The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon VO L 1. REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 191* No. 7 SARGE REALTY DEAL IS MADE \ To K. B. Applegat« 60x100 foot on the HootEiwent corner of Sixth und C HtreetH, for $1860. I Alno a piece o f pro|>erty 100 feet H(|uare on the corner of Fourth und C utreotM to a Japan* one who in intere*ted in securing favorable property Hite« in Red- J inond. the growing crops are suffering. Ami that is the !>cauty o f living in an irrigated section no mat­ ter how warm the weather is, there is ulways plenty o f water to take care o f the crops. Moral: Come to the Redmond country. E OF NEW TOWN McKenzie Road For Autos W . M c C a ffe ry C O D N IS T S County Judge Ellis and County That Has Recently Bay ley recently Been Platted Puts Through EXPECTED Commissioner returned from a trip to Eugene where they had been conferring to the North $16,000 Deal with the county court in regard Railroad Officials Receiving to repairing the old McKenzie road across the Cascade moun­ InquirieM About the tains so as to put it in condition for travel with teams and autos. BRINGS GOOD PRICE On the Crook county end of the road, work is progressing, and Transcontinental railway offi­ | will be about completed late this cers urc receiving many inquiries 1 fall. It is the intention to have 'Considerable Activity Re­ alsnit the colonist rates to the | this road in good condition for ('oast which will go into effect travel early next year. cently In Farm Realty on September 16. and the out- and City Lots j look for a very heavy volume of Entertainment travel is considered good. Tomorrow Night The rates will be in effect for Do not forget that the Ladies 30 days and will apply between During the past few day* F. the same points and at the same Aid of the M. K. Church are to W. McCaffery of thia city has figures as in the spring. (have a musical and literary en­ Hold a large amount o f fnrrn real­ "W e are looking for a big col­ tertainment in the schoolhouse ty in the vicinity o f Redmond. onist travel," said A. D. Charl­ tomorrow night. The ladies, as­ Thin week he sold the Alex ton, assistant general passenger sisted by volunteers, have ar­ Thompson ranch o f one Hection, agent o f the Northern Pacific at ranged an interesting program, went of Redmond, to S. E. Smith Portland. "The excessive heat and those wishing to puss an who liven 6 miles south o f the experienced in the east this sum­ evening o f enjoyment will be city, for $16.000. There are 300 mer will turn attention to the sure to attend. Admission is ncres under cultivation, and the cooler west. In many fruit dis­ only 25 cents for adults, and of the land is susceptible tricts in the east the crop this children under 10 years, free. to cultivation. year is almost a failure, while During the evening cake and Mr. McCaffery also sold the Oregon will harvest the best lemonade will be served. following: fruit crop it ever had. These The Carey ranch 2 miles east are two conditions that will Has a Fine Ranch o f Sisters, 160 acre*, to Mr. bring many homeseekers to the Property Whitluvk for $4000 cash. west this fall ami there ure sev­ One * f the productive ranches A desert claim o f 120 acres 4 eral others." near Redmond is that o f C. R. mil«^ east of Sisters for $3">00. McLallin. Mr. McLallin has had Eighty acres in the Powell The Continued success raising all kinds * f fruits Buttes section to Krnnk Kelly for Warm Spell and his garden products he a valuable consideration. Old timers in this section state | brings t* Redmond readily find Fifty feet frontage on the cor­ ner of Sixth and C streets in this that this summer has witnessed a quick sale. Aside from rais- city, to Khret Bros, who have al­ the longest dry spell in their re­ ! ing the altove he has each year ready l**gun excavation work for collection. with the exception of ! cut a large crop o f hay from his While the weather place, and this season will break the two story brick building they one year. has been very warm, none of his former records. will erect there. SECTION OP I j VNI) Rutes This Full NEW AR RIVA L OF SEASONABLE COODS W e have lately received and put on sale the most complete and up to date line of Men’s Clothing and Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Men’s and Women’s Shoes W ool and Cotton Blankets Ladies’ Auto Veils and a number of other articles in the General Merchandise line ever brought to Redmond. W e invite you to come in and inspect this stock for we feel assured we can please you both with goods and prices. Highest Market Price for Butter, Eggs and Cream EHRET BROS. Everything in General Merchandise REDMOND, $1.50 PER YEAR OREGON Initiative Measure No. 328 F----------1 IS D IVISIO N POINT Provides ON OREGON TRUNK k- -/ For Constitutional Amendment Understood That the K. R. People Will Put in Improvement» h giving to cities and towns ex­ clusive power to license, regu­ -4 Civil Engineer F. I. Phoenix of this city, returned last week from the new town o f Metolus that he had finished surveying and plat­ ting. Metolus is located 6 miles south of Madras, and is on the east side of the Oregon Trunk Line and Deschutes Railroad rights o f way. There are 200 acres in the townsite, which is being promot­ ed by the Inland Empire Co. who will place the sale of lots on the market about October 1st. Metolus will be the first divis­ ion point on the Oregon Trunk Line. Rnd it is understood that the railroad people have secured sufficient land at that point for* shops and other purposes. It is stated that a 48-stall round house and immense coal bunkers will be located at this point, and a large side trackage he laid. The business streets o f the new town have been laid out CO feet wide. late, control, suppress or pro­ hibit liquors within the municipality. THE REDMOND THIS W IL L ! Institution Should DO THE W O R K Be Liberally Big Threshing Outfit For Powell Butte Man Has Been Brought In Prineville Journal. Aug. 18th: C. H. Foster & Son o f Powell Butte, arrived Tuesday forenoon with the largest threshing outfit that ever came into this part o f Central Oregon. The machine was made by the Gaar Scott peo­ ple, has a 28-inch cylinder and 49-inch hue, and is equipped with a modern and complete stacker attachment for handling the straw*. The machine is a self-feeder, and is modern in every respect The power is furnished by a six- teen horse traction engine that is a good roadster as well as a stationary engine. j The machine cost $3000 deliv- ered here, and has a maximum capacity o f 3500 bushels o f grain in a twelve-hour day. Eight days were consumed in bringing it in from Shaniko, the entire trip being made without uncoup­ ling the outfit from the engine. Following the engine there were two wagons for fuel, etc., be­ side the mammoth separator. The trip down Cow canyon was made without a hitch. The ma­ chine was taken on to Powell Butt*’ from here and the thresh­ ing season will be begun today at Guy Sears’ place. From there the outfit will move to H. J. Edwards’ place, and thence on a regular schedule. The Fosters have a separtor from an outfit used by them last year which will be pressed into service in case their new one should m ini re repairs. the sale of intoxicating submitting the best oration, o f not more than 1000 words, to be delivered at Prineville during fair week. Subject o f oration to be "W hy the Saloons Should Not be Permitted to Exist in Crook County." The first prize will be ¡$10, and the second $5.00. Gradings will be marked on com­ position, originality, memory, ar­ ticulation and general effect. This contest is open to competi­ tors throughout the county, and it is urged that Redmond have several contestants. H. A. Myers, just north o f the city, Friday evening, September 2nd. All are cordially invited to attend and see the novel manner in which refreshments will be served, and participate in the festivities o f the evening. Auto Rides Were Cheap Coming In During the recent automobile war at Shaniko the prices were all shot to pieces, and in some instances a person could get Supported ride from Shaniko to Redmond or Bend as low as $3.00. But ‘ ‘ Bessie Green’ | this rate applied only to one way Wins Race —coming in. The regular fare MORE M EM BERS The race here last Sunday af- jwas maintained by the auto men ARE DESIRED temoon at the race track between *n Ifoing out. The cut rate war Snell & Green’s "Bessie Green" has now been discontinued, and and "Black Bess,"ow ned by Me- the rates are back to the old Institution Organized Last Clay & Templeton, was won by schedule, 15 cents per mile, the former. The distance was a , " February Is Progress­ 300 yard dash, and a large crowd Good Words ing Favorably was in attendance to witness the From Shaniko event- „ , , 11 . , ___ . Celebrated Their a Shaniko Star: E. L Rapp. who has conducted a clothing store here during the past year shipped his goods to Redmond The Redmond Public Library- Anniversaries Association was organized the Last Sunday, at the B. A. Ken- this week and will open store Mr. Rapp has done latter part o f February this year dai| residence two wedding anni there. with a limited number o f charter versaries were observed, that of good business here and we are members. At present there are 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Buckley.who certain he will do as well at Red- about 20 members, and it is the have been married 12 years, and mond. He has large acquaint- desire to increase the member-1 Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Kendall, who ance among the railroad men in ship at this time. The officers of observed their 9th anniversary. that section who will be glad to see him locate among them. the association are: I , , ______ Prest. —G. M. Slocum, I^awn Party on Vice-Prest. — Mrs. John Cook. The water users will have September 2nd Sec.-Treas.—Mrs. Chapman. meeting Saturday, Sept 3d. at Librarian-M iss M. E. Sim­ A lawn party will be given by i o ’ clock p. m. A good attend- mons. the Presbyterian Ladies Building ance is desired as Important busi- There are 128 volumes in the Committee at the home o f Mrs. ness will be transacted. permanent library, donated by- Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. H. F. Jones, Mrs. McGuffie, Mrs. Eby, Mrs. Macpherson, Mrs. Me- Lallin. Col. Belcher, and Mrs. j Whited Garth o f Iowa, who do­ nated the first books. Aside from the permanent books the association has the use o f books from a "traveling library.” Membership fee in the a3so- j Proprietor C. F. A N D E R SO N , ciation is 50 cents. The ultimate \ object o f the association is to pro vide a permanent public library and reading room. Any one who Our tables are supplied with the BEST will take good care o f books and Eatables possible to secure. pay any fine that is due, is eligi- W e Lead in Prices and Quality as we ble to membership. a a a CAFE ROYAL RESTAURANT and BAKERY have no rent to pay. J. j. Ellinger has been ap­ pointed local agent for the sale o f lots in Crescent and Wakefield, i Crescent has the best prospects | o f any town in Central Oregon, Redmond, of course excepted. a Prize for Oration A t Prineville A prize will be offered by Rev. G. R. Moorhead o f Madras, to the young man or young lady Fine Line of SOFT DRINKS AND CKAIS Corner Sixth and F streets, REDMOND