The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, September 08, 1910, Image 4

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    Redmond and Vicinity
Fine Line of the Leading Brands of
Try a Sam Sloan or Spokesmen 5c Cigar.
You will Like Them
The Best Postcard Views of the Redmond Country
Full line of Stationery
Restaurant and Chop House
S. R. SNIDER, Proprietor
Recently Opened. Every thing
New and First-Class
Regular Board and
Short Order Meals
Open From 5:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m.
Regular Table Board, $5.00 per Week.
Commutation Tickets at Reasonable Rates
Weber & Williams,
Choice Cigars
Soft Drinks
We carry the Finest Line of
All Kinds of Soft Drinks in the
Come in and see us when you
want anything in the above line
Mrs. C. N. Ehret and mother,
Mrs. Norwood; and Mrs. J. A.
Norwood were entertained by
Mrs. C. N. Mutua and Mrs. E.
C. Park Thursday of last week
at the home of Mrs. Park.
r l o i r i s ' l
-------1 ----------- 1 1
k T
C v e n t H
When you want fresh fruits
that are fresh you can get them
at the Buckley Drug Co's, store.
We bring in fresh fruit twice a
week. Prices reasonable. 9tf
P A *-? ►
We cater to the wants of our
patrons and make it our aim to
give them the best in the house.
If you want to play a game of
billiards or pool drop into our
place "The Palace” —Snell &
Green, proprietors.
The building formerly occupied
by The Redmond Bank of Com­
merce which was lately bought
by J. J. Ellinger, was moved
across Sixth street Monday to
the lot owned by Mr. Ellinger.
The building will be occupied as
a real estate office by Ellingir
& Ehlers.
There is an automobile goes
through Redmond that has a
whistle like a freight locomotive,
and every time the driver comes
to a crossing he toots the whistle
the same as an engineer does.
To a stranger hearing the whistle
it would signify that a freight
train was coming.
Work on the new M. E. Church
is progressing rapidly, and the
building is beginning to assume
definite proportions. The build­
ing will be an imposing one when
The architectural
design is attractive, and the size
of the building will be sufficient
for the needs of the church peo­
ple for years to come.
Public Sale
I w’ill sell at public auction at
my farm, 15 miles north of Red­
mond and 31 miles south of Cul­
ver, on the Bend and Shaniko
road, on Thursday, Sept. 15. 1910,
at 10 o’clock a. m. the following
described property:
One brown mare 9 years old,
weight about 1300.
One gray mare 9 years old,
weight about 1200.
One black mare 8 years old,
weight about 1150.
One span of driving mares, 4
and 7 years old.
One dark bay filly 2 years old.
One colt 8 months old.
One dark bay filly 1 year old.
One Jersey and Durham cow,
3 years old.
One Jersey, just fresh, 20
months old.
Two farm wagons.
One water tank.
Two set of farm harness.
One set of hack harness.
One set of buggy harness.
One top buggy.
One seeder, good as new.
One steel beam 14-inch plow.
Two logging chains.
Hoes, axes, saws and all kinds
of ranch tools.
And all of my
household goods too numerous to
T erms of S ale : All sums of
$5.00 and under, cash in hand.
All sums over $5.00 a credit of 6
months will be given, purchaser
being required to give bankable
note bearing 10 per cent inter­
e st Bank references required
on time sale.
Free lunch at noon.
M rs . M. O. S pinks , Owner.
C. F. Bartlett, Autioneer.
G, M. Slocum, Clerk.
2 i 4
A V/ t £ .
4 8
f c z j
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madi son
2 I
I 2
3 3
5 T R e
Fred Sherwood, who had been
visiting relatives and friends at
his old home at Atlantic, Iowa,
returned to Redmond last week.
Mr. Sherwood is one of Sher-
woxi Bros, who have a fine
ranch 7 miles southwest of the
J. P. Doherty, Claud McCau­
ley. Elmer Covert and Wm. Cru-
chon left Sunday for Crane Prai­
rie and the North Umpqua on a
hunting and fishing trip. Doher­
ty said they sure would get some
big game, and he had a picture
of how they looked before going
and after returning.
I 19
Buckley Drug Co
Four Redmond ladies whose
birthdays occur on Sept. 16th..
will celebrate them collectively
by inviting their many friends
to a social gathering at Redmond
hall on the evening of that date.
For a limburger cheese sand­ See J. J. Ellinger for insurance
wich, summer sausage, bologna,
Eveline Schudel, who recently
the best of sardines, or anything
proof on ht r land sou h-
else in the lunch goods line go to
Redmond, went to Port
“The Palace,” Snell & Green,
to visit a few days
with friends. From there she
J. A. Coulter of Madras, re­ will go to her home in Decatur,
publican candidate for nomina­ 111., to spend the winter.
tion for sheriff, was in Redmond j
last Saturday attending a meet­ Let us do your next order of
ing of citizens regarding his job printing. High class work.
G. L. Ehlers. C. H. Irvin, H.
Notice is called to the adver­ A. Myers and C. B. Hopley re­
tisement of the auction sale to turned last Friday from their
be held at Mrs. M. O. Spink's hunting and fishing trip in the
They re­
place, 15 miles north of Red­ Cascade mountains.
mond and 31 miles south of Cul­ port having had a most enjoy-
able time, but that the sport was
not what they had anticipated.
ver on the Bend and Shaniko
road. Thursday, Sept. 15th. This
will bo a big sale. C. F. Bart­
Regular meeting of the city lett is auctioneer and G. M. Slo­
cum. clerk. A free lunch will
council next Tuesday night.
be served at noon.
Many people here who are liv­
ing in tent houses have com­ J. J. Ellinger and George L.
menced to fix them up for the Ehlers, former cashier of the
winter by boarding up the sides Redmond State Bank, have form­
ed a partnership to engage in the
and fixing the roofs.
real estate business.
No better 5 cent cigar can be
If you want to buy some nice
bought in Redmond than the Sam
goods go to “The Palace”
Sloan and Spokesman cigars.
Snell & Green will fix you
Sold by the Buckley Drug Co.
fit I*
Try one, you'll like them. 9tf
Mrs. Eby was suddenly strick­
W. P. Myers and O. C. Young en with an attack of heart trouble
of Culver, were in Radmond last while at church last Sunday.
Thursday for a short time. They Medical aid was hastily summon­
stated that property at Culver ed and the lady made as comfort­
was selling very satisfactorily. able as possible.
W E S T - E N D A V E .
Redmond’s Addition of Character
The only addition with a public
park within the corporate limits of Redmond. I a H r
Wide streets and alleys. l/jcated on the
highest ground in the City.
Additional Local.
Chance to Buy Your
Jewelry Reasonable
Mrs. H. A. Myers spent the j ^ Williams, the jeweler of
day with Mrs. Frank Morrill ^ ¡s
recently received a
Tuesday of this week.
j |ar(fe stock of high grade jewel-
Mrs. Sturtivan who lives cast ry which he is advertising to
of Redmond returned from a vis- sell at extremely reasonable pri-
it to her daughter near Prine- ees. Head his advertisement in
this issue, and if you want any­
in his line you will save
Miss Agnes Elliott of Hillman,
by consulting him.
spent a few days last week with
Lucky Escape
For Infant
Tent House for Sale
A new 12x11 house tent for
sale reasonable. Call on Arthur
A large r<x‘k from a blast on J. Colegrove, one block west of
the railroad construction work the school house.
near Hillman crashed through
the side of W. R. Davidson’s
For Sale
house one night last week, and
fell on the Iasi that the infant Splendid team of fancy driv­
child of Mr. and Mrs. Davidson ers, hack and harness. Team I
sleeps in. By a lucky chance the years old, perfect condition, well
Hack good as new.
habv was at its grandmother’s matched.
that night and thus esca|*ed in­ Price fur outfit. £150 cash. J. J.
jury. Mr. Davidson has moved Ellinger.
from his house and is living in a
tent far enough away from the
railroad right of way to be out of
Mrs. H. A. Myers.
Presby terian Social
Don’t forget the endeavor meet­ Much Enjoyed
ing at the school house Sunday
The lawn social last Friday eve-
evening. Mrs. Chapman leader.
. , , , .
, ning given by the Presbyterian
Mrs. Greenhalgh last week re- latiies at tho naiiiencv of H. A.
ceived the sad news of the death Myers, a mile ar.d a half from
Chickens Wanted
of a sister in Omaha. She has the city, was an enjoyable affair
the sympathy of her many and much appreciated by those
All kinds of live chickens, old
friends in this community.
Eye* Tested. Glasses Prop­
present. A nice sum was realiz- or young, are wanted for which
Mrs. Abbey, who has been ed from the entertainment.
erly Fitted
1 will pay the highest market
with her daughter in Walla Walla,
Off)«-» at Kmdrtirr 4th a A St».
It K. P o tter .
Wash., returned last week ac­ Added New Line
At Vandyke’s place, next to
Redmond. Oregon
companied by her daughter and to Their Store
the Chinese laundry.
her children.
The Redmond Pharmacy is now
Rev. Lilly and family were ov­ the name of Norwood & Menden­
er from Cline Falls Friday to the hall’s store. They have added a
new and complete stock of drugs
Mrs Norwood, who has been and medicines, and engaged an
visiting with her son and experienced pharmacist to take
daughter here, left Wednesday charge of this department. The
accompanied by Mrs. Tingsley store has been enlarged to meet
near here.
Mrs. Norwood the increasing demands made on
is going to North Carolina to her the business.
old home for a visit and Mrs.
Tingsley goes to Ottumwa. Iowa. BuRineRfl of Co.
for a two months visit
I r Increasing
Successors to Ellinger & Taliaferro
E. C. Park was confined to the
In order to meet the demands
house with a lame back for sev- of their increasing
business the
eral days last week but is now Buc|<|ey Express Co. of this city,
able to work again.
running between here, Bend and
Mr. Wagner who has been to Shaniko, have found it necesssry
Bremerton, Wash., is again at to make a number of better­
Irrigated Farm Lands
ments. A new barn 40x50 with
work on the Hillman well.
Improved and Unimproved
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Covert and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Covert were and an added equipment of hors­
Redmond City Property
at the Cove orchard this week. es, coaches ami wagons put on
the line.
Mr. and Mrs. Mendenhall, Mr.
Homestead and Desert Claims
and Mrs. McLallin and Mr. and Extra CopicH of
Mrs. J. A. Norwood had Sunday The SpokcRman
dinner with C. N. Ehret and
Extra copies of The Redmond
Spokesman, ready for mailing,
E. A. Wyett has leased the can be secured at The Spokes­
Come and see us if you want any kind
new building that is being erect­ man office each week at 5 cents
ed next to the Jones Land Co’s, per copy. By sending a copy of
of Real Estate in Crook county.
office for two years, for a pool the paper to your relatives,
have a large list of choice buys.
and billiard hall.
friends, or anyone wishing in­
It is stated that the main com­ formation about this section, the
missary department of H. C. paper answers better than a let- !
Henry, contractor for building ter.
the O. T. Line south of Madras,
Do Not Neglect
may be moved to this city.
in Real Estate
Mr. Gillett’s brother who has To Regiflter
been visiting him for some time,
Lest you forget and put it off
Fine Irrigated Tracts and Timber Lands in the !
returned this week to his home until too late, register today. 1 Country.
in Washington.
The time expires September 14,
Fine Deeded Ranches near Redmond.
Fine Irrigated Ranches in Crooked River Vnlley.
Negotiations are under way for Iaru* every man who wants to vote
Dry Farming Ranches in the Madras and Powell !
the sale of Wm. G. Phoenix’s in- at the c,,mmK election will have
terest in the Hotel Oregon prop­ to be registered. It is very im­
Redmond Business and Residence Properties to sell oi
erty here to Mrs. F. T. Redmond portant that a full vote be cast at
the November election, and every
Come and see me when you want anything in real «
legal voter should see that he is! I have made money for others and can do the same for
Bring in Your Checks
to a vote—so register
and trade them ou t I have clos­
ed the phonograph deal. Checks
good until October 1st.
Reservations sold on the Me-
J. W. W o o d r u ff .
Redmond & Phoenix. 1
and Surgeon
Realty Co.
Everything in Real Estate
FRANK McCAFFERY, Pioneer Real Estate