The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” o f Central Oregon VO L 1. REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1910 No. 12 IR-FIFTHS VOTE POLLED 81 Votes Cast Out o f 101 Register­ ed H e r e ELKINS LEADS IN SHRIEVALTY RACE Dimick U>ads for Governor and la fffrty and Reed Tied Out o f a registration here in the Redmond City precinct of 101 hut Ml vote* were polled at the primary election. The reg- i strut io n showed 70 republicans, 20 democrats, 5 independents, 5 socialista and 1 prohibitionist. For representative in congress on the republican ticket the vote was as follows: Ellis 14, I.affer- tyl7. Shepherd 4. For governor on the republic* an ticket: Abraham 17. Bower- man 10. Dimick 27, Hofer 6. On the democratic ticket: Myers f>. West 5. Secretary of State, republican: Benson 39. Wingate 17. Demo­ cratic: Oliver 9. State Treasurer, republican: Hoyt 27. Kay 29. Justices o f Supreme Court, 4 year term, republican: Bean 45, McBride 28, McCamant 11. Democratic: Slattor 8. Justices o f Supreme Court, 6 year term, republican: Burnett 30, Moore 34. Democratic: King 10. Attorney General, republican: Crawford 39, Hart 13. State Printer, republican; Clarke 20, Duniway 31. Demo­ cratic Godfrey 8, Taylor 2. Commissioner o f Iatbor, re­ publican: HolT 32, Orton 19. Railroad Commissioner, repub­ lican: Miller 44. Democratic: Mclatin 7, Starin 4. The vote for county officers brought out the largest vote on the sheriff. There were four candidates in the field on the re­ publican ticket for this office, and a strong fight was made on Elkins, the present incumbent. The vote was as follows: Coulter 17, Elkins 50, Hodges 0. Triplett 1. For representative for the 21st District, republican: Belknap 40, Thoinjison 6. For County Clerk Warren Brown received 19 republican and 9 democratic votes. For Treasurer Rulph Jordan received 25 republican votes and 1 democratic vote. King re­ ceived 2 republican and 1 demo­ cratic vote. (bounty Commissioner, repub­ lican: Bayley 45, Roush 5. Surveyor, republican: Rice 45, Young 5. Coroner, republican: llosch 22, Jones 1, Anderson 1. Demo­ cratic: Hosch 1. Justice o f the Peace, republic­ an: J. H. Jackson 1, McCaffery 2, Jones 17. Constable— McClay, 15 repub­ lican and 6 democratic votes. McCaffery 5. County Central Committee­ man, republican: W'm. Phoenix 4, C. N. Eh ret 2. Ben (Jotter 1. Buckley Bros, have put a freight outfit on between Shani- ko and Redmond. It is learned unofficially that Frank Elkins received the nomi­ nation for sheriff by a satisfac­ tory majority. LEANS PUT IT OVER TRE EATS In Ball Game Sun­ day by a Score o f 17 to 16 LARGE ATTENDANCE AT THE BALL PARK Two Horae Race« Pulled Off Hand Receive» Sub­ stantial Benefit $1.50 PER YEAR APPLES GROWN NEW GOODS IN THIS DIST. and l>egan to play ball. In the third Duffy brought in one run. In the fourth 5 score« were made and in the fifth the bulloon went up and six men o f Captain Ha­ ney’s team trotted home. By this time it looked a cinch for the ix'ans as the score stood /"\U R new stock of CLOTHING. FURNISH- 16 to 7 in their favor. Captain ; INGS, etc., have arrived and is now on Mills o f the Fats, called his men sale, and you are invited to come in and see the together and gave them some line whether you buy or n ot Below we quote good advice, and the result was a few money-saving prices which it will pay you that in their half o f the sixth they swatted the ball all over; to take advantage of. the garden and 7 runs were chalked up on the bulletin to Men’s Suits, - • $12.50 to $30.00 their credit when the inning was Boys’ and Youths’ Suits, $4.00 to $17.00 finished. This made the score All wool “ Summit” Shirts, - $2.50 14 to 16 in favor o f the Leans. SPECIMENS WILL BE In their half o f the Bixth the AH wool Fresno Double Blankets, 62x80, $5.50 SENT TO PORTLAND Leans gathered in one score All wool Fresno Double Blankets, 56x78, $4.50 which was made by Templeton.! It was now a case o f do or die Fine line Jno. B. Stetson Hats. for the Fats, and they spit on Expert Horticulturist Says Complete Up-to-date line High Top Shoes their hands with the determina­ Sheep lined, rain proof, leather lined and This Is Fruit Grow­ tion to do something, and they j Mackinaw Coats. ing District did they got in two runs, which made the score 16 to 17 in favor o f the Leans, without their play­ ing their half of the seventh. At the conclusion o f the game Specimens o f seven varieties Umpire Hosch presented Cap­ o f apples were brought into this tain Haney o f the I>eans with city Saturday by J. S. Tetherow, the Deschutes county pennant who grew them in his orchard amid the cheers o f the crowd. six miles northwest o f Redmond. An admission fee o f 25 cents This orchard is on the Deschutes was charged and $37 dollars was river, and is eighteen years old. jects actually under way, and do realized for the band. The band Among the varieties shown not expect to until there is noth­ was scheduled to play at the were Rome Beauty, Bellflower. ing more for them to do.” game but three o f the principal Spitzenberg and Rhode Island players were out o f the city, and Greening. The apples were all the organization did not turn ou t o f the finest kind, and some o f them were o f mammoth size, The line-up was as follows: three rows covering the bottom LEANS o f a box. Some o f these apples Roberts, left field. Haney, 2d base. will be sent to Portland to be The Spokesman has been in­ Duffy, catcher. placed on exhibition and show formed that, beginning Novem­ Huffman, pitcher. that the Redmond District is a ber 1st, Redmond will be served fruit country, and especially F. L Applegate, short stop. with mail from Shaniko via Mad­ adapted to growing apples. Neilson, right field. ras. The mail will arrive daily at Chris Ehret, 3d base. For the past fourteen years 12 m, six hours earlier than now. the Tetherow orchard has yield­ Templeton, center field. The mai! will also depart at 12 m Potter, 1st Eiase. ed good returns, but this season daily instead o f 6 a. m. Red­ has been the record. All thru FATS mond will be the distributing o f­ E. B. Applegate, center field. the Redmond District there are a CONTRACTED WORK fice for the Cline Falls and Sis­ number o f young orchards with Mayor White, short stop. ters mail. The new schedule will TO BE COMPLETED be a help to Sisters. Mills, pitcher. apple trees three and four years Taliaferro, catcher. old, and this year these trees have shown a remarkable yield. G. M. Huffman, left field. Some o f the trees have been so Miethe, third base. heavily laden that it was neces­ Financial Flurry Will Not Williams, right field. Affect Railroads in Spring, second base. sary to prop up the branches to keep them from breaking down F. Zumwalt, first base. This District from the weight of the fruit SCORE BY INNINGS This District Has Produced E. J. Krand, assistant horticul­ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Some Record Breakers turist o f the Oregon Agricultur­ I>eans 1 3 1 5 6 1 x—17 This Season al College at Corvallis, was in Fats 2 5 0 0 0 7 2 -16 “ We are not going to discon- Umpires -J . F. Hosch and W. this section recently looking the country over with a view to re­ I tinue any o f the projects al­ G. Phoenix. This has been a prolific year After the ball game two run­ porting on the fruit prospects of ready under way,” said Presi­ for the raising o f root crops in dent John F. Stevens, o f the Prof. ning races were pulled off, which this part o f the state. the Redmond District, and many Oregon Trunk line, in a recent the crowd remained to see. The Krand is a fruit expert, and he kinds o f vegetables are being Portland interview in explaining first race was a 300 yard dash stated that apples can be grown brought into the market here the withdrawal o f some o f the between a roan pony and Mc­ in this district successfully. He Hill engineering forces from that would take prizes at almost Clay & Templeton’s “ Patsy,” says that the only thing that any fair exhibition. Potatoes field work. which was won by the roan by will retard the general growth of are yielding well and are o f "A ll the work contracted for this crop is the occasional frost about half a length. Large size and excellent quality. and under way will be carried to The second race was a quarter o f the late spring, and that that o f a mile between Snell & Green’s will be no worse here than it is completion as rapidly as possi­ Onions grow to a large size, and “ Bessie Green and S. R. Snider’s in some o f the most famous ap­ ble,” Mr. Stevens continued, the yield has been beyond the Carrots also bay pony. This race was won by ple countries in the nortswest j “ but new work will be taken up average this year. reach a mammoth size, and some cautiously because o f the finan­ He advised the use o f smudge “ Bessie Green” by about half a pots and other devices to pre­ cial situation. There has been brought in Saturday were so dozen lengths. ; no change in our plans since the large that three of them weigh­ It is understood that there w ill1 vent injury to the fruit All kinds of fruits have been announcement was made several ed five pounds and a half. Beets be a race next Sunday afternoon between “ Bessie Green” and C. grown so successfully in the Red­ months ago that the contract for to the growing of which this mond District this year that 1 grading for the extension of the soil is especially adapted, have F. Bartlett’s “ Babe.” ranchers who heretofore have Oregon Trunk beyond Bend thru been a bumper crop this year, turned their attention solely to the Klamath reservation was and many hundred weight will Surveyors and engi­ be marketed. All kinds o f root agriculture are going to set out cancelled. neers who are coming in are crops do well here, as this is an orchards and small fruits the those who have fiinished the irrigated country, and the Long coming year. All the fruit rais­ work laid down for them. We drouth during the summer did ed here meets with a ready mar­ are not calling in men from pro- not retard their growth. Several races are scheduled for ket at good prices. Sunday at the driving park here. I A free for all with the following Is an Index o f entries so far: “ Bessie Green,” j a Live Town “ Babe Bartlett,” McClay’s “ Pat- Send The Spokesman to your sey” and “ Nellie W'eaver,” a friends and let them see what an Crooked River horse. A race between Brown’s roan enterprising, hustling lot o f citi­ pony and Elmer Covert’s well, zens there are in Redmond and how the town is growing. A known “ Psyche.” There may be a match race be­ glance at the advertising and tween “ Babe Bartlett” and Mc­ news columns o f the paper will C. F. ANDERSON, - Proprietor show that the people here are Clay'a “ Pataey.” live wires, and doing something 3. A. Fallgatter, the photo­ all the time. A paper filled with | Our tables are supplied with the BEST grapher, has an excellent adver­ live ads and good local reading j tising proposition that he is sub­ matter is the best index o f the Eatables possible to secure. mitting to the business men to character of a town or city, and We Lead in Prices and Quality as we The Spokesman shows that R ed-' advertise Redmond. have no rent to pay. E. Garlinghouse has gone to mond is in the front rank o f live Idaho and Montana on a short cities. Fine Samples From Tetherow Or­ chard Shown All o f Our Stock is New A large crowd turned out last Sunday to see the base ball game between the Fats and Leans, played for the benefit o f the Red­ mond Concert Band. The spec­ tators sure had the worth of their money, for the game was excit­ ing and laughable from the first to the close o f the seventh in­ ning. The Fats went to bat first and closed their inning with two runs. The I>eans only got one man across the rubber in their half of the inning. The 2d inning the Fats piled up 5 nins, and there was all kinds of fireworks then. The Leans could only register up 3 runs as their share o f the inning, and betting began to run in favor o f the Fata. In the third inning Potter went into the box for the I^ans and held the Fats down to goose eggs in the third, fourth and fifth innings. In the meantime the !>>ans got their second wind E. L . R A P P “The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. NEW M A IL SCHEDULE No Let Up Planned for This Section On 0 . T. ROOT CROPS YIELD W ELL Late Arrival of NEW GOODS W e have lately received and placed on sale this fall the largest stock o f goods ever brought to Redmond, consisting o f Silk Shirt Waist Patterns Latest Styles o f Silk Skirts Attractive Outing Flannels Pretty W ool Dress Goods Flannelette Night Gowns W ool Blankets and Quilts and a complete and up-to-date stock o f Dry Goods and Notions that we would like to have you come in and see. These goods we have priced extremely reasonable. EHRET BROS. Everything in General Merchandise REDMOND. OREGON HORSE RACE FOR SUNDAY CAFE ROYAL RESTAURANT and BAKERY trip. Sunday school will be held in the new church next Sunday at W. Claypool o f Cline Falls, has 10 a. m. moved to Redmond and ia living Spokesman for job printing. i in the Macpherson cottage. File Liie of SOFT DRINKS AND CHARS Corner Sixth and F streets, REDMOND