The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, December 08, 1910, Image 4

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Hotel Redmond
JONES LAND CO., Prop’ra.
Entirely Refurnished and Refitted
Headquarters for Tourists
and Traveling Men
Tables Supplied with the
Best the Market Affords
Always Ready to Cater to the Wants of the Public
Billiard and Pool
•••• H A X j L ••••
SNELL & GREEN, Proprietors
Corner of Seventh and E Sts.,
Try a MONOGRAM 5 cent Cigar. or an
AQUILA. 2 for 25 cents—they are good
goods and will certainly please you.
A Good Line of Lunch Goods
Carried in Stock
Everything of the Best
“The Pastime”
P. L. SMITH, Proprietor
Soft Drinks
Gigars and
Nothing but the Best Goods,
and a square deal to all
Choice Cisrars
Soft Brinks
We carry the Finest Line of
All Kinds of Soft Drinks in the
Come in and see us when you
want anything in the above line
weapon we have been enabled to
render some assistance to the
enterprise and growth of our
The Juniper Reading Circle little city. If our paper has
met with Mrs. J. F Hooch Wed­ pleased you we an* fully repaid
nesday, Nov. 30th. There was a for the hard lala>r we have given
good attendance and an interest­ it, and can promise our readers
ing program given. The club is that in the future it will la* far
now studying Kentucky as the superior to the past, as we have
tirst link in the chain of western decided to give more attention
, _ .
expansion. Mrs. B. A. Kendall and work to the local field,realiz-
read a paper on the life of Daniel ¡tig our readers appreciate a
Boone and his work in the settle­ spicy local page.
ment of Kentucky. Miss l.aura
Jones reviewed Book l of “The When you hear a man running
Crossing", a book which gives a down his home impel* or any oth­
good description of the life of the er local industry, take a good
Kentucky pioneers. It was de­
at him. Ten to one he will
cided that hereafter current look
have a chin as long as a rail, an FATHER OF LEE AND
topics should be discussed “over eye as restless as a horse thief:
the tea cups” . The subject for and he will hitch around in his
the day was “Tolstoi”, so while chair as though he had a touch of
Mrs. Hosch served refreshments Anthony's dance. Talk with
the members talked of the life St.
awhile and you will discover Glowing Tribute Paid To
and teachings of this great man. him
that he has made a failure of
Deceased at Grave
The next meeting will be held nt everything he ever tried (except
by 1. D. Driver
the home of Mrs. H. Hanks on being disagreeable), and nine
Wednesday, Dec. 14th. All ladies times out of ten he is dependent
wishing to attend should meet at on the public for favors or sup­
Kendall & Chapman's store at port: you will find him of a med­
1:30. as Mr. M. Kulesch has very dlesome, peevish, jealous, hate­ J. W. Zumwalt. father of
kindly offered to provide convey­ ful and unreliable nature; a man Frank an»l Lee Zumwalt of this
ances. The meeting will begin who is always complaining, and city, took his life at his home in
Wednesday. Nov. 30th.
promptly at 2 o’clock.
although he has but little, if any­ in Wumic,
by shoot-
thing his own, one would imagine ing himself despondency
to hear him talk, that he had a .22 calibre rifle. About with
quit claim deed to the earth and years ago the deceased had an
a first mortgage on heaven. He attack of typhoid fever, and
When you want
knows everybody’s business and since that time has not l>een
the best of
why shoulden’t he? He has none
in his right mind. He was
of his own to take up his time. a fully
of excellent habits and is
Such people, like mosquitoes, mourned
by n large circle ot
was held
go to
but one fact remains staple, they at his home and funeral
do not add materially to the a large concourse of neighbors
Buckley Drug Co.
pleasures of conducting legiti­ and friends. Both Frank ami
mate business.
Lee Zumwalt left here for Wumic
soon as they received the news
This would be a glorious cld of their
Quoted Bible
death, and were
world in a few years if our child­ present at father's
sad rites.
To Him
ren would only achieve what we Th«- following was ri-aJ
at the funer­
One of our citizens who occas­ expect ami predict for them.
al by l. I>. Driver:
ionally wipes the dishes for his
My friend», it 1» in deep sorrow wo
n e -i tml«y to bsl g*«»! by» i" o <h
wife, became tired of the job and Serv ices at
imriiHt neighbor ami frirnil. Jamr» W
refused, saying that “it is not a M. E. Church
/.umvvalt « u Ixirn near Eugene, I.anr
county, Oregon, on July Zl. 1 SSS. II,-
man's work.” Not feeling dis­
removnd with hi* parenta to Waaru
posed to lose his help she brought Following is the program of county
in lv*i, ami sottliil near Dufur.
In l.Htij they moved to Tygh Valley
the Bible out to convince him of Service and Song at the M. E. where
he resided until the spring of
his error and read as follows from Church here Sunday. Dec. 11th: IhKZ when,
with his family, he ram»
where he has resided ever
11 Kings, 21:13: “And will wipe
since, sml during ail these years I e ha»
Jerusalem as a man wipeth a tion.
never failed to mourn with us in our
sorrow s, and rejoice with us in ourjoya,
dish, wiping it and turning it up­ Prayer.
as we stand today around his hier
side down. ’’ It is needless to say Anthem—"Jesus Refuge Of and
we cun ei ch of is bear wares» that
those who knew him best loved him
that he is still doing his occasion­ My Soul."
al stunt.
we are brought fare to
Solo—“ Don't Forget The Prom­ face Once with more
that mystery which mini call*
The funeral rite is Us natural
ise Made To Mother".
sacrament, which has been observed 1:1
Can You Tell
Closing Hymn by congregation. some
form by all peopl», even barbar­
How Old John Is
from tne earliest period of the
Evening Song, congregation. ians,
world's history; ami we are assembled
A young man went to a preach­ Prayer.
here today in accordance with an im­
universal as the human race,
er to get married, and the preach­ Anthem “Bless The Lord, Oh and as as enduring
as love sml sympathy,
er asked “How old are you, My Soul” .
to perform the last earthly duty tow aril
him who now lies in the stillness of
John?” He replied. "I am Scripture.
death before us.
half as older than my mother. Solo "SowingThe Tares”.
Kor him life’s titful dream on earth is
with its joys and its sorrows, its
My eldest sister is two years old­ Closing Hymm, congregation. over,
hopes and its disappointments. Me de­
er than my youngest sister. My
rived his being from nature, the l*>un-
tiful mother of US all, and his body re­
Additional Local.
youngest sister is four years old­
to earth’s capacious bosom.
er than my youngest brother.” Mr. and Mrs. Finis Woods and turns
basked in life's sunshine and battled
its storms for a fleeting time, and
"How old are they together?” family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morse with
has passed into the shadowy vale which
asked the preacher. The young and
this breathing world from the
daughter, Hilda, and the separates
vast beyond. It is always a solemn and
man replied that the five children Rev. Cooke
impressive occasion when we meet to
wife had dinner consign
are seventeen years older than at the Oakes and farm,
a human being to the grave.but
those whose minds are free from su­
his father and mother. How old of Redmond, Sunday, Dec. 4th. to perstition
it is never an occasion of de­
is John and each of the children
spair. A knowledge of the true philos­
the fear of death.
and his father and mother? Ex­ I have decided to make a special It dissipates banishes
the darkness of despair and
change. Well, if the young man cut on all men’s clothing. Come puts a star of horn- in every sky and ov­
coffin. It may lx- this common
isn’t married until the preacher in and get my prices. E. L. er fate every
of all mankind, called death, treads
gets his age figured out, Methuse­ Rapp.
22t3 out from between our hearta the weeds
and hate. Tis better to
lah would be a kid compared to Miss Bessie Harrader of Cline of live selfishness
and love where death is king than
have eternal life where love is not. An­
Falls, met with an accident last other
life is naugtit unless we know and
Friday evening by being thrown love there
the ones who loved us here.
New Transfer Line
If they still live we have no fears but
that their lives are better there than
Started Here
broken but she was badly bruised here.
Our religion is help for the liv
and hope for the dead. And though
Robert McSherry, formerly of about the arm and shoulder, and ing
hope should after all lie but a rain­
Portland, has established a trans­ will be confined to the house for this
bow reflection from the tears of gimf
shed here on earth, the larger and the
fer line in the city, and is build­ some time.
faith in all that is an I all that is
ing a 20x50 building on the com­ Ale* Brown and family, form­ nobler
to lie, tells us that death, even at the
a dreamless sleep, a per­
er of Fifth and D streets for a erly of this city, are now located fect rest. is hut Death
to our friend as
storage house. Mr. McSherry at Orland, Cal. In a letter to The the plucking of the came
full grown ear, as
the sickle to the golden grain, as the
says he is equipped to do ail Spokesman Mr. Brown says the gathering
of the evening i hadows
kinds of light and heavy hauling, weather there is warm and sun­ around the setting
sun, as the falling of
the seared leaf touched by thejfrostsof
and when his building is com­ shiny.
Tired of the dust and glare of
pleted will have plenty of storage List your property with Ellin- time.
the day he heard with jny the rustling
garments of the night. And we can al­
ger & Ehlers.
most hear him say:
“ Lay me low, my work is done;
I am weary, lav me low.
The advertising merchant is expect to leave this week for Where
flowers woo the sun.
the one who does the business in Warsaw, New York, Mr. McCaff- Where the the wild balmy
breezes blow,
the butterfly takes wing,
these days of push and enterprise. ery’s old home. Before return­ Where
Where the willows drooping grow.
There are more newspaper read­ ing they will visit New York Where
the spring birds chirp and sing
I am weary, let me go.
ers today than ever before in the City, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and I have
hard and long
history of the world. The news­ other eastern cities. They ex­ In the striven
world’s unequal fight,
Always to resist the wrong.
paper places your business under
Always to maintain the right;
the eyes of the buyer. He sees pect to be gone about six weeks. Always
with couragous heart.
what he wants, and knowing City Recorder Phoenix expects Brothers,
Ever striving truth to know;
I have done my part,
where to find it, looks up the to leave Sunday for Portland on 1 am ready,
let me g o '’.
wide awake merchant who asked a business trip. Before return­
him to come and see him. Suc­ ing, which will he about the first
invested in Lot* in Mel­
cess in these days of sharp com­ of the year, Mr. Phoenix will rose Money
Park NOW. will double in
petition calls for eternal vigilance. take a trip east.
the next year.
You can’t keep a hustler down.
Mrs. F. E. Mills returned home
last week Wednesday from a vis­ A gentle For
horse, and
We have tried in all possible it to The Dalles.
or saddle.
ways to show our appreciation of Farm lands and city property Enquire at Spokesman office.
the liberal patronage given us for sale by Ellinger & Ehlers.
since the first day of our coming An investor would like to hear
For Sale
to this city. In the columns of from owners of farms,
o r One nearly new buggy and
our paper we have fought for our irrigated grazing or timber harness, and oat hay. DeSouza
town to the best of our ability. lands. Object, investment Ag- & Anderson farm, one mile west
We would not be egotistical, but enta need not answer. Address of Redmond on Cline Falls
21t2 roaij
believe by using this paper as a 426, care this paper.
Proceedings of Juniper
Reading Circle
E llflS ft 1 F llC IU tl
Fit of Des­
The Redmond Millinery Store during
Hu* winter months will he "I»*» after-
noons only except on Monday- ami
Thursday*, when it will be open in the
MRS. E. R. TICHENOR, Redmond, Ore.
In Connection with the Harness Shop
T. R. H E R K N E R
Jack’s Place
Open Day and Night
The Place W here You
Special attention given to suppen
for Automobile Parties
O 'R O U R K E ,
P ro p rie to r
Wo £
Livery, Sale and Feed*!
First-class Rigs and Team», with or with­
out drivers, for trips to all txants in the
Deschutes Valley at reasonable prices.
Hay. Grain and Stable Room for your
Bring your stock here for sale or trade. We
have plenty of accommodations.
Headquarters for Freighters
Cor. 5th and E Sts.,
R E D M O N D . ORE.
Bamqmiet Cafe
J A MI'S FINN, Propr.
Table Horvice the beat the
market alTorda.
Nothing too good for our
Come in and aee ua—we will
sati-fy the inner man.
Separale Tables Reserved for Ladies
If You Want Good
Pictures or Views
J. A. Fallgatter
Be Sure to Have Th em T a k e n hy
Scenic and View Photographer.
All °rdors given prompt and careful attention, and Mtisf**' •
tion guaranteed in every instance.