The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1Ô10 $1.50 PER YEAR 1 for "dry” two years ago, to 3 when lie came to the western to 2 for the “wets” this year. country. He came overland to San Francisco in 1 Mill and re­ Wet Counties mained there two years, when he Counties that voted "wet” went to what is now Lewiston, were Baker, Clackamas. Clatsop, Idaho, where he located on Hi) Coos, Crook. Gilliam, Harney, acres where the city now stands. Josephine, Klamath. Lake, Line, AND In tnoae days placer mining wns Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Polk, the main industry in that sec­ Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla. tion, and the colonel says that in Wasco, Washington and 1863 the Wells-Fargo Express Prohibition Lost in Union. Multnomah. Will Be Installed Hack to Old Home Co. carried out $*,000,000 in pla­ The only counties known to State by Over have voted "dry” are Benton, as Soon as Ry. He was the first treas­ at Randolph, cer urer gold. of Nez Perce county and al­ Douglas, Linn, andYamhill coun­ 10,000 Gets Here M ass. so the first treasurer of Whit­ ties. We have received our line of man county. Women Cannot Vote Colonel Belcher came to Red­ Overcoats for this season’s Woman suffrage has been ov­ mond about five years ago, soon WOMAN SUFFRAGE wear, and they are the finest erwhelmingly defeated through­ REDMOND TO BE TRAVELED OVKK A after the Redmonds arrived here, out the state. In returns, com­ HEADQUARTERS line of goods ever shown in MEASURE IS LOST plete and partial from 20 coun­ LARGE TERRITORY and has been actively identified with the growth and upbuilding Redmond. We have priced ties, not one has given a majori­ of the city ever since. He says these goods very moderately. ty for the amendment. The vote the way to make a town is to Is* reported from these 20 counties, ^ioneer Settler of Redmond liiieral in your ideas, contribute Democrat« Carry the Eaat- as totaled, gives 19,064 for wo­ C. P. Judge Pins His Faith your money freely, and it will all to Redmond for New ern Staten Hy I^arge Seen City (¡row Out of come man suffrage and 35.527 against, We Have a Complete Line of Rubber Goods back to you either directly Enterprise or u majority in opposition to the Majorities the Sage HruHh or Indirectly, but you are sure to measure of 16,193. At the same reap the benefit of your outlay. ratio the amendment in the total No tightwads ever made a new- vote throughout the state has Redmond is to have a large im­ country prosperous, says the col­ been defeated by about 20,000. plement and mill supply house Prohibition Defeated I Col. Belcher of this city, who State-wide prohibition has ap­ Becently returned from an ex­ onel. Home Rule Lead-* by .‘1000 It is a pleasure to meet a man many more months roll tended visit in the oast, had of Colonel Belcher's stamp, for parently been defeated by a ma­ The home rule liquor amend­ before around. q ute a awing around the circle he is always looking on the jority that may range from 10,- ment is nearly 3000 to the good C. P. Judge of Prairie City, “ The Head 1» Fool Clothier.” Redmond, Or. puitig ami coming on hia trip. bright side of life, and though 000 up. The striking feature of in a total count of 89,000 votes. who has a number of business en­ (H e went out hy way of the Ca­ he is getting along in years he is returns so far indicate that the The vote on this measure and the terprises in different parts of the nadian Pacific to Montreal and as hale and hearty and pleasant Prohibitionists have lost at least prohibition amendment will prob­ will be at the head of the front there he visited in Boston, us a young man with the whole 13 of their "dry” counties so far ably run up to a total of 95,0(0 state, concern here. Mr. Judge « I C L U S WILL and hia at old home. From there world before him and his fortune as the state-wide prohibition vote to 100,000. On the home rule who is to an locate experienced man in h'' went to New York City when* to carve out. The colonel has is concerned, while they have bill, therefore, approximately this line of business, after look­ he met old frienda, and on the always had great faith in the not gained one "wet” county. nine-tenths of the vote is repre­ SOON SHINE II CIÏÏ over the different localities in return trip he went to New Or­ future of Redmond and has been In all probability, Lane county, sented in the figures that give ing Oregon, decided upon leans and took the Southern Pa- one of its enthusiastic boomers, which rolled up a majority of 770 the present majority of 3000. Central Redmond as the most promising C tic north, »topping at Los An­ and now he is beginning to see for the Prohibilionists two years This majority will probably not Contracts Let for Placing point for the business, both in geles, San Kranciaco and other his predictions realized of Red­ ago. has gone "wet ’on the state be far different when the full point of trade to be secured and Poles and Stringing Coast cities. He thinks he cov­ mond becoming an important vote, but turned a majority of count is completed. as a distributing re nt toother the Wires more than 700 against the home New York state elects a demo­ sections of Centn 1 Oregon. ered the country pretty well on city. rule bill. Umatilla county, cratic governor by a plurality of Mr. Judge stated to th The Pioneer Firm Is Lo­ the trip. which gave the "drys” 694 ma­ 65,000. The colonel had not been back A Ijtrge Turnip thi t his ho isa wculd cated in New H. F. Jones, secretary and to hia old home in Randolph, Ellinger & Ehlers have on ex­ jority and Union county, which Democrats will control the next Spokesman carry a full of agricultural treasurer of the Crook County Mass., for twenty years, and he hibition in a window in the real favored the "dry»” by 690, both house of representatives, having implements, line Quarters road machinery and Water, Light & Power C., in­ found a vast number of changes. estate office a monster turnip went into the opposite column. 221 members to the republicans* mill supplies, both light and forms The Spokesman that his The old bw ¡mining hole at his that weighs 10 pounds. The The "dry" majority in Douglas 157. heavy, it being the intention to company is all ready to install an county appears to have been cut boyhood home was still there and turnip was grown on the J. O. New Jersey, Connecticut and make Redmond the supply depot e'ectric light system in Redmond by half and Josephine county other landmarks hud not passed Hanson place near the city, and elected democratic gov­ for the central part of the state. STORE COMPLETE as aoon as the lamps arrive. switched from 363 "dry” to a Oregon »way. is an object lesson of how root ernors, and in Ohio a democratic While on a recent visit here IN APPOINTMENTS A contract has been let to C. It is interesting to hear Mr. crops will thrive in the soil in similar majority for the "wets.” legislature has been elected. Mr. Judge bought some irrigated R. McLallin for placing the poles Crook county switched from 2 to Belcher tell of the early days the Redmond district. land near the city. He says he and doing the wiring, and the see no reason why the Red­ ; work will be pushed forward as GOING DOWN DEEP AT can mond District should not become The Firm Carries a Com­ , rapidly as possible. All the ma­ for the system is here on plete General Mer­ terial CULVER FOR WATER the most famous in the state. ground except the lamps and it chandise Stock is expected they will arrive in a HOTEL IS NOW UNDER ; short time. Townsite Owners Propose All of the new buildings built to Drill at ¡.east during summer have been NEW MANAGEMENT Ehret Bros., pioneer general wired for the electricity, and as soon 1,500 Feet merchants of Redmond, this week as the plant is in operation the moved from their old location on stores and residences and the H. F. Jones Takes Charge the comer of Sixth and E streets, city will be well lighted. E. Wagoner, the well known of the Popular Ho­ to their large brick double store well driller of this city, is now tel Redmond building on the corner of Sixth A mask ball is to be given at engaged in drilling a well at Cul­ and C streets, two blocks north Prineville Thanksgiving night un- ver for the townsite people. He of their former location. , der the auspices of the Commer- recently consolidated his business H. F. Jones is now the E*oni- The new store is the first brick I cial club. Music by 5-piece or­ with the Madras Well Drilling face at the Hotel Redmond, hav­ building built section of chestra. and liberal prizes. Co., and is now in a position to ing taken charge of that popular the county, and in is this complete in all sink wells to any required depth place since the first of the month its appointments. The building as the company has heavy ma­ Mr. Jones stated to The Spokes­ is 50x75, two stories, constructed Unnecessary* chinery especially adapted for man that the hotel would be re­ with all modern improvements. Red Tape that purpose. fitted throughout and a number The store occupies the whole low­ Men often say there is too Mr. Wagoner said that the well of improvements made to add er floor, which, with its large much red tape about passing title at Culver was now down about comfort to land. If we could cut it all to the wants of the trav­ windows and high ceilings, out 710 feet and no water had been eling public. The Annex that show we would be better off. makes an ideal mercantile estab­ struck yet. The townsite com­ has recently been completed will lishment. But when you reflect that land pany, he said, would go down as double the capacity of the hotel, The Messrs. Ehret have ar­ is the most permanent, andhenc-; far as 1,500 feet in an endeavor the traveling public will be ranged the interior of the store the most certainly valuable prop­ to get a suitable flow of water. and man can possess, is it un­ shown every attention. for the convenience of their pat­ erty At Hillman he went down 330 Under the management of F. rons. wise such possession by the south side is the rules to and guard feet and found water, Mr. Wag­ M. White, who conducted the dry goods On department, regulations? in the cen­ Centuries of experience and hotel up to the first of the month, ter the notions and furnishing oner said, and by going to a depth the house has gained in favor of 359 feet a practically inex­ with the traveling public and be­ department and the grocery, wisdom are behind the rule that haustible flow was obtained. come noted as one of the best crockery and glassware depart­ to transfer title there must be caravansaries in Central Oregon. ment occupies the west end of some writing. Written deeds, Have You Bought wills and other instruments be­ the building. The north side is ing Your Dance Ticket? necessary, they must be in devoted to clothing, men’s furn­ proper If you are interested in help­ form. ishings and shoes. ing to maintain a good brass Even if technical, it is the law A cozy "rest room” for the la­ of the land, band in Redmond you can now and we mu3t abide dies has been provided, which, by it. do your share toward that organ­ If you want to no doubt will be greatly appre­ An abstract of title helps to ization. The band is going to invest your money ciated by the feminine shoppers. understand these forms. give their initial ball Wednesday where it will The firm intends to have an Has your land been abstracted? evening, Nov, 23d, in order to opening to dedicate the new Crook County Abstract Co. (Inc.) raise money to be applied on the bring you store, notice of which will ap­ balance of the purchase price of Prineville, Oregon. Good Returns pear in The Spokesman next (We photograph the new set of instruments re­ the records.) see week. cently bought. The band is get­ ting along nicely now and play­ LOU A. REED Gone to Buy a ing a good grade of music, and and have him Bowling Alley When you want instead of circulating a subscrip­ tell you about R. K. Potter who has been con­ tion paper and asking for dona­ the best of ducting a moving picture show the tions take this method of raising PURE. FRESH here for some time, left last week the money to put them out of Banana Land CANDIES for Portland, He stated to The debt—by giving dances. Tick­ he is selling Spokesman that he had gone out ets are one dollar, and every one go to to buy two regulation size bowl­ is asked to buy one and show Buckley Drug Co. ing alleys which he would install their good intention toward the here as soon as they could be hand. The dance will be given shipped in. in Fallgatter’s hall. VOL l. No. i y COL BEICHER ENJOYS VISIT 1 OVERCOATS Rubber Goods E. L. R A P P EHRETS MOVE EW STORE Watch this space for our OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT next week EHRET BROS.