Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon VOL 1. No. IK REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1910 $1.50 PER YEAR six days in reaching its destina­ tion, and to obviate this delay I Mr. Whitney recommends an early change in the service. He said he realized that the citizens ¡of Crook county deserved better service, and he would urge the Queution I h Being Agitata) department to make an early to Secure an Ade­ change. 1». M. Cornett who has the con­ quate System I am making a SPECIAL SALE for carrying the mails in Department Wak­ tract this section, is in favor of the on the Famous ing Up to Our tance new schedule. Although the dis­ via the new schedule is »uring the past few weeks Necessities somewhat longer Mr. Cornett there has !»een more or less talk says faster time can be made as here that it is poasiblc to secures Report That He Carries State by a the roads on that route are much Krnv'dy water system for the city Safe Majority—Elkins Loses County lietter. » cost within reasonable lim- STAR ROUTE SUPT. " its. It has been fiointed out that! By a Few Votes—All County Divis­ that it’ll pay you to take advantage Nurli u system could lie obtained ADVOC ATES CHANGE and a supply of good water se-; of if you want a fine piece of goods cured for all purposes, fire and ion Bills Lose Out—Crook County for a small piece of money. domestic. Goes Wet About Three to Two The Spokesman has not gone Madratt, lamenta, Redmond very deeply into the details of and Rend Will Ite All of Our Stock is New the question to the proliable Order Now Han Membership cost of such as a system, Benefit ted hut if a Of 1(H)—May Build gravity water system can be se­ Latest reports from the state 6 year term—Burnett 77, Jones liudift- Hall cured at a reasonable cost, it show Oswald West has been 15, King 27, Moore 65. Ramp 10. seems that the matter should be elected that governor state ov- Attorney General — Brix 14, F. E. Whitney of Portland, The Brotherhood of Owls of given more than passing atten­ er Bowerman by of a the majority of Crawford 103. superintendent of star mail route* this city is gaining memliership tion. from 6,000 to 10,000 rotes. Supt. Public Instruction- Aid- for Oregon, was in Redmond last each week. Although the order The city is rapidly growing and All county division bills in the erman 81, Hinsdale 11, Homer week, and stat<*d that after look- has liecn organized in this city the water problem is one that state were defeated. “The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. 14, Steele 5. ing over the mail service from | hut a few weeks the membership will be of great importance in a Reports from Prineville state State Printer- lander 9, Dun Shaniko smith he would recom­ is now over 100. and m ore appli­ short time. It is now a problem that Frank Elkins was defeated iway 89. Godfrey By 22. mend to the postal department cations are awaiting action. The of importance, but with the rapid for sheriff of Crook county by Labor Commissioner—Curry 14 Additional Local. of the city, and a run was made that the through mail line from regular meetings are Friday increase of population that is sure Balfour of Fife, by a few votes, Hoff 84, Houston 19. ---------- by the fire department with the Shaniko to Prineville Is- changed night of each week until further to come, some means should lie and that the county went wet by R. R. Commissioner- McLain Mr. and Mrs. Ike Buckley ar- chemical engine. The fire prov­ taken in the near future to pro­ to come around by way of Mad­ notice. a majority of about 3 to 2. Stark 27, Miller 86. vide the city a sufficient water ras. instead of going to Prine­ ided in Redmond last Wednes- brush Pile burning and Friday night a large class system to supply "water for ""do- reported to have won out for State Engineer--Koob 12. Lew­ day evening from Idaho where the fire boys went back to the fire ville and being there made up for of Ijiat candidates was initiated, and circuit judge over Judge Brad- is 101. mestic and fire purposes. they were recently married. | house without "W'rting any wat- Redmond. Bend and other points tomorrow night another class will shaw. Water Supt. Division No. 2— | er. This is the first run the de­ The Spokesman would like to in this section. taken into the order. It is hear from some of those who are The election in Redmond gave Cochran 43. Saxton 6«. partment has made since the in­ Mr. Whitney said he would rec- lie line of silverware, suitable stallation understood that Dwls are ne- , in touch with the gravity water a majority of 8 for West for gov­ Circuit Judge, 7th Dist. — for Nice holiday of the new fire appara­ . the omtuond the change to take ef­ got.ating with Kendall presents at Ehret Broa. to , yBtem plan< and the *, 1 ^ ™ of ernor, and a heavy vote for Laf- Bradshaw 77. Stark 43- tus. fect ut an early dateon account of the hall over their new the paper are open to them to ferty. On the question of the Representative 21st District— & Chapman’s. the increasing business between lease brick Btore for lodge purpose*, state their views on the subject. county going wet or dry the wets Belknap 98, Bishop 30, Thomp­ J. P. Doherty, who has been TEMALO Madras, Redmond and Bond and had a majority of 60. Two years there is some talk that the son 58. in Prineville for the past few also !>ccause the season for I mu I order may tmild a hall of their this precinct went two to one weeks assisting in the county as- We are wondering why the roads is near at hand when the own in the central part of the J. P. Duckett of Sisters, was a ago for the drys. Following is the vote on the sessor’s office, returned to Red- candidates are not circulating present mail road via Prineville city. . Redmond visitor last Friday. Following is the vote of the county ticket: mond Sunday in time to vote, more numerously around these will tie nearly impassable ut The Spokesman is informed Mr. Duckett is a saw filer and city of Redmond: Sheriff Balfour 17, Elkins 92, and incidentally take in the Parts, but we suppose they think times. repairer who thoroughly under­ Congressman — Crawford 10, Nichols 9. that the charter will soon close, “Hard Time” dance Tuesday the people out here intend to vote During the winter season, un­ and those desirous of joining the stands his business and while Lafferty 85. Manning 15, Pratt 6. Clerk-Brown 105, Levering night for them any way. der the iiresent mail schedule, a order should make application at not engaged at his trade holds Governor -Bowerman 51. Ea­ 11 . ---------- 1 E. H. Edgington while work- letter from Shaniko to Redmond once if they desire to become down a homestead in the vicinity ton 4, Richards 7, West 59. Treasurer—Jordan 102, Wilhoit For good Groceries at low pri-, ¡ng with the Wimer hay baler or Bend will sometimes I h - five or charter members. of Sisters. Secretary of State Benson 55. 12 . ces, see Woodruff. was caught with a hay hook and Davis 4. McDonald 10, Turner 50 I County Commissioner — Allen sustained a severe cut on his State Treasurer — Butler 10, 19. Bayley 99. Judge W’ilcox last week moved wrist He is able to be at work Kay 93, Otten 14. Surveyor- Homey 13, Rice 96. into his new residence on Seventh again. Justices of the Supreme Court, Coroner- Hyde 92. Weaver 13. street in Ellinger’s Addition. He J. W. Baker and Geo. Camp- 4 year term Bean 81, Bright 6, For prohibition in county—Yes has one of the most attractive bell were Bend visitors last week McBride 81, Myers 9, Ryan 9, 28. no 88. residences in the city. The Wimer hay baleing crew is Slater 20. For county division—Y’es 119, ---------- now baleing hay for Fred Wal- Justices of the Supreme Court no 6. Spokesman for job printing. lace on the Simmons’ ranch. There is much hay to bale in this There will be services in the I section this year. M. E. church Sunday morning1 *•" and evening, Sunday shcool at 10 Big Triangle for o’clock, preaching at 11 a. m. Fire Alarms We will move into our new brick store Subject, The Church of Jesus The city is having a five foot i Christ, Anthem by choir, “Enter steel triangle made to be used as Ye in at the straight Gate.” building on North Sixth street where All Invited to the Dance to Ladies’ Aid Will Hold a Ba- Christian a fire system. The triangle Endeavor service 6:30 \ will be alarm located at the chemical Be Given Thanks- zar and Give Dinner • Evening service 7:30 p. m. Sub- j engine house alongside the Com­ we will have the finest appointed Gen­ ject, “The Motive Power.” Spe­ mercial Club building. The giving Eve Thankagiving noise cial music. Anthem, “Beautiful that can be made by a triangle of Zion.” Solo, Come this way: this size is said to be far reach­ eral Merchandise establishment in The Redmond Concert Band The ladies of the Presbyterian Papa.” Everybody invited. ing, and when an alarm is turned Strangers welcome. will give the initial ball of a ser­ church of this city are making Crook county. W. L Wilson, Pastor. in here it is expected that every ies they intend to give this win­ preparations to hold a bazar and! citizen in the corporate limits ter, on Wednesday evening, No­ give a Thanksgiving turkey din­ will be able to hear it My stock of Furniture and Gro- t ' vember 23d. It will be a Thanks­ ner in Fallgatter’s hall, Thurs­ At the new store we will carry a giving Eve dance, and the band day, Nov. 24th, to which the pub­ ceries was never more complete, i For Sale Fine apples only $2.00 per box. Splendid team is making prepartions to make it lic is invited. 2450 pounds, 5 complete line of goods in all depart­ the most notable and enjoyable Following is the Thanksgiving at Woodruff’s years old; wagon, harness and ' event of the season. dinner menu: fine oat hay. DeSouza A number of the round dances Roast Turkey, Oyster Dressing If you love your wife buy her son Farm, one mile west & of Ander­ ments, and will make prices an in­ a silver present for Christmas at mond on Cline Falls road. Red­ will be played by the full band of Cranberry Sauce. 18tf Kendall & Chapman’s. fourteen pieces. A choice lot of Mashed Potatoes, ducement for you to trade with us. music is being prepared for the Want to Exchange Baked Squash, Fine apples only $2.00 per box occasion, and this feature of the Stewed Onions, Will exchange orchard land near at Woodruff’s. dance will be the best ever furn­ We invite you all to visit us at our Chicken Pie Medford, Oregon, for business ished in Redmond. The band or­ Laidlaw Celery, lots in growing town in Central Burglars have made their ap­ chestra will alternate with the Pumpkin Pie, Mince Pie, pearance in Redmond. Soma Oregon, or will consider trade for new location. band during the evening. Apple Pie, Cheese, alfalfa land near railway station. time Sunday night Miss Jones Those who desire to see a good Fruits, Coffee, B enson , Address B. F. was awakened and discovered a band in Redmond can assist the Nuts and Raisins. 18t2 Medford. Ore. man coming through a hole he organization by buying a ticket Tables will l>e reserved for had cut in the tent. Miss Jones’ to the dance whether they attend W. H. Anderson is building a parties if desired. screams scared the man and 16x28 or not The proceeds of the ball family house on 5th street be­ The price of dinner will be 50 brought her brother’s family to will go toward paying balance cents tween E and F streets. for adults, and 25 cents for I her aid. Unlocked doors and due on the instruments. children. open windows have been the Guy E. Dobson returned from t . rule so far in our homes, but Portland today. Is Doing a Good W. H.^ Hobbs of New Mexico, ^is wou|d seem that we must Business arrived in Redmond Sunday ov- more precautions and lock G. W. Davies' Pioneer black­ ening. He intends to establish a When you want smith shop on Seventh street be­ bakery here, and has his bake up. I v tween E and F streets is doing a oven and other accessories on the Buy your apples of Woodruff’s the best of large amount of business these way here from Portland. Mr. [ only $2.00 per box. PURE, FRESH days. The business has increas­ Hobbs is a practical man, and CANDIES ed to such an extent recently see* a great future for Redmond. First Run By the that another forge has been add­ He has invested in Redmond city go to ed, and the force of men doubled. property and intends to make Department Buckley Drug Co. About 5:90 p. m. Sunday an Otto Lesch is still with Mr. Da­ this his future home. alarm of fire was turned in by vies and looks out for a large share of the repair work . Subscribe for The Spokesman. people living in the western part A GRAVITY WATER SYSTEM TOR CITY A BETTER MAIL SERVICE SOON WEST ELECTED Shirt Special FOR GOVERNOR S u m m it S h irts OWLS BROTHERHOOD IS GROWING RAPIDLY E. L. RAPP OUR NEW STORE THANKSGIVING BALL PRESBYTERIANS ARE BY REDMOND BAND TO GIVE BIG DINNER EHRET BROS. Everything in General Merchandise REDMOND. OREGON