The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City“ of Central Oregon VOL 1. No. 25 VISIT OREGON REDMOND. CROOK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2!». 1910 from this section has been pre­ pared with the idea of giving the absolute facts as they obtain here, and as soon as the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes Railroad get here in the spring the rush of newcomers will begin. Will Soon He a Legal Paper 1910 PROGRESS IN THE HUB CITY After next week The Red­ Exhibit Car Doing mond Siiokcsman will he a legal Past Year Has Been — Good Work for newspaper that is, it will have boon published six months in the State Redmond, which the law requires Redmond in the I — liefore a ne\vHpa|>er can become of legal age and entitled to pub­ lish legal». Our friends are ask­ (»ON CLIMATE ed to hear tins in mind and AWEALH TO PEOPLE when they have any legals for publication we would like to do the work for them. W’e will make out tneir applications for Ridniond Sur« to (k( Her ! proving up on the land, free for Share of Incoming 1 them. d a Progressive One for Way of Advancement and Building —One Hundred Thousand Dollars Is the Building Record for Y ear- 1911 Will See a Great Gain Over 1910. S et llera To look at Redmond a year ago. country adjacent to the city has Nearly 100 tent houses have been and then compare the city with been settling up rapidly, thus put up in the city during the what she is today shows a growth furnishing a foundation for the year, most of which will average GIVEN AMPLE TINE Thousand* of wttlers sre an outlay of $100. that is indeed remarkable. It is growth of the city. promised Oregon next year as not exaggerating to say that With the coming of the rail­ Here are a few of the improve­ 1 result of the work being done progress has been made in roads in the early spring lied- ments made during the year: now by the Great Northern ex­ New Corporation Will Take more Redmond the past year than in mond will more fully realize on The city has acquired a water hibit car, containing Oregon pro­ Over Columbia South­ any city or town in Central Ore­ the publicity work she has done works system that for the pre­ duct» F. W. Graham, Western ern Contractu gon; that more buildings have during the past year, for the sent has ample water to supp'y immigration agent for the rail­ been built and more business eyes of thousands are turned the needs of the city for domes­ way system, has written Mana- houses established; that more this way, and the only thing tic purposes. An electric light - g«r Chapman, of the Portloml The State Desert Land Board new people have come into this that keeps them from coming system is installed and almost _ Commercial Club, stating that held a meeting at Salem last locality than in any other section here now is the lack of adequate ready for operation, and the 1000 jtersons visited the car at wt»ek and. on application of the of Central Oregon. It is a fact. transportation facilities. The principal streets of the city have Mason. Mich., the day that he Fin­ Through the effort of the Red­ year 1911 will see such an influx been graded and put into good joined it Everywhere there are Oregon-Washington-Idaho Comjiany, that corporation mond Commercial Club and the of new comers desiring to locate condition. A fire department “* axtSusive newspa|»er notices, and ance was granted a six months’ ex­ unanimous working together of here, and capital anxious to in­ has been organized and fire ap­ ^ the visitors flex-k to the exhibit, tension of time on the prelim­ the people here, who have stood vest in our realty and business, paratus bought. A good musical and marvel at the wonders of inary contract to reorganize the shoulder to shoulder as a unit for that the most sanguine person organization, the Redmond Con­ the Oregon country. This tang­ Columbia Southern cert Band, has been organized, Irrigation the upbuilding of the city, the will be surprised. ible evidence of what Oregon is Company. Representatives above conditions have been ac­ During the year just closing and a lodge of Owls numbering of and can do is making a profound the campany assured the Board complished. All this has taken $100,000, at a conservative esti­ over 100 has been instituted. Impression upon the people. A the Irrigation projects in money, and plenty of it, but the mate, has been expended in build­ The commercial Club has in­ larg e amount of literature is re­ that the Deschutes Valley will be Redmond citizens recognized ing improvements in the city. creased its membership over the quested by the visitors, and is rushed to completion oj>cned that in order to make money or There has been 33 business century mark, and a new news­ being furnished by the railway for settlement in a and very short build up a town it was necessary houses built during that time, paper has been established here. people, and everything |»«sil>le time. to be generous in amtributing principal of which is the large The Redmond Spokesman. is done to get bona tide settlers Different projects controlled for new enterprises and projects double two-story brick store of These are some of the import­ to come to the state. The car by this firm cover about 80,000 that would make their town a Ehret Bros., the Redmond Bank ant improvements and additions was kept at the Chicago land The board made a for­ place to attract new comers and of Commerce, the M. E. Church, made in 1910, not counting the show during its session, and will acres. mal order allowing the Central capital. The tightwad in Red­ livery sales, and feed stables of many new business enterprises be at Omaha during the land Oregon Irrigation to mond has been a scarce article. Carl W’oods, additions to the that have been established here. show there from January 18 to 28. sell lands under the Company The |»eople have resjxjnded liber­ stables of Matt Kulesch, buildings All kinds of business is now rep­ uncompleted In a country where snow is contract with the state providing ally to the calls made upon their erected by the Jones Land Co. resented in Redmond, and all of falling and the weather is bitter­ the settlors’ notes were filed with pocket Lx)ks, and the result has on Sixth street, the Woodruff the firms are doing a good busi­ ly Cold at this season, the car the State Engineer for 75 per been that Redmond today is the building, the Jackson buildings, ness. The different lines of - makes a groat hit. Mr. Graham cent of the amount the company best advertised city, and has the postoifice building, Kendall trade are not overdone. - writes that the throng is so obtained made more progress in a year’s & Chapman's large store and two Every citizen of Redmond has from the sale. greu' at times that all cannot be reason to feel proud of the show­ time than any place in the cen­ large lumber yards. admitted at once, but the visit­ F.hret Bros, stated to The tral portion of the state. In the residence district a ing the city has made during ors stand in the snow and add Spokesman that they had an im­ This growth has been solid and large number of houses have the past twelve months, and by wait ing for their turn to see mense holiday trade this year, substantial, nothing mushroom been built, many of them costly sticking together in the future way ahead of former years. One abont it Property values have and substantial. The lack of as in the past, Redmond can be what Oregon shows. made the most important city in [ The city of Redmond and the reason they assign for that is been held at a reasonable figure, lumber and building material has Central Oregon. that they had a complete stock Redmond District, w'hich is be­ thus enabling capital to come in been a draw back to more ex­ We take off our hat to Red­ ing extensively advertised of everything in the line of holi­ here and go into business. The tended building in this line. mond and the Redmond people. through the east, will get her day presents, and further that •hare of the newcomers. The they advertised the goods judi­ The Spokesman's Job ature that has been sent out ciously. Printing pleases. TO INVESTIGATE THE ROTTEN MAIL SERVICE m o i i f n i$ A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year We wish all our customers and friends the compliments of the season, and extend thanks to them for their lib­ eral patronage during the year 1910. We shall endeavor in the future, as we have in the past, to merit a con­ tinuance of your trade by giving you the best goods for the least money possible. BROS. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE $1.50 PER YEAR — ' - We wish you all A HAPPY NEW YEAR and algo wish to remind you that during the year 1911 we will carry a larger and better stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, ETC. than ever before shown in Redmond, and we invite your patronage in this line. E. L. R A P P “The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. band members themselves by giving dances, entertainments, ect. A little over $100 was do­ nated by citizens for the pur­ chase of the instruments. The band now numbers six­ teen members, and is under the leadership and instruction of H. H. Palmer, who ha3 used his best efforts to bring it up to its state of efficiency. Best Organization present The band is now rehearsing selections, and overtures and In This Section concert pieces so as to be in read­ of State iness to play open air concerts on the street the coming season. New members are being added to the organization, and by THE MEMBERSHIP spring it is expected the organ­ IS INCREASING ization will have a membership of over twenty. Following is the instrumenta­ tion of the band: Bb cornet and director— Entertainments By Band H. Solo H. Palmer. Have Been Drawing Solo Bb cornet—Ashley For­ Card This Season rest. First Bb cornet—Lee Zumwalt. Eb clarionet—Wm. H. Hobbs. Solo Bb clarionet—S. J. Ham­ ilton. Though less than three months Second Bb clarionet—J. A. old the Redmond Concert Band Norwood. now ranks as one of the best First Alto—A. J. Haney. musical organizations in Central Second Alto—J. C. Williams. Oregon. Alto—J. P. Doherty. Tve band began rehearsing in Third First Tenor—Dave the latter part of October. At Second Tenor Ray Miller. Golden. that time nine of the twelve Baritone—E. R. Tichencr. members were beginners, hav­ Tuba—H. J. Love. ing never played a wind instru­ Bass Drum—Frank Zumwalt. ment in their life. But by cons- Snare Drum—George Golden. SEWERAGE AT BEND TO STILL ant practice and frequent re­ hearsals the band has been J. H. Rederer has opened a brought up to a positton where shop one door west of the Pio­ The State Board of Health Postal Department Refuses it now plays a class of music neer Meat Market where he is Called Upon to Relieve to Grant Patrons the that professional bands play. prepared to do all kinds of work The band has a set of the best in the sign writing, and wood Present Situation Needed Relief instruments that are manufactur­ and metal. His is a novelty shop ed. which cost in the neighbor­ and Mr. Rederer can fix you out of $600, and nearly $500 of with almost anything you desire Dr. Calvin S. White, of Port­ Postmaster Norwood has re­ hood this amount is being paid by the to have made. land, secretary of the State ceived notice from the postoftice Board of Health, received a com­ department that there will be no munication from Bend last week change in the present mail ser­ asking that something bo done in vice from Shaniko to this point regard to the pure water problem and other points futher south, as which is serious to the residents petitioned for by all the residents of that territory. The Deschutes on the west side of the river. River, from which Bend and Redmond and the other towns other small towns and farms be­ that would benefit by a new- low that place obtain their water routing of the mail will have to We are showing the Largest Line of supply, is being contaminated plug along with the present ser­ with refuse, it is stated. Post Cards in the city, both local vice and receive mail from one On account of the rock for­ day to a weeks time late, as has view and a general stock of the latest mation in the ground and the been the custom for the past designs. Come in and see them. great depth to water wells can­ several years. The postoifice de­ not be dug in that vicinity, and partment is a great help to the the only source from which the people—not When the railroad Everything in Confection­ population can get its drinking gets in perhaps this section of water is the Deschutes River. the state will get what is coming ery, Stationery, Periodicals Dr. White left for Bend this to them and obtain relief from and Smokers' Goods w’eek, and an effort will be made the rotten mail service that now to have the sewers run the oth-' obtains. er way and after being put; Severai times the needed relief through a purifying process the has been promised, but nothing refuse will be emptied out upon ever materialized, and now the Postoffce Bldg. the desert. department has put the kibosh Several parties from here went' on the whole thing. to Bend Monday to seethe Bend- Vern Gist of Sisters, attended Prineville football game and at­ the dance here Monday night tend the »lance in the evening. given by the band. IS HIGH CLASS Post Cards J. A. NORWOOD,