See Mask Ball Prizes Now on Exhibition S«*e the prizes on exhibition at William’s jewelry store in the (•»«toffire building, to he given to the lady and gentleman wear­ ing the best costumes on O ct 31 at the grand mask ball in the new Redmond Social Hall, north Glli street, floor space 30x80. Every­ body invited. Why not try for the $15 watch, the $10 pipe or the minor prizes? C. F. Bartlett Manager. MEN OF OREGON! Do You Know MELROSE HARK See Jones [.and Company OWNERS (Not Agents) for easy terms on lots in Melrose Park. That during only a few weeks* circulation, 40,000 of you r fellow -citizens signed a written protest against statewide prohibition? That had it been necessary to go further, fully four-fifths of the voters w ould have signed it? That this list of signers includes farmers, ministers, physicians, ranchers, lawyers, workingm en, and almost without exception, the leading bankers and business men of the State? That it includes the names o f many men w ho vote “ d ry ” in their ow n com m unity? Why? Because We cater to the wants o f our patrons and make it our aim to give them the best in the house. If you want to play a game of billiards or pool drop into our place ‘ T h e Palace"—Snell & Green, proprietors. 6tf No better 5 cent cigar can be bought in Redmond than the Sam Sloan and Spokesman cigars. Sold by the Buckley Drug Co. Try one, you’ ll like them. 9tf j j Statewide prohibition absolutely kills local option, and the people o f O regon want local option. T h ey want a voice in the settlement o f this question in their ow n com m unity. It is their right. Statewide prohibition robs you o f that right. It robs you o f the right to have cider, beer, or liquor, in your ow n hom e! It makes it a crim e to give your friend or neighbor a glass o f cider. It permits any officer, special or regular, to break open your door at midnight and search your w ife's or m other’s room for liquor! D o you want that kind of law in O regon ? M aine, on September 12, 1910, repudiated its prohibition law of 57 years* stand­ ing by electing, for the first time in 30 years, a D em ocratic governor upon his pledge to re-submit the constitutional prohibition law. It was not political insurgency that turned the tide, but insurgency against statewide, obnoxious, ineffective prohibi­ tion, so-called. W ill O regon profit by M aine’s error of threescore years? N othing is settled until it is settled right. Let us settle it now and settle it right. T h e H om e Rule bill (N o . 328 on the ballot) permits cities to vote on prohibition within their ow n limits. It permits any precinct or num ber of precincts within a city, or any precinct or num ber o f precincts or the w hole county outside the cities, to vote for or against prohibition, as they choose. U nder this bill every city in every county, and every county in the State, may vote “ dry” if they so desire. But Subscribe for The Spokesman. J.F.HOSCH.M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office in Redmond & Phoenix Building Redmond, Ore, F. H. RODEMEYER Physician and Surgeon Eyes Tested. Glasses Prop­ erly Fitted Office a t Residence 4th a A Sts. Redmond, Oregon lowegon Real Estate Agency On the Ground Floor UNIS, LOTS, MIESTE1K SQUARE DEAL W rite fo r literatu re. HARMON COOK. M anager, Lanilaw, Oregon City Dray . . . A N D .... Transfer Line I f you want to preserve your rights; I f you want local option— which means H om e R u le; If you want your glass of beer, cider or liquor at hom e— even tho’ you are opposed to the saloon— Y o u M U S T vote these numbers (cut them out and put them in your pocket as a rem inder): W. W. CAUGHEY, REDMOND, ORE. 3 2 8 X Y es. F or H om e Rule. 343 N o. Against Prohibition A m endm ent. 345 N o. Against Prohibition Search Law. Prohibition attempt, to override an individual and inherent right. That'a why failure invariably follow , enact­ ment o f tha law. It take, the liquor traffic from liccaaed dealer, who ara •ubiect to regulation and give, it to lawbreaker, who are willing to »ell to aunora, drunkard.— anybody lor gain. X X Think it ov e r! P. S .— A .k your Prohihitioni.t friend to anawer thi. que.tion: If, a . they claim, M million peopla are now living in " d r y " territory, why i . it that the U . S. Internal Revenue Department ■howa that more w hi.kay and more beer I. eoa.umcd than ever before? All Orders Given Prompt Satisfactory Attentioi Leave orders at Buckley Bros. BUCKLEY EXP CS. BETWEEN Respectfully, G R E A T E R O R E G O N H O M E R U L E A S S O C IA T IO N . Taid Advt. Two Stages Each W ay Every Week Leave Redmond every Sunday and Wednesday. Leave Shaniko Tuesday and Friday. Arrive at Redmond Thursday and Sunday. Passenger and Express Fast Freight aW Eigress a Spedaltj Beautiful Homes BEAUTIFUL HOMES Are assured in Ellinger’s Addition. Twenty-four lots sold in one day and a contract signed for a $.3000 home to be built in the spring. 57 lots out o f a total o f 176 have already been sold. Each and every lot will more than double in value long before this time next year. Do not delay longer. Redmond is destined to be the Largest and Best City in the entire Deschutes Valley, and Ellinger’s Addition will contain its most beautiful homes. See Elllnger 6 Ehlers NOTV SELLING AGENTS RBDNOND, OREGON Ellinger’s Addition