The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon VOL. 1. REDMOND, ('KOOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1910 I iouhc with hi* humorous a|teech, and the "W oman's Rights" dia­ logue kept the audience in a (broad smile. The singing hy Messrs. McEwing and Aldredge was well received, und the organ solo by Mi*.s Brown was greatly I appreciated. Mr. Kemper's mon­ ologue was one o f the interesting I numbers o f the evening. Misa Mamie Pratt pleased the audience with her vocal aolo, and Mr. Mc- Carl Shuholm, president o f the Ewing’s singing o f "The Toll o f | Advance Construction Co. of the Old Church Bell" wa* good. Portland, that owns the brick The concluding number by the yard near Redmond, informs The mixed (juurtct fittingly concluded Spokesman that the company is the musical and literary part of preparing to burn their second the evening's program. Miss M. kiln o f superior brick. This kiln E. Simmon* played the accom­ will contain 2 fX ),(X X ). The first paniment* to the songs in an ac­ kiln burned was 130,(XX), and the ceptable manner which added whole amount ha* been disported much to the effectiveness of the of. singing. Mr. Shuholm, who i* an ex­ At the conclusion o f the pro­ perienced brick manufacturer, i* gram refreshments of lemonade very much plea*ed with the and cake we;e served. The la­ brick clay found in thi* section, dies o f the Aid realized some- stating that it i* much Huperior thing in the »eightjorhisid o f $(X» to that found in many other und wish to thank the general part* o f the state. The brick The ent*rtainrm*nt given I ant public for their patronage and in­ made from the clay here are Friday night at the school bonne terest shown in the entertain­ nearly us hard and tough a* fire brick, and buildings built with by the M. E. Lidic* o f thin city, ment. Following is the program ren­ the Redmond brick will L»e in no » a * well attended. In fact, the nchool hnune wa* •,jacked, and dered : danger o f crumbling or show Vocal Duet - Messrs. McEwing traces of alkali in the brick after even la n d in g room wa* at a pre­ and Aldredge. being exj*ke*man for job printing. & Templeton * livery bam. L A. Hunt "caught” the MUCH TALENT AT NI. E. SOCIAL 250,000 IN NEXT KILN OF BRICK Redmond Brick Yard Will Soon Have Plenty of Brick LARGE AUDIENCE IS ENTERTAINED NOTES THE RAPID GROWTH OF CITY M. E. Indies Aid Realizes Nice Sum From the Event Fruit Grown in This Section Appeals to the Prine­ ville Editor j New Jail I» NEW ARRIVAL OF SEASONABLE GOODS We have lately received and put on sale the most complete and up to date line of Men’s Clothing and Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Men’s and Women’s Shoes Wool and Cotton Blankets Ladies’ Auto Veils à AT Prineville E d i t o r Says Redmond Is Good Town G. and a number o f other articles in the General Merchandise line ever brought to Redmond. We invite you to come in and inspect this stock for we feel assured we can please you both with goods and prices. Highest Market Price for Butter, Eggs and Cream EHRET BROS. Everything in General Merchandise m REDMOND, OREGON productive acres is sure to bring from thi* point to Madras goes is a fact, and the Redmond prop­ by way o f Shaniko now, and a erty holder is resting the rest of letter to Culver R. F. D. for e x -; the man who knows hi* own ample would require about five mind and does its bidding. day* under favorable conditions "A s to the fertility o f the soil for delivery, while one day in and about Redmond, much ha* should be quite long enough been »aid. Grain*, gra**es, and Some kind of west side mail ser- ( all kinds o f garden produce, es­ vice is needed worse now than pecially root stuffs such as pota- ever before, but it will perhaps taes and carrot* cannot be excell­ not E>e had until the mail comes from Madras to Prineville, for ed anywhere. "Fruit, too, is grown very sue- the postoffice department moves cessfully in almost every part o f very slowly in these matters. I the community. Kirk Whited, — who lives three miles out on the Kouth is exhibiting apples grown jSjew from four-year-old trees 4----- that The new building of the Red­ cannot be E>eaten. "Joseph H. Jackson has Yel­ mond Bank o f Commerce is near­ low Transparent apples that are ly finished, and the bank people --------------- as fine as can E>e bought in any expect to move into their n ew ! quarters this week if possible. ' market, and one o f which when measured by the Journal man Some o f the furniture and fix- i showed a circumference of tures are here, and a force of twelve inches. And these from workmen have been w orking; seven days a week to get the j three-year-old trees. "Instances o f this kind are building in readiness for occu­ too numerous to mention. The pancy. The building will t>e one reports o f fruit raising come o f the most modem bank build­ The first brick buildinjf ¡n Red_ from all over the disrtict The ings in Central Oregon, and the country and the town are on the furniture and fixtures will be of mond wi„ ^ built by Ehret jump, which shows that the peo­ the latest design. Bros., pioneer general merch­ ple have confidence in their com­ ants o f this city. The building munity and their confidence is will be on the comer o f Sixth not misplaced.” and C streets, 50x75 feet, two stories and basement, and will t>e Another horse race is schedul­ wired for electricity and plumt>ed ed for Sunday, Sept 4th, at 3 for water. It will be a complete, o ’clock, lietween "Bessie Green” modem, up to date building. Lest you forget and put it off owned by Snell & Green o f this The first floor and basement until too late, register today. city, and "Sorrel Jack,” owned will lie used by Ehret Bros, for The time expires Septemljer 14, by Crooked River parties. The mercantile purposes. On the sec­ and every man who wants to vote race wili be a 300 yard dash, and ond floor a hall 50x50, and three at the coming election will have it is expected a large- number suites o f offices have Eieen pro­ to be registered. It is very im- will come over from Crooked Riv- vided for. portant that a full vote be cast at er to back their horse, The Advance Construction Co., the November election, and every — -* * - owners o f the brick yard at this legal voter should see that he is place, have the contract for the entitled to a vote—so register mason work, which they expect TODAY. The Redmond Commercial Club to have completed early in Octo­ has recently issued some return ber. Ben Gotter has the contract postal cards for use in corres­ for the carpenter work, which he pondence by the Redmond busi­ figures on completing atxmt the Extra copies o f The Redmond When com­ ness men. The card is a hand­ first o f November. Spokesman, ready for mailing, pleted, Ehret Bros, will have one some one, and the scheme is can be secured at The Spokes­ unique. It should bring results ° f the l>est appointed storebuild- man office each week at 5 cents for every letter sent from R e d -1 inKS *n Central Oregon, per copy. By sending a copy o f mond ought to have one o f these Tuesday morning carpenters the paper to your relatives, return postals enclosed in i t began work on the store building friends, or anyone wishing in­ ______ M______ (that W. A. Belcher is putting up formation about this section, the P L E A S A N T R ID G E ! ° n thf wef l f ide o f Sixthbetween paper answers E>etter than a let­ E and and F streets. This will ter. .... , J b e a 25x50 fo o t two story frame ------- «■» ---------- A jo1|y company assembled at buildi dersLgrned for mere, „ . Wh'te Rock. «*•">“ £ « » - tile purposes. Janies McCoy has son s home m Pleasant R id g e.l., . , , ,, , ... c, , . . , i the contract and the work will Sunday, August 28th. The la- , , , , , ... /I , , lie pushed forward rapidly, E. P. Moro at Hillman is in the ,. dies o f the company prepared a | t1 Redmond hospital suffering from bounteous repast and served the j » r wounds received in an alterca­ gentlemen, after which the men j ‘ re * e *|*ng tion with some Austrian railroad acted as waiters for the ladies in 1 M any C a ttle laljorers Sunday afternoon. The a very satisfactory manner. A f- More than a thousand _ head o f injured man is in bad condition. ter dinner the American and Dan- steers will be fattened for the Conflicting accounts regarding ish flags were raised, and a pho- Portland market during the the affray have been received, tograph o f the entire party tak- coming winter within four miles but they all tend to establish the en. Those present were: Gf this place by ow ners o f the fact that during Moro’s trouble Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chase and big alfalfa ranches near Prine- with the foreigners he was badly family, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tem- ville, says the Prineville Journal, beaten with rocks and beer bot­ pie and family, Mr. and Mrs. ______ ^ _____ tles. One eye was knocked out with a 18 beaten to a pulp. After Eieating Butts, J. R. Benham, G. T. Diz- » P r in ^ “ n ff Moro into unconsciousness the ney, Ed Swalley, Chas. Swalley, : Redmond has a street sprink- Austrians fled and have not been Rasmus Peterson, S. Christenson, 1er. The sprinkler was put in apprehended. J. W. Peterson, R. H. Johnson, commission last Friday after­ Deputy Sheriff Z. T. McC'ay Daniel Greenhalgh and W. A. noon. Though somewhat crude and City Marshal Mills went to in appearance the apparatus does Grondahl. Hillman as soon as the news of — T- ---------- the work required o f i t The pay the assault was received here, Considerable four foot wood is for sprinkling the streets is rais- but sufficient evidence could not being hauled to Shaniko from ed by subscription among the be obtained as to the guilty par­ this place by freighters going out. business men of the city. Z. T. ties to warrant any arrests. Last Saturday a numt>er o f loads McClay furnished the sprinkler were taken ou t and is doing the work. FIRST BRICK Pleasing Program Given Last Fri­ day Night Hillman Is Assessed High $1.50 PER YEAR The editor o f the Prineville Journal was in Redmond last week, and after looking the city up one side and down the other, went home and printed the fol­ lowing about the "H ub City:” "Redmond, the Hub city, is a town with a well in it. The pop­ ulation line up at the well regu­ larly three times a day and come in goodly numbers between times for their apportionment. "N ot unlike the times o f old, most o f the modem Rebekahs and their brothers also, bring water sacks or water Ex>ttles. Not the pig skin variety, to be sure, but the more modem can­ vas bag that keeps water cool on a hot day and is convenient to earn-. Almost every Redmond home has one or more o f these hanging where they are fanned by the breezes, while the supply for cooking, etc., is taken from the canals which are in evidence on every street o f this pretty lit­ tle town. "Redmond has a well and a good one. and it is proud o f the fa ct It is the only water that can I k * had. excepting the ditch water, between O’ Neil and the Deschutes, and between Trail Crossing and Bend. Indeed, the last three places mentioned can give the traveler nothing letter than Deschutes river water which could E>e purer at this sea­ son. Thus the Redmond people think they have something good, and they have. Later the town will be piped and the water which is now being pumped by a big pumping plant into a tower tank, will be installed in the dwellings and business places, but the present arrangement could be and has been w-orse, and the people are pleased, for the water from the well is good. It comes from a depth o f 450 feet and is cold and pure. "Redmond is easily three times what it was eighteen months ago in the matter o f population, business, and business houses, and the immediate future holds even greater things in store, or at least such is now evident "You can buy a sack o f sugar or a keg o f nails in Redmond as cheap as they can be had in any other interior town, and the quality and service is good. The business men are all busy tying up bundles o f goods. “ The Redmond booster will tell you that the town will grow rapidly and that several brick buildings will be built within the year. In fact Ehret Bros, con­ tracted a two-story store build­ ing 50x75 feet Saturday to Ben Gotter, the price being about $tXXX), and other buildings of like substantial nature are in prospect. A number o f wooden business buildings are being con­ structed and cottages, too. In fact many o f the present popu­ lation are living in tents. "Whether or not Redmond will I k ? a Spokane is not talked here as it was two years ago, but there is a good town here supported by excellent irrigated lands. The business that these goon Be In Their Quarters Ehret Bros. Have Let Contract for Brick Store TO BE TWO STORY WITH BASEMENT Work Begun On a Modern Store Building for W. A. Belcher Do Not Neglect To Register Horse Race On For Sunday Commercial Club Publicity Extra Copies of The Spokesman Hillman Man Badly Beaten and Injured “r £ mr *prit ! er Now Open Their New Restaurant Stairs & Finn, proprietors of the "Banquet- Cafe” expect to have their place ready for cus­ tomers by the time this paper is ou t They have a good location in the building formerly occupied by Redmond & Phoenix as a real estate office. The building has been remodeled to accomodate the wants o f the restaurant peo­ ple, and Messrs. Stairs & Finn promise the people o f Redmond a restaurant that will be a credit, to the city. Postoffice Off Map Again Heisler postoffice, which has been established and discontinu­ ed spasmodically for the past ten | years, is again off the map, says the Prineville Journal. Mail CAFE ROYAL RESTAURANT and BAKERY C. F. ANDERSON, Proprietor Our tables are supplied with the BEST Eatables possible to secure. We Lead in Prices and Quality as we have no rent to pay. Fine Line of SOFT DRINKS AND CIGARS Corner Sixth and F streets, REDMOND