Redmond The Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon VOL 1. No. 17 RICHMOND, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1910 for completing the bridge by a large majority. He promises to have the river spanned for the laying of rails in at least 00 days and probably sooner than that. If this is done the Oregon Trunk Line and Deschutes Railroad will have their truins running into ; Redmond early in the spring in­ stead of June first as heretofore tecord to He Made ' etc ted. on O. T. Line Ry. Bridge FIRE DEPARTMENT IS NOW ORGANIZED MASK SALI A Halloween Observ­ ed by Merry Dancers The prize winners were as fol­ lows: First prize, ladies’ gold watch to lady wearing the most beauti­ ful costume, Miss Lizzie Smith, who represented “ Dawn”. Second prize, $10 gold mounted meerschaum pipe, to gentleman wearing most novel design cos­ tume, Carl Mallory of Prineville. Third prize, one dozen $6 pho­ tographs each to best lady ami gentleman waltzers in costume, Miss L. Barton and M. It. Lynch. Fourth prize, the “ booby” prize, to the one wearing the most ridiculous clown costume, was carried off by Mr. Wright of ALL DIFFICULTIES Cline Falls. D. U P . CO. TO NEW GOODS Change In Irriga­ tion Co. Effected This Week PRELIMINARY WORK G. W. Well« Elected Chief DEDICATION OF FALLGATTERN HALL WELL UNDER WAY and M. A. Lynch A m - Meeting of the KiHtant Chief Reading Circle Contractor Stales He Will Lizzie Smith Win« Prize of At a published call for a meet­ if Cut Down Railroads Es­ Cold Watch for Hand- ing held lust Friday night for timate of Time Homext CoHtume the purpose of organizing a fire I From report* made recently by those in charge of the pre- Mminary work for the Oregon Trunk line railmad bridge cross­ ing Crook**! River, that struot- lr<- will I k * completed ahead of the time so far scheduled for it by the officials of the road. T The officials here stated that it Bould take 90 days to complete th«1 bridge after the rails are Iftid to the river, but the indica­ tion’» now are that the work will b>' put through in much less time — in fact in record time as soon •a the steel for the bridge reach­ es the river. I Work is now Long done on the piers, and piling is being driven for the approaches, unti the con­ tractors in charge state that everything will he in readiness to begin putting the bridge up as g o -> ii as the material arrives at the river. One of the men in charge of the work, an exper­ ienced bridge builder, states he Will cut down the time of 90da\s s Eleven ladies of the Juniper Reading Circle met at the home of Mrs. W. H. Anderson on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Anderson’s home was appropriately decorated for the occasion w ith juniper boughs The afternoon's reading was a continuation of the story of Kin- da - shon’s Wife, dealing es­ pecially with the character and customs of the Alaskan Indians. After the program a social time was enjoyed while the ladies imrtook of the delicious refresh­ ments served by Mrs. Anderson and her mother Mrs. DeSuza The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. B. Chapman, Wednesday, November 9th. department for Redmond, a num- i*er of those interested In the matter met at the Commercial The Halloween mask ball given Club room. Monday night by C. F. Bartlett The meeting was called to or­ in Fallgatter’s Social Hall was der by H. F. Jones, who stated the object of the meeting. G. the most enjoyable event given W Wells was unanimously elect­ this season. There was a large ed fir** chief, and M. A. Lynch, ■ crowd of dancers in costume, and assistant chief, and A. J, Haney, the spectators taxed the seating capacity of the hall. secretary of the department. At 9 o’clock the grand march The executive committee of the Commercial Club tendered! was formed, headed by Mr. and the fire department the use of Mrs. R. K. Potter and Mr. and the club room to hold meetings, Mrs. C. F. Bartlett, and to the music of the Redmond Concert in. A volunteer company of about Band the maskers marched forty has been signed up to han-j around the hall and went thru die and oja-rate the apparatus of different evolutions. From then on until the orches­ the department. A hook and ladder has been ordered, anil a tra played “ Home, Sweet Home” large triangle for an alarm sys­ the fun and enjoyment was con­ tinuous. tem. The Redmond Grill served a The fire apimratus will be housed in a building next to the nice supper which was appreci- Travel From Here to Mad­ by the dancers. Commercial Club room. ras Now (ioes by Way Mr. Bartlett says he intends to of O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Ike Buckley a re 1 give a series of dances this win­ expected to arrive in Redmond ter, and during the season will in­ this week from their wedding troduce some entertaining nov­ County Commissioner Bayley elties. trip. and a force of men are at work resetting the road bridge at Trail Crossing. This is being done in order to make a straight- er road from the approaches across the river. Some time ago the grade on the approaches was cut down so as to enable heavy loads to be hauled, and now when the bridge is reset travel over that thoroughfare will be greatly facilitated. It is expected to take three weeks to complete the work, and during that time travel to Mad­ ras goes by way of O’Neil. RESETTING OF BRIDGE AT TRAIL CROSSING W estern Shoes for th e W e s t If we should try to manufacture shoes to be worn in Central Africa, we probably should not make much of a success, because we do not know the local conditions. But we have been manu­ facturing shoes for wear in the Northwest and West for more than half a century. They stand u p under our sum m er's sunshine and our w inter's Storms, as no other shoes can. Why? Because the shrinking and stretching which cause shoes to lose their shape and break are pre­ N u m b « SM J vented by the way we make them. A Q u it M e la i D u tto n B o o t. The leather while moist is stretched tight over the lasts which takes out all stretch. Then they are allowed to ahrink—on these lasts where they can't get out of shape. If you have worn them you know this already. If you haven't worn them, buy a pair and you’ll sec it’s tmc. The Gotzian Shoe y/rs UKL EHRET REDMOND, your ro o r p r i n t " BROS OREGON $1.50 PER YEAR BEEN ADJUSTED Work of Construction Will Be Pushed Forward With All Speed new stock of CLOTHING. FURNISH­ O UR INGS, etc., have arrived and is now on sale, and you are invited to come in and see the line whether you buy or not. Below we quote a few money-saving prices which it will pay you to take advantage of. Men’s Suits, - - $12.50 Boys’ and Youths’ Suits, $4.00 All wool “ Summit” Shirts, AH wool Fresno Double Blankets, All wool Fresno Double Blankets, to $30.00 to $17.00 - $2.50 62x80, $5.50 56x78, $4.50 Fine line Jno. B. Stetson Hats. Complete Up-to-date line Hijfh Top Shoes Sheep lined, rain proof, leather lined and Mackinaw Coats. All of Our Stock is New A complete reorganization of the Deschutes Irrigation & Pow­ er Company probably will be ef­ fected this week. Attorneys for all the creditors of the company, who bid the real and personal property in at the time of the sale last month, have plans for a reorganization worked out, and confirmation of the court of the sale is all that remains to pre­ vent action being consummated. Attorney Jesse Stearns, who has represented the Oregon int­ erests, stated that the new con­ cern would be in far better shape for developing its land than was the old company. As now situat­ ed. all creditors have come for­ ward and pooled their claims on an equal footing. Such funds as were confined to the sinking fund for the first mortgage bonds and the Howard lien claims, will be released for development pur­ poses at once. Then the com­ pany will be in a position to is­ sue first mortgage bonds on the entire property for additional funds required, insuring this paper as a gilt-edged invest­ ment. and offering assets of such magnitude that no doubt is felt about realizing all the money needed quickly. These favoring conditions give the people who have actually put their money into the enterprise control of the property with a free hand to im­ prove it, according to its needs, and as all elements have been brought together again, the man­ agement is assured a clear field of operations. The Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company is one of the largest Carey Act propositions handled in the Northwest It involved land aggregating 214. 000 acres, which will be worth several million dollars when re­ claimed. It is by far the most important reclamation work un­ dertaken in Oregon, and the fact that it is passing through finan­ cial difficulties and legal entan­ glements without a wreck is the source of much congratulation on all sides. E. L. RAPP “The Head to Foot Clothier.” R e d m o n d , O r. LADIES TOOK FALLGATTER’S f SOCIAL NALL Surprise Commer- New Building Ded- cial Club With icated to Amuse- a Lunch m e n t s HAVE GOOD TIME REDMOND NOW HAS UNTIL MIDNIGHT COMMODIOUS HALL Social Club Is Formed To For Moving Picture Shows, Meet Semi-Monthly Dur- Roller Skating and Oth- ing the Winter er Amusements Wives of members of the Red­ mond Commercial Club sprung a pleasant surprise on the club members while they were in reg­ ular session last evening. About 8 o’clock the ladies went to the club room, each one carry­ ing something good to eat, and took possession of the place, and SISTERS acted as hostesses during the re­ mainder of the evening. It was A. Hombeck, who has a fine a surprise for the club members, ranch near this place, left this but they gladly surrendered all week for Haines, Ore., where he their right, title and interest in will remain during the winter. the meeting when they found It is understood that Onne Job out about the many good things has rented the Hombeck place the lauies had brought to e a t for the coming year. Tables were brought in and the The harvest this year in this lunch served, and the balance of section has been a bounteous one. the evening up to midnight was Chas. Carson and wife who devoted to card playing and hav­ live northeast of here, went to ing a good time. Redmond Monday to do some It was decided at the meeting trading. to form a social club among the El wood Roberts was a business Hard Time Dance Commercial Club members and visitor to Redmond the first of Tuesday Night their wives and hold social ses­ the week. Tuesday night, Nov. 8th, C. sions at the club room every two Roberts Bros.’ saw mill is now F. Bartlett will give a “ Hard weeks during the winter. turning out 17.000 feet of lumber Times” dance in Fallgatter's hall daily. The mill is now working Anyone wearing a collar, necktie, TUMALO on a contract for the timber for or piece of jewelry will be fined Mr, and Mrs. P. A. Woolley the Oregon Trunk Line bridge at two bits, the fines to go to the were Bend visitors Thursday. Crooked River. Redmond Band. Good music Messrs. Foster & Sons thresh­ An 8-mule outfit for the D. I. and a good time is promised. ing machine was threshing in & P. Co. passed through here Two prizes will t»e given. A this neighborhood last week. this week on its way to the com­ $10 oil painting to the lady wear- G. W. Wimer and Sons are pany's headquarters at Redmond i ing the most unique costume, busy plowing and preparing land and a pop corn ball to the gen­ for next year’s crop. They be­ Successful Event tleman wearing the toughest lieve fall plowing is better for By Ladies Aid looking costume. Tickets 50 crops than spring plowing as it cents. All are invited. puts the ground in better shape The Handkerchief Bazar and Conundrum supper given last Christian Science services at and holds the moisture. It also Saturday and Monday by the La­ Mr. MacPherson's Sunday Nov. has a tendency to kill the weeds and insects that are harboring in dies Aid of the M. E. church was 6, at 11 a. m. Subject for study, the ground. a successful affair, and the Aid “ Adam, and the Fall of Man.” realized a neat sum, which will Those interested are cordially in­ Grandma Cyrus and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weise were pleasant go toward helping furnish the vited. callers at Mr. and Mrs. G. W. new church building. Wimer’s last Tuesday. Mr. and Through the enterprise and progressiveness of J. A. Fallgat- ter of this city, Redmond now has a public hall of sufficient size to accommodate all classes of amusements. The name of this new place of amusement is Fallgatter’s Social Hall. The building is located on north Sixth street, and is 30x80 feet, with provision made for a stage 15x30 feet Mr. Fallgat- ter states that he intends to fully equip the stage with scenery and the necessary paraphernalia for staging any kind of show or en­ tertainment The seating capaci­ ty of the hall is between 600 and 700, and the acoustic properties of the building are excellent Mr. Fallgatter says he intends to have roller skating in the hall on certain days and evenings, and has ordered a large number of rubber tired skates. He will also give moving picture shows a few nights each week, and have dances as often as conditions wi’l w arrant it being the intention to have some kind of an entertain­ ment in the hall every night in the week. The hall was dedicated Mon­ day night with a mask ball given by C. F. Bartlett. W. T. Cobb, of Sisters, was in Redmond several days of this week. When you want the best of PURE, FRESH CANDIES go to