I REDMOND CITY OFFICIAL« ... T H E ... State Bank of Redmond REDMOND. OREGON ¥ T IS recording your history ami tolling ^ a truthful story of your surcoss in this now country to do n banking business from the beginning. Open un account witli us upon your arrival in Redmond and receive one of our neat little bank hooks. The check system is suited to ull kinds of business, and will assist you in holding onto the dollars. We have ample sufe and vault room for the safe keeping of your commercial papers, and invite you to open un account with us. - . t E dw . J , Pres. C. N. EtlRKT, Vice Pres, ohnson ee%. “V i - - r - » ■ U. L. E . Cashier, C. K. N ikijjkn , Asst. Caah’r ulers “THE PALACE” The Redmond Pharmacy Mayor F M White. Councilman- J. F. Moach, Frank W. 'aifery, M K. I.ynch, H K. Jon«a, 0 V W. Wells, Uuy K. Itobae». Recorder -W , C. Walker. Truaaurer—Carl Neilaon. City Attomay—J. A. Wilcox. Marahal-F. K. Mills. Council meets m fowl anil fourth Tuesilay of each month. COMMERCIAL CLUB President W. a. Walker. PRESCRIPTION Mecretary— E. K. Tlchsnor. Mnoting nights First and Third Wed­ nesday each month. We have lately added a Drug Department to our store, and put in a new and complete «took of DrugH and Medicines. This department will be in charge of an experienced Pharmacist who will see that all CHURCH DIRECTORY Mrthtxlut Service# '¿I ami 4th Sun- 'lay. of i-ach month at II a. in. Union Sunday School at 10 a. in. every Sun­ day . ( ‘hilstian Knda-avor 7 o’clock ev­ ery Sunday evening. W. It. Wilson, pastor. Presbyterian - Service* 1st and 8d Sunday of each month. Rev. fl. A M. I.llley, pastor. Cliriatiaii Science Services every Sumlay at II a. in. Redmond and Vicinity DRUGGISTS PRESCRIPTIONS ARE CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED We will also carry a Full Line of Druggists’ Sundries, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Etc. Sporting (¿nods High Grade Cutlery Office and School Supplies leather Goods NORWOOD & MENDENHALL Redmond, Oregon Books and Stationery Fine Line of Confectionery Phonographs and Records Kodaks and Photo Supplies Arnold Cook has gone to Cor- Headquarters F o r valliti to resume hi« college work. I.arge stock of hale ties at Kcmlall & Chapman's. ltf ers of the bric k yard near this week to look up a location for a is building a brick house blacksmith shop. They were Mrs. Kennedy of Portland, is place, for himself on E between Fourth much impressed with the appear­ visiting her daughter. Mrs. J. A. and Fifth streets. This is the ance of Redmcnd and the bust- Norwood. first brick house in the city. activity shown here. SNELL & GREEN. Proprietor« Full line of school books and List your property with J. J. FOR SALE achuol supplies at Norwood & Corner of Seventh and E SU., REDMOND, ORE. Ellinger. Mendenhall's. 10tf The choicest vacant comer 50x j 100 on Sixth street only one Mrs. R. L. Jordan of Prine- Miss Jessie Gibbs of San Pe­ block from Hotel Redmond, this arrived here last week to dro, Calif., is visiting her aunts, it a snap for a quick buy, $1800 ville. Canned Sweet Potatoes . 25c visit her Mrs. II. F. Jones and Mrs. J. 11. takes it. See Jones I.and Com- Cline. parents, Dr. and Mrs. Canned Asparagus ______ ... 35c Jackson. Canned Peaches, best 25c * pany for terms. When you want fresh fruits Canned Apricots, best 25c Try a MONOGRAM 5 cent Cigar, or an See J. J. Ellinger for insurance Let us do your next order of that are fresh you can get them Canned Bartlett Pears, best 25c AQUII.A, 2 for 2f> cents they are good at the Buckley Drug Co’s, store. New Potatoes _____market price job printing. High class work. goods and will certainly please you. J. W. Woodruff has installed a We bring in fresh fruit twice a Dry Onions market price power peanut roasting and pop George Farris left for Shaniko week. Prices reasonable. 9tf A GENERAL LINE OF STAPLES corn machine in his store. Monday morning to see about an engine for his feed Fresh German Dill pickles just Reservations sold on the Me- getting received. Lynch & Roberts. tolus. Redmond & Phoenix. mill. Large Gauntlet Buckskin. . . $2.25 Claude McCauley was in Bend Go to the Pioneer Market for Miss Hammond, the efficient Wednesday of last week. Large Gauntlet Horsehide.. ... 2.00 fresh vegetables, eggs and but­ iwstoflice clerk, is spending a Genuine Mule Skin. _.......... ... .75 All kinds of fresh and cured two weeks vacation in Montana. Two vacant corners on E street ter. Canvas Gloves _________ ... .10 meats. Dressed Kid Gloves______ ... 1.75 between Hotel and Depot lOOx The finest homes in Redmond 100, also two comers, 50x100 Money invested in Lots in Mel­ Undressed Kid Gloves____ ... 1.75 ■ Valer in and will lx* located in beautiful MEL­ rose Park NOW, will double in Silk Lined Kid Gloves____ ...2.00 same location. Jones Land Com­ Manufacturer of ROSE PARK with its large lots pany for terms. the next year. and wide streets and avenues, on the highest elevation within Born, September 22d, to Mr. l the city limits, with irrigation and Mrs. J. A. Brown, a nine Settle It Now water on every lot. pound daughter. General Merchandise and Drugs and Horse Goods Settle It Right Country Produce Bought and Sold Whi|>*. Robes, Blankets. Etc. Charley Beckwith will soon Born, September 25th, to Mr. For constitutional amendment Repairing promptly done move his family from the ranch and Mrs. Duffy, a son. giving to cities and towns exclusive power to License, South Sixth St. RKDMOND, ORE. to Redmond. Good bright boy wanted at The control, suppress, Our line of schixrl tablets and Spokesman office to learn the regulate, or prohibit the sale of Intox­ is full and complete printing business. icating liquors within the GOOD BUYS stationery and prices reasonable. Norwood municipality. lOtf Born. September 16th, to Mr. 32« X Yes in Real Estate & Mendenhall. Fine Irrigated Tracts and Timber I.ands in the Sisters Ralph McCauley and wife who and Mrs. Garlinghouse, a son. END O RSED BY Country. F. M. WHITE, Prop’r. have boon visiting in Iowa and The electric wire woven raw- 40,000 OREGON CITIZEN S Fine Deeded Ranches near Redmond. Minnesota, have returnred toj hide whips are guaranteed not to "Greater Oregon Home Rule Fine Irrigated Ranches in Crooked River Valley. their ranch near Hillman. break, and are sold exclusively Association. 618 Electric building Dry Farming Ranches in the Madras and Powell Buttes at the Redmond Harness and Sad­ Portland. Oregon.” districts. Farm lands and city property dlery Store. lOtf Paid advt Redmond Business and Residence Properties to sell or trade for sale by J. J. Ellinger. Come and see me when you want anything in real estate. | _____ B. F. Woodman, chief of sup­ I have made money for others and can do the same for you. Miss Wilma Jackson who has plies Contractors Henry & spent the summer here with her McPhee for who are doing the con­ Pioneer Real Estate Man father, has returned to Los An­ struction work on the Oregon BETWEEN geles, Calif. Trunk in this section, was here REDM OND OREGON Monday paying off at the differ­ No better 5 cent cigar can be ent i bought in Redmond than the Sam camps. Job Printing Two Stages Each Way We cater to the wants of our and Spokesman cigars. For a limburger cheese sand­ Every Week ;patrons and make it our aim to I.et us do your next order of Sloan by the Buckley Drug Co. wich. summer sausage, bologna I.eave five them the lx*st in the house. commercial job printing. High Sold Redmond every Monday |f you want to play a game of grade work and prices satisfac­ Try one, you’ll like them, 9tf the best of sardines, or anything and W ednesday. Leave Shaniko W ednesday and billiards or ixx>l drop into our tory. The Redmond Spokesman. else in the lunch goods line go to Friday. Co to the Redmond Pharmacy )lace ‘The Palace” Snell & ‘The Palace,” Snell & Green, A rrive at Redmond Friday and for local views of the Redmond proprietors. ireen, proprietors. *»tf Rooms for Rent Sunday. and for your books and Three gcxxl front rooms suit­ country, and Express lOtf Always Ready to Cater to the Wants of the Public W. E. Godsey and his two Fatl Passenger i Old type makes the best bab­ able for housekeeping, partially magazines. Freight and Express a Specialty brothers Charles and Elmer, ar­ bitt metal. This office has a furnished, on corner of Seventh Carl Shuholm, president of the lot of old type for this purpose. and F streets. R. K. Potter. Advance Construction Co. own- rived here from Portland last Billiard and Pool •••• II A I j I j •••• Lynch & Roberts Fresh Groceries CIGARS, TOBACCOS and SOFT DRINKS A Good Line of Lunch Goods Carried in Stock LINE OF GLOVES Everything of the Best THEO. R. HERKNER Lynch & Roberts, Redmond Harness IRRIGATED LANDS Hotel Redmond REDMOND, OREGON FRANK McCAFFERY, BUCKLEY EXP GO. , Headquarters for Tourists and Traveling Men Tables Supplied with the Best the Market Affords E L L I N G E R ’S ADDITION ELLINGER’S ADDITION is sure to be the VERY CHOICEST RE6IDENC6 PORTION of REDMOND If you buy lots in Ellinger’« Addition you will always congratulate youraelf. You will be surrounded by beautiful homes. Reasonable building restrictions will protect the beauty, quiet and cleanliness of your home. This addition is only three blocks from the new bank on Sixth St. Lots are long and wide, with plenty of room for gardens and lawns, and a perpet­ ual water right is appurtenant. Think of all these many advantages over any other portion of the City of Redmond. Nothing else can compare with it. Terms and prices that will suit you. Select your lots now and get choice of location. We will have a new county soon. Redmond will be the County Seat, and then a lot in Ellinger’s Addition will be a valuable asset. Let us Show you this Property—You will Like It. Ellinger & Ehlers, Selling Agents, REDMOND, OREGN