Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon KKDMOND, ( HOOK C O U N TY. OREGON, T H U R S D A Y, SEPTEM BE R 22, 1910 will not lie pushed through as had been contemplated, the Ku* gene Councilmen extending the i period for the work to 30 months, j although the road can he built at I least in 1H months. As for the Harrirnan system, | all work which has been started and under way will I k * carried on but there will be no new work started. No improvements will I k » considered in any manner ex­ cept such as become absolutely necessary. The double tracking near The Dalles and the work in the Deschutes will I k * continued, for appropriations have been made and the work mapped out, ‘ hut nothing under the head of ACTIVE REHEARSALS new business will I k » taken up. BEEN COM MENCED "F o r the Inst five or six months I have ls*en s|s*nding $1,000.000 a month in Oregon,” says Mr. Stevens, "hut I do not know how Redmond Hand lias Finest much longer I can do it." Set of Instruments in It is estimated that the various Central Oregon mads in Oregon and along Wash­ ington adjacent to Oregon have s|K*nt $20,000,000 in the past two years, 80 per cent o f which has lK»en kept in circulation. The The new set o f instruments for llnrriman system has contracted the Kedmond Concert Band ar­ for (»0,000.000 feet of Oregon rived here Monday. The instru­ pine for use in constructing cars ments are o f the Buscher True this year. INSTRUMENTS HAVE ARRIVED U. R. Heads Halt F urther Expen­ ditures TO CO N TIN U E LINES NOW BRING BUILT Declaration Made* That Po­ litical Atmosphere Must Ite Cleared For the New Red­ mond Concert Hand The Portland Telegram has the following on the rnilntnd situa­ tion: No new railroad work will be started in Oregon nor will there Tone make, triple silver plated, - <■» - - ■» — I»* any expenditures other than satin finish, and are guarantees! New Postutlic to are absolutely necessary until the for twenty years. The set is an present isilitical situation shull lit* Established elegant one. ami the organization Brineville Journal: A i»etition clear, is the news given out by showed g(Kxl judgment in buying has been forwarded to the jx»st- prominent railroad men. the lK*st hand instruments man­ The railroad* are drawing in ' office department asking that a ufactured. an«l expect to retrench even more postoffice Is» established on the The hand as constituted now is A l­ as follows: until the unsettled political con­ east side of Powell Butte. dition si a I lien me readjusted. most 100 patrons would I k * serv­ J. A. Norwood. Bb clarionet Having spent approximately #20- ed by such office and the place H. H. Palmer, Lee Zumwalt 0)0.0(0 in Oregon the last two will be named Hat Rock. and \V. J. Buckley, Bb cornets. year*, the transportation com- Z. Taliaferro, P. L. Smith and pnn'et are curtailing their outlay. Will Organize a A. J. Haney, altos. The Oregon Trunk had let a Dancing Club J. P. Doherty und Mr. Love, contract for constructing a piece A number of the dancing peo­ tenors. o f road lietween Ilend and the ple of Redmond have been talk E. R. Tichenor. baritone. Klamath Indian Reservation, ing of organizing a social d an c-! E. B. Applegate, tnba. continuing the line from Bend. ing club here to give a series of I F. E. Mills, Iwss drum. J. F. Stevens has called off this dances during the winter months Snare drum to I k * tilled. work already and is not prepar­ It is understood that a hull has The new beginners in the hand ed to say when it will be resum­ been s«*cured and ntMuit twenty have taken right hold o f their ed. The extension o f the Oregon people have signified their inten­ studies and show a determina­ Electric from Allrnny to Eugene tion of joining. tion to master them. The regu- VOUR CLOTHING Will Look Right, Fit Right and Wear Right if BOUGHT AT OUR STORE We have received our large stock of Men’s and Boys Fall and W inter Clothing and can fit you out in any style suit desired. All our Clothing is guaranteed as to cloth make and fit. Our coats have horsehair lining to hold their shape. We can save you money if you buy your clothing of us. S u i t s f r o m $ 1 3 .5 0 t o $ 2 5 Full Line Gents’ Furnishings, at prices to fit your pocketbook Full Line of the Celebrated GOTZIAN SHOES For In d ies, Men and Children. There is no better shoe made than these for the money. EHRET BROS. Everything in General Merchandise REDMOND, OREGON lar hand rehearsal nights for the full hand are Monday and Thurs­ day nights o f each week. It is the intention to push the organization forward as fast as possible so as to get the hand playing a high grade o f music. Several more musically inclined Kedmond people have expressed a desire to join, and it is expect­ ed there will Is* no difficulty in recruiting the membership up to twenty. In the meantime, if you are an­ noyed by some o f the members blowing holes in the air, make al­ lowances for them as they are on­ ly beginners and later on will help the hand make good music. FATS A N D LE A N S BARE BALL AND E Benefit to He Given for the New Red­ mond Hand $1.50 PER Y E A R E. L. R A P P ’S Clothing Store Sixth St., Redmond, Ore. Is now open and ready to fill your / k wants in the Clothing Line. We have a new and complete stock o f the late and up-to-date styles o f Hoffman-Rothchild W IL L “ S PE IL” B A L L C L O T HI N G Interesting Program Made Up for Next Sun­ Millard Triplett Seeking the day Afternoon Nomination for Sheriff Fine Stock of SHOES for Ladies, Men and Boys BEND MAN IS CANDIDATE Full Line of GENT’S FURNISHINGS I am here to stay and want /our trade, and am going to make it an What promises to be one o f the object for you to buy o f me. most enjoyable and entertaining affairs pulled off in Redmond this season is the benefit bail game for the Redmond band that the friends o f the organization have arranged for Sunday afternoon. o f numerous presents. A hand­ The game will be between the some rocking chair, the remem­ Fats and the Leans, and exten­ brance o f several old friends, was sive preparations have !>een made presented by Mayor White who to give the spectators all kinds o f made a neat speech appropriate a good time. to the occasion. Following are The Spokesman understands the list o f presents: that it is the intention to charge Silver tea set o f 6 pieces, Snell an admission o f 25 cents to see & Green. the game, the proceeds to be do­ Six silver desert spoons, Mr. nated to the band, and when the and Mrs. Palmer. great array o f talent that will Gold shirtwaist set, Mr. and take part in the festivities is Mrs. J. C. Williams. considered, the price is absurdly Glass jelly dish. Miss Stillwell. small. Decorated back comb. Miss Liz­ It is also understood that a zie Smith. horse race will be run at the Flower vase, Mrs. Smith. grounds immediately after the Japanese teapot, John Beers. ball game is concluded. LARGE CROWD HAS Decorated tea cup, Mrs. John Following is a copy o f the pro­ EN JO YAB LE TIME Beers. gram made out for the occasion: Decorated tea cup, Mr. and Millard Triplett o f Bend, re­ publican candidate for the nomi­ nation o f sheriff, needs no intro­ duction to the voters o f Crook county. He is one o f the early settlers in the county, has been a prominent business man in Bend for a number o f years, served on the city council o f that city for several years, has been deputy sheriff under the present sherifF, Frank Elkins, and is a man not afraid to declare his principles and live up to them. Mr. Triplett stands for the en­ forcement o f the law as pre­ scribed on the statute books, and he promises the people o f the county that if nominated and elected he will see that the laws are enforced to the letter. He believes that if a law is obnoxious to a few, that that is no reason why it should not he rigidly en­ forced. Mr. Triplett has a strong fol­ PROGRAM lowing in the Bend section o f the of county that is working to secure The Mightiest o f Struggles for the nomination o f their candi­ Athletic Honors between date, and his friends ask all the THE FATS and T H E LEAN’S voters o f the county who are in REDMOND. ORE.. favor o f a clean, upright admin­ S U N D A Y . SEPT. 25. 1910 istration o f affairs in the sher­ iff’s office to cast their vote for 1:30 p. m. sharp. 'Band As­ him for sheriff at the primary sembles corner 6th and E Sts. nominating election the 24th o f 1:35 p. m. sharp. Concert by this month. the band. Paid advertisement. 1:40 p. m. Mayor White re­ cites "Casey at the B a t." Swear in Vote 1:45 p. m. Parade starts with band leading, followed by both At Primary clubs and the citizens in general Attorney-General Crawford, in autos, carriages and on foot. giving an opinion at the request 2:00 p. m. Address o f wel­ o f II. C. Patty o f Amity, holds come by Judge Wilcox. that any elector has the same 2:15 p. m. Pennant raising right to vote at the district pri­ speech by Hon. H. F. Jones. mary nominating election as he ’2:20 p .m . Fa*s gambol on the has at the general election. green for 5 minutes. The question specifically asked 2:25 p. m. Leans take nour­ the Attorney-General by Mr. Pat­ ishment on the tall grass for 5 ty was in reference to the use o f minutes. the blank " A ” which is for the 2:30 p. m. The mighty strug­ purpose o f "swearing in” voters. gle begins. The Attorney-General holds that Official: this blank may be used at the Umpires J. F. Hosch and W. primary election and in the same Phoenix. manner, the vote being sworn in Score Keepers— F. T. Redmond by six free-holders. and F. McCaffery. He states that it is not with­ Press Representatives— Palmer in the province o f the Legisla­ and Walker. ture to say a man shall not vote Line Up o f Fats: if he has not registered. He Catchers—Z. Taliaferro and G. urges at the end o f the opinion, M. Huffman. however, that every one should Pitchers—J.»P. Doherty and J. register who can possibly do so, E. Mills. as the requirement o f securing 1st B.— G. M. Huffman. six freeholders to "sw ear in " 2d B. Chas. Hammond. the vote causes considerable con­ 3d B.— H. C. Miethe. fusion and consumes a great S. S. -F . M. White. amount o f time in many cases. R. F. — Frank Zumwalt. L. F .—J. C. Williams. Of Interest to C. F. E. B. Applegate. Meat Eaters Coach Z. T. McClay. Line Up o f Leans: Attention is called to the large Catchers—W. J. Buckley and display ad o f Hill & Sypher, the new meat market firm in the Carl Eh ret. Pitchers— H. F. Jones an d ----- Macpherson building on South Sixth street. It will pay you to Shelton. 1st B. - J. R. Roberts. watch the ads o f this firm. Next 2d B.— A. J. Haney. week they will have something 3d B.—J. 0. Huffman. to say that will interest every S. S. -Joe Buckley. meat eater in the county. R. F.- Harry Keyes. Fine pure candy, only 25 cents L. F .— R. K. Potter. a pound at Woodruff’s Furniture C. F . - J . H. Mendenhall. and Grocery store. Coach Dr. C. A. Cline. E. L RAPP, “ The Head to Foot Clothier.” CELEBRATED Mrs. Z. T. McClay Entertains Her Friends Many Presents Received by the Lady On Occasion of 61st Birthday Mrs. Bartlett. Linen table cloth, son and daughter. Two linen handkerchiefs, Mes- dames Brown. Rocking chair, presented by Mayor White on behalf of,sever­ al old time friends. Two linen handkerchiefs, Mrs. Slocum. Box o f bon bons, little Louise Hosch. Last Friday. September 16th was the occasion o f Mrs. Z. T. McClay's 61st birthday, and the lady entertained her friends with a dance in the Redmond hall and Surprised Their a supper at the Davies restau­ S. S. Teacher rant Mrs. McClay has lived in Red­ Miss M. E. Simmons was g iv ­ mond for five years, being one of en a pleasant surprise party at the early settlers. The birthday the school house last Friday party was given for the old and evening by her Sunday School new friends alike. It was an in­ class and members o f the C. E. formal affair, everyone being in­ society. The occasion was a fare­ vited. and those who were pres­ well to the lady who left yester­ ent expressed themselves as hav­ day for Los Angeies where she ing passed one o f the most en­ will make an indefinite visit. joyable evenings ever experienc­ Refreshments were served and Miss Simmons was the recipient ed in Redmond. Both Mr. and Mrs. McClay and o f a number o f presents among the company entered into the which were a set o f silver tea spirit o f the occasion, with the spoons, sugar shell, butter knife result that good fellowship and and gravy ladle. Monday night cheer prevailed, and when the Miss Simmons entertained her guests departed at a late hour j Sunday School class at the resi­ they one and all wished their dence o f her sister Mrs. J. K. hostess many happy returns o f MacPherson. the day. Spokesman for job printing. Mrs. McClay was the recipient CAFE ROYAL RESTAURANT and BAKERY C. F. AN D E R SO N, Proprietor Our tables are supplied with the BEST Eatables possible to secure. We Lead in Prices and Quality as we have no rent to pay. Fine Line of SOFT DRINKS AND CIGARS Corner Sixth and F streets, REDMOND