The Redmond Spokesman .... « Published at the “ Hub City ” o f Central Oregon VOL. 1. No. US REDMOND, (-ROOK COUNTY, OUKÜON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1910 DESCHUTES RY. LAYING STEEL laying accordingly. When this piece o f grading is finished, track-laying will he resumcd ori thè Harrimnn Line to Madras, | probubly ut thè suine rate ut which it is now progreaaing, as grading hcyond thè joint section I | bas boeri finished. IT HOME DIVIDE COUNTY RULE REALLY IS Indirtments by I i — Work Goes On At Grand Jury Text of Bill 328 Is Tiie Spokesman understands Rate o f About that severul indietments were Given Herewith 'fourni by thè grand jury lasl In Ful l Mile a Day week at Prineville against Borne of thè proprietors of soit drink 1 places bere, and against some of thè résidents o f thè restricted I HILL CONFORMS TO GRADINO HAS ALL district. Frorn whatean bclearn-j LAWS OF THE STATE BKKN COMPLETED ed ut thift time it is undcmtcod that thè complainta were inaile | by E. M. Eby o f this**ity. News was received this week that u W ork on Lint* Will Proba­ compluint limi Ireen illed against It Gives to Cities the Right Eby for trying to dis|HMe o f un- to Have Saloon« or bly Be Delayed l 'util wholesome méat. The cases are No Saloon« before thè court at Prineville January Fir«t this week. COME MANŸMILES Ï0 I TRACE AT REDMOND Home Rule Bill No. 328. gives “ All of the grading on our cities and towns the right to RDoschuU’H line has been finished, have saloons or no saloons. It «nil track has been laid uu the gives the people who live in «'ream for 50 miles,'* said Chief cities the right to vote on and j Engineer Buschke, o f the llarri- Farmer« and Rancher« Fimi decide this question themselves. nnn Northwest system, in a re­ It puts the control o f the liquor This City thè Cheap- cent interview at Portland. traffic into the hands o f the vo­ v«t Trading Point "W e are progressing a mile a ters o f each precinct, so that ev­ tiny with the rails, and should be ery residential district in a city to the 70-mile post in the next 20 or town is protected. It means Since Tin* Spokesman has been ll.iV I." real local option. All state or But after reaching the 70-mile giving widespread publicity to, criminal laws are maintained. l>ost, which is the point where the fact that Redmond merchants Under it the farmer has the joint use o f the track is to begin sell cheaper that the e in other >umc protection he now enjoys. for a short distance, the Harri- towns in the county, farmers and, It is a law fitted to local condi­ mun forces will be delayed, prob­ ranchers living long distances tions as they actually exist in ev­ ably until after January 1, as from the eity now’ corne here to ery section o f the State. It t >e Oregon Trunk has not je t sell their pr-slucj and do their gives absolute control o f the completed this jtortion o f iLs trading. They find they cm save liquor traffic, particularly in work. The joint track from the money on neatly every class of towns and cities, where it is 70-mile |»wt up a short distance goods they purchase, enough most needed. It will prevent was to be laid by the Oregon to pay them for coming the ad­ the county from wiping out the Trunk. No specific time is giv­ ditional distanc ■ from their home city vote on city measures. It en when its grading will be fin­ town. The inducements that the is a law which makes prohibi­ ished. but in a general way. the Redmond merchants offer the tion |*>ssible where wanted, and first o f the year is the time ex­ buying public are bringing re­ impossible where not wanted. pected by the Hurriman people, sults and making this city the It means regulation which regu­ lates. and they an* shaping their rail- busiest town in the county. REMOVAL SALE We expect to move into our new brick store on North Sixth street about the first of November, and we have instituted a “ Removal Sale” on the following articles, all o f which will be sold at prices never before heard of in Redmond: Odds and Ends in Men’s, Ladies’ and Misses’s Shoes at Half Price 1 Men’s Pants, $2.50 and $3.00 values, for $1.95 Men’s Corduroy Suits, $7.50 values, for $4.50 EH RET BROS. Everything in General Merchandise REDMOND, OREGON PROPER THING Present Size o f Crook County Is Too Large and Solution o f Problem Is to Create the New County of Des­ chutes From One-Fourth o f the Present County—Now Time to do It The territory that embraces Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, was the original Oregon that Walt Whit­ man rode to save. As the years rolled by these states were form­ ed from the old Oregon. Still she is the “largest state o f the Pacific northwest. The great central area o f the state has long been isolated from the outside world. The spell is now broken. This district now being tapped by the railroads, will soon flow with wealth and happiness, and is know n as Crook county. Crook county is 108 miles across from east to west, and 84 miles from north to south, con­ taining in round numbers 8000 square miles. Crook county is six times as large as the state of Rhode Island; four times as large as Dele ware; and about as large as Massachusetts. The western part is an agricultural region, and is being rapidly developed. There is a fine timber area along the mountain range. The east­ ern part is the cattle belt, where hay and stock raising is the prin­ cipal industry- The western part containing the largest segre­ gation o f Irrigated I.and in Ore­ gon, is bordered by a vast lum­ ber region. This part o f Crook county is now capable o f making a new county with Redmond for the county seat, Crook county will still be the cattle belt and stock raising re­ gion for which its fame has gone to the world and Prineville will still be the county seat o f old Crook. Deschutes county, with its agricultural resources, and rail­ road lines would be a united county ready to develop more and more. It would be a good county to come to and grow up w ith and aid to develop. The people o f Deschutes coun­ ty believe it will be a great bene­ fit to all residing therein, and greatly facilitate the progress and development o f the county. It will be o f direct benefit to thousands o f people and injure none. It will provide for a more efficient administration o f county affairs. It will help develop new country and advance the up­ building of Greater Oregon. Ail progress is due to the fact that some men try to do. Des­ chutes county is trying to do. Vote yes on No. 350. There are those in every age who oppose progress. In the war o f the Revolution we find some would be statesmen saying "Y ou can­ not conquer the British, they will win in spite o f all you can do. Washington is a failure." If this w’ere true, where would our country be today? Many o f us remember that in the time of the Civil war, we had many who declared we could not prevail to save the Union. These were chronic grumblers, never satis­ fied unless our soldiers w’ere be­ ing defeated. These same kind of "Y ou Can’ t Do I t " people. will insist that Deschutes county cannot govern itself, cannot be right, all because they are not the promoters. The opposition to De.schutes county seems to all come from Madras. Why so? One o f the first booklets that fell into my hands w’as, "Madras. The best B uy." In that I read, Madras has a population o f 700 souls right now. A bill is being pre­ pared to make Madras a county seat How, Why so? I 3 it be­ cause Redmond stole her bill? They do not say so, they do say. “ The parent county o f Crook is not favorable to the creation of the proposed new county.” Who gave them the right to speak for Crook county? How do they know when there has been no vote taken? Prineville and Bend send out protests against it, we expect that. In all the proposed county Madras alone is objecting. To offset this propositian, comes a bill from Madras providing for a method o f creating counties in the future, known as No. 352 and No. 353. In their argument for the proposed measure we read: "Old counties will resist the division o f their territory, and yet in course of development new counties must be created. Further along they say; "The legislature cannot create a new county by special act; it being prohibited by the constitution. Therefore, as the matter now stands it is necessary to impose these questions upon the entire state regardless o f whether they have the patience to investigate the local needs, or the power to obtain the information if they sought it” . There is the whole kernel in the nut The constitu­ tion o f the state provides that: "Corporations may be formed under the general laws but shall not be created by the legislature by special law s." A county is a public corpora­ tion, and is so apparent that the constitutional provisions reserve to the people the right to create a county under the law. since there is no other way to create a new county. Deschutes county, relying on the intelligence of the whole peo­ ple o f the state, asks under the law now in existence, that they vote Yes on No. 350 on Nov. 8th. Hood River county was brought into existence by this very law. The people o f the state by a majority vote of 16.170 voted Yes. and this should be a guide for the future, and every­ one o f the 52,214 who voted for Hood River County, should vote Yes on No. 350. A host o f new voters will cast their ballots in Oregon Novem­ ber 8th. They should under­ stand the wants of the people of Deschutes county, and exercise their own rights and vote YES on No. 350. C. R. McLallin has the contract for wiring and installing the electric light fixtures in Ehret Bros, new building. Mr. McLal- lin is an expert at this business, The city this week began the preliminary work for laying the mains for the municipal water works system. Work will be completed before cold weather. $1.50 BER YEAR NEW GOODS new stock o f CLOTHING. FURNISH­ O UR INGS, etc., have arrived and is now on sale, and you are invited to come in and see the line whether you buy or not. Below we quote a few money-saving prices which it will pay you to take advantage of. Men’s Suits, - - $12.50 to $30.00 Boys’ and Youths’ Suits, $4.00 to $17.00 All wool “ Summit” Shirts, - $2.50 All wool Fresno Double Blankets, 62x80, $5.50 All wool Fresno Double Blankets, 56x78, $4.50 Fine line Jno. B. Stetson Hats. Complete Up-to-date line High Top Shoes Sheep lined, rain proof, leather lined and Mackinaw Coats. All o f Our Stock is New E. L. R A P P “ The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. WILL ORGANIZE M. E. LADIES AID DEPARTMENT TO GIVE RAZAR Fire Companies To Dates Set for Satur- Handle the New day and Monday Apparatus Oct. 29-31st CHEMICAL ENGINE CONUNDRUM SUPPER IS GIVEN A TEST MONDAY EVENING Two Companies o f Volun- Proceeds o f Events to g o To* teer Firemen Will ward Furnishing Be Formed New Church One o f the enjoyable events o f The new chemical fire engine the month will be the Handker- recently ordered by the city ar­ rived here last week and was 1 chief Bazar and Conundrum Sup­ given a test Sunday, which was per to be given by the Ladies’ satisfactory, and the apparatus Aid o f the M. E. church Satur­ was accepted. The engine is of day and Monday, Oct. 29-31. The Bazar will be held Satur­ the two tank pattern, each tank day and Monday afternoon from with a capacity of 40 gallons. The Spokesman is informed ! 1 to 6 o ’ clock in the new M. E. There will be that a volunteer fire department church building. will soon be formed to consist of three booths, one each for hand­ a fire chief, assistant chief, a kerchiefs. aprons and home-made The ladies have company to man the chemical ap­ candies, etc. worked hard on this feature o f paratus and a hook and ladder the entertainment, and will have company. a number of attractive and useful The city at present has no hook and ladder truck but plans are articles on sale at reasonable being made to add this very es­ I prices. sential piece o f fire fighting ap­ I The Conundrum Supper will be 'given Monday evening, begin­ paratus to the department. There are a number o f experi­ ning at 6 o’clock. There will be enced firemen in the city who all kinds o f good things to eat. have expressed their willingness and a most enjoyable time is to join the two companies, and in promised all who attend. The public is invited to come a short time Redmond will have one o f the most efficient fire de­ and have a good time. Proceeds to be devoted to furnishing the partments in Central Oregon. new church. New Livery and Feed Barn Carl Woods is getting the buildings for his livery and feed barn and corral along in good shape. One o f the barns will be 70x100 feetan d he will have plenty o f room to care for horses His place is located at the cor­ ner o f Fifth and E streets, and he will do a livery stable and feed business. He expects to be ready for business about the first o f the week. Will Winter at the Capital H. M. Branson and wife left Monday for Salem where they will remain this winter. Mr. Branson is one of the incorpora­ tors of the Horticultural Fire Re­ lief o f Oregon, a mutual fire in­ surance association. He intends to return here in the spring and go out on his 80 acre place near the city. The Spokesman will keep him posted on Redmond events while away. The pictures at Redmond Hall A Segal who bought out Nor­ are giving better satisfaction since the moving picture ma­ wood & Mendenhall’s Redmond Pharmacy took possession o f the chine has been regulated. business Sunday. They have Do not forget the mask ball at named their store the Red Cross Fallgatter’ s hall Monday night Pharmacy, and advertise to car- Good music, a good time and 1 ry a full line of drug», toilet .ar­ ticles, musical instruments, etc. plenty o f dancing room.