done South Sixth St. REDMOND, ORE. A schoolmaster once said to his pupils to the boy who would make the best piece o f compo­ sition in five minutes on “ How to Overcome Habit” he would give a prize. When the five minutes had expired a lad of nine years stood up and said: “ Well, sir, habit is hard to over­ come. If you take off the first letter it does not change ‘abit’. If you take off another letter you still have a ‘bit’ le ft If you take off still another, the whole of ‘it’ remains. If you take off another it is not totally used up, all o f which goes to show that if you want to get rid o f habit you must throw it off altogether.” Result—he won it. Keep It Out “ Keep it out o f the paper” is the cry which the local news­ HARDWARE In the above line we carry a complete stock and invite you to call on us when you need anything in our line. See our New Stock of Silverware That we are showing now—just the thing for holiday presents. Kendall & Chapman, Redmond, Ore paper publisher daily hears. To oblige often costs considerable, though the party who makes the request thinks the granting scarcely worth saying ‘ ‘thank you” for. A newspaper is a peculiar thing in the public’s eye. The newsgatherer is stormed at because he gets hold of one item and is abused because he does not get another. Young men. and often young women as well as older persons, perform acts which become legitimate items for publication and then rush to the newspaper office and hog the editor not to notice their esca­ pades. The next day they con­ demn the same pajier for not having published another party doing the same thing they were guilty of. forgetting apparently their late visit to the printingi office. Good roads will lead to the gen­ eral improvement o f the country­ side. The farmer who drives to and from town over a spacious, smooth, welleared for road will unconsciously come to effect corresponding improvements in the management and operation of the farm. The Spokesman wishes all its readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. TUMALO P. A. Woolley has moved his family from his ranch to the Smith buildings in order to lie near water for domestic and stock purposes. Chas. Wimer and George Campliell visited Fid White one day last week to see how he was coming on in the horse business. Mr. White devotes a considerable portion o f his time to buying and selling horses. E. H. Edgington made a busi­ ness trip to Bend last week on business connected with his meat business. The people o f these parts are preparing for a big time at the Pinehurst school house Christ­ mas eve. They will have a tree with presents galore for the little tots, and the older folks, too. About $40 has been raised to be expended in presents and deco­ rations for the tree. i.F. HOSGH.M.O. PHYSICIAN nml SU RII EON Office in Redmond A I’huMiix Building R e d m o n d , O re. F.H. RODEMEYER Physician and Surgeon Eyes Tested. Glasses Prop- erly Fitted Europa’t O irtia «» T o w n . A ll travelers should shun |tor.,’slaw. In f ls llc la -" t h e Isick of E u ro p e "— tru th fu lly called the dirtiest place In Europe It Is the oil trade center and Is decidedly not beautiful In the main street all the houses have been built on mine refuse, and most of them have aunk helnw the level of the street. In fact, there la not a aolld brick or atone building In the whole of the town, and many of the houses are In a state of partial or entire col­ lapse. Unrefined petroleum Is e ve ry­ where. It gets Into e v e ry th in g -fo o d and clo thing — and the atmosphere reeks of IL Along one side of the main street la a raised wooden pave­ ment. and beneath It Is sn oily ditch. B orysla w 's main w ste rw ny Is a n a r­ row . sluggish, oily stream. On Its hanks the tow n's refuse la cast, and the m arket booths ore erected along­ side. w hile the local w asherw om en— though from external appearances one would Judge that laundresses did not exist there at a l l -d o tlielr washing In Its oily depths. B uy your CANDY o f th e B uckley D ru g Co. B est stock in th e city IM M E LK 'S . Lumber Yard | have bought the lumber stock of Kendall & Chit|imnn. nml am adding to the same ami will curry u Complete Stock of Lumber and Building Material Redmond. Oregon I have the Only Thoroughly Dry Slock of RUSTIC in this section DR. GRANDY Lpt mc figure with voti on your next lumber bill. Estimate* furnished free for all cimine* o f building». Office ill Ehret Ilms, l'lori. Dent i st Painless Methods Yards on Fifth St. between C and D streets Office upstairs in Redmond Hotel Annex, Redmond. Oregon BUCKLEY EXP CO. BETWEEN Redmond and Shaniko I .cave Redmond every Sunday and Wednesday. Leave Shaniko Tuesday and Friday. Arrive at Redmond Thursday and Sunday. Pa-wengrr and Express Fast Freight and Express a Specially J. C. WILLIAMS Watchmaker and Jeweler Jackson Lumber C O M P A N Y Sells Doors, Windows, Glass, Ranges, Heating and Cook Stoves, Builders’ Hardware, John Deere, Canton Clipper and Oliver Plows, Wagons, Buggies and Hacks, and all the other good* that goes in the Hardware trade. Come and nee u m . Postoffice Building REDMOND. - OREGON Satisfaction Guaranteed J. A. WILCOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Read The Spokesman. Not Afraid. Personal courage Invent« It» ow ne r w ith a protection beyond that afforded by outride forcea. A n lllu rtrn tlon of this Is recorded t>y (Jerieral W illia m K. Dni|>er In bis "Rvcollertlnna of a V a ­ ried C a re er." where he gives this In­ cident: In 1904 Colonel Daniels of the Sev­ enth Rhode Island became unpopular w ith some of his com m and, and a m in o r spread that he would be «hot at the nest engagement, lie heard of It It was custom ary when guns had been loaded for aome time to have them discharged Into aome convenient bank, and Colonel Dnnlela took ndra n - tnge of this. M arching hla regiment out w ith loaded rifles, lie faced them tow ard a suitable elevation, and. lak- Ing [Kwltlon on the top of It and In front of them as at dress parade, he gave the com m ands. "Ite a d l !" " A im !’* " E ire !” and the plecea were dlschnrg ed. Needless to say. any man could have shot bltn w ith little danger of discov­ ery. and. needless to sny. nlso. none of them did T h e re were no more threats of that kind In his regiment. r Jackson Lumber Co. Redmond Office on North Sixth St, REDMOND, - OREGON The Pioneer I. P. HEWITT Lawyer Meat Market C. F. BARTLETT, Prop’r. Rooms 1 and 8, Redmond Bank o f Commerce building, REDMOND, it lowegon - Real Estate Agency On the Ground Floor LANDS, LOTS, HOMESTEADS SitltXKK DUAL Write for literature. HARMON COOK. Manager, * * * » * » « * OREGON I Bell everything in the Meat Line, and always have a good «tock on hand to fill your want* with. You will find that your meat shopping will always lie satisfactory if done at The Pioneer Market. Beside* earning a full line o f menta I sell everything that is raised on the ranch, such as Butter. Eggs. Chickens, Vegetables, etc., and sell same at reasonable prices. Laidlaw, Oregon * City Dray * * * R ED M O N D , * * * * OREGON ....A N D . . . Transfer Line REDMOND FEED & FIEL CO. G EO RG E W. FA R R IS , M an ag er AH Orders Given Prompt Satisfactory Attention W . W . CAUGHEY, REDM OND, O RE. Leave orders at Ruck ley Bros. Ground and Chopped Feed, Seeds, H ay and WOOD T o ll o r Gash G rin d in g 7lh S(- t o - 0 and E Sts. REDMOND, ORE