The Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon VOL 1. No. !» KKDMOND. CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. SKPTEMBKR 8. 1910 [ FOR REDMOND L LEA60E MEETS I THIS SECTION WELL And Puts Up J. A. Coulter For S heriff Redmond’s Predic­ tions of City Are Fulfilled California People In Touch With Redmond of other musically inclined peo­ ple have expressed a desire to join the band. It is the inten­ tion to create an organization of ut least twenty members, anti play u high grade of music. The instrumentation to start with will he first Hb clarionet, solo Ith, 1st Hb and 2nd Hb cor­ nets, 1st, 2nd ami 3rd altos, 1st and 2nd tenors, sax «phone, bari­ tone, Eh ban*, snare untl buss, drums and eymlmlH. More reed instruments, trombones and bas­ ses will be added in a short time. A high class orchestra will Is* organized among the members of the bund as there is enough tal-, u u a i w MAW 1« SKT OF INSTRUMENTS ent for an orchestra of from five ¡JDIM'1!# MKAllMiAW lo SEVERELY CENSURED HAVE BEEN ORDERED to eight pieces. The citizens of Redmond have been liltoml in subscribing to­ ward the support of the hand, and are anxious to see a good Field Man to He Put Into HuNinoHN Men «f City (Jive musical organization in the city. Financial Support to As stain us the hand gets to re­ County and Work Until Election Time Organization hearsing new members will he taken in, and before long the lutnd will tie giving a series of entertainments and dances. Ne­ At a meeting held at The gotiations are now under way to The Crook County Law and Spokmmnn office 'asl Saturday secure a suitable hall for the Order League held a meeting night a muntM-r of the musicians giving of entertainments, etc.— here last Saturday. Prineville, of the city and thone interested one large enough to uceomodute Madras, [tend and Redmond in organizing a I trass hand in the crowds that will I * sure to were represented by the follow - ing delegates: Rislmnnd perfected an organ mi attend. tion, with the following officers: The name of the band is the Prineville J. P. Shipp with Prest.—J. A. Norwood. Redmond Concert Itantl, ami the proxy of R. V. Constable; Vice-Preat W. J. Buckley. regular meetings are Monday Madras— J. E. Loveall and H. Sec. -Treaa.—Z. Taliaferro. and Thursday evenings of each W. Card; Manager E. R. Tichenor. week. Bend—L. I). Weist and Geo. S. Young; It was the sense of the meet- \ Are Enjoying a Redmond Ben Gotter and ing that a set of good instruments Earl Benton; l** (»ought and an order was wir­ Good Itusiiu.sK ed to the Rueschcr True Tone In-} All of the business houses in The principal object of the atrument Co. of Elkhart, Ind.. Redmond are enjoying a good meeting was to select a candi­ to forward a set of triple silver run of trade this fall, und the date from the Law and Order plated gold mounted instruments business has been good sll sum­ league to oppose Frank Elkins, by express. These are the high mer. The stores her»* carry the present incumbent in the est grade of instruments made stocks to meet the wants of their sheriff's office, for nomination and are guaranteed for twenty- customers in the territory adja- on the republican ticket at the five years. It is expected the cent to Redmond, and that, coming primary. The battle cry instruments will Is* received here coupled w ith the reasonable pri- of the meeting was anything to some time next week, and as c< s charged for goods. Is w hat beat Elkins w ho is up for renom- soon they arrive active rehear-1 has made Redmond such a good ¡nation. trading point. People come Millard Triplett of Bend, and sals will begin. There are a number of old mu­ from many miles to trade with J. A. Coulter of Madras, both claiming to be I>aw and Order sicians in the city, anti a numlier the Redmond merchants. A Cood Orchestra Will Also He Organized k VOUR CLOTHING Will Look Right, Fit Right and Wear Right if BOUGHT AT OUR STORE We have received our large stock of Men’s and Boys Fall and Winter Clothing and can fit you out in any style suit desired. All our Clothing is guaranteed as to cloth make and fit. Our coats have horsehair lining to hold their shape. We can save you money if you buy your clothing of us. Suits from $13.50 to $25 Full Line Gents’ Furnishings, at prices to fit your pocketbook Full For Line Ladies, of the Men Celebrated GOTZAN SHOES and Children. There is no better shoe made than these for the money. EHRET BROS. Everything in General Merchandise REDMOND, $1.50 PER YEAR OREGON league candidate*, had announc­ agricultural fair. The assem­ ed their candidacy, and the lea ­ bled products surprised the re­ gue at this meeting nought to mainder of the county and the determine which one would pull state; and the products of the the moat strength for their tick­ great Central Oregon desert, et. Both candidate» had agreed typified in the Redmond distsict, to leave the .selection of nomi­ have been surprising the remain­ nee to the meeting, the defeated der of the state ever since. one agreeing to withdraw from the race for nomination, thun Has a Model leaving hut two republican can­ Establishment didates in the field for the nomi­ Theo. R. Herkner, the har­ nation. The Madran delegate** ness manufacturer of this city, put forth utrong arguments for has one of the best appointed their candinate, J. A. Coulter, stores and work shops in the and the Bend people did likewise county, and is turning out a for Mr. Triplett, but when the large amount of high grade work. vote« of the delegates were count­ An inspection of his place of H. F. JONES TELLS ed Mr. Coulter had five votes SEEN DESERT GROW business will convince anyone I and Mr. Triplett three, and the OF EASTERN TRIP TO THRIVING CITY that he can supply the needs of a former was declared the candi­ large territory, and that is what | date of the league. In a letter he does. He draws trade from to Mr. Gotter. the Redmond del­ egate, asking him how he stood Mr. "and Mrs. F. T. Red­ a large territory, and his goods Found Dry Weather in East always give satisfaction. on the I .aw and Order proposi- With Exception of Ill­ mond First Settlers tion, Mr. Coulter stated he was inois and Texas in favor of local option. In Redmond There is another candidate on the republican ticket up for nom­ ination, Si Hodges, but it was stated he had agreed to withdraw In the Sunday Oregon Journal After being five years in the and leave Elkins and the League Randall R. Howard, a staff writ­ Rasmus Peterson Success Is Redmond District and hearing candidate the only ones in the er had the following story of Mr. Object Lesson—Pleas­ stories of the Eldoradoes in var­ nomination race. It was claimed and Mrs. F. T. Redmond, who ious parts of the country, and in ant Ridge New s by his supporters that Coulter is were the first settlers here and order to satisfy himself as to the very strong in the northern part comparison of the Redmond whom the city was named: of the county, but outside from for “Five country with other new districts years ago a man named his home section he is compara­ Redmond pitched his tent out on Sunday, Sept. 4th, was the that are settling up, H. F. Jones tively unknown, and his friends a little sage flat in the lonely des­ scene of a pleasant gathering at of this city, made an 11,000 mile think therein lies his strength. ert about midway between the the White Rock ranch, owned by trip to the east and back. He The delegates expressed them­ postoffice of O’Neil, in the lower Rasmus Peterson. The ladies went east over the C. P., pass­ selves as unalterably opposed to Crooked River valley, and Teth- from the Oregon Trunk Line con­ ing through the widely adver­ Elkins for another term as sher­ bridge on the Deschutes struction camp and vicinity serv­ tised lands in the Alberta section. iff. and stated they would do their row’s river. middle aged man and ed lunch, after which the Danish He said that outside of the Ed­ utmost to prevent his renomina­ his wife The had been school teach­ and American flags were raised monton district the Canadian tion. The delegates also express­ ers in North Dakota, until the and J. A. Fallgatter, the photo­ crop is an entire failure. ed their dissatisfaction of Circuit longing to “come west” became grapher of Redmond. took a num­ All through his trip Mr. Jones Judge Bradshaw, and will try to so irresistible as to cause them to ber of photographs of the pai ty found that the dry* weather had find u man to their liking to put give up good positions and start and ranch. Later the party as­ materially retarded the crops ex­ up against him. toward Oregon. They traveled sembled at White Rock and a cept in Illinois, southern Iowa, It was decided at the meeting through Central Oregon, and, number of river scenes were tak­ Central Kansas and the Panhan­ to ask the State League to send with the aid of the blue prints of en. Mr. Peterson came to this dle in Texas. The only country a field w’orker into this county the company that was then just section about four years aero with that would compare favorably immediately to work for.the or­ beginning the reclamation of a very little capital, and by his in­ with the Redmond country was der until election time. The mat­ large body of land in the Des­ dustry now has cne of the pros­ the Panhandle district in Texas. ter of the railroad vote was dis­ chutes river valley between the perous ranches of the county. Still they lacked the irrigation cussed at considerable length and towns of Prineville and Bend, se­ He will send some of the photo­ projects there that has made the statement was made that the lected an irrigible farm in the graphs of his ranch back to peo­ this section famous. league had secret agents circu­ lower desert ple in his home in the old coun­ While in California Mr. Jones lating among the railroad camps The Redmonds took a long look try to show them the possibili­ found that Redmond and the in the state looking up the men into the future before they lo­ ties of this section of Oregon. Redmond District was widely who are entitled to vote. One of cated. At that time there was Those present were: Mr. and known, and he had many ques­ the Madras delegates stated that talk of extending the Shaniko Mrs. J. A. Chaseand family, Mr. tions to answer as to conditions one railroad contractor in that road further south into the heart and Mrs. W. T. Temple and fam­ here now and the future pros­ section had promised the League of Central Oregon. They select­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mitchell, pects after the railroads got in. people he would brin*» in his men ed land on the big irrigation ca­ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fallgatter, The prices of farm lands here on election day and that they nal and at a point which they Mrs. E. A. Tudor and children. look good to the California peo­ would vote right. thought could not be missed very Miss Jenette Stevens. Wm. John­ ple as the prices there are from far by the railroad. The prom­ son, Isaac Johnson, Chas. Wulff, $500 per acre up. Young Tree leaded ised extension of the railroad Rasmus Peterson, W. A. Gron- From talks with people in that line proved to be all talk, and dahl, Andrew* Nelson, J. W. Pet­ section Mr. Jones gathered the With Apples Shaniko, on a bleak and rocky erson, Dan Greenhalgh, Glenn information that a large number I. L. Harader, who has suc­ ridge, is still of people will come tc the Red­ ______ terminus. Also Cox. cessfully grown fruit at his ranch the irrigation the District as soon as the rail­ company did not School opened here Monday mond near Cline Falls for several sea­ fulfill its promises, and the Red­ with roads are built into this city. a fair attendance. sons. has a 3-year old Wealthy monds—the first purchasers of Ralph Sherwood, wife and son “ Bessie Green” apple tree that is loaded with ap­ Carey act irrigated land in Cen­ left last week where ples this year. The tree is so tral Oregon —were forced to haul Mr. Sherwood for will Corvallis Wins Again take a heavily laden that the limbs had water for more than a year, j ness course in the 0. A. C. busi­ Col­ The 300 yard dash horse race to be propped up. Some of the The promises of Redmond, the lege. apples measured 12 inches in cir­ town, were seen even this early, J. A. Fallgatter, the photo­ at the track here Sunday after­ cumference. Mr. Harader has for the Redmond ranch out on grapher from Redmond, was up noon between Snell & Green’s had excellent success in growing the desert was a very popular Sunday taking a number of pic­ “Bessie Green” and a Crooked River horse was won by the form­ small fruits such as strawberries, stopping place for the travelers tures in this \icinity. er in a heart disease finish. The raspberries, etc., and pronounces and the stockmen as they made Mr. and Mrs. John Couch. Mr. Crooked River horse was way in the Redmond District a good their lonely drives and rides. and Mrs. Frank Murk of Laid- the lead for 200 yards, but in the fruit country. About three years ago some of law, and Mrs. G. W. Wimer of home stretch “Bessie” quickly the officials of the company that Tumalo, visited at the home of closed the gap and came under “The Citizens Voice” had contracted with the state for Prof. J. Alton Thompson Sunday. wire about a foot ahead. Name of New Paper the reclamation of the large Ca­ Sam Christensen expects to the Then the fireworks began among At the meeting of the Crook rey act segregation conceived the spend the winter at O’NeiL. He the big crowd present County I and Order League idea of establishing a desert has accepted a position with held here last Saturday after­ town. The town was located on O’Neil & Larson. Spokesman for job printing. noon it was decided to name the the main irrigation ditch leading new paper of the League that south from the Deschutes river will be published in Redmond near Bend, and in the heart of until after election. The Citizens what will become, with the com­ Voice. The intention is to pub­ pletion of planned construction lish enough papers weekly to work, one of the largest and reach every voter in the county. richest single irrigated bodies of It is expected the first issue of land in the northwest. The ex­ of the paper will appear this act location of the town was de­ week. Ben Gotter of this city, cided by chance. There hap­ pened to be a vacant section of was named as editor. school land not included within C. F. ANDERSON, - Proprietor the tract that was segregated The Redmond Feed for reclamation under the terms & Fuel Company of the Carey act. It also hap­ Our tables are supplied with the BEST The above is the title of a new pened that this school section ad­ Eatables possible to secure. business enterprise in Redmond joined the Redmond farm estab; We Lead in Prices and Quality as we that will open its doors about the fished two years previously. As first of October. George Ferris an appropriate tribute to the pio­ have no rent to pay. is manager of the new concern, neering qualities of the first set­ and it is the intention to carry a tler of the lower desert, the new File Line of SOFT DRINKS AND ClfiARS full line of feed and fuel. A new desert town was named Redmond building is under course of con­ Two years after the comple­ REDMOND struction on Seventh street to tion of its first irrigmtion ditch Corner Sixth and F streets, ‘ house the business. the Redmond community held an WINS OUT IN FOUR YEARS j iw CAFE ROYAL RESTAURANT and BAKERY