The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, September 29, 1910, Image 6

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    Ordinance N a 9
Continued from imi tre 2
ordinances without a jury, unless o f the fees earned by him.
the defendant on demanding a shall receive, as full compensa-
jury shall deposit in court a sum tion of all sen-ices rendered by
duties of his office, file with the sufficient to pay the per diem of him, the monthly salary o f one
city recorder his certificate of such jury for one day. and wit- hundred ($100.00) dollars,
election upon which shall be en- nesses in his court shall be entitl-
Section 28.
The treasurer
domed his oath o f office, to the ed to the same per diem as wit- shall keep an office within the
effect that he will support the nesses in the justice court, but in city limits and shall keep the
constitution o f the United States no case shall the city be liable for same open for the transaction of
and o f this state and that he will such fees, nor shall the city be li- business during business hours,
honestly, faithfully and impar- able for the payment o f any costs > He shall keep a separate account
tially perform the duties of or fees of his court All costs for o f the funds raised for a specific
councilman o f the city o f Red- the services of the recorder shall purpose as well as a general ac-
mond to the best o f his ability, be taxed for and in behalf of th e! count showing all receipts and
Section 18. The bonds o f the city and when paid in money expenditures; keep his books in
several city officers shall be in shall be paid and account- convenient shape for ready ref­
H ill & Sypher, proprietors o f the New Meat Market in Redm ond,
amounts not less than herein ed for as other city funds coming erence and inspection by the
Mayor, five hun- into his hands. The fees for his mayor or any committee o f the
desire an appropriate name for their market, and are offi ring a 0
dred ($500.00) dollars; marshal, services shall consist of fees in council; receive and keep alU
five hundred ($500.00) dollars; equal amount to the fees allowed money that shall come to the
pound roast o f m eat Free to the one who submits a name that will
recorder, five hundred ($500.00) justices of the peace by the laws city by taxation or otherwise,
dollars and treasurer, one thou­ of this state for similar serv- and pay out the same upon war-
be accepted by the ju dges to be appointed October 15, 1910.
sand ($1000.00) dollars.
The ices.
| rants of the recorder, counter-
council may, however, whenever
Section 22. The records of the signed by the mayor. If there
it deems it expedient so to do, recorder’s office shall consist o f a ( be no funds to pay such war-
eO X D IT IO N S t
by resolution,
increase the record of the minutes o f the rants when presented he shall
amount o f such bonds, or re­ council; a record o f all ordinan- endorse thereon “ Not paid for
Every person is entitled to submit one name for the market. Fill out tht cul,P< n
properly and either bring or send it to The Redmond Spokesman °t ice. or <>
quire additional security there­ ces; a record o f licenses issued;! want o f funds” and the date of
Redmond, Oregon, where it will lx* deposited in a locked ba "t h > x . »
on, and every officer, elected or an abstract o f warrants; a book such presentation over his sig­
appointed, shall take and hold his of cash receipts; a journal; a nature. which shall entitle such
there until SATURDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1910. when all the names will be
a board of three judges to be appointed for the purpose, lhe one su >mil mg it
office subject to this provision ledger; a docket; a record of the warrant henceforth to draw the
and the office of any person who treasurer’ s receipts and such oth -! legal rate of interest until paid ,
that is accepted will be presented with a 10 pound roast of meat.
shall fail, neglect or refuse to er books as the council shall by i or until notice of readiness to i
If you cannot secure a coupon send your choice of name in on a slip of pui>er.
furnish additional security, or in­ resolution see fit from time to pay shall be published by the
creased bond, within ten days af­ time to adopt
| treasurer in some newspaper
ter being required so to do, shall
Section 23. The recorder shall published in the city, which no­
Fill (hi.x out properly, rut «it and bna* in or »end to
forfeit his right to said office and keep in the record book accurate tice the treasurer shall give
the same shall be declared vacant minutes of the proceedings of the when there are funds in the
by the council and such vacancy council; record in the ordinance treasury applicable to the pay-
My choice for name <»f the new market ia
filled as provided by law.
book all ordinances passed; re- ment o f such warrants, provid-
Section 19. The mayor is the cord in the license book, in sep- ed. however, that the council j
executive officer o f the city and arate columns, the applicant’s ma>’ direct that certain warrants
must exercise a careful supervis­ name, the occupation for which or that warrants drawn for a
ion over its affairs and subordi­ the license is granted, the amount certain purpose, shall draw in t-,
nate officers. It shall be his duty received therefor, the date o f is- crest at not to exceed ten per
to supervise the conduct of all sue, and when it shall expire; en- cent per annum from date o f
corporate officers; examine into ter in the warrant book, in dif- presentation in which case the
the grounds o f complaint made ferent columns, the number, treasurer shall, at the time o f
against them and cause any ne­ date and amount o f each war- such presentation and in addi-
. . _____ feet be, and the notice be required to be brought inches in size, the said stringers
glect or violation o f duty to be rant, to whom and for what issu- t:on to the above requirements, same is hereby ordered to be laid
to be laid lengthwise and edge­
into conformity therewith.
corrected, or to report the same ed, the date o f cancellation and endorse on such warrant the rate in front o f the following describ­
Passed by the common coun- wise, the outside stringer not to
to the proper tribunal, to be dealt have a column therein for th e ,°f interest specified by the coun­ ed premises, to-wit:____ _______ cil of the City of Redmond. Ore-1 lx* more than two inches from
with as provided by law; sign all signature of the person to whom | A
He shall pay all warrants Such sidewalk to be constructed gon, at a regular session thereof the edge of the walk. The whole
licenses, permits and orders on the warrant is delivered. He s° drawn upon him in the order o f materials and in the manner
held on the 27th day o f Septem- o f said sidewalk to be commenc­
the treasurer for the payment of shall keep in the book o f cash re- of their presentation and shall as follows . ............ ...................... tember, 1910.
ed within 30 days after the i*a»H-
money. He shall be a member ceipts an account o f all moneys pay no money from the city The whole o f said sidewalk to be
Approved by the mayor, Sep­
o f the council and the presiding received for the city in separate col treasury except on warrants is­ commenced within....................... tember 27th, 1910.
lution and to lx* completed with­
Office in Redmond Si Pluenix
officer thereof with the right to umnsheaded respectively, “ Fees” sued as in this section provided. day after the passage and pub­
in 60 days thereafter and the cost
F. M. W hite ,
vote only in case o f tie. He shall “ Licenses” “ Fines” “ Miscellan­
He shall on the second Tues­ lication o f this resolution and to
of the same to be assessed
Redmond, Ore.
sign and approve ever}-ordinance eous” showing the date, amount, day in January, April, July and be completed within...................
against the said premise* and
or resolution passed by the coun­ from whom and for what account October, make a quarterly exhib­ days thereafter and the cost of
collected in the manner prescrib­
Wm. G. Phoenix,
cil before the same shall be in received; keep in the ledger cor­ it to the council, showing the the same is to be assessed
ed by law.
force, and, if he refuses to sign rect accounts beteenwthe city and amount o f money received and against the said premises and
Passed by the council at a rog
and approve any such ordinance, the several officers thereof and paid out, from whom received, collected in the manner prescrib­
ular session thereof held on the
or resolution, he shall, within ten such other accounts as the coun­ to whom paid and the amount on ed by law.
Be it resolved by the Common j 27th day of Septemlx*r. 191»),
days after the same shall have cil may direct, file and keep all hand.
He shall return with
F. M. W h it e ,
Section 3. When the council Council o f the City of Redmond, j
been presented to him by the re­ claims and vouchers in shape for such exhibits all warrants paid
shall have passed such resolution Oregon.
corder, return the same to the re­ ready reference, foot up and bal­ and cancelled by him, which
the City Recorder shall cause the
That a sidewalk o f the width of Attest:
and Surgeon
corder with a written statement ance all his accounts at the end cancellation shall be done at the
, , , , |
. .
, same to be published for one seven feet be, and the same is [ Wm. G. Phoenix,
o f his reasons for not approving o f each month; enter in the dock- time o f payment by writing or
Eye* Tented. Gl
in some newspaper pub­ hereby ordered to be laid in front |
it. He shall at the first regular et the title o f every action for stamping on the face o f such
erly Fitted
lished in the city, which publi­ of the following described prem­
meeting of the council in January, the violation o f city ordinances warrants the word “ Paid” in
Dissolution o f Partnership
Otite* at KmoiWnc* 4th a A Sta.
cation shall be deemed a suffi­ ises. to-wit: The east side o f 1
and at such other times as he commenced in his court, and large letters and the date of
Notice is hereby given that
Redmond, Oregon
cient notice to the owners o f the blocks five (5), sixteen (16),
shall deem it expedient, report to make such other entries as are payment.
the partnership of Welter & Wil­
property affected thereby.
it, by written message, the con­ required to be made in the dock­
He shall carefully preserve
liams was dissolvi») by mutual
Section 4. In case o f the fail­ forty-five(45), and fifty-six (56);
dition, financial or otherwise, of et o f justices o f the peace by the the books, papers and other
on September 9th. All
the west side o f blocks six (6),
the city, and recommend such laws of this state.
property entrusted to his offi­ ure, neglect or refusal of the
will be settled by J. R.
owner o f the property fronting fifteen (15), twenty-six (26),
measures for the peace, health,
Section 24. The recorder shall cial keeping and at the end of
private accounts by J.
improvement and prosperity of receive for his services the fol­ his term of office, turn the same or abutting on such projected thirty-five (35), forty-six (46) A. Weber.
and fifty-five (65), all in the or­
the city as he may deem expedi­ lowing amounts.
over, together with the funds on walk to make such improvement
J. A. W eber .
iginal plat of the city o f Red­
ent He shall perform such oth­
J. R. W illiams .
First: The sum o f twentyfive
mond, Oregon; block twenty-one
er duties as may be required of dollars per month.
receive, in full compensation and olution the same shall be done by
the city and the cost thereof as­ (21), in Ellinger’s Addition to Machinery and Horses for Sale
him by the ordinances o f the city
Second: The sum o f ten cents satisfaction o f his services the
Two Stage* Each Way
as a lien against such said city and such cross walks
or by the laws o f the state o f Or­ per folio for recording ordinan- yearly salary o f twenty-five dol-
Beginning Sept. 1910, I will
Every Week
fronting and abutting property. across Sixth street in said city sell all my farm machinery and
I lars-
I.**** Kmlmnnd *» *ry Mnadii 1
Section 5. A certified copy of
tools of all kinds, also one team
Section 20.
It shall be the
Third: A sum equal in amount
Passed by the common coun-
arxi W nlnM ilay.
same as may be deemed advisable '
of mares weighing 3400 pounds,
duty of the recorder to attend all to the recorder fees collected by cil at a regular session thereof,
l-r«v* Shantko W rdnaaday *»!
by the committee on streets and
and another team weighing 2000
meetings o f the council, issue and him and paid over to the city held in the City o f Redmond, list and description of the prop­
pounds, together with harnesses,
Oregon, on the 27th day of Sep­ erty whose owners have failed,
Arrtv* at Redmond Friday a
sign all warrants on the treasur­ treasurer.
neglected or refused to make structed o f materials and in the wagons and buggies.
er for the payment o f money that
Section 25. The marshal shall
manner as follows: Of sound 2-
Approved by the mayor, Sep­ such improvement, or to rejiay
Call at my farm 1) miles north
may be authorized by the coun­ execute all process directed to
Passenger and Ex p m *
plank, seven feet long, and
M att K ulksch .
cil; issue all licenses and collect him by the recorder; take charge
Fast Fratti ni Eipress a Spccidh ;
a detailed statement o f the ex­ securely fastened crosswise on at
F. M. W hite ,
all license fees authorized by or­ of the city prison; safely keep
pense incurred by the city in so
dinance or by the council; file and all prisoners and provide them
constructing such walk, showing
keep all papers and books con­ with suitable food, bedding and Attest:
the actual expense o f the con­
Wm. G. Phoenix,
nected with the business o f the medical attendance while confin­
council not especially assigned to ed in the city prison; attend all
in front of each separate lot or
the custody o f some other officer; sessions of the council and sit­
parcel of land, described in said
Ordinance No. 10
submit all books, papers or rec­ tings of the recorder’s court
ords in his custody or under his He shall be conservator o f the An Ordinance to provide for the list shall be filed by the city re­
control to the inspection of the public peace and make complaint
re-construction corder in the office o f the county
mayor or any committee of the against and arrest all persons
and repair o f side-walks and clerk and when so filed the same
council; attend each meeting of guilty of a breach thereof, or of
cross-walks in the City o f Red­ shall be and constitute a lien up­
the council and keep an accurate violating any of the city ordi­
mond, Oregon; prescribing the on and against the property
minute of all the business trans­ nances, and take them before
material to be used therein and therein described to the amount
acted by it; report to the council the recorder for trial; pay over
providing for the assessment of o f the expense so incurred by
the city in bo constructing such
on the second Tuesday o f Janu­ all moneys collected by him at
the cost thereof against
abbutting and adjacent prop- walk which lien shall be fore-
ary and July in each year the fi­ least once a week to the record­
| closed in the manner and form
nancial condition o f the city and er and take the recorder’s re­
I am making a Reduction on every-
the various funds thereof; pay all ceipt therefor and perform all
Be it Ordained by the common as provided by law.
thing in my large stock o f Jewelry
Section 6. All sidewalks here­
moneys belonging to the city col­ such other duties as may be re­ council o f the City of Redmond,
and you will never again get a chance to
after laid shall be o f uniform
lected for taxes, licenses, fees, quired of him by the council, th e 1 Oregon.
fines or otherwise to the treasur­ ordinances o f this city or the
Section 1. The common coun­
er monthly, taking his receipt laws o f the state o f Oregon. cil may, at anytime, exercise the shall be no abrupt breaks or
therefor and do and perform any The costs for the services o f the power conferred upon it by law changes in the elevation between
and ail other duties required of marshal shall be taxed for and to order the building of side- adjacent parts o f such walks,
him by the council or by the laws on behalf o f the city and shall walks and cross-walks across and The grade of incline on any side-
Come in and see how cheap I can sell
o f the state of Oregon.
consist o f fees equal in amount along any street, alley, high- walk, either between the differ-
Section 21. The recorder shall to the fees allowed constables by way or avenue, and provide for ent part* o f the same walk or at
you a piece of GOOD JEWELRY or a
have jurisdiction over the viola­ the laws of this state, which the making, constructing, re- th# joining o f other walks, shall
WATCH. My prices will appeal to
tions o f city ordinances, and may fees, when collected, shall be construction and repair thereof. no* exceed one inch in two feet,
pocket book.
Section 2. The action o f the and »>• joinings shall in every
hold to bail, fine or commit per­ paid to the recorder and by him
sons found guilty thereof, and accounted for as are other funds council in ordering the laying o f caae be made close and firm.
within the city shall have juris­ o f the city that may come into any such sidewalk and crosswalk
Section 7. Sidewalks now ex­
diction and powers like a justice his hands. He shall return all shall be by resolution substan­ isting and not in conformity
o f the peace, and the law govern­ processes or papers directed to tially in the following form:
with the requirements o f this or­
Watchmaker and Jeweler
ing justices o f the peace shall ap­ him by the recorder with his
Be it resolved by the common dinance, or with the resolution
ply so far as applicable to all his certificate endorsed
thereon, council of the City of Redmond, passed by the council ordering
Postoffice Bldg., Redmond, Ore.
the construction o f sidewalks as
proceedings; but he shall try all showing his proceedings there­ Oregon.
That a sidewalk o f the width herein provided for, may, upon
persons accused' o f violating the under, and a detailed statement
A 10-pound Roast Given FREE
for a NAME
It costs nothing to submit
a name, and you stand a
chance o f getting the 10
pound roast o f meat.
A t Prices You Can
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Buy as Cheap as Now